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Professor Kukui was leading Ash into his classroom, since he was now going to be a part of his class. Ash on the other hand was thrilled to be a part of the Pokemon School that it seemed like he was going to exploded with excitement any second. When they finally reached the classroom, the five students greeted Professor Kukui.

Prof. K: Hey class!

Everyone in unison: Good morning Professor Kukui!

Prof. K: Today, we have a new student. His name is Ash! Please help him out if he has any questions. Can you all please stand up and introduce yourselves?

Girl with the green hair: My name is Mallow! And this is my partner Boundsweet! I love to cook up everyone's meals around here! I'm here to help if you need anything!

Boundsweet: Sweet!

Short girl: My name is Lana. This here is my best friend Popplio! I really love water type Pokemon. I'm here if you need anything.

Popplio: Plio!

Short boy: Hey, I'm Sophocles! And my partner here is Togedemaru! I love programming stuff, and I love electric type Pokemon! If anything is on the fritz, lemme know!

Togedemaru: Maru!

Tall guy: The name's Kiawe. If you need to go anywhere, you can fly on my Charizard.

Girl with the big hat: Hey there. My name's Lillie! I r-really love Pokemon-...

Sophocles: But is too afraid to touch one.

Lillie: *flustered* Y-yeah...

Ash: Don't worry, you'll overcome that someday!

Lillie: I hope so...

Everyone: Nice to meet you Ash!

Prof.K: Ash, would you like to tell them about yourself?

Ash: Sure! I'm Ash, and this is my partner, Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash: We've just arrived here to the Alola region from Kanto!

Lana: Kanto?! That's far away!

Ash: *shyly sweat dropping*: Yeah, it is. It took us a while to get here, but I moved here now, and it all paid off coming to Alola! I've visited other regions such as Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and even Kalos!

Sophocles: You've practically been around the world! I wonder what kind of gadgets you've seen...

Ash: Tons, from my friend in the Kalos region! His name is Clemont, and in fact he is the Lumiose City gym leader!

Sophocles: Oh really, hope I can meet him someday!

Mallow: Hey, do you have a girlfriend?

Ash: *confused* Uh... No?

Ash was thinking about what Mallow just asked her. That came out of the blue! He wasn't sure if he could confirm him and Serena were dating, considering she was busy in Hoenn now and wouldn't want any distractions... Now Ash's thoughts were fixated on Serena again...

Mallow: *laughing* I'm just teasing! Forget I said anything! We're glad to have you Ash!

Sophocles: Geez Mallow... That's was kinda low.

Lana: And out of the blue.

Mallow: *sweatdropping* Yeah I guess your right. Sorry Ash.

Ash: No, it's fine! It's just a joke after all.

Ash took his seat. He was fascinated about his surroundings. The fact that they had a balcony viewing the ocean in the back of the classroom, that people and Pokemon were both learning here, and of the new faces he was meeting was amazing to him. He knew he was going to have a great time here in the Pokemon School. Still, his mind was on that question Mallow asked. It really had him thinking. "If Serena were here, it would it be easier or harder to answer?" He thought. He tried his best to move on from that subject for now and focus his attention on school for now. After school, the classroom gang was about to go hangout at the Malasada Shop.

Lillie: Hey Ash!

Sophocles: Wanna hangout with us?

Lana: We're going to the Malasada Shop.

Popplio: Pop!

Ash: Sure, Wynaut!

Kiawe: *thinking* He just made a pun... Didn't he...

Ash: Although, there feels like there's something I forgot to do...

Lana: There is?

Lillie: We can always go another time if your not too busy.

Ash: It's okay, it probably wasn't important anyway.

Kiawe: If you say so.

Mallow: Alright then, let's head out!

They went to the Malasada Shop in Hau'li City since it was close to the school and it was the best shop in all of Alola. Being that it was Ash's first time eating a Malasada, he nibbled it at first, but then immediately came to love it within seconds! Before the gang knew it, Ash was eating four at a time, stuffing his mouth with Malasadas with Pikachu at his side.

