"Chapter Nine"

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Next morning, I got up to eat breakfast. Gustavo had to focus on the boys while I'm "MIA," Guards were working around the clock checking for any signs of Jake.  I feel bad to haven't tell Ashlyn about this but I do hope the boys got this covered....  My mind was thinking about James. I know he's used to seeing me... spoiling me with his affection.

"Lady Melody?" Marin said as I flinched.

"You've been staring at your coffee cup... everything okay?"

"Oh... just still spooked from yesterday." I admit.

Marin read my eyes.


"In a way I miss the palm woods... seeing the band, my friends, my boyfriend." I told her.

Marin smiles.

"I miss home too..."

"Don't you ask my aunt for time off?"

"I don't. Just... I love it here. Everyone here is family but sometimes I just miss my real family."

And it reminded me... mom... I haven't contacted much since I got here. I really wish that she can come here and hear everything.

Gerald come with the house phone.

"It's for you, Lady Melody."

I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I anxiously replied.

"Hey! I've kept trying to call you and text you! What's going on?!" Mom anxiously says.

I took a deep breath.

"Mom, are you currently sitting down?"

"No. Why?"

"Please do..."

As soon she told me she sat down, I caught her up from everything yesterday and why I'm staying at Aunt Melissa's mansion until Jake gives up.

"Oh so that boy wasn't kiddin'."

"Wait what you knew?"

"Louise told me she saw Jake and his little girlfriend of his. She caught the tail end of hearing that he'd fly there to win you over."

So Chelsea was on it then... I thought.

"I also made sure I messed up his order when Louise told me."

My mom worked at the same restaurant where I first met Jake. She's been working there long as I can remember. Because of her I know how to cook a thing or two.

"So I just foiled his plan." I said as I began to chuckle.

"But I'm worried... should I buy a plane ticket and live with you? It's like I never hear from you anymore, sweetheart."

I felt so bad. I know I haven't contacted my mom.

"That's what I was worried about before you called... how I'm the bad daughter."

"Oh no, honey! You're not a bad daughter at all. I do understand that you're crazy busy... just wishing I can hear from you more."

"I know, mom. It's crazy busy here."

"So... you made up with your Aunt Lana? Anything new?"

"Yes, we made up. And remember James? The one I had a huge crush on?"


"Well... I'm his girlfriend now."

"Really? That's great!"

I grinned as I was already thinking about him again. It's silly... how I came here not looking for love then I found one.  Even though James was an stubborn boy. But it's like... I've changed him.

"Melody? Everything okay?"

"I'm just thinking..."

"You're missing your new boyfriend huh?"

I blushed some.

"Yeah..." I shyly admit.

"Well I gotta get back to work... I love you, my little Melody..." Mom coos as I said bye and hung up.

I got up.


"Yes, Lady Melody?"

"Please... I told you a million times to call me just Melody."

"Right. Sorry." She said as she bows.

"Are you free right now?"

"I..I.." she wasn't sure.

Marin is a hardworking girl. She needs a break.

"Come on. You can have today off with me."

"I....I wouldn't be so sure if lady-"

"My aunt isn't here. Plus: she would've agreed with me if she was here." I said.

Marin reluctantly sighs.


"Alright. What do you wanna do?"

"I do wanna try to see a movie in the movie theatre."

"What movie?"

"Good Burger." One of the butlers said passing by.

"Well... is that you wanna see?"

She shook her head no. She escorts me to the movie room and found collections of movies from classic to now.

Marin had found one and it was Heathers.

"Let's watch this!"

I smirked.


One movie later...

Because of me: Marin is being herself and having some time with me. After the movie, I did what she wanted to do: go swimming in the pool.

I saw Ann was closeby: watching and smiling as if she's proud of me.

"Lady Melody." Gerald spoke as the splash competition stopped.


"It's some gentleman named James Diamond who wants to speak with you." Gerald said as he hands the house phone.

I got out of the pool and sat on the pool chair. Marin immediately got out too to sit next to me.

"Hey, babe." I greet.

"Hey, beautiful."

"How's the palm woods over there?"

"The usual. Antics from yours truly."

"James." I said his name.

"Okay it was also your Aunt Lana. Your other aunt wasn't pleased."

And that reminds me.

"Hey... about Mr Bitters... is he...?"

"Hard crushing on your one aunt? Yeah still is."

I sighed.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"You see: Aunt Melissa... she uh..."

