Coming Clean

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Ash found it awkward to even look Serena in the eye. However, although he was speechless, he had a lot he wanted to get off his chest and ask Serena about the kiss, but couldn't put it in words, especially doing it while facing her. Ash knew things couldn't stay like this forever, but he wanted to procrastinate as much as he could when it came to seeing her. Before Serena caught up, Pikachu already sensed something going on between the two so, it jumped off, nodded at Ash and started heading to Ash's house, leaving the two of them alone and the chance to thoroughly talk to each other. Serena had caught up to Ash, and was panting for a while. But some time went by.


For the first minutes of being left alone, words couldn't escape from Ash's mouth. Ash was standing there, barely looking at Serena, waiting for her to initiate the talk. 

Serena couldn't find words, as she looked down at the dirt, patched ground with a look of guilt on her face. The air was tense between the two. Neither of them knew how to address and handle this situation.

It seemed obvious Serena wasn't going to make the first move, despite her huge effort of chasing after him. Ash decided he was going to, at least attempt to, break the ice between them with a regular conversation.

Ash: It's been a while, hasn't it?

After Serena had heard his voice for the first time she came to the Alola region, her expression immediately changed to a wide eyed shock, and her eyes immediately looked up at Ash, who was trying to force a smile. Serena gathered up the courage to give him a response, and a smile back.

Serena: Yeah... it has...

Feeling a little bit more confident after seeing Serena's worried expression soften, he decided to carry on the conversation.

Ash: You seem well, judging how cheerful and pretty you've gotten-

Suddenly, Ash caught what he had said and felt his face getting hot again, and immediately looked away. There was no chance that he could face her for a second time. How could he have slipped up this bad? But to his surprise, he only heard a chuckle that slowly grew into giggling. When he looked back up, Serena was only giggling about what he had said, with a blush on her face. She recollected herself to give him another response.

Serena: Thanks Ash... You definitely look well too.

A bit more silence went by, but now it wasn't as tense as it was before having gone through that. It was more like, they didn't know where to start off and address first. Suddenly, Ash had a suggestion.

Ash: Hey... Wanna go for a stroll around the beachside to get familiar around here? Just the two of us...

Serena couldn't be more thrilled to hear the words 'Just the two of us' coming out of Ash's mouth. With a beaming smile on her face, she gleefully accepted.


The duo were walking on Hau'li City's beachside broad walk with the slowly setting sun beaming down on the water, making the vast ocean appear orange. People were getting the most as they could out of the beach before they could call it a day, lying down on the sand and such.  A huge volleyball game was in session and younger kids were running on the shore, as well as wild Corsola running away from Mareanie. Lampposts were slowly turning on as it grew darker and others were enjoying outdoor dinners at fancy restaurants that were on every corner. A live show was featuring multiple Marowaks twirling batons that were on fire, which drew a audience of cheering people.

There was still a bit of tension between the two, as they were strolling around the broad walk, until Ash decided to break the silence again.

Ash: This is Hau'li City's beachside. It tends to be pretty lively around here.

Serena: I see...

Ash wasn't that oblivious to know that things were still stiff between them. Serena was still silent, as she continued to slightly sulk, not being able to say what was on her mind. Neither was Ash. Things couldn't continue on like this or else it could affect their 'friendship' in the long run, and that was the last thing he wanted to lose- aside from the Kalos League of course. He decided to lead Serena to a bench and knew it was time to address what needed to be addressed, first and foremost. That being, the kiss.

Ash: ...Serena...

Serena: Ash....

Ash: That while journey... back in Kalos... I'm Sorry...

Serena immediately looked up at Ash with a expression that made it seem like he said the most bizarre joke ever.

Serena: Sorry? For what? You shouldn't be apologizing.... if anything I should for not showing my gratitude to you. You were the one who invited me to come along! I was able to pursue a dream that I wanted and have the support from my friends. Especially from you... You've supported me from the very start and you inspired me to keep going and to not give up until the very end. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Ash....

