A Newcomer...?

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Morning came back pretty fast, to Ash, at least, considering he was up late texting Serena for so long. He was struggling to stay up, that was until the chimes on his phone began to ring for the first time. Eager and curious to learn who it could be, he answered it.

Ash: Hey there, Ash speaking...

???: Hey Ash! It's me Mallow!

Ash: Mallow?

Ash was confused. How did Mallow find his phone number?! He didn't remember giving it to her.

Ash: Uh, how did you find my phone number?

Mallow: Don't worry about that right now! It's not like me and Sophocles were wondering if you even had a phone and hacked into the cellular tower database to find out if you had a number or anything...!

Ash: *confused* ...Uh huh... So, what's up..?

Mallow: Didn't you hear from Professor Kukui? We're having a new student at the school! Isn't that exciting?

Ash: We are? In this time of the year? Does enrollment eventually close?

Mallow: Not really. After all, it's nice to get new students anytime of the year! Plus, the material we learn at the school are things anyone can jump into and learn! Professor Kukui made sure of that to make his class as inclusive as possible!

Ash: Well, I guess I can't argue with that! That's so thoughtful of the Professor and the school! Man, this is going to be great! I wonder if they have really cool Pokémon to show us!

Mallow: And I hope they're a girl! Lana, Lillie and I would have so much fun going to the shopping mall with her everyday!

Ash: *sweatdropping* So when is the new student arriving?

Mallow: Perhaps in three days or so. Wherever they're coming from, Alola is far away from other regions. They would also need an extra day to rest up.

Ash: That's true. Guess we'll just have to wait.

Mallow: In the meantime, we should have a welcoming party! Just like the one we threw for you, Ash!

Ash: Hey, that's a great idea!

Mallow: Alright then, come to the school and we can discuss it with everyone there.

Ash: You got it, Mallow, I'll be there soon!

Mallow: 'Kay then, bye!

Ash: See ya! *hangs up*

After he hung up, he sat where he was standing and found it rather strange that they were getting a new student again rather quickly. For now, he thought of the school being quite popular around all of Alola and disregarded the pacing of their income with students.
Pikachu excitedly jumped into Ash's arm as a 'good morning' to Ash. He stoked his head in reply.

Ash: Hear that buddy, we're having a new student!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: I'm sure they will adjust nicely with everyone! Everyone at the school is nice after all! Anyways, we got planning to do at the school! Let's head on out, buddy!

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Suddenly a loud roar was in the room. And that roar was coming from their stomachs.

Ash: *sweatdropping* We can head on out after we finish eating...

Pikachu: *scratching behind his head* Pika Pi...

After a fulfilling breakfast made by his mom, Ash headed out and broke into a excited run to the school so that he could come up with the best welcoming party in all of Alola! Ash saw Mallow walking inside the building, so he ran faster to catch up with her.

Ash: *yelling from a distance* Hey Mallow!

Mallow: *stopping, turning and waving* Oh! Hey Ash!

Ash: *Getting up to her and catching his breath* Did you- *pant* Come up- *pant* with something?

Mallow: You bet I did! I had the perfect plan! I was just about to go inside and discuss it with everyone! Good thing your just in time!

Ash: Yeah *pant* barely!

Mallow: *chuckling* Well then, let's get inside.

They go to their classroom. Everyone's already there in their seats. Mallow gets up and goes in front of the class with something to say. All eyes and ears are in Mallow. [ Not literally. That would be weird. ]

Mallow: Morning everyone! As we all know, we are getting a new student in a few days-

Sophocles: Wait we are?!

Lana: No way!! We gotta throw a party!

Lillie: Wow! A new student?! I can't wait to meet them!

Kiawe: Umm guys, I think we should let Mallow speak.

Mallow: Thanks Kiawe! Well there goes that...

Sophocles: I didn't even know we were having a new student! Nobody knew.

Lana: How did you find out?

Mallow: I found out through Professor Kukui! Didn't he tell you guys?

Professor Kukui: *entering the classroom and sighing* No I didn't Mallow because remember we agreed to keep it a secret because...?

Mallow: *Looking confused and then intensely getting embarrassed* OH SHOOT. Yeah! Never mind everyone! There's totally not going to be a new classmate in our school! *Flustered* Even if we totally are going to have a new classmate, we definitely don't need to know!!

Class: *all confused*

Lana: That sure was weird.

Sophocles: You can say that again.... It's so obvious we're getting a new classmate. Mallow is not the best when it comes to lying.

Lillie: Maybe it's something important about our potential new classmate we shouldn't know for now.

Ash: But why wouldn't we need to know? Don't we want to know who or what type of person our new classmate could be?

