Chapter 28: Secret Mission

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Darra was hit by a thousand little ice daggers as he opened his window to let the rope (made out of at least eight-bed sheets) down. He had made this rope since he was 60 floors above the ground so he couldn't simply just jump down? 

He secured the rope and thought it was safe enough to go down, tying one end to the pole of his bed and letting the other out the window. He tugged on the rope to make sure it was safe for him to use one last time before he had a fifty percent chance of losing his life to a rope. 

I mean being as crazy as to jump off a 120 storied building when you are on the 60th floor doesn't half the pain of breaking a spine at all. He said his prayers, asking for forgiveness of every sin he has committed up till this date, (which weren't that many btw), and slowly slid down the rope. 

His heart was pounding that it almost wanted to burst out of his chest and his body temperatures were rising as his blood pressure increased out of fear, anxiety, and a little bit of...excitement?! He wasn't sure of it. 

He wasn't sure of anything. What he had aimed for, and what he was going to achieve, was to make it down this rope without a scratch. Heck! He'd be more than happy to make it down this rope in one piece, let alone alive! 

He was going down the rope smoothly so far until his right foot missed a step and he began to fall, quickly grabbing the rope with his right hand, his entire body weight relying on his right hand. "Blast! I...I need to do something...should I-" Waiting for no moment to pass, Darra began to shout at the top of his lungs,

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! COAL, LAURA, HELP ME!!" Darra's desperate cries for help could be heard from miles away as many emotions were infused into his voice. He was scared. REALLY scared, that he had no idea how people with suicidal thoughts could manage this. 

I mean, the thought of losing his grip and him falling to the ground with a large splat while his blood spilled all over the garden that was below him, rose every single hair on his ever so hot body, as his temperature levels were increasing drastically. His heart was racing as thoughts sored, rode, and swam through his head. 

Darra didn't want to die, not yet, no, it wasn't time yet. 'Not the right time, not the right time NOT THE RIGHT TIME!!' He thought to himself as he couldn't take this much longer as he felt his grip loosening from all the sweat his body gave out. 

His heart literally shattered, you could hear the broken pieces falling and landing on the base of his chest from miles away, he was actually beginning to fall. He felt as though his mind opened all its doors and he now began to feel it. He began to see and feel what death was like. "D-Darra!?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING DOWN THERE LITTLE MAN?!!

Darra could hear Coals voice, a little faded but he was still able to make out exactly what he was saying, and Darra's shattered heart began to piece itself back together, the tears he never knew he was holding back from falling slowly rolling down his face, little by little and Coal quickly grabbed onto the rope and pulled him back into his room. He was saved.

They sat there, in total silence either one of them not having the courage to speak up and say something. The wind was blowing through both of their hairs, the wind bringing sharp little ice-daggers in its currents yet again, Darra getting all the more uncomfortable. "...what planning to do..?..." 

Coal asked, his voice hesitating a little yet all the more sounded as blank as ever, and Darra didn't like that. "I-I was...I wanted to-"
"DON'T...d-don't even think about lying to me right now. I want to know what the hell is going on and I need that information right now!" 

Something in his tone of voice...that anger, the pain, the disappointment--he could see it all in his eyes, the eyes that held such a glare that pierced right through his soul every time he looked straight into them at that moment. "I'm sorry" Darra spoke in a low tone, his eyes moving down to his hands, pure regret stained all over his face. 

"I-I'm sorry but I can't...I have...a lot going through my...mind right now...that I just can...can't really explain it...all you need to know is...I need go Coal. Let me go...just this once...let me have my way..." Darra said in a pleading tone, tears on the verge of rolling down his pale white cheeks as his purple eyes flickered with regret and sorrow, the thought of him never returning clogged his mind, and his heart tightened all the more. 

Coal's eyes widened. Darra seemed so out of breath, so uneasy, yet he wanted to do this nevertheless. Coal was taken aback by such bravery he never knew his son had in him, but... "Why can' tell me-"
"Because you wouldn't believe me."

Coal was shocked, his frozen figure stationed there like some kind of billboard for people to come to see, admire, and then turn back to face their sad, bored, and miserable lives. (Oh come on we all know it's true) "You won't ever believe..." 

Darra sighed, looking away with slight anger rising inside him. He knew no matter what he tried, no one would ever believe him. After all, he was a freak, freaky people see and hear freaky things...right?

"Will you come back...?" Coal asked Darra, looking straight at him even though Darra avoided his gaze completely. "I-I have to-"
"Yes or no?" Coal asked directly now, and Darra could feel piercing eyes shoot at him through the fabric of his white shirt. 

"I will come back," Darra stated, looking Coal dead in the eye as if he truly meant every single word he was saying. He had another aim, this was no longer a do-or-die situation, he was going to make it out alive. For Coal, and Laura, and possibly....even Lilly. "Are you going to let me go?" Darra asked, inching closer to Coal, his gaze still at the depths of his blue orbs, which sort of reminded him of... 

"I-I don't know if this is such a good idea-"
"Listen here and listen carefully Coal. I don't think you understand the situation, even if I haven't told you anything, you must get that this is much more dangerous than you think. If you don't let me go...I can't...really tell you what will happen, but just listen to the tone of my voice." Coal's eyes were fixated on his every move, his brain trying to process the amounts of information he was gathering, yet confusion brewed in his mind all the more. 

Darra got up from the bed, jumping down so his feet could touch the floor, as he gently put his knees on the floor, one by one. His hands moving together as he positioned them across his face, Coals eyes widened, slowly but surely.

"This is the most serious I've ever been in my life. Coal, let me go."

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