Ash: Serena.... ...At the same time... I just... didn't know... looking back at our journey, I never knew that you... ... ..... that you liked me... I was just so oblivious... and I'm sorry... I didn't know that's how you felt about me, yet I probably put you through so much worry and stress for every reckless thing that I did. Especially that time after my gym battle with Wulfric... I lashed out at you even though you were only trying to cheer me up. Up until that point where you kissed me and left was when I found out, and by then, it was too late for me to really do anything, or act on it. For all of that, I'm sorry, Serena.

Having said all that, Ash was looking the other way at a nearby lamppost with his face and ears feeling like they on fire. Silence began to fill the air between them again. This time, it was dragged out longer than usual. Ash was ready to call it a day. He said what needed to be said and as long as Serena heard him out, he was somewhat satisfied. When he got up, before he could walk away, he felt his lower arm being tugged by a warm hand. Serena's hand.
This time, she was looking at Ash with a huge blush on her face, and she tried her best efforts to look him straight in his eyes. She motioned for him to sit back down on the bench with her.

Serena: Ash.... Its okay... I'm not upset... I should be the one upset with myself for not confessing until the last minute, like the coward I was. Because of my careless actions, it's been very tense between us... so I'm sorry for putting you through all of this.... Truly... I am... can we go back to the way things were?

Ash wasn't even sure himself, considering she took his first kiss, pretty much confessed to him and had feelings for him.  Additionally, Ash was nervous about whether he could return those feelings, when he had two lingering questions for her. He decided it was at least best to get these things off his chest now, rather than bring it up later and make things awkward.

Ash: ... How long ago did you like me...? And why did you wait until the last minute to confess your feelings?

Serena sat there a bit speechless. She looked at Ash reminiscent of that same Ash she had feelings for from that day. Every time she saw him, her feelings for him would always resurface.

Serena: *Taking a deep breath and facing Ash* That time in the forest was one of the most memorable childhood memories of mine, because of you. I can't even begin to imagine what would've happened if you didn't show up that day. Your words made me strive to push myself to the limit. It was because of you, Ash. Even on our Kalos journey, years later, you were able to come to my assistance when I needed it most, and was able to teach me to never give up and to always stay determined. You were someone special to me from when we were kids, and even now, as teens.

Having to process all of that, it a bit overwhelming for either of them to look each other in the eye, but it wasn't as tense and awkward, considering they were no longer hiding how they felt. 

Serena (continued): It felt... Wrong to tell you how I felt.

 After she had said that, Ash became wide eyed and was staring back at a trembling Serena. 

Serena: Traveling with you was amazing in its own way. I didn't want to taint our friendship and make things weird between us and make you lose focus at aiming to be Champion. Regardless of the outcome, it would've been weird. If you had rejected me, then traveling together probably would've been awkward. But if we had gone out, it still would've been awkward with Clemont and Bonnie traveling along with us too. *Blushing* I mean, could you imagine holding hands in front of Clemont and Bonnie without them freaking out or making them uncomfortable?

Ash: *Blushing* I see. You are right...

Serena: *softening her expression* But, I was okay with hiding how I felt, if it meant that I still got to cheer for you on the sidelines and watch from afar, I was fine. Being separated, though, made me overthink things.

Ash: *concerned* Serena...

Serena: You know, all those girls you had mentioned that you travelled with in the past made me slightly jealous. They way you'd speak highly about them, made me curious about the type of people they were. While I was away, I was in Hoenn, I met May, a talented Coordinator, who said she remembers you and how you guys used to travel around Hoenn. Dawn, another Coordinator who teams up with her from time to time, also knew who you were and was filling me in about all the wonderful memories she shared with you in Sinnoh, too. Then there was Misty and Iris... The coolest Gym Leaders I've had the opportunity to battle... Both of them also knew who you were... They are all very unique and pretty, in their own ways and truly live up to the highest of regards you give them. Being around all those talented trainers, there was no way I could compete.