"Put it on speaker phone." Marin said as I passed it to her.

"Hi, this is Marin of-"


"Okay... I'm the maid of Lady Melissa... and all of us at the Jackson house knows this tale... we don't speak of it though."

I can see the other guards and everyone else doing their job had the tense look in their eyes.

"Oh? What happened?"

"You see... Years ago: Aunt Melissa fell in love with one of our old members of the house."

And I remember the whole story clearly... as I was there when it happened.


It was one summer night. I felt something and I looked up to see Eric.

"Hey, Eric." I greet.

He didn't say anything and looked rather very angry.


"Just leave me alone you brat." He said coldly.

If he's upset... then... I ran to Aunty Melissa's room to hear her crying.

"Aunt Melissa?" I asked in a worried tone.

There was silence for a second before the door opens to my aunt with her mascara running down her cheeks. Her makeup was ruined.

"Oh no..." I said I looked at Gerald.

"Get her some rocky road ice cream stat."

"Yes, Lady Melody!" Gerald said hastily as he scurried off.

I went inside her room.

"What happened, Auntie?" I asked her in a worried tone.

"Men... they're rather funny people, aren't they?" She began to quote the lines from one of her movies.

"Auntie..." I said as she moped to her bed.

"Tell me. I got Gerald to get you your favorite ice cream." I said concerned as she weakly smiled.

"You're such a wonderful niece... how am I so lucky?" She said softly.

I grinned some.

"Well... Eric and I... split."

"You guys broke up?"

Gerald comes in with a tub of rocky road ice cream and as well my favorite: chocolate chip cookie dough.

"I also hope you don't mind if I got you your favorite as well, Lady Melody."

"It's alright. Thank you." I politely said as he bows in reply and runs off.

"But tell me everything, Auntie."

"Honey, you're rather too young."

"Doesn't mean I can't help you, Auntie."

She giggled slightly.

"Oh you're so much like your mother." She said softly.

"Am I?"

"She always was the one by my side through everything."

"...Is it a bad thing?"

"Oh heavens no!" Auntie Melissa said as she puts her hand to my cheek.

"Can you promise me something, sweetheart?"

"Of course, Auntie."

"If a guy ever falls for you for your appearance or the fact I'm related to you: run. Don't give him any chances."

Flashback ends

Ever since that night: I made that promise. That's why with Jake and James: I didn't fall for them easily. I had to play hard to get and slowly fall for them.

"Dang... so..."

"Yeah. That's why I didn't give you any chances right away." I said.

"Anyways I'm sorry la- Melody." She paused. "Shouldn't I call him Sir James?"

"Sir James... I like that."

"Now look what you did, Marin." I said jokingly as she laughed.

"Anyways sorry to butt in... I had to help."

"No worries, Marin."

She smiled before she went on her own phone.

"Hey.... I also wanna say I miss you lots. You've been on my mind all day."

"You sure? Because Gustavo would've had an earful if you did."

He laughed.

"Well it's too late for that." He said in between laughters.

I laughed along with him.

"How about you? Did you miss me?"

"Yeah..." I shyly admit.

"God I just wanna see your cute face right now."

"You know you can't. I only let you guys over to see the place."

Not only he was on my mind: Ashlyn was on my mind as well.

"Hey... does Ashlyn know?"

"Yes. We told her that sentence. She's upset that you didn't tell her but then she also understands why because you know..."

"Yeah I'm MIA."

"I do wanna ask though: why go missing? Is there a reason?"

I sighed.

"You see... Jake is like you: very stubborn. He'd probably be there as we speak looking for me. He already somehow knows about the Rocque Records. Unless..."

My brain thinks of Tex. Jake's childhood friend. Despite Jake being a football player and Tex a technician at some tech place, they're stuck like glue. I feel bad for the kid since he is super nice.

"Unless what?"

That poor kid. He's probably in on this.


"Sorry, babe... I was thinking about something but yeah... how's Gustavo taking it without a second singer to handle?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Melody. Is there something I should be worried about?"

I bite my lower lip.

"Whoa hey!" I heard James say.

"What's going on?"

"Freight train!" James screamed.

I heard silence.

"Gustavo needs the boys..."

"No worries, also hey by the way."

Freight train makes a small hi as the line went dead. I put the phone back and Gerald leaves.

"Oh god that was close."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Gerald, I actually need the phone for a second. I might need to speak to someone."

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