Chapter Three

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"Race you to the trees over there!" Fallenkit called to Sorrelkit.
With a glance at each other, the two pelted toward the large Jungle trees.

"Hey.." A voice made Fallenkit jump. It was very familliar, yet, it sounded like the cat hadn't spoken lately.

"B-Breezekit..?" Fallenkit stammered. He'd been quite rude to the she-kit ever since she'd started avoiding Sorrelkit.

"Hi.." Breezekit sighed.

"What do you want?" Fallenkit asked, his voice coming out a little too harshly.

"Fine." Breezekit snapped, turning around to stalk away.

I blew it. The stupid little part of me who still wants to be mean to her. I can't keep talking to her. I can't let myself be mean. Kind-hearted and a warrior is better than cold-hearted and a leader, Tallflower taught me.
Fallenkit thought to himself, watching Sorrelkit win the race.

"Hey! You're like DesertClan in leaf-bare! Too slow to catch anything!" Sorrelkit smirked.

"I know." Fallenkit mewed. He sat down, casting a quick glance at Breezekit.
Her head was hung, and her head fur covered her eyes.

"Are you... Staring at Breezekit? Do you feel bad for her?" Sorrelkit spat.

"Uh.. Kind of." Fallenkit whispered.

"Ugh." Sorrelkit breathed, stalking towards her sister.

"What do you want?" He heard Breezekit snap.

"Get over here." Sorrelkit mewed. "Fallenkit says he feels bad for you. Ew." Fallenkit winced as Breezekit's ice cold gaze landed on him.

"Liar." Breezekit growled. Fallenkit sighed.

"You don't want to believe it, but I'm not lying." Sorrelkit meowed.

"Get away from me." Breezekit's strong voice wavered.

"Breezekit!" Fallenkit yowled. He couldn't take it anymore. But Breezekit was gone. Fallenkit breathed a heavy sigh, turning to Sorrelkit.

"What?" Sorrelkit snapped. "I did what you wanted, right? Ugh. This is impossible." Sorrelkit whipped around, bounding towards Dapplestar's den.

"Sorrelkit! Breezekit! Come back!" Fallenkit wailed.
How will I survive two more moons pf this? StarClan help me!
"All cats old enough to climb the tallest trees, gather beneath TallStones for a Clan meeting!" Dapplestar's voice rang out. It had been two moons since Sorrelkit and Breezekit had begun to avoid Fallenkit.

"Get down! You don't deserve to be up there!" Moleleap yowled from the group of gathering cats.

"Yes, Dapplestar. You are a strong cat, but a weak leader." Thistlepad called out, her voice sounding prickly, as always.

"Why did you want to be the deputy anyways? You have no skill at all." Tigerblossom mewed, flicking her tail.

"I think Tigerblossom would be a better leader." Darktail mewed.

"Hush!" Shadeflower's tail tapped her mate, Darktail's nose as she gave a sympathetic glance at Dapplestar.

"Get off the rock. No cat likes you as our leader. Better let the deputy step in, huh?" Furzeheart smirked.

"All of you! Hush!" Dapplestar snapped.

"I am sure you do not want JungleClan to die off. This is an apprentice ceremony. Show some respect." Dapplestar mewed.
A hush fell over the gathered Clan.

"Anyways," Dapplestar sighed.

"StarClan, I present to you six kits who have reached the age of six moons. I will give you each one in turn." Dapplestar couldn't contain her purr.
Fallenkit watched his leader, his head held high, his chest puffed out.
Breezekit and Sorrelkit wore the same look, their heads held high, their tails in a relaxed posture, standing tall and proud.
Scorchkit looked nervous, his head ducked and his tail sticking between his legs.
Leafkit looked like she had been frozen, her head raised and her tail stuck straight up behind it. She was rigid, and her ears were pricked as if ready to catch any kind of bad comment about her.
Frogkit was standing behind Tallflower, quivering with fear.

"Go on, my tiny warrior." Fallenkit heard his mother whisper to his brother.

"Scorchkit, come here." Dapplestar purred.
Scorchkit stepped up as Dapplestar leapt down from TallStones.

"Scorchkit..." Dapplestar sighed.

"I, Dapplestar, leader of JungleClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this young kit. He has reached the age of six moons, and is ready to begin the training he needs to learn your noble code." Dapplestar mewed calmly.

"You have absolutely no right to perform this ceremony!" Tigerblossom yowled.

"I. Said. Hush!" Silvergaze, the new deputy shrieked.
Iceheart had retired to the elder's den.

"Listen to Dapplestar." Tallflower hissed to Tigerblossom.

"StarClan, I present to you, Scorchkit. Scorchkit, from this day forward until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Scorchpaw." Dapplestar smiled.

"And... Your mentor shall be... Shadeflower." Dapplestar flicked her tail, signalling the white she-cat forward.

"I hope you pass on your bravery and your readiness to put your Clan before yourself to Scorchpaw." Dapplestar finished.
Scorchpaw reached forward, touching his nose to the gentle she-cat's.
Shadeflower beckoned the tomcat to sit with her, and the two moved back to crouch beside Darktail.

"Leafkit." Dapplestar called out. "Please step forward."

"Leafkit, run! She's not a rightful leader!" Thistlepad yowled.

"Do not listen, my kit!" Tallflower wailed.