Lana: *amazed* Look at them go!

Mallow: *shocked* I didn't think his appetite would be this big.

Kiawe: I wonder what he'll do when he's gonna try out your food, Mallow.

Mallow: I know right?!

Lillie: Their appetites are like black holes...

Ash: *stuffed* Man was that amazing! I'll definitely be sure to hangout with you guys, especially if you go to any Malasada Shops!

Everyone else: *sweatdropping*

Mallow: So Ash, how do you like the Pokemon School?

Ash: I think it's amazing! I really like that it isn't just the people that can learn at the school, but Pokemon can too! I'm glad we decided to come to Alola after all.

Pikachu: Pika pika!

Lillie: That's nice to hear.

Lana: So how was Kanto like? We're there any nice water type Pokemon?

Ash: There definitely were a lot! And, I have another Gym Leader friend there. Her name is Misty.

Lana: Awesome!

Ash: Kanto was where I was born and raised. That was where I decided to become a Pokemon Master in the first place! And I have tons of friends there that support me as well.

Lillie: *sadly* Do you miss Kanto?

Ash: A little bit, but I like Alola a lot now too! I met you guys here and now I love Malasadas! I hope I can make tons of memories over here too!

Mallow: I'm glad to hear that! From here on out, we'll be here for you if you need anything!

Ash: Thank you so much!

Pikachu: Pikachu pi!

The gang stayed at the Malasada shop a bit longer and headed out. Since the Sun was beginning to set, the group decided to call it a day. Before they headed out, they decided to have another hangout next week at a the beach, which Ash accepted. The gang went their separate ways and Ash went up the hill to where his house was located. When Ash went inside his house he was greeted by Mr.Mime, but also saw his mom with her arms crossed.

Ash: Mom, what's wrong?

Mom: What's wrong is you didn't notify me where you were going again!

Ash: *thinking* I knew I forgot something! *out loud* Mom, I'm so sorry!

Mom: Well now I have something for you that should prevent this from happening again.

Delia gave Ash a smartphone.

Mom: Just for you. Since its was for a really bargained price I decided to buy two. Please notify me where your going from now on so I don't worry too much.

Ash: Woah! Thanks mom! I will!

Ash ran upstairs to his room at the speed of light. He turned on his new phone and was amazed with all the features it had. It didn't take long to learn the controls of the phone since it was easy to use. He remembered a advertisement he saw on a billboard on his way to Alola talking about a app that was able to let you see anyone's photos and videos if they shared it. He searched it up and came across the app he saw which was Pokegram! - Totally not a carbon copy of Instagram. Ash downloaded it and made a account, his username being @/pokemon_master65. He went on the Explore page and saw a post from what looked like Serena. When he tapped on the post, it turned out to really be Serena! Somehow, she was a verified user and had 300k followers! He looked at some posts and saw pictures of Serena in Hoenn who was up against his old friend May in a Pokemon Contest! Then another post showing Serena winning and another post of her enjoying Hoenn. Ash was glad she was doing ok. He left a follow on her page. Almost immediately he got a message from her.

In Ash's DM's

Serena: Is this Ash Ketchum?

Ash: Sure is!

Serena: Hey Ash! It's been a while! How have you been?

Ash: I've been well. How about you?

Serena: I'm exhausted. Traveling to different regions is so tiring!

Ash: Even so, you still get to meet different people, Pokémon, and places!

Serena: That's right!

Ash: So, what have you been up to in Hoenn?

Serena: I finished my contests in Hoenn and was up a tough competitor named May. We both put up a good fight but in the end, she beat me and Braixen. I have to admit she's good at what she does!

Ash: Oh! I know who May is! We were traveling together when I was in Hoenn! I wonder if she has a Pokegram...

Serena: *in her mind* He's been with other girls too?! *texting* Yeah, it's @/may_of_hoenn

Ash: Cool! I'll text her later. So what are you up to now?

