"Chapter Seven"

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Next morning I woke up in my bed and seen Ashlyn was already awake.  I got up and was getting ready and saw Ashlyn had just made breakfast.

"Mornin'." Ashlyn said.

"Mornin'." I replied back.

"So... What happened last night?"

I smiled... last night.

"Something magical happened."

Ashlyn noticed how chirpy I was.

"Oh my gosh!" She said as she realized what happened.

"What?" I said as I just poured syrup on my pancakes.

"He asked you out!!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I teasingly replied.

"Well something happened to make you chirpy."

I smirked as I wolfed down my food.

"Don't eat so fast..."

"Sorry busy day today." I said as I hurriedly got up and in the shower.

After one shower...

So after the shower and out the door I saw the boys hanging by the lobby.

"Hey!" Carlos greets.

"There's the woman of the hour." Logan says.

James smiling puts his around me.

"Hey, beautiful." He greets before kissing the side of my head.

"So I'm assuming James told you guys?" I asked.

"Of course, they had to know I'm lucky to have you."
James said as I went into the famous car that they used for the "Famous" music video.

I sat next to James while Logan drives. I still felt sleepy this morning. James had his arm around me and my phone goes off.... it was Kelly.

I quickly answered her call.


"Hey. Where are you?"

"I'm with the boys or dogs Gustavo calls them... why?"

"Uh... there's a surprise."

And I didn't like the sound of that.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Just... you'll see when you get here."

"O...kay..." I said as I hung up.

"What's up?" Logan asked.

"Kelly called with a "surprise," and from the sound of things. It isn't good."

"Wonder what it is..." Carlos says.

"Well let's just see when we arrive, boys."

"And whatever it is. I just hope it's not super bad for Melody." James adds.

That gut feeling slowly grew... what is it? Is it about the album? Is it so bad that I have go home? Or is it because of the unexpected change of plans at the party last night?

"Babe?" James said as he saw me lost in a train of thought.

"Sorry... babe just thinking about what it is."

"Whatever it is. Don't worry. I got you." He reassured.

"And she's got us." Kendall adds.

When we arrived I hesitantly took the elevator with the boys. I squeezed James' hand and he gave a reassuring smile. When we arrived I finally knew why Kelly called and sounded concerned....

"Melody...!" Jake's voice cried as he saw me.

But when he saw that I was holding hands with James, his excitement turned into jealousy.

"Who's this... babe?"

"First of all:" James begins, "don't ever call her that."

"And who are you?"

"James Diamond her-"

I stomped on James' foot.

"Jake? Can I speak to my manager and my friends for a few minutes?"

He nods as I pulled them into a room.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Yup. My ex."

"He came in asking about you and we tried to cover you."

"But the guys crazyyyy." Gustavo said in a low voice.

"Why did you stop me back there, Melody?"

"Look... I know Jake. He's not only a player but he's stubborn. He always gets what he wants." I paused, "And he's a footballer so if he found about James and I's relationship, he'd definitely hurt James." I explained.

Then it hit me. I had a idea that could possibly work.

"But I have a plan." I said before I texted Aunt Melissa.

Hey, aunty. Mind if I bunk at your mansion for a few days? I'll put it in one word of why: Jake.

Then my Aunt Melissa calls me.

"Hey, darling. I got your text... what do you mean Jake?"

"He's here and he's gone nuts."

"Oh dear..."

"So what's the plan?" James asked.

"My plan is that James and I have to fake breakup and Gustavo I need you to be you."


"Like what you're doing right now: yelling."

"Why exactly he needs to do that?"

"Please don't tell me the guy is going to hurt me."

"Trust me he won't. I just need to go into hiding a few days. He may be stubborn but he'll definitely give up soon..."

I hope...

"But... I really don't want to do this, Melody."

"James like I said: it's only fake. Only you guys have to keep the secret and I'll give you the address to my aunt's mansion."

Aunt Melissa was still on the phone.

"My mansion is gated and has cameras everywhere so she'll be safe." My aunt Melissa says.

"And if what else we can do?"

"I don't know lie and distract or something cause chaos or something."

"What about the album? I can't-"

"I have a recording studio in my mansion. Either you can come or you guys can do it virtually."

