A Loud Silence

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Everyone was shocked when Ash yelled out such a name. But then it slowly made sense to everyone. They've all heard of this uprising star named Serena on t.v. and on their phones. She was going around region to region with not only participating in performances, but in contests as well, wowing the audience every time someone learned about her presence. And to their surprise, when Kukui moved and invited her in, it was none other than Serena herself. Ash was right.

Prof. K.: Wow Ash, you hit the nail right on the spot, yeah! Well class, I'd like you to meet your new classmate, Serena! Give her a warm welcome!

Serena nervously came out from Kukui's shadow and waved to everyone, and winked at Ash, causing his face to feel hot, similar moment where they exchanged that goodbye kiss. Nonetheless, Serena presented herself.

Serena: Hi there! I'm Serena!

Serena's Braixen accompanied her side.

Serena: And this is my partner, Braixen!

Braixen: Braix en! Brai!

Serena: There's so much I want to learn here with everyone, so bear with me please! I hope we can all become great friends!

Everyone was still shocked as to why a famous person like Serena was going to attend the Pokémon trainer school when she was already traveling other regions seeing different Pokémon. The class also found it rather peculiar that Ash guessed correctly about Serena's arrival and that Serena exchanged a wink to him. The class was unsure about what to do other than shockingly stare at Ash and Serena, which was beginning to confuse Serena and made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. Nonetheless, Mallow decided to break the silence and welcome the newcomer their class.

Mallow: Hey there! The name's Mallow!

Steenee ran and happily jumped into Mallow's arms.

Mallow: And this is my partner, Steene! I handle the cooking around here. I hope your ready to try out my scrumptious dishes, and if you need any help with anything, feel free to ask me!

Lana: My name's Lana. That one over there is my partner, Popplio! *pointing to Popplio from afar who was playing with Togedemaru* I love water Pokémon so much, and I love making huge bubbles with Popplio! I hope we can become good friends!

Lillie: My name is Lillie.

Snowy was nuzzling on Lillie's knees which made her pick her up.

Lillie: And this is my new friend, Snowy! 

Snowy: Vulpix vul!

Sophocles: My name is Sophocles! Before I talk about me, Lillie here forgot to tell you she's afraid of Pokémon, except for Snowy.

Lillie: I am not! I just am not particularly fond in touching most of them, is all!

Togedemaru was suddenly getting too excited when playing with Popplio that it was rolling around the classroom, startling Lillie into taking cover under her desk.

Sophocles: See! Told you.

Lillie: *sighing in defeat*

Sophocles: Anyway, that crazy Pokémon who just went out of control is my partner, Togedemaru. It can get a bit excited sometimes... *sweatdropping* I like technology a lot, so if you have any foreign devices, let me see them!

Kiawe: And my names Kiawe. My partner Pokemon is that Turtonator by the window. I hope we can become great friends!

Mallow: Kiawe here has a family owned farm that has the most delicious dairy products ever!

Lana: Yeah! We should visit there sometime soon!

Kiawe: *scratching his head* Cmon guys... it's not that big of a deal. Mallow's family owns a great restaurant here too.

Lana: I can't get over their delicious food either!

Sophocles: *mouth watering* Me either! We definitely have to take Serena there too!

Serena: *giggling* Nice to meet all of you!

Everyone but Ash: Nice to meet you too!

Lana: Hey Ash? Are you okay?

Ash was still inanimate from when he had found out Serena was in his class. From his last time seeing her, she was a bit taller, but he had grown too and was taller than her, a bit more mature, but most of all, she fulfilled the promise she made before she left for Hoenn. She was extremely attractive- Not that she wasn't before, but breathtakingly attractive. However, from where they left off, he wasn't sure how to address her, what to say, or what to do. His first kiss was taken by her, and her feelings weren't conveyed until the very last minute. Now seeing her again made him feel extremely uneasy, speechless, and extremely awkward. It wasn't like he expected her to come to Alola immediately, and it was easier to talk to her through text than it was in person.

Sophocles: Earth to Ash? You there?

Kiawe: Geez, you're being awfully rude to our new friend here.

Mallow: Yeah Ash, you didn't even introduce yourself!

Lillie: *holding her chin* Hold on... Ash guessed correctly about Serena coming. But how?

The class began to look at Ash, and then Serena, and back to Ash, and then back to Serena until...

Serena: Guess I've got some explaining to do...

So Serena explained that Ash and Serena have met when they were kids back in Professor Oak's summer camp and about the handkerchief she kept all those years, then about the Garchomp incident that made her set out to find him, then about the reunion and her travels with Ash throughout the Kalos region, leading up to their goodbye and to now.

Lillie: *with a huge blush on her face* Awww! That's so sweet!

Mallow: Hold on Ash, I asked you a while ago if you had a girlfriend and you said no. Clearly, Serena is your girlfriend, right?

Ash and Serena's eyes met after Mallow said that out loud, but they looked away from each other rather quickly with blushes on their faces. Before anyone could ask further questions, Professor Kukui decided it was time to start the lesson to give Serena a tiny break from introducing herself and to learn about the classroom and their routine. Serena was seated behind Mallow, which definitely made it hard for Mallow not to turn around and pry into Ash and Serena's business.
Today's topic was about Alolan Pokémon and how different they are from their counterparts outside the Alolan region. Lillie showed off her Vulpix, Snowy as a example for an Alolan Vulpix and Kukui showed the class a picture of a Vulpix outside the Alola Region on the projection screen in the front of the classroom. Suddenly, Mallow whispered to Ash.

Mallow: Ya know... What if Serena is in her Alola form just for you, Ash?

