"Chapter Seventeen"

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Couple days later...

I had returned back to Hollywood with Lilly with I. The boys couldn't come as they're on tour. We arrived to the palm woods.

"Melody!!" Ashlyn's voice cried as she comes running.

"NO RUNNING IN THE LOBBY!" Mr. Bitters yelled.

This caught everyone's attention and focused on him for a moment.

"Melody, did you do as I asked?" He asked me.

"What?" Lilly asked me.

"Who's this?"

"My new roommate Lilly."

Mr. Bitters made an "uh-huh." Before he does something.

"Melody, while you were... away. Your aunt moved out."

"Which one?" I asked, concerned.

"Lana." Ashlyn says.


"While you were away, she caused havoc to my hotel."

"You evicted her?!" I said shocked.

I was getting angry now.

"No. While she made a mess and freaking out, it caught the attention of a producer who asked to give her an opportunity to be in a show with daredevils like her." Ashlyn explained.

Aunt Lana finally chased her dreams.

"I'm happy your aunt finally got her dream." Lilly says behind me, smiling.

Then out of nowhere, Jett comes beside Lilly and puts his arm around her.

"Hey, name's Jett. What's yours?"

"Not interested." Lilly says annoyed.

"Who can't resist the Jett?" He would continue on.

I looked at Ashlyn as she looked confused as well.
Then I heard a snap and Jett flinching.

"Next time, it would be your face if you hit on me again." Lilly warned as she walked off.

Uh... well... that happened? I turned towards Mr. Bitters who was not paying attention.

"She's checked in. Now go." He says as Ashlyn and I followed behind her.

Back at the room...

Home... it's good to be back here. After unpacking, I decided to lounge on the back patio. My phone goes off and it was Jo and Camille in a group text I'm in with Ashlyn.

Hey, Melody! Heard that you're back.

What happened to you? You were MIA.

I took a deep breath.

I needed a small break from everything... the stress got to me.

That's understandable.

Can we come over?

You can't... I need time to relax myself you know?

No worries I understand. :)

Yeah! We're here for you. Always.

I then only sent a thank you and smile emoji until I heard footsteps behind me.

"May I sit next to you?" Ashlyn asked as I signaled that she can.

Ashlyn sits down and there was an awkward silence.

"So.. what happened while I was gone?"

"To be honest not much. Jo and Camille do admit that they miss the chaos the boys make including your aunt."

"Where is Aunt Melissa?"

"She's on a business trip." Ashlyn says with a half smile.

More awkward silence.

"Ashlyn... I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For all of that."

"You were stressed and was in a wrong mindset."

I frowned.

"I ghosted you and all of my friends... including James." I paused, "I was not scared for them... but for myself."

Ashlyn pulls me into a hug.

"I'm here, Melody... just know that if anything ever hurts you... I'd kick their butt." She said as I giggled softly.

"You also brought back Lilly too... I'm surprised."

"Right... do you remember how she wanted to be an actress?"




I had just made dinner for all three of us. Since I'm still out of it and tired, I went with grilled cheese. Lilly woke up hours ago and she talked with Ashlyn... and Ashlyn was eager to take us both in. But I haven't got a manager yet which it's kinda good to take a break from it all.

"Hey..." Lilly says towards me.


"Thanks... for everything. Seriously."

"Of course."

"No really. If you hadn't brought me back here I wouldn't be chasing my dream." Lilly admits.

"Hey, we're all friends here. We always have each other backs." Ashlyn joined in as Lilly group hugged us.

"Anyways, I just realized something was that Jett at the lobby earlier?"

"In the flesh." Ashlyn said annoyed as she face palmed.

"What did really happen while I was gone? Did he hit on Jo again?"

"Not really. He knows that if Kendall found out." Ashlyn's voice trailed off.

I read her mind. Kendall would've tackled him if he had the chance.

"Who knew the actor was a jerk."

"I figured. Jo and the boys filled me in."

There was a bit of an awkward silence.

"And speak of it... think he was trying to hit on me."

"And what did you say?" Ashlyn asked.

Lilly flipped her hair.

"You know me! I put him in his place." She laughed.

Ashlyn and I laughed along... thing were just right. Almost back to normal... almost.

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