Ash: *Confused* Serena, what are you talking abo-

Serena: *cutting him off* I was starting to feel that the kiss we shared didn't mean anything in the end. Not when you have always been surrounded by talented, admirable trainers your entire career. *Tearing up* I... was just beginning to think that I was beneath them all and that someday, you'd just forget me... Move on and like someone else who's even more cooler...

Serena began to cry. 

"Hey... I wonder what that guy did made her cry like that." People said as they were passing the two by. 

Hearing that, Ash pulled Serena into a hug, like he had done all those years ago in the forest. He was covering her crying face so that it wouldn't draw too much attention from passerby.

Ash: Serena... Forgetting you is something that's impossible for me to do. We've shared so many memories together, dating back to when we were children, something none of my former traveling buddies, or current friends share with me! You are someone important to me too! Just how it pains you feeling that I would forget you, it would pain me, knowing if you forgot me. I'll admit, I was crazy nervous to see you today to. I didn't know where to begin talking to you, and just like you, I didn't know what that kiss meant anymore. But one things for sure is that even having travelled halfway across the world, my feelings for you haven't changed. I still think you're the coolest, most talented trainer in the entire world!

Serena blushed profusely. 

Ash: I... don't know how all this dating and love stuff works, though... I've never had any experience with these kinds of thing before and I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship, just at this moment. There's still some of my own feelings I wish to sort out with myself.

Although Serena was a bit disappointed, she understood where he was coming from and thought it'd be best for her to do the same too. Maybe until the both of them had sorted out their own feeling first.

Ash: But I hope that won't stop us from remaining as friends! I'd feel much better if we could at least stay friends.

Serena: Of course! I couldn't ask for anything more!

Night had fallen. Lampposts were fully on. The beach was empty. The moon was brightly reflecting off the ocean. Fancy restaurants were still full of people admiring the shining stars and the live Marowak baton dancing was still going on.

The two were heading their way back home until they passed by a Malasada Shop. Ash had offered Serena if she wanted one in attempt to cheer her up a little, to which she accepted. He explained that these desserts were "The best in the whole wide world! Next to your Poképuffs of course" Which made Serena chuckle a bit, since Ash truly hadn't change and continued to have such a huge appetite. One bite out of the sweet Malasada--- her first one ever made her instantly drawn in by the taste and the doughy feeling of it, that she couldn't stop eating it. Ash was eating one as well, but had finished it before Serena could, naturally.

Ash: *beaming* Man, that Malasada was amazing!

Serena: You definitely are right, these have to be the 'best desserts in the whole wide world!' *chuckling*

Ash: Yeah *mesmerized* Its even better when you are eating it with someone else, to experience the taste with them. *smiling at Serena*

Serena: *blushing intensely* R-right...

That was one thing Ash loved about Serena-- her blushing to almost everything he said. Before he never understood why exactly that would happen. Now, he loved it when that happened.
When they headed out the Malasada shop, Lana and Mallow had spotted them inside while Ash and Serena hadn't noticed they were there. Lana was saddened that it seemed like Serena didn't want to go out with them, and was about to chase after the duo but Mallow stopped her explained that it was best for her to have gone with him, and smiled, making Lana understand what was going on and forgave Serena.

With Ash leading the way and Serena following from behind, the two were following the dirt path trail that was going up a hill being shown by bright lampposts. After walking up further, they were getting a breathtaking view of Hau'li City's beachside and the moon that shone over the vast sparkling ocean. Serena couldn't have asked for a better night than this. They continued the stroll and continued their way up the hill. The walk seemed extremely short, because before they knew it, they had already reached Ash's new house. Before Ash could say farewell for the day, Serena had one last favor of Ash. Confused, asked what it was, and turned back at her.

With a huge blush on her face, her looking at the other direction, and a extremely embarrassed look on her face, she asked if she could live with him for a while.

After hearing that, Ash fell to the ground.

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