"Chapter Six"

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I arrived with my buds to the event at Rocque Record.  Carlos came with Ashlyn and I haven't seen Melody all day.

"Are you sure she's gonna be here?" I asked Ashlyn.

"Pretty sure. She told me that her manager called her for last minute things."

I nod as I can see Jo with Kendall and Camille with Logan.  I went inside and saw others that we invited. All the girls kept looking my direction but I was more worried to find Melody. I found Kelly.

"Kelly! Have you seen Melody?"

"She's in a meeting with Gustavo."

I was in a hurry but Kelly held me back.

"She wanted to speak to him alone."

The music was blaring and everyone was having fun and I kept excitedly looking around for her.  I felt a tap, and I ignored them still looking for her.

"James!" The voice yelled and I turned...

To see her.

She wore a dark red dress and high heels. Her light brown hair slightly curled, and wearing makeup. She looks so beautiful...

"Melody!" I said admiring her.

"I'm sorry to not come with you. I had to talk with Gustavo about something."

"About what?"

"You'll see." She said with a teasing smile.

"Well... care to dance, my lady?" I asked as she chuckled.

"Of course."

While dancing with her I saw Camille and Jo approach her.

"Hey, Melody!" Jo greets.

"Hey Jojo."

"Never call me that again."

Her laugh is so angelic... I'm so lucky.

"There's a photo booth and I was hoping all of us can take a photo."

"Of course!" She paused turning towards me.

"Is that okay with you, James?"

I smiled at her.

"Of course!" I said happily as she went with the two.

"Someone chirpy." Kendall says behind me.

"I can't believe James is even in love." Logan admits.

"I should be saying the same thing about Carlos." I add pointing at Carlos having a grand time with Ashlyn.

"So is James Diamond giving up his player ways?" Logan joked with a gentle nudge.

My player ways...  I realized because of one girl: she changed me. But that's one thing I like about Melody: she's unique and different from the rest...

"I think so, boys. I think I might be off the market soon."

"You're gonna ask her?"

"Once we're back from the party: yes."

I was/ am confident to make Melody... the girl of my dreams mine. Melody came back with the two girls and waved to Logan and Kendall.

"Oh... I forgot something." Melody says.

"So back in Virginia and I used to be listening to your music I each made you or got you something." Melody explained.

"I already gave James his."

That bandana... I have it treasured it with the others.

"Oh that's very sweet." Logan says.

"We appreciate it but you don't have to give it to us."

"Kendall, Logan... I love you both to death."

Camille and Jo didn't seem to react to it since they knew she meant it in a way as a friend.

"You, Camille, Jo... everyone including James made me feel like I belong here and made me feel I was at home to begin with.... I should've been pinching myself since it's every fan's dream to meet and be close friends with Big Time Rush." She went on with her speech.

"Logan, are you crying?"

"No...! My eyes are just watery."

Kendall was smiling widely before he hugs Melody.

"You're part of us."

"A family."

He lets her go.

"So about the gifts... I have to give them later back at the palm woods." I paused.

They nod as she lefts the girls dance with the boys.

"Sorry about that..."

"Hey it means a lot to me, and everyone for you to do that."

"I mean like Kendall said: they're my family." She said.

"Melody!!" Gustavo calls from the microphone.

"Gotta go. Duty calls."


"James after my song, you're next and then you have all the time with me." She reassured before she runs off.


Gustavo let's me on the stage.

"Hi... as you may or may not know: I'm Melody Jackson. A upcoming singer for Gustavo and Rocque Records." I awkwardly begin.

"Before I begin: I wanna say something to big time rush." I begin, "I want to say that you guys in a way inspired me to become a singer. I idolized you guys since I was in high school. And I should be pinching myself being here right now, speaking in front of big time rush and everyone else right now."

Some people laughed.

"But... I want to congratulate you. Every single one of you and know that even working beside you as your coworker, I'm excited for what it's gonna come."

Everyone cheered.

