Chapter 26: Thoughts

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Still, deep inside he knew what he was to do, yet he deeply ignored it knowing it was risky and one of the most dangerous things he could ever put himself through.

He just couldn't take the risk.

'Really?! That coward??'

"Darra...Darra wake up!" Lilly shook Darra awake, bringing him out of dreamland, though everything he felt, everything he heard, didn't feel like a dream, like as if someone was right next to him whispering in his ear. "The lesson's over it's time for our break. 

Or you wanna stay in class the entire time, come on we already wasted two entire minutes everybody's out of class! Darra. get. up!" She said between breaths as she continuously shook him, eventually throwing him off his desk. Darra arched his back in pain and agony, feeling a sharp pain in his ribs as he fell sideways. " didn't have to throw me?!!"

"Thank me later. Now come on let's go eat I'm starving!" Darra was not particularly sure he would be thanking her in the next five seconds, more like punching her in the gut. He didn't give a damn flying fish that she was a girl, what she did was completely unacceptable. Thank me later??!! Who exactly did she think she was at that moment?? 

Darra had no idea why he got so angry, but some sort of feeling flew over him, that when Lilly acted this way, it was a sign that she was in control at that moment. Darra didn't want Lilly in control, that was his role. He was the leader in everything they were to do from that very moment. He was in control. 

Darra didn't know why, but he felt it had to be that way. He got up in agitation and followed closely behind Lilly, in fear of getting left behind. He tried, Darra tried his hardest to remain mad at her even if it was just for one minute. 

Who was he kidding- thirty seconds would have been enough for him to feel victorious, but the way her hair swayed with every bounce she took, the way her body moved in determination and stealth at the same time even if it was just for food. 

His eyes, trailing down to her lower half to fulfill a desire he never knew he had, heat slowly starting to creep up his cheeks as he realized what he was doing and quickly covered his eyes, holding them with his hands in order for his vision to be secured, as he shook his head in doubt and disappointment 'Blast you Darra!' He cursed himself in his mind in the old tongue as he heard his parents saying it a few times whenever they got agitated by something. She was only nine anyway, there was nothing to look at. (true. so true)

They both sat at the cafeteria, Lilly in a good mood as she placed her lunch box on the table, opening it to present a baloney sandwich, an apple, and an orange juice bottle. Darra noticed the certain glow on Lilly's face like she was just about to dine into the finest meal on earth. 

She grabbed the baloney sandwich and wasted no time in sinking her pearl white teeth into the bread, cutting through the meat and the lettuce and the layers of ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise, finally taking the bite into her mouth, some of the ketchup dripping on the side of her lower lip, but she didn't give a flying fish to the world. 

Even if her hair was on fire, she couldn't give up the luxurious heaven she had just sunk into. 'It really had been a while since I tasted my mother's food' She thought to herself as her heart fluttered around, remembering her cat at home. 

'I don't know what you did to my parents, but thank you' She prayed for the cat's health in her head as if she truly wished for its safety. Darra just stared at Lilly in her state of thought as she took another quick bite of her sandwich, some of the mustard staining her shirt. Darra recalled a romance movie he once watched where the guy cleans the girl when she spills on her dress. 

His cheeks flushed red and his heart fluttered around his chest, pinching his hand closer to Lilly's chest as he slowly got up from his seat, only to be taken aback when Lilly quickly grabbed a napkin from inside of her lunch box to clean herself. She knew she was a messy eater so she planned ahead, ready for anything as always. 

Darra was just frozen and Lilly seemed to notice his choice of position. "Darra, you look really red, and why is your hand stretched out like that, do you need something." Lilly was completely oblivious to Darra's actions and he silently thanked Lilly for being just as unaware as she was, though somewhere in his heart he realized that was his downfall.

What if...what if when they were older...and more aware of their feelings...Lilly would be just as clueless as she always had...?

Darra then realized that he had to cherish every moment he had with this girl, this small, blue-eyed, nine-year-old female that he thought he might not even be with in the future to come. "Darra...?" 

Lilly snapped her fingers in his face, awakening him from his own world. He lightly chuckled, realizing he was so lost in thought he didn't even notice his arm was still stretched out, in pain due to the position it was in, and his body still sanding. 

