Chapter Two

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Stupid toms! Breezekit thought to herself, but she couldn't get the sad feeling in the pit of her stomach to leave.
"Forget about him, Breezekit." Dapplestar soothed, as if reading her thoughts.

"I can't. He's my best friend!" Breezekit snapped.

It had been three days, and Fallenkit still hadn't left Sorrelkit alone. It was like the two were a pack of wolves!

"Hey Sorrelkit! Let's play The Hunting Game!" Fallenkit squealed across the clearing.
Breezekit felt herself fill with envy as her sister bounced across the clearing.

"I'm the rabbit!" She yowled.

"Then I'm the warrior! I'll crush you!" Fallenkit yowled back.

Breezekit watched the two, a growl rising in her throat.

"Breezekit?" Sorrelkit asked her sister as she stopped beside TallStones.

"Go away!" Breezekit snarled, holding back tears.

"Alrighty..." Sorrelkit looked hurt, but she didn't care.

"Go!" Breezekit snarled louder as Sorrelkit lingered.

Sorrelkit looked at her sister with hatred in her eyes, then bounced over to Fallenkit.

Breezekit let her tears fall, plodding into Dapplestar's den.

"Breezekit?" Dapplestar asked her kin.

"I don't want to talk about it." Breezekit whispered.

Dapplestar nodded sadly.

It had been two moons since Sorrelkit and Breezekit had their fight.

The two hadn't forgiven one another, and by now they didn't talk unless they had to.

Fallenkit had stopped trying to play with Breezekit, having noticed the way she ignored Sorrelkit.

"Leafkit!" Breezekit called to the she-kit.

Leafkit and Breezekit had become great friends lately.

"Hey!" Leafkit called cheerfully.

"Want to play Guess The Warrior Name?" Breezekit asked.
It has a game she invented, where they would try and guess their warrior names.

"Sure!" Leafkit smiled.

"Hmm... Name something."

"You have to pick from.... Something natural, like herbs." Leafkit decided.

"Okay... Hm.... How about... Breezepoppy?" Breezekit laughed.

"That's actually pretty good. Now you name something."

"Hmm... Something on yourself, like a tail." Breezekit mewed.

"Hm.. Leafclaw? Leafheart? Leafears? Leaffoot? Leaftail? Uh... Uh.... Leafpelt? Leaffur?"

"Alrighty... My turn! By the way, I think I like Leafheart or Leafpelt the best."


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