Chapter 4

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"How do you know my name?" Aris asks, looking at me suspiciously. Oddly enough, the only feeling I get from looking at him is annoyance. Perhaps part of me still remembers that we quite possibly could have hated each other once. I put my hands on my hips and stare at him.

"I would like to know the same thing." I reply, desperately searching my brain for any sign of other memories. But none come, so I stand there, looking at Aris, until Thomas pushes past me.

"How'd you get here? Where's the girl who slept here last night?" Thomas demands, his eyes flashing as he stares at Aris with such intensity, that I'm surprised the boy doesn't flinch. He meets Thomas' glare steadily, and responds calmly.

"Girl? What girl? I'm the only one in here, and it's been that way since they put me in here last night." He says, and my mind snaps back onto the task at hand. Find Teresa. So, for the moment, I put away my desire to find out how I know Aris.

"There's a sign right out there that says this is her room. Teresa...Agnes. No mention of a shank named Aris." Thomas' voice is frustrated, and I place my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me, and I see my own frantic panic reflected back in his eyes. He wants to find my sister just as badly as I do.

"She's my sister." I say quietly and look over at Aris. "So, please, if you know anything about where she could be..." I trail off and look down, surprised at myself for showing such vulnerability. I have to be more guarded in the future. My eyes flick back up to Aris, who now seems to understand the seriousness of the situation, and why everyone is so on edge.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about. They put me in here last night; I slept in that bed-." Aris says, pointing to the bed with the rumpled sheet and blanket, and lopsided pillow. "And I woke up about five minutes ago and I went to the bathroom. Never heard the name Teresa Agnes before in my life." Aris shrugs apologetically. I step away from Thomas and walk a few feet away, trying to calm myself. Where on earth could Teresa be? Is she even still alive? The questions burn in my mind, as I soon back around and stare back at Aris and the Gladers. Newt is looking at Aris with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Who put you in here?" Newt asks, and Aris throws his arms up in the air, exasperated.

"I don't even know, man. A bunch of people with guns who rescued us, told us everything would be okay now." Aris answers, and I tilt my head. What happened to him seems eerily similar to what had happened to us. What could that mean? So many questions, and not a single answer.

"Rescued you from what?" Thomas asks, staring at Aris the same way I am.

"From the Maze, man. From the Maze." The words hit me like bullets, and I stare at him in shock. I am certain that Aris was not part of the group of people that escaped the Maze with us. But, from what I've learned my memories, he obviously knows about it. I can tell, though, by the look in his eyes as he says the word 'maze,' that he has experienced the horrors firsthand.

"Maybe you should sit down." Thomas says, and I walk back over. "I think we have a lot to talk about." I watch as Aris' eyes scan over our group, distrust evident in the way he stared.

"What do you mean?" Aris asks, stepping back. "Who are you guys? Where'd you come from?" Thomas lets out a small, bitter laugh, which slightly unnerves me. I feel my shoulder brush against Newt's and look over at him. A sense of comfort washes over me like a tidal wave, and for one tiny second, I am at peace. But as soon it that moment came it leaves, and I'm lost once again.

"The Maze. The Grievers. WICKED. You name it." Thomas replies to Aris. So much has happened, how could anyone begin to describe what we have just been through? Disbelief is written all over Aris' face, and his eyes have widened.

"You're lying," Aris, whose voice has dropped to a whisper, looks very pale.

"Not we're not," Newt answers. Everyone's eyes are watching Aris curiously. "Tommy's right. We need to talk. Sounds like we've come from similar places." I'm starting to get impatient. As much as I want to learn my about Aris, my sister is out there somewhere. And I have to find her.

"Who's that guy?" Everyone turns to see Minho walk in. He nods over at Aris. "Sure doesn't look like Teresa."

"Minho, meet Aris." Thomas says, taking a step to the side and gesturing to the other boy. "Aris, meet Minho."

"Look," Newt says, his eyes looking back and forth between the two boys who mutter unintelligible words to each other. I take Newt's hand, interlacing our fingers. He glances over at me briefly, with a look that makes me feel a surge of love for him. Oh, how badly I want to hold him in my arms right now, making it just him and me. Unfortunately, now is most definitely not the time. He then continues to speak.'"Let's take these top beds down and move them around the room. Then we can all sit and figure out what's bloody going on." Thomas shakes his head.

"No. First, we need to go find Teresa. She must be in some other room." Thomas says, looking back out the door. I can tell that he wants to run out it right now to find my sister. Ever since we got here, I've been wondering if he feels the same way about her that I feel about Newt. For if that is true, I can see why is ready to run and search for her this minute.

"There isn't another room. Only the big common area, this room, our dorm room, the room across from this that I already searched, and some seriously shucked doors that lead outside - where we came from the bus yesterday. Locked and chained from the inside. Doesn't make any sense, but I don't see other doors or exits." Minho explains, and runs his hands through his midnight black hair. Thomas shakes his head.

"But...what about last night? Where'd the food come from? Didn't anyone notice other rooms, a kitchen, anything?" Thomas looks around, and I silently curse myself for not being more aware of my surroundings. I should have been alert and checked the place out.

"Maybe there's a hidden door?" Newt suggests, and I hold his hand tighter, terrified for my sister. She just has to be alright. "Look, we we can do one thing at a time. We need too-."

"No!" Thomas shouts, interrupting Newt. "We've got all day to talk to this Aris guy. The label by the door said Teresa should be in here somewhere - we need to find her!" Thomas storms out of the room without waiting for a response. I want to go after him, but I'm not particularly eager to run back out to the corpses hanging form the ceiling. So instead, I help the other Gladers pull the mattresses of the bed, and sit next to Newt, my head resting in his shoulder.

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