Everyone was silent until Logan raised his hand, "And what if he find out?"

I looked at Jake who was still waiting for his answer from James about who he is.

Memories... why are they coming back?

Flashback begins.

I had arrived to celebrate the team's victory with Jake's favorite food: chili cheese nachos.

"Jake...? I'm here." I responded as it was dead quiet.

I heard something then followed the noise...

To see Jake with Chelsea full on making out.  I dropped the nachos on the ground, speechless.

"Melody...! I can-"

"What can else you explain? You came to me since Melody is just so naïve and pathetic."

"Don't talk to her like that!"

My blood was boiling... Jake was caught making out with the girl who hated me since day one.

"Aw! Look at her she's gonna cry!" She teased as tears were in my eyes.

"Melody please...!"

"Just... we're done. I thought that the bull's quarterback had a change of heart... but here he is making out with the girl who's been bullying me since day one."

"Oh and Melody, we've been cheating on you since the day he asked you out. He only dated you because he pitied you..."


I only bolt out the door, crying.


I felt Jake's arm hold me.

"Let me go."

"I will come back again and let me explain myself... I will find you and prove-"


It was an endless battle until Chelsea came to belittle me and he lets go to try to defend me while I went to my car and drove off.

Flashback ends

I saw the boys huddled around me.

"MELODY! FOCUS!" Gustavo yelled snapping me back to reality.

"Are you okay?" James worriedly asked.

Then I saw Jake in the room... kept his distance.

I wiped the dust off me and I strut my way to Jake.

"You better explain yourself. Or I'd have to get freight train to come get you." I threatened.

"I can explain... about-"

"You explained enough. I caught you with Chelsea."

"But... I did loved you."

"Oh that's a lot of-"

The boys shushed James.

"Again: who is this guy?"

I looked at James pleadingly and then he still stood his ground.

"James Diamond. Her new boyfriend." He said as I face palmed.

"New boyfriend...?" He paused before he begins to laugh.

"Melody you've got to be kidding- dating the pretty boy you always had a celeb crush on?!" He said in between laughters.

"That pretty boy happens to be a singer." Carlos defends.

"And unlike you, our friend James hadn't cheat on her and loves her... a lot." Kendall joins in.

"So you hurt him, you go through us." Logan joins in.

I got teary eyed again.

"Boys!" Kelly said.

"Dogs! You must be leashed NOW."

Jake scoffed before he grabs my arm.

"Let's go, Melody. We're going back-"



"Jake. I'm staying here. You knew this is my dream. I'm not leaving because of some nutty Ex who somehow found about I work here."

Jake chuckled.

"You're pretty famous in our home town. Word spread fast the Melody Jackson is in Hollywood and chasing her dreams... but the boyfriend thing is definitely knew."

"That's because-"

The boys shushed James.

"But what do you see in this big time crash?" He asked.

"Because they're not only my friends: but family. They took me under their arms and had nothing but helped me become a singer." I went on.
"God... no wonder Chelsea hated you. You're so annoying."

Now it all makes sense: Chelsea is on this because I'm getting the attention she wants. I chuckled and I had a better idea.

"You do love me... do you?"

"Of course!"

"Prove it to me then. Name me where we had our first date."


Kendall and Logan immediately read my mind.

"Uh... sushi?"

I made a wrong buzzer noise.

"It was at a diner in our town. You went cheesy but it was romantic. Plus it was where we first met." I added.

This definitely stumped Jake making him feel dumbfounded.

"I don't remember that."

"Of course. You'd probably forget this when you take the plane back." I said.

He definitely was speechless.

"You only won this round, Melody Jackson. You will pay and I will remember this."

"Eh... you won't." I said sarcastically with a yawn.

He finally left.

"That was... brilliant!" Gustavo said. "That definitely gave me a new idea for your song!"

Kelly was definitely not entertained by everything.


"Right... you need to go hiding first."

"So we didn't have to fake a breakup."

"I mean... he now knows about us." I paused.

"Thanks for covering me earlier."

"Like you said: you're part of our family."

I group hugged and looked at Gustavo.

"This better?"

"Eh... No. Still gonna write a song about cheating exes."

I smiled... maybe the song about that isn't bad idea after all...

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