"But as for a lil' speech. I had to pull teeth with Gustavo to let me do this but I want to sing this song I wrote a few months ago." I said.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


After all the practicing and training... She's up on stage singing perfectly. Every test we tested her on she didn't fail and passed it with flying colors. Everyone was dancing alone and I know I can't be dancing with her but watch in awe...

I've said this before but: I'm so lucky... soon... soon...
I approached Gustavo and Kelly.

"Well? What do you think now?"

"I think you and the boys taught her well."

"Much I hate to say this: you dogs did train the cat well."

"So is she gonna be a rising singer?"

Griffin approached us.

"As I can tell: you did well with Melody. I'm surprised you can teach a girl singer." He goes on.

I half listening but was more focused on Melody before cheering on. While her singing and dancing along, I see her smiling directly at me. She also winked too. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

I'm so in love with her...

After the song...

She got off stage and approached me.

"You definitely know how to blow me away."

"Hey if it wasn't for you and the boys, I wouldn't be up there performing and Griffin would've made me go back home to Virginia."

"So that dress..." I asked her as she did a little twirl.

"My aunt's close friend had to make it last minute... thanks to you."

"I'm SO sorry about that."

She chuckled.

Then it was my turn to be up on stage.


As James and the others began to sing to "Nothing Even Matters." I went to the food side while the girls were dancing in the crowd. I grabbed me something and saw Mrs Knight's hand.

"Oh...! I'm sorry."

"Hey, no worries."

"Aren't you the girl I've met at Palm Woods?"

"Yeah I'm the one who James invited over to let me stay with your daughter Katie."

Speaking of that kid... I haven't seen her around but then again, it's only us teenagers and the adults around here.

"Someone called my name?"

"Katie! I thought you'd be home."

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore. Plus Buddha Bob isn't exactly a best babysitter." Katie explained as I chuckle.

"Anyways: heard you singing. Need a manager?"


"Sorry, I already have one."

Katie burst out laughing.

"You're working for Gustavo?!"

"I'm so sorry-"

"No it's okay. I've had my deal shares of kids back at home. I was a babysitter for a little bit before helping my mom with the restaurant."

"Oh really? Would you like to babysit again?"


"Oh I'd love to..."

"I hate you so much, Mom."

"Anyways.. I wanna say: you do make James happy." Katie paused, "He talk about you so much that I have to ignore him."

I laughed.

"Even though james isn't my son. But his mom is..."

"Is what?"

"Yeahhh uh.. his mom is crazy."

I nod as the song was over.

"But I want to say: thanks."

"Hey, I love them all as my brothers... except James of course."

She nods as I went to James and found him at the photo booth. We took a few pictures together and spend the night away at the party.


It was 11pm when we got back. Ashlyn and Carlos did hit it off but they're not exactly a couple... yet. Carlos has been respectful gentleman and understands that Ashlyn wants to take it slow. It was only me and James at my place at the balcony while the others crashed at their own rooms. Ashlyn is in her bedroom fast asleep as well.

"You know you should head back soon..." I said.

"Melody..." he began, "ever since you arrived here... you've changed me a lot. I was once a player and the flirty type of the group but when I saw you... I thought I could score but seeing how you kept putting me down..." he went on.

"Then after you told me the truth about Jake: I had to back off. I felt bad for pressuring you. I felt bad that you went through something like that." He paused grabbing my hands.

"And I want to make sure I'm the right guy that would never cheat and hurt you." He went on.

I smiled focusing on him. He goes on and on while I'm just sitting here thinking about him.

"Melody...?" He said as he noticed I zoned out.

"Sorry I'm just very sleepy." I responded.

He pulled me close.

"Then you can sleep on me."

"Out here... plus not going back?"


"'Cause the world stops when I put my around ya, around ya, oh whoa..." he softly sings to the song he sung earlier.

"Nothing even matters, hey eh..." he continued as I blushed.

"James..." I said as I was about to fall asleep.

"Melody... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked hastily before I fall asleep.

I didn't say anything still fighting it.

"Yes..." I finally said before passing out.

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