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Jace didn't take them to the house right away. He drove them down to the next block to the neighborhood park to burn off some energy. Afterward he took them to a fast food restaurant to sit down for dinner. The children devoured their food as if they were starving. After a while, Anatalie spoke.

"I don't wanna go home."

Corden dunked his fries in ketchup. "We have to."

"But this is so much better."

"They'll be back next week."

"It's the same crap every time we come here." Duka shoved fries into his mouth. "We should just stop coming."

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Jace reprimanded.

"The court gave her some visitation," Dazia crumbled up her napkin and rolled her eyes. "We have to go."

"She's always high. What's the point?"

Jace glared at the two older kids. "Don't be insensitive."

Anatalie lowered her head. "At least ya'll get to leave. We stuck."


Feeling a sense of guilt, Duka smiled. "It's not all bad."

"How do you figure?"

"" Duka looked around the table for help. Seeing no one had anything to say, he lowered his head. "Nevermind."

Jace wiped his hands on the napkin then balled it up. "Listen. I know it sucks but it won't be like this forever. Work hard in school and you can get out of the hood."

"What about mom?"

He hesitated and looked off to the side. "Maybe she'll get her life together. Get some help. There's not much you can do right now. She gotta figure it out for herself."

They finished their meal in relative silence then Jace returned them home just after seven. Since they got back so late, Dayquan promised to take him out the next day. After bathing and prepping for school for the upcoming week, Duka put the matter of his other siblings to the side.

Things progressed slowly for them. Duka and his siblings went to work or school. On weekends they went to their mother's. Nothing changed. It seemed like nothing in his life would change until one day, everything changed.


Donnell didn't go to trade school or college like his brother or sister. He was always good at doing hair and makeup so he worked in a friend's salon during the day. At night, he worked at a drag club. Nidita, the owner, he met at the salon in his senior year of high school when he started dressing femme full time. She loved his work so much she invited him to work at the club helping the girls with their hair and makeup. Over time, he learned other jobs such as bartending and waitressing and even worked the VIP rooms.

At the drag club he was called by his fem persona 'Donnella.' She was diligent in her work and didn't believe in mixing it up with customers at either job. She was respected by her peers and coworkers and had many admirers at the club.

"Donnella, mi amore."

Donnella's eyes lit up as she sashayed across the vip room towards her number one admirer. He was 6'4" with bulging muscles and a killer smile. He wore his dark hair half up and half down. Rumored to be a hitman in the mafia, Gio tried to turn her into his girlfriend more than once.

She leaned over and exchanged cheek kisses with him before setting his drink down on the table. "Gio. How are you, darling?"

Gio kissed her hand. "I would be so much better if you would accompany me for coffee when you get off work."

She wagged her finger at him. "Naughty boy, you know Donnella doesn't play with the customers outside of work."

His blue eyes darkened. "You know Gio wants to do more than play. Gio wants to give his ebony princess the world."

Donnella giggled and lightly smacked his arm. "Flirt."

"You change your mind, I'm here." He kissed Donnella's hand and spun her around. "Ciao, bella."

"Ciao." Donnella blew him a kiss then continued to the next room. Loud shouts greeted her ear as she pushed open the door. Scanning the room she saw two men at a table engaged in an arm-wrestling competition. There were a dozen men around egging them on. Several scantily clad women sat on the couches drinking and talking. Pushing aside drinks, drugs, and bills, Donnella made space to set down the bottles they ordered and extra drink glasses. As she turned to leave, her arm was grabbed.

Donnella looked down at the hand on her arm and turned to face its owner. Forcing a polite smile, she spoke in a low voice. "Sir, please take your hand off me."

The man held his hands up and flashed a smile. "My bad, cutie."

Inwardly, she rolled her eyes. "What can I do for you, sir?"

"I'm Benji." He rubbed his hands together and licked his lips as he looked her up and down. "I was just over there chillin' with my homie when you walked in."

"Okay. And?"

"I'm just sayin' you look good and shit. You wanna chill wit me later on? I know someplace nice we can get a meal, have couple of drinks. You know."

