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It's been many years since I lived in Italy and spoke Italian so I'm not sure if farfalla has the gender issue when using it as a nickname for a person. Any Italian speakers comment and let me know 😁

The next morning Donelle had breakfast then took Duka and Dazzia to their schools before going to work at the salon. After his experience the night before, he wanted to be low profile so as not to draw attention to himself. He wore jeans and a t-shirt with combat boots and his hair tied up under a cap. When he entered the salon all conversation stopped.

He walked over to his station and grabbed his apron. Donnell didn't seem to notice the silence and weird atmosphere at all. He went about prepping his station and thinking about his clients for the day.

The women and men who worked in the salon and a few frequent clients looked at each other in confusion. Was this their person? Not only was this person not lively and bubbly as usual but there seemed to be a depressing air about them. Everyone gave the eyebrow-head nod signal for someone to say something. After a few moments of silent inaction, the receptionist shook her head and got up from her desk.

Donnell was going through his appointment log when she approached.

"Um, Donnell."

"Yeah. What's up, Cara?"

Cara's eyes widened and she looked at the others who were staring with their mouths open. Donnell always looked people in the face when he spoke and smiled. Cara cleared her throat. Something was definitely wrong.

"Donnell, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"A-are you sure? Did something happen?"

Donnell finally looked up with a frown. He saw the look on Cara's face then looked behind her at all the other stylists and clients. "What's going on?"

James, the only other male stylist in the shop looked him up and down. "Are you really Donnell?"

He frowned. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Donnell usually greets everyone with a smile and hugs," the older woman in his chair replied.

The salon owner was doing a perm on an elderly woman who was another regular. "And he's usually dressed beautifully."

"And has his face done up," the elder woman added.

James put his hand on his hips and tooted up his lips. "And his beautiful hair out."

Donnell looked at himself. "What's wrong with how I look?"

"You're just so...so –" James looked at the owner for help.

She was quiet a moment. "Macho."

"Masculine," Cara nodded.

The elder woman chimed in. "Boyish."

"Manly," James gave a shiver.

Donnell held his forehead and exhaled through his nostrils. They were just too much. All this fuss over nothing. "Really, ya'll?"

The owner twirled her client's hair around a large orange roller and clipped it in. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Can't I dress like a man?"

They all looked at each other before looking at him and answering at the same time. "No."

He rolled his eyes. "Sexists."

James chuckled. "Spill, honey."

Donnell rubbed his forehead and sighed. "Fine."

By the time he was finished telling his story, his first client was walking into the shop. Everyone was livid and offered to run up on the guy harassing him. The elderly woman offered to teach the rude men a lesson with her cane. With a smile, he declined their offers. Ever the professional, he tossed the unpleasantness to the back of his mind and focused on work. As a top stylist in the shop, he was busy until after lunch. When he finally took a break it was after one. He tidied his station and went out to grab something to eat.

Opting for something quick, he grabbed a burrito from a street truck and went to the nearby park. He watched the stay-at-home parents with their kids playing or walking while eating with his earbuds in. The sun was warm and there was a slight breeze making it bearable and refreshing. His mood was infinitely better compared to earlier.

After finishing his mea,l he checked his social media before standing up to head back. A sleek, black BMW pulled up to the curb across the street. Donnell would have ignored it had it not been for the large man with muscles in a suit that caught his eye. Gio tugged on the sleeves of his shirt and smoothed out his suit as his associates got out of the car. Each one was more muscular than the other and just as tall.

"Christ, what are those guys eating?" Donnell said to himself. He started to say something when one of the guys pulled a gun out of his jacket and cocked it. Gio put his hand in his pants pocket and looked around. As if to hide, Donnell held his hand up to his face and began making his way back to the salon. He wanted no parts of what was about to go down.

Little did he know, Gio had already spotted his little farfalle fluttering away.

Donnell's salon was in the trendy side of town and most of his clients ranged from well-off stay-at-home moms to wealthier, trendy girl bosses. There were men but most of them were on the more feminine side. There were several large businesses in the area that did everything from retail to construction to financials.

Where were Gio and his crew going? Why did they need guns?

For the rest of his shift, Donnell's mind was on his savior and number one fan.

Since he didn't have to work the club on Mondays, Donnell closed the salon at six. The rest of his shift seemed to just fly by and he was so dazed, he couldn't recall how many clients he'd serviced. After turning off the lights, he set the alarm then walked out the door and locked it.

"Hello, my little farfalle."

Donnell nearly jumped out of his skin. He reached into his coat for his kubaton and turned. His eyes widened as the man leaning against a tree partially hidden by shadows, approached. "Gio?"

Gio slowly walked over with his hands up. A bright smile lit up his face. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"I-I wasn't scared." Donnell quickly put the kubaton away. "I uh...was surprised. A little."

Gio made a gesture with his thumb and index finger. "Un poco?"

"That's right." Donnell cleared his throat and shifted his gaze. "What are you doing over this way."

"Had to visit a client in the area. I saw you earlier. Thought I'd say hi."

Why was his heart racing so fast? It's not like he had never had conversation with Gio before. Outside the club it felt more intimate. Donnell gripped his bag tighter and looked down at the ground. He glanced at his combat boots then at Gio's high-end dress shoes. "Oh. I see."

Gio pointed to the closed shop. "On your way home?"


"Can I offer you a ride?"

Donnell looked up and waved his hand. "I don't want to trouble you. I was...gonna...um get a bite to eat on my way."

"I can take you."

Taking a look at the Audi parked behind his older Honda, Donnell shook his head.  "It's too much trouble for you to take me to get food then take me home. Plus, I have my car."

Gio chuckled. "It's no trouble. I'll take you to eat then bring you back to your car."

"I dunno."

"It's just dinner. I'll even pay." Gio clasped his hands together and batted his dark lashes.

Donnell covered a laugh and nodded. "Ok then. Lead the way."

Gio held his hand out gesturing for Donnell to go fist. For a moment, Donnel paused. What happened to the BMW from the morning? Whose car was that? Gio smiled and opened the passenger door like a gentleman.

"After you, farfalle."

Donnell slid into the seat and grabbed the seatbelt. "What is that, Italian?"

"Si." Gio gently closed the door and jogged to the other side. 

"What does it mean?"

The engine roared to life as Gio shut the door and put on his seatbelt. He looked over with a smile. "It means butterfly."

"Butterfly?" Donnell raised a brow. "Why do you call me that?"

Gio's eyes twinkled as he glanced over. "No reason."

During the fifteen-minute drive, they spoke on a variety of topics. It was like talking to a good friend. They spoke of their families and childhoods. They talked about their jobs but not about the club. Neither of them felt pressured to hold a conversation. Donnell was so at ease, he was surprised when Gio turned off the engine.

Gio opened his door and helped him out. Donnell looked around as he smoothed out his clothes. A valet walked up to Gio and took the keys. Donnell looked at the restaurant and the guests coming and going. 

"Where are we?"

"My friend owns this place." Gio pulled two bills from a money clip and handed them to the valet before walking around to where Donnell stood. 

"Cool." Donnell looked down at his out-of-place casual clothes then at Gio's suit. "I'm not underdressed?"

Gio took his hand and lead him inside with a smile. "No worries."


*Hope everyone is having an awesome week.😊

**In case you're wondering why there is this bit with Donnell and Gio, it matters for the upcoming chapters. I don't want anyone to be like "Huh? Where the hell he come from?!" 

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