Sophocles: Yeah!

Kiawe: That might be true, but at the same time, wouldn't that be invading our newcomer's privacy a bit?

Lillie: Kiawe does have a point....

Professor Kukui: *sighing* Well, there's no point in hiding it now... We are in fact getting a new student, but I want to surprise you guys with who they might be. But one things for sure, you've definitely seen them before!

Lana: Someone we don't know, but already have seen?

Sophocles: That just makes no sense...

Kiawe: Maybe, they are someone famous, or important.

Ash: That's true! Hold on.... Don't tell me it's the Champion of the Hoenn region, Steven Stone?!

Everyone: *Gasps*

Professor K: Well, not exactly...

Ash: Hmmm.... Someone I've seen before... I'm gonna have to think about this one real hard....

Kukui: Don't worry. You guys will find out real soon. C'mon, let get ready to start class.

Ash: *thinking* Someone we've already seen.... perhaps Nurse Joy, or a Gym Leader from another region?

Lillie: Oh Ash...

Sophocles: You don't give up easily, do you?

Ash: I'm determined to find out who this person is! If it's someone who we've seen before, then this should be easy!

Mallow: That's true, but we all know a lot of important people so this may be a bit tricky.

Kiawe: Guys, let's just focus on the lesson for now. We can brainstorm this later.

Lana: He does have a point. Let's figure this out later when we have more time to focus.

Ash couldn't focus though. He had to know who this new student was going to be! He went through class brainstorming about who this mystery person might be. After class was done and school was over, the gang stayed after for a meeting to guess.

Kiawe: I mean we can always wait and find out. The new student does arrive in two days after all.

Sophocles: Yeah but that's boring! That's a whole 48 hours!

Lillie: I hope the new student knows a lot about Pokémon!

Mallow: Yeah, maybe they can help you overcome your fear of them too!

Lillie: *pouting* I'm not afraid of Pokémon! I just have a tendency to stay away from them is all!

Mallow: *Sweatdropping and smiling* If you say so...

Ash: Guys, we're going off track! Who exactly is going to be our new student?

Lana: Well, Professor Kukui said they were someone we've already seen before, so obviously they're someone famous!

Lillie: Like what you guys said earlier, it could be a Gym Leader! What if it's someone from Kanto or someone from another region outside of Alola!

Mallow: That's very true!

Ash: That makes even more sense! Maybe it's someone I traveled with in the past then! After all, I did travel with a few gym leaders!

Kiawe: Really? Like who?

Ash: I traveled with the Pewter City gym leader, Brock, the Cerulean City gym leader, Misty, the Striaton City gym leader Cilan, the Opelucid City gym leader Iris, and the Lumious City gym leader, Clemont!

Lillie: *Eyes sparkling* You've really traveled with that many amazing gym leaders?!

Lana: That's incredible!! I've heard about everyone, and seen them on T.V. before! Especially Misty! Her water Pokémon must have been amazing in battle!

Ash: *sweatdropping* You could say that!

Lana: Maybe she'll be our new student!

Mallow: Then again, if we are pin pointing one person, this is still going to be difficult... There's other things to consider like how often they travel and stuff... Plus, we only have one clue about this person, and that they're someone we've seen before.

Ash: I mean, all my friends do travel.

Mallow: Which is going to make it harder to pinpoint.

Ash: Plus, I did travel with Pokémon Coordinators as well.

Mallow: *Holding her head* This is gonna make my head explode!

Kiawe: Like I said, the new person is coming in about two days.

Sophocles: Ok... He's got a point. *sweatdropping* This is going to be hard to pinpoint...

Lana: Well, I'm going to call it a day. There's always tomorrow though! And we can always just wait the two days.

Lillie: Yeah. They are right.

Mallow: Well then, guess this meeting is dismissed!

Everyone had packed up and headed for the door exiting the classroom. When they reached the front door of the building, they all said their daily goodbyes and adjourned for the day. Since Ash and Lillie were headed in the same direction, they decided to walk together.

Ash: *still heavy in thought*

Lillie: *sweatdropping* I can see your still not giving up about the new student.

Ash: I have to find out! This should be a walk in the Alola region for me!

Pikachu: *Sweatdropping* Pika pika... ( Guess we're going to be here a while then... )

Lillie: *chuckling* Well at least you aren't giving up!

As they were walking, they came across Professor Kukui. He motioned Lillie and Ash to his direction.

Prof. K: Alola, you two! Still pondering about the newcomer?

Lillie: Yeah. Ash isn't giving up at all! He said that guessing the newcomer should be a walk in the Alola region.

Prof. K: *In his head* A walk in the Alola region huh? Guess we're gonna be in the Alola region for a really long time then... 