This made Ash blush as well as Serena who heard what Mallow said. In response, Mallow laughed out loud in front of the whole class. And since she was laughing, the whole class started to join in the laughter for no reason. Kukui was lighthearted and just let it slide, thinking that the class was getting to know Serena a bit more. Mallow whispered back to Ash a apology, but he still had a blush on his face.


The class had their break before they knew it and showed Serena their partner Pokémon upclose. Kukui took this as a great time to give Serena a Pokedex. However, she didn't accept the starter, since she already had Braixen as her special Kalos starter. Serena was drawn to everyone's partner Pokémon and was amazed of how special and different they were to any Pokémon she's seen. Braixen was also greeted by the class's Pokémon and fit right in with them almost immediately. It was also very ecstatic to see Pikachu again, who was amongst the group. Suddenly, Lillie had a request for Serena.

Lillie: Hey, Serena?

Serena: Hey there!

Lillie: You're a Pokémon Performer, right? Is it okay if we see a live performance, outside?

Serena: Eh? Well... *nervously*

Lana: A performance by Serena?! This I've gotta see!

Kiawe: Yeah, me too!

Sophocles: Count me in!

Serena: Well...

Mallow: C'mon! You have to in front of your boyfriend Ash of course! I'm sure he wants to see how you've improved!

Ash was sitting afar from the group. As soon as he heard the word 'boyfriend' he immediately looked away and was blushing intensely. He still was feeling uneasy about him and Serena being a thing. And Serena herself was blushing after Mallow referred to Ash as her boyfriend. She wasn't sure how he felt, and she clearly saw it was affecting Ash. To calm down the audience...

Serena: Okay then, I'll do a performance for everyone!

Everyone: Yesss!!

Everyone but Ash headed outside to watch Serena perform. Ash was going to watch from the balcony of the classroom. Since Serena was the last one to leave the classroom, she lingered and stared at the back of Ash's head with a look of great worry, and left.
As soon as she stepped on the grassy field, she called out Pancham and Sylveon. The class could not contain their excitement and became so loud that it drew in other classes. Soon, the news spread that Serena was enrolled in the school which made even more students head on outside to investigate what was going on.
Serena called out her first move.

Serena: Sylveon! Use Swift!

With no hesitation, Sylveon leaped into the air and used its tail to summon a star shaped attack to go into the air.

Serena: Now Braixen, use Flamethrower on the stars!

Braixen followed its orders and did what it was told. Now the stars were on fire.

Serena: Now Sylveon, use Fairy Wind!

Fairy Wind caused the firey stars to gain momentum and shine more prominent, making them seem like shooting stars.

Serena: Now finally, Pancham! Use Dark Pulse!

The Dark Pulse hit some of the shooting stars, causing them to explode and emit a sparkling darkness that resembled a galaxy, and the shooting stars added on to that scenery. Everyone cheered for the mini performance and was asking for more, until the bell bang, signifying the end of the break time. The crowed started dying out (not litterally) making it easier to get back to the classroom.
Ash was watching from the balcony, his face in awe. He ran back to his seat before anyone caught him watching. Professor Kukui saw the troubled Ash and decided to give him a piece of advice.

Prof. Kukui: You know Ash, instead of avoiding the topic, Wynaut try talking to Serena again, yeah?

Ash: *in his head* He used a pun... didn't he.. *aloud* Yeah... I guess your right...

Professor Kukui heard the class coming inside and went back to the front of the classroom.

Lillie: Wow Serena! You sure are amazing!

Kiawe: That performance was phenomenal!

Sophocles: Ash, you missed the best performance of your life!

Prof. K: Now now class. Settle down, yeah. You are all going to be dismissed in another hour, so let's get right back into our topic, and finish the lesson.

Everyone: Right!

-2 hours later-

The bell finally rang. After a long day, Ash was going to call it a day and head home. Everyone was surrounding Serena.

Mallow: Hey Serena, have you had a chance to go to the Malasada shops around here? They're pretty good!

Serena: I haven't had much time here in Alola yet. It did seem delicious, so I was planning on going....

Lana: Hey, wanna go today? We were going to hang out now that school is finished.

Serena saw Ash leave with his Pikachu on his shoulder.

Serena: Actually, I might have to go another time... I'm really sorry, but there's something I have to do...

Lana: Oh okay then. We can hang out another day!

Mallow: Yeah. Maybe when you and Ash are on better terms at least...

Serena: *blushing* A-anyway, I'm going to have to go... See you all tomorrow!

Everyone: Alola!

Serena: Alola! *smiling and waving*

Now that she was finally finished with class, now it was her chance to go and at least try to talk to Ash. She remembered exactly where she had left off with him and thinking back to it, she realized she made it seem like they were never going to see each other ever again. Now cringing about what she had caused, she found herself running faster and calling out Ash's name.
Ash was not that far ahead following the dirt path that was leading him home. He was sulking, which was worrying Pikachu. He felt extremely awkward around Serena, especially with all the unanswered questions he had for her. In a distance, he heard his name being echoed in the distance. To his dismay, it was Serena.

Serena: *panting and out of breath* Ash... Please... Can we talk? About that kiss...?


Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm consecutively making chapters!! 😆 I'm on a 2 day streak so far!! Let's see how long I keep up lmao 🤣 Anyway, remember to follow me on Instagram as @datamourshipper to notify me to update in case I get lazy with updating.


I highly, highly, HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend reading this book "Whispering Hearts" by Amourshipper_19  This book is SERIOUSLY well written and deserves so much more attention and views!! 😍 I've never shouted anyone out on my account before, but this user deserves more reads! So please if you have some time, check out their account and stories!! 👍🏼👍🏼
It's 5:30AM where I am so I'm off to sleep! I'll try and update this again real soon! See ya, and thanks for reading!
-Datamourshipper 😁

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