"Chapter Eighteen"

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Next morning, I slept in. I deserved all this sleep after what happened. My phone kept ringing and I heard Ashlyn muttered my name. I ignored it, probably a robocall. It went off again.


I grabbed my phone finally and saw it was James calling. But before I can answer, I looked at Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn... shouldn't you be working...?"

Immediately Ashlyn bolts up.

"I forgot!!" She said now in a hurry.

Because of Lilly moving in, Mr. Bitters decided to try get our new room ready and let us stay in our current one. Lilly insisted on sleeping on the couch. But told her to take Lana's old bed.

"What's the commotion going on?"

"She's late for work." I explained in a hoarse voice.

The calls stopped but I would text James.

Hey, handsome. Sorry if I missed your calls. Slept in. Still exhausted.

That explains why you haven't answered.

I noticed the calls weren't as frequent. He called around an hour after I get up and I know he's touring so I don't bother him much.

Still sleepy?

Yeah. Still am.

"Mel... should we start the day I guess?"

"I mean, Ashlyn didn't rush us so I assume she's letting us take a break."

"I think she means you mainly, you did go through a lot."

"But you're tired from traveling." I pointed out.

"...touché." She said as she stretched.

"Would Ashlyn—"

"She wouldn't mind. You're our friend after all."

She nods as she would collapse in the bed.

"What did James want?"

"Not sure yet. Probably to check up on me."

Lilly nods.

"...you know. I am kinda glad you did come back."

I weakly smiled.

Get some rest, babe. You deserve it. 💖

I will, babe. Love you ❤️

"I know...it did feel nice. For us to reunite and a vacation." I said with a small laugh.

"Yeah, totally." She spoke with a smile.

I yawned once more.

"I'll let you sleep."

"You gonna end up sleeping?"

Lilly nods.

"After that commotion earlier? Yeah. You know me with my sleeping."

I laughed some. Lilly is like a bear when she sleeps. Unless if it's an emergency, she doesn't like to be bothered.

"Sleep tight," Lilly responded as I closed my eyes.


I was about to fall asleep after seeing Melody went to sleep but I heard door knocking. I groaned quietly before I get up and went to look through the peek hole. It was Jett holding flowers. Nope. Not having him ruin my morning.

I noticed soon I entered the lobby yesterday, he's all over me. Which it's surprising since he always goes after co-stars. I've read it everywhere and heard it on TV.

Then I hear Jett trying to sing but it sounds like a donkey trying to sing. I covered my mouth, trying not to laugh. Oh Melody has to see this. I slowly approached and sat on Melody's bed.

"Mel, I know you just went to bed, but listen."

No response for a moment. Jett was still singing horribly. Making me hold in my laughter even more. I saw Melody pop up her head up a bit, listening.

"Whoever is singing needs to stop." She said in a hoarse voice.

"Guess who it is though." I said, smirking and snickering.

Melody looked at me, thinking. Then she shakes her head.

"Really? Him?" She said in disbelief.

"Go see yourself."

Melody rubbed the side of her face.

"I'll give him a peace of my mind is what I'll do." Melody paused, "I'll cover for you."

I smiled a bit.

"That's why I love ya,"

"Love ya too, Lil." Melody said as she got up.


In my mind, I'm just laughing how Jett... THE Jett Stetson is crushing on my other best friend Lilly. I opened the door, yawning.

"What do you want, Jett?" I spoke, still half asleep.

"Is your lovely friend here?"

"Depends. Which one?" I sarcastically asked.

Jett made a fake laugh.

"Now I don't know what James sees in you."

My hand gripped on the doorframe tightly.

"Say it again or I'll punch your face." I threatened.

He just shakes his head.

"Anyways is your OTHER friend here? I was going to ask her out."

I snort. Still in disbelief. Normally he has a thing for co-stars but Lilly hasn't even made her debut.

"For one: that's surprising since she isn't your costar and you have a thing of costars." I paused, "And secondly: you. Asking her out?" I said in between fake laughter.

Jett mimicked me for a moment, mocking me. Oh boy...  I want to beat his butt but Ashlyn wouldn't be too pleased. Plus it's not one of my mornings to NOT choose violence.

"Is she here?"

"Yea but we WERE sleeping until we heard a donkey trying to sing."

As promised: I covered Lilly. I doubt Jett is the person she would want to see this morning.

"Well I can—"

I shut the door. I went back to my room.


"Well... Jett was wanting to ask you out but I told him you were sleeping. Or at least trying to sleep because he sounds like a donkey."

Lilly giggled for a moment.

"Thanks. I owe you." She yawned, "since honestly I don't want to see him... or anyone but Ashlyn or you today."

And I don't blame her. We're still exhausted from what we went through.

"Go get some sleep, I'll have to tell the boys about this."

Lilly nods as I went to my bed and grabbed my phone. I went in the group chat Kendall made when I was working at Rocque Records.

Yo, dogs. Got a min?

No reply but I saw Logan typing.

In between practices. What's up?

Get the guys on. I have something that you guys would have a kick out of it.

Then moments later:


Hey, Carlos. Totally forgot to tell you.


When I was "Mia," and worked at a diner... the diner has chili corndogs.


What's going on now?

Oh, hey beautiful!

What's up, Mel?


Then I explained my morning's so far. I can imagine the look on their faces when I told them about Jett.

That's surprising. 🤔

Yeah. Agreed. Jett's is ALWAYS after his costars.

Chili corndogs... 🤤

Carlos!! Focus!!

Yeah. I find it hard to believe as well. It's like ever since Lilly stepped foot in the Palmwoods, Jett reacted like a puppy meeting it's owner.

I find it ironic how desperate he's acting. 😬

Yeah. Jett's always an jerk. But I never seen him act THAT desperate.

But then again it was like a war between him and I over Jo. 🤔


And he's not lucky I'm not there after that comment he said towards Melody. 😡

Still in shock about chili corndogs...


Yeah... anyways not sure if you guys need to get back to practice. I imagine Gustavo's blowing steam right now.

Yea he is.

We'll talk to you later.

Love you babe.

I turned my phone off before getting myself comfortable and falling asleep.

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