Resisting the urge to sigh, Donnella nodded politely. "Sorry, sir. I don't mix it up with customers outside of work."

"Oh. So you sayin' the only time I can chill wit you is at work?"

"I'm here to work, not mix it up with customers." Donnella turned to leave. "Excuse me."

Benji grabbed her wrist. "Wait. Why you in such a rush?"

"I'm working and have other customers." She snatched her wrist out of his grasp. That's twice he put his hands on her. One more and she was going to throw down. "Excuse me." She heard the other men yelling and whistling as she walked out the door. Apparently the wrestling competition had a winner. 

Closing the door behind her, she turned to walk down the hall and nearly collided with another body. Strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a firm chest before she could hit the floor. A rapid beating heart in her ear made her look up.

Worried blue eyes stared down at her.

She frowned. "Gio?"

Gio retracted his arms and took a step back. "Sorry, bella. Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine. What are you doing out here?"

He hooked a thumb over his shoulder pointing in the direction of his room. "My friend showed up crying over his girlfriend. I wanted to order a bottle."

"Oh," Donnella giggled. "You could have just called downstairs and let Cavalier know."

The door opened behind her and the men's boisterous laughter entered the hall. They both turned as Benji came out with someone hanging off his shoulders.

"Is that the one?" he asked pointing at Donnella. Benji nodded. His friend stood up and straightened out his jacket. "Hey, baby girl. Why don't you come back here and let my mans holla atcha."

Donnella grit her teeth and clutched the drink tray tightly in her hands. "I've already told your friend, I don't hook up or hang out with the guests. Please return to your room and enjoy your drinks."

"Don't be stuck up. It's just a few drinks. Unless you want more. I'm sure my mans wouldn't mind hookin' you up, naw mean." The two fist bumped and began cackling like hyenas.

Gio pulled Donnella behind him and looked at the two with a frosty glare. "The lady has politely declined. Please be respectful of her choice."

The two men's faces darkened and their posture became aggressive. "Who the fuck is you?"

"A guest annoyed by your fuckboi antics."

"Ooooh." Benji thumbed the side of his nose and stood up straight. "I'll show you fuckboi, my g." He lifted the hem of his shirt showing the butt of a gun.

Donnella's eyes widened. Guns were against the club's policy. Metal detectors and the bouncers doing searches at the door were supposed to prevent weapons from coming in.

Unfettered, Gio crossed his arms over his chest. "Only a pussy would threaten someone with a gun. Beating someone with your hands takes more guts. Is more...personal."

Benji looked Gio up and down. "Whatchu know 'bout catchin' bodies, white boy?"

Gio shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. A smile lifted the corners of his lips. "I know a few more things about killin' than some wannabe gangster."

Donnella was clutching the tray tightly against her chest as she watched the exchange between the two men. This had never happened before. She had already mashed the panic button on the fob in her pocket. Security guards and Nidita were headed towards the group.

"What's going on?" Nidita asked.

Benji and his friend smiled and adjusted their postures to seem less threatening. "We was just thanking your staff for their exemplary service."

"Yeah. Great workers you have here."

Nidita and the guards looked at Donnella. "Is that right?"

Not wanting to drag it on, Donnella looked from the men to Gio to Nidita. "It's no big deal."

Gio raised a brow.

Not buying Donnella's story for a minute, Nidita turned to the two men making trouble. "Thank you for your compliments. We have a feedback box near the bar. Feel free to drop your compliments there. Donnella, we have other customers waiting to be served." She eyed Gio from top to bottom. "Are you also here to compliment our lovely Donnella?"

Donnella's cheeks heated. Gio smiled. "I compliment her all the time. I'm one of her many admirers."

Nidita smiled and winked. "Good for her."

*Hope everyone is good out there. 😊 It took a while to get out but if you follow me on wattpad or instagram you've seen my post about my hands. I have a damaged ligament in my right hand and hyperextension in three fingers so I'm in all kinds of splints which makes typing slower.  I'll get chapters out when I get them finished.

**Donnell/a has two personas so when he's boy I'll use he/him and girl she/her.

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