He took his seat, composing himself, and looked back at the curious Lilly, whose eyes just shone with wonder, wonder about what could possibly be weighing so heavily on Darra's mind. "Sorry, I just got lost in thought-"
"Why?" Lilly cut him short, her eyelids beginning to narrow down at the poor Darra, who didn't know what to do and certainly didn't feel like explaining himself to anyone as of now. 

"H-huh, what do you-"
"You've been acting strange all day long...what's up with you? I-I-I'm w-worried," She said in a low-toned voice as she looked down, eyebrows furrowed in sadness and her voice getting lower and lower as she ended her sentence. Darra's eyes widened, she really did care about him, that much.

"Trust me. I'll be okay, I promise you. Everything is okay I swear. I just...I just have a lot on my plate right now that's all."
"I trust you. So I'll believe what you're saying...for now..." Lilly whispered the last parts to herself, looking at Darra to see him flashing a bright smile, showing her that he heard nothing of what she said. 'I know you better than that, Dane. 

You wouldn't want to let me in on what's happening so you don't leave me worried, but I'm far ahead of you....I-I have...a lot in my life that revolves around you...a-and I'm n-not letting you go to waste...s-so I will find out!' She thought to herself as she blushed a bright crimson red. What exactly did she mean when she thought about her life revolving around Darra? 

(Damn, not even she knew!) They both heard the school bell and both rushed out of the cafeteria, Darra realizing that he didn't even touch his food yet. 'Sometimes I wonder what I do with my life' Darra thought to himself as he smiled, knowing Lilly was on his mind the entire time causing him to even forget about lunch. 

Lilly grabbed Darra's hand midway through the cafeteria and looked back at Darra, smiling. "You're slowing me down!" She then began to run at a high speed, making Darra think there was a possibility that she was faster than him, and he hated that. He hated that somehow she bested him at some things *running*. He hated that she had to be in control in some situations *when they got lost* And he hated that his heart loved every part of it, every part of her.

They were outside the gates of Noah academy when Darra saw Juan walk by, talking with his friends as a smirk spread across his face when his eyes locked with those of Darra. "Darra..." Lilly called, Darra turning his head to see a look on her face only he could understand. "Yeah yeah I'll live up to my promise..." 

Darra scoffed and puffed his cheeks, looking away and pretending to be mad, earning laughs from Lilly's small, yet plump lips. "You should see the look on your face!" Lilly said as she stopped on the sidewalk on their journey back home, unable to control the roar of laughter she soon let out. Darra looked at the state Lilly was in, tears on the verge of falling at the corners of her eyes and she continuously hit her thighs. (none existing thighs, THEY ARE LITERALLY CHILDREN STOP THINKING!)

Darra couldn't help but laugh as well, the laugh seemed to be contagious as the other school-going children that passed by seemed to giggle. Lilly wiped the tears of joy that slipped off her eyelids and onto her cheeks due to the pressure of her laughter, as she gathered up the rest of herself, composing her stamina once again as she began to move forward, holding Darra's hand so as she didn't leave him behind. 

"Priceless..." She muttered to herself. Darra didn't hear it though as he was too consumed with the sight of their hands intertwined together, Lilly's small fingers in between his interdigital folds, tightly squeezing his dorsal, his slightly bigger fingers doing the same for her hand. "W-why are you holding my hand? I can walk on my own." 

Darra protested. For some reason, he felt that he should challenge Lilly on every single thing she did, but he also asked subconsciously knowing he wanted to tease her. "First of all, no you can't, and secondly, is it a crime if I hold your hand?" Darra standing next to Lilly had no chance against her. The girl looked at Darra with her blue-colored innocent orbs, as a smirk slowly made its way up to her face. 'She's really something else...

Sometimes he couldn't possibly tell what Lilly was going to do. Darra had not even one clue on what kind of person Lilly was, really was...
"If you really want me to let go then-"

"NO!... I I didn't mean i-it like that I-" Darra's cheeks flushed red as he had no idea what he was saying, or doing, or particularly, feeling. He just looked away to avoid being spotted blushing, but it was too late as Lilly caught glims of the top of his ears, as the flushed full red. She looked away as well, smiling, though she had no particular reason, she didn't even have a specific reason for holding Darra's hand so suddenly like that, to begin with! 

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