*Aloud* Keep thinking Ash! I believe in you, yeah! Anyway, I have something for you two. Ash, you never got to get your Pokédex from me yet since you arrived have you? My apologies.

Ash: It's fine!

Prof.K: No, it's not. You're in a entirely new region! You should explore and have the chance to know all the Pokémon here you haven't seen yet. So here, *hands him the empty Rotom Dex*

Ash: Thanks!

Prof.K: But wait, there's more! *whistling*

Ash: Huh?

Suddenly, a stray jolt of electricity started crazily flying everywhere! It was a Rotom that Professor Kukui called! It then jolted right into the Pokédex and made it shake for quite some time. Then, it stopped, and rose out of Ash's hands and began to talk.

Rotom Dex: Aloooooooola!!! Easy on the goods there!

Ash: Woah!! Who are you?

Rotom: Why, I'm the Rotom Dex! The most reliable Dex in all of Alola!

Ash: So cool! My name is Ash! And this is my partner Pikachu, and my friend Lillie!

Rotom: *Snapped a picture of the trio* Ash, Lillie and Pikachu! Alola!

Lillie: *Frightened* A-Alola... Why did you just take a picture of us?

Rotom: *Excitedly* To cherish this moment of course!

Pikachu: Pika?

Prof.K: Rotom, don't get too carried away now. You've only just met for a while now.

Rotom: Oh alright.

Prof.K: Also, here. I won't give you one, but two starter Pokémon, on me.

Ash: Woah! Are you sure?

Prof.K: Yeah! It's my fault for forgetting to give you these welcoming Alola gifts after all. So please accept two starters, yeah.

Ash: Thanks so much Professor! Can I get a introduction?

Professor Kukui: Of course! *Calls out all three starters* This blue one here is the water type starter Popplio!

Popplio: Pop!

Ash: Oh! It's the starter Lana has!

Prof.K: Next is the Fire type starter Litten and the last one, Rowlet!

Ash: It's nice to meet you all! Lillie, what do you think?

Lillie: *Hiding behind a tree in the distance and shouting* They're all so cute! It's nice too meet them all!

Ash: *sweatdropping* In that case, I would like to make Litten and Rowlet my partners!

Popplio: *jumps and slaps Ash in the face and returns to its Pokéball*

Prof.K: Sorry, that particular Popplio is very sassy.

Ash: Ahh... Sorry Popplio..,

Lillie: *shouting from a distance* Don't worry Popplio, I'll chose you in the future when I'm more comfortable around other Pokémon!

Ash: *whispering* Which is never...

Lillie: *Pouting and shouting* Why you...! I heard that Ash!

Prof.K: Hey Lillie, I didn't forget you either! Come back so I can give you something as well!

Lillie: H-huh? O-okay!

Prof.K: *reaching out from his pocket* I want you to have this as well.

A oval shaped object came out of his pocket. It turned out to be a Pokémon egg with a icy pattern surrounding it.

Lillie: Wh-What?! N-no! I can't do it! I can't raise a Pokémon! I can't even touch one yet!

Prof.K: Trust me Lillie, your going to do fine! It's very close to hatching, and this poor Pokémon doesn't have a trainer.

Lillie: I-I guess....

Prof.K: Since your going to learn what it's like to be a trainer, and this newly hatched Pokémon will learn what it's like to have a trainer, I think you two will be a great combo, yeah!

Ash: C'mon Lillie! I know you can do it!

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Lillie: *pouting* Just two seconds ago you said I'd never overcome my fear!

Ash: That was two seconds ago! This is now! I have faith in you Lillie!

Lillie: Oh alright... I guess I'll raise this Pokémon...

Prof.K: Glad to hear! Take good care of it! Well then, I'll see you two in class tomorrow!

Ash&Lillie: Thank you! Goodbye!

Ash and Lillie were still processing what was going on. They were coming at a intersection where they'd both goes their separate ways for the day. Before they did,

Lillie: Hey... Ash..?

Ash: Yeah, what's up?

Lillie: You have a phone right?

Ash: Yeah...?

Lillie: Can we exchange phone numbers? *getting nervous* I-I'm sorry if this is a bother, but I've never been a trainer before.... I don't know what to do once this Pokémon hatches... When it dfoes, may I phone you for help?

Ash: Of course! You can count on me!

Lillie: R-really? Thanks Ash!

Ash: No problem!

The two exchanged numbers. And went their separate ways.

Lillie: Thank You, Ash! See you tomorrow! *waving*

Ash: See ya!

Two more days remained until the newcomer [Serena] arrived.

With the excitement of a new student coming, Ash put his confusion, and any thoughts of Serena aside for now.

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