Serena: I'm finished in Hoenn, I did a few contests in Sinnoh and was up against another contest pro named Dawn, visited Kanto, went to a water show that was going on and met this cute girl named Misty, went to Johto and visited the Goldenrod Radio Tower and hosted a radio show for the day, and lastly visited Unova and was in Nimbasa City. I was wondering around, got a Castelia Cone and met a strange girl who was always seeming to climb things. Her name was Iris. Right now I'm back in Kalos to report to Palermo about what I achieved since I was gone. She says I'm still lacking one more thing. So I went to my place to brainstorm.

Ash: Sounds like you've been through a lot! And how did you visit all of those regions in a short amount of time?!

Serena: I kinda skimmed through places and learned about them other than visiting... like I said, traveling is pretty exhausting.

Ash: Yeah, but you could of learned so many new things!

Serena: Yeah.. I guess your right.

Ash: Also, you met all those girls for real?

Serena: Yeah... why?

Ash: I traveled with all of them! I'm glad to see you became friends with my friends!

Serena: *almost having a heart attack* Really? Isn't that great?

Ash: Yup it sure is!

Serena: Hey, when I tried to visit your place in Kanto, you weren't there. How come?

Ash: Oh. Something came up and we had to move.

Serena: You what?!

Ash: We had to! We had stuff that came up.

Serena: Oh I see. So let me guess, did you move to Johto?

Ash: Not quite...

Serena: Kalos?

Ash: No...

Serena: Unova?

Ash: Nope.

Serena: Sinnoh??

Ash: No.

Serena: Hoenn? Kanto?? Cmon those are the last two choices!

Ash: Nope, no, and it isn't.

Serena: So where did you move to? The ends of the earth?

Ash: You could say that. We moved to Alola!

Serena: Alola?

Ash: Yeah! Don't you have a globe of all of the regions?

Serena looked at her globe in her room. It had a smudge, so she cleaned it off and it turned out to be covering the Alola region.

Serena: Just found it. It's so far away from any regions that I've seen! And there's four islands?

Ash: Yeah! It took us a few nights to get here. The four islands are the Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula Ula Island and the Poni Jsland!

Serena: Sounds nice!

Ash: You should visit one of these days! I bet you'd like it!

Serena: Yeah I should one of these days.

Ash: Well, I gotta go. I have to go to the Trainer School tomorrow!

Serena: The Trainer School?

Ash: Yeah, it's a place where people and Pokémon can learn new things! I made a ton of new friends there and everyday is fun!

Serena: Oh really... Alright then, I'll talk to you later then!

Ash: Okay! Bye!

*Turns off phone*

For a moment, Ash felt dumbfounded. He had other questions for Serena that has been on his mind for a while such as "How long have you liked me," or "How come you didn't tell me sooner?" He put those questions aside, though, since he forgot, and didn't want to put her in a rather awkward situation. Ash went downstairs to see what was up. Pikachu was fast asleep upstairs and Ash's dinner was on the table cold. He looked to see what time it was and it was already 12am! Ash didn't know he was talking to Serena for that long! He put his cold dinner in the fridge and went to bed.

As for Serena....

Serena was shocked too that she was talking to Ash for so long, but at the same time, worried. She had questions in her head now after that long conversation such as "Did the kiss even mean anything because he's been around so many girls?" "Am I not special to Ash anymore?" "What does this even mean for the both of us?" "What if he forgets who I am again?" More importantly, "Should I go to the Alola region?" Serena didn't want to come off as a stalker, but at the same time, she really wanted to know who she was to Ash. She even slept on the question and woke up a bit undecided. She pondered the idea of enrolling in the Trainer School Ash had mentioned and looked it up. To her surprise, it truly was a school where people and their Pokémon learn new things together! Maybe she really would learn a thing or two being at the school as well. Without any more further questions, she decided to go the Alola region. She told her mom about it. Although she thought it was way too soon for Serena to be leaving, she understood that she's working towards her true dream and supported her. Serena packed her bags, bought a plane ticket for the next day, and was on her way to the Alola region.

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