"Flee!" Tigerblossom shrieked.

"Attack Dapplestar!" Furzeheart's voice rang out.

In a flash, Darktail, Thistlepad, Furzeheart, Moleleap, Tigerblossom, and Moleleap's apprentice, Falconpaw, sprang forward.

"Falconpaw!" Pinecone scolded his son.

"Yes, get back here!" Frostgaze yowled.

"Aw.." Falconpaw padded back to Pinecone, but excitement still sparked in his amber eyes.
Frostgaze's icy eyes blazed with anger.

"How dare you!" She roared. "Challenging Dapplestar like that..." Frostgaze's paw smacked Falconpaw's muzzle hard, and the tom stumbled.

"Hey!" Littlepaw yelped. She came pounding out of the medicine den, rushing up to cuff her brother over the ears.

"How dare you!" Littlepaw had the same icy stare as her mother, and the same enraged tone.
Tallflower leapt forward to drag Moleleap off of Dapplestar, still hissing and spitting.
Thistlepad was pulled away from Dapplestar by Pinecone, she'd begun to hiss horrible things at him about his background.

"Don't back down!" Furzeheart wailed.
Tigerblossom was yanked off by Willoweyes, a blue-eyed younger warrior.

"No!" Furzeheart yowled, still furiously clawing Dapplestar's flank.
In a flash, Nightsky's spirit was before them all, flanked by Sunstream and Larkstar.

"Stop right this insant!" Larkstar hissed.
Furzeheart backed away, followed by Darktail.
Shimmersky plodded out, herbs in her jaws. "How dare you all? If I were Dapplestar, I would banish you from JungleClan!" The enraged she-cat snarled.
Dapplestar got to her paws, and Fallenkit noticed she was gasping for breath but didn't seem hurt.

"Leafkit, step forward." Dapplestar mewed again.

"Go on, young one." Nightsky's spirit mewed, her blue eyes shining with pride. Leafkit wasn't her kit, but any cat was proud at an apprentice ceremony.

"I, Dapplestar, leader of JungleClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this young kit. She is now six moons old, and ready to become an apprentice." Dapplestar began.

"Leafkit, from this moment on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Leafpaw. Your mentor will be..." Dapplestar looked out among the cats, and Fallenkit smiled at her.

"Sharptail." Dapplestar smiled, beckoning the tom forward. "Train Leafpaw to be brave and noble, like you are, Sharptail."
Leafpaw reached forward to touch her nose to Sharptail's, and Fallenkit felt a rush of pride for his sister.

"Frogkit, come on." Dapplestar mewed warmly.

"Coming!" The tom-kit yowled, bouncing up to the leader.

"Frogkit, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Frogpaw. Hazelbird will mentor you." Dapplestar announced.
Hazelbird leapt up, dashing up to her apprentice.

"I hope you will pass on your bravery to your apprentice, Hazelbird." Dapplestar meowed.
Hazelbird touched her nose to Frogpaw's, then leading the tom back to sit with her.

"Fallenkit." Dapplestar called.
Fallenkit's heart skipped a beat as he padded up to his leader.

"From this moment on, until you recieve your warrior name, you shall be known as Fallenpaw." Dapplestar purred.

"Your mentor will be... Hm.. Actually, I will mentor you." Dapplestar decided.
Fallenpaw's eyes widened. Dapplestar had only had one apprentice, Stormpaw, who'd became Stormsong.

"What an honor!" Tallflower called to her son. Her voice seemed to sing with pride.
Fallenpaw reached up to touch his nose to Dapplestar's, his heart pounding in his ears.
Fallenpaw padded back to sit with Tallflower and Hawkfeather.

"Sorrelkit..." Dapplestar called hesitantly.
Fallenpaw smiled at the she-kit, but she did not return it.
Sorrelkit stalked up to the leader, her eyes narrowed.

"Sorrelkit, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Sorrelpaw..."
Dapplestar scanned the clearing.

"Hm.. Darkt- No... Fla- No... Shi- No... Softear will mentor you..." Dapplestar muttered.
Sorrelpaw touched her nose to Softear's as the tom reached the front.
The two stepped back, leaving only Breezekit left standing.
She looked like she had when Dapplestar had called all six of them up, her head held high, a look a pure determination on her face.

"And, last but not least..."

Nightsky, Sunstream, and Larkstar were all still there, and the look of pure joy on Nightsky's face made Dapplestar's eyes water.

Fallenpaw smiled at his leader, then at Nightsky.

"Breezekit... I, Dapplestar, leader of JungleClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this young she-kit. I am proud to have been her foster mother when her real mother joined you so quickly. I hope you gift her with everything you have gifted us all with... Belief in you. StarClan, I am proud to give you Breezekit."
The Clan seemed to be amazed by Dapplestar's words.

"Wow.." Fallenpaw heard Tigerblossom whisper.

"Breezekit, from this moment on, until you are a warrior, you will be known as Breezepaw. It is rare both myself and my deputy have apprentices, but today I am proud to announce that Silvergaze will mentor you."
Silvergaze padded up to touch her nose to Breezepaw's.

"Shame on you!" Tigerblossom's voice rang out.
Then, scents of other Clans overwhelmed Fallenpaw's nose.
In a flash, cats from all the Clans leapt at Dapplestar, fangs bared, claws unsheathed.

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