"Chapter Ten"

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One week later...

It's been one week since the whole Jake thing. I finally settled the matters. I had went to Rocque records to check up on the boys... You might be wondering what I've done. Let me tell ya.


I had dialed Tex's number and waited. After the third or fourth ring, he answered.

"Hello?" The nervous voice answered.

"Tex. It's me-"

"Ah... shoot! Gotta go bye-"

"Tex. I won't yell at you. Just... explain." I said calmly.

"How can you be so calm?!" The squeaky voice panicked.

I chuckled.

"Just tell me the truth."

"I can't I was sworn to-" he caught himself.

"Like I said: I won't yell at you. I just need to know: why? Why are you involved?"

Tex takes a deep breath.

"It's all part of Chelsea's scheme. She's wanting you out of the spotlight and then replace you." Tex admits.

I knew it! I thought.

"But why Jake?"

"She thought that if Jake would come crawling back, you'd fall for it."

I burst out laughing.

"She'd think that? Really?" I said in between laughters.

Tex was silent on the other line.

"I...I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to do this and I was forced by-"

"Tex. Here's a word of advice: Don't let them walk all over you. Put the foot down."

"I will...!" He paused, "because you're being calm and nice... I'll help fix the damages."

I heartily smiled.

"Thank you."

I then hung up and just went back to hanging with Marin.

Flashback ends

Tex was able to help with the damage control and get Jake back and expose them.

I went to find Gustavo in the recording room with Kelly. I saw Kendall, Logan, and Carlos into the song while James looks he's out of it.

"JAMES!" Gustavo yelled while Kelly face palmed.

"I can help..." I said as it made Gustavo and Kelly turn around.

"MELODY?!" Gustavo and Kelly said in synch.

"Hi." I shyly said as I saw the guys were shocked to.

James' face lit up.

"Melody!" He cried.

"You're back..."

"How did you do it?"

I embarrassedly blushed.

"I thought I've texted you guys that I was coming back from the MIA?"

"What text?"

I then checked and apparently it was in my draft.

"Whoops." I said as I took a deep breath and broke down everything to them.


The boys finished recording and I got in the car with everyone. James hadn't said much as I think he's mad at me.

"James..." I said his name.

He still ignored me.

At first he was glad to see me: but then it turned into anger.

"James... I was scared that you and everyone would get involved. It would've damaged your rep if you got involved..." I explained.

The boys listened as Logan turned around to look at me.

"But we would've still helped you." Logan adds.

"Yeah you're one of us!" Carlos agreed.

"Now guys, she has a point. We've worked so hard and getting involved could jeopardize our careers."
Kendall adds.

"I just feel like... you didn't trust us." James finally said.

"Of course I trust you, James!" I said as I cupped his cheeks.

"I did this because I cared about you and the boys." I paused.

"Before I became a fan: I saw your one interview on Hello, Hollywood. You guys talked about how far you came from small town Minnesota hockey players to famous pop stars. And because of you guys: I wanted to become a singer like each and everyone of you."

"There's one question I always want to ask." Logan paused.

"When did you began to crush on James?"

"When I first met him or when I discovered the band?" I asked Logan and Kendall.

"When you discovered us."

"Well... when I began to listen more and more of your interviews and music, James was the one who stuck out for me the most. Even though he looked like your average player, I saw his heart belonged to the band and you guys... that what made me began to have a crush on James." I said memorized.

I see James looking at me, admiring at me before scooting next to me. But we already made it to the palm woods.

"Does Ashlyn know?"

"I already told her. She was madder than James but she forgave me since she would most definitely kicked his butt at first chance instead of confronting Tex." I said as James pulls me off to the side.


"Melody. I know this is cheesy but... even though I was angry how you went silent to handle it on your own but after thinking things through: I think I would've done the same Ashlyn did."


"Yeah I would've hockey tackled him."

I chuckled.

"But... God why is it so hard?"

I chuckled.

"I love you Melody Mae Jackson!" He blurts out, blushing.

I blushed a lot, and hugged James tight.

"I love you too..." I said.

"Melody!" The voice yelled as Mr. Bitters walks towards us.

"No PDA!"

I looked at James and he looked back at me, surprised. I pulled away.

"I had been waiting for you to ask your Aunt Melissa!-"

Then speak of the devil, Aunt Melissa just so happened to walk to the lobby.

"Ask me what?"

This made Mr. Bitters stuttered and nervous. James and I snickered.

"Quiet." He said angrily towards James and I.

"Hey. Don't talk to my niece like that." Aunt Melissa said defensively.

"I-Uh... Sorry."

James' eye bulge as he leaned to whisper, "this is the first I ever heard him apologize."

"Mhm." Aunt Melissa said as she turns towards me.

"Welcome back, sweetie." She said sweetly.

"Melissa..." Mr. Bitters said her name.

"I just want a date, you and I."  He said, flirtatiously.

I can see the disgust in my aunt's eyes.

"Oh..." she said trying to smile but her face says something else.

"So, is it a date?"

"Well... no. I can't." Melissa says.

Mr. Bitters look at me as I shrugged.

"Didn't say I warned you." I said as Aunt Melissa looked at me.

"Melody... darling. Can I speak to you for one second?"

Aunt Melissa pulled me by my ear as I kept saying "ow ow ow ear ear." Once were far away enough, she lets go.

"You knew but didn't tell me?!" Aunt Melissa said.

"James also knows too... I didn't want to tell him since I knew you're gonna say no." I said.

"God... I can't just believe-"

"That I didn't tell you?"

"Oh no that a mean man like him would even have feelings for me..." Aunt Melissa said, still trying to process.

"I mean you are Melissa Jackson." I said.

"True but..."

"You like him?"

"Oh no." Aunt Melissa truthfully says.

My phone rings. I checked and it was Gustavo.

"May I take this?"

"Cat!" He says in a serious tone.

"Wassup, Gustavo?" I replied.

"Your presence is needed."

"Shall I grab the dogs?"

"Yes!" He says.


Without hesitation, Gustavo hangs up.

I went to find the boys. James was still where he was, standing and waiting.

"James. Where's the others? Gustavo needs us."

"Kendall's probably with Jo and-"


A loud slap can be heard and I can see Camille that smacked Logan and kissed him.

"Logan. Gustavo needs us." I said as he snapped from love dovey, to serious face.

"Right! Let's go find the other two!" Logan says as me and James went to grab Kendall and Carlos.

Back at Rocque Records

After arriving, I see Griffin, his team, and with Gustavo and Kelly. The environment is so thick you can poke it with a knife.

"We're here..." I awkwardly said.

I felt James squeezed my hands as I can see he's nervous as well.

"Ah. I didn't know the member is dating the new singer."

James and I awkwardly smiled.

"Yeah... I love her." James admits as it made my heart fluttered.

"And I don't care." Griffin coldly says.

"Well: dogs... cat." Gustavo begins.

"Big Time Rush is getting another tour." Kelly says.

But I feel like there's gonna be a "but,"

"But?" I asked nervously.

"You're gonna be with them. Since while Gustavo is doing his job with Big Time Rush, he's gonna write songs for you."

I can see the pressure on Gustavo.

"But we need to change your look." A woman says.

I looked at the boys including James.

"Why do I need to change my look?" I asked.

"99% of young girls and boys would want to see a solo artist have an image."

"Why can't she be herself?"

"Yeah! Like us!"

Griffin looks down at each one of the boys.

"Anyways. Your first stop is in Seattle."

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