Deal Shooting Star?

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A few minutes later, Dipper's Uncle popped into the mindscape in his demon form. He was a purple shape square with one eye in the middle, a black folded umbrella, black tie, and a bowler hat levitating above his shape.

"It's good to see you again Sapling." The square says.

Dipper nodded at the demon. "It's nice to see you again too Uncle Tad."

Tad changed into his human form and gestured his hand to the kitchen. "It's late already and you need to eat dinner. Then you need to head to bed little one."

"Uncle Tad~ I'm a teen now, I'm not little anymore." Dipper complained.

Tad shook his head. "When you become a thousand years old, then we'll talk. As you can tell little one your father and I are far more older than you."

"Fine." Dipper knew he could not win this battle and followed the man into the kitchen.

+Gravity Fall's the next day afternoon in the forest with The Pines Family, Soos, Wendy, Pacifica, Candy, and Grenda+

"Did you guys get the stuff I asked for?" Mabel asked her friends.

Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica nodded and handed her the supplies. Soos and Wendy gave her some chalk dust and candles. The two Stans gave her a picture of Dipper when he was still young with his eyes crossed out with red marker.

"Mabel can you at least tell us what your gonna do now with all this stuff." Ford stared at the supplies now out of the bags.

"I'm gonna summon Dipper guys. It's the fastest way we can get him here." Mabel responded and started drawing the summoning circles.

"Mabel we don't even know what the kid's summoning circle looks like!" Stan let out a tired sigh watching her.

Pacifica nodded at the remark. "Without knowing Dipper's summon we can't call him."

"If I'm correct, Dipper's summoning circle should look like Bill's circle, but with a PineTree." Mabel said drawing a PineTree in the middle with one eye, top hat, with arms and legs. Then she drew the nine symbols in the right places. "But I can't figure out the last symbol that would replace Dipper's symbol!" She exclaims throwing her arms in the air.

Ford look at the summoning and took another chalk from the bag and bent down. "Mabel if your correct about Dipper's summoning being like Bill's, then the sign that replaces the PineTree should be a triangle." He place the chalk on the circle and drew a triangle.

Mabel's friends set the candles on the ground around the circle, while Wendy and Soos lit them up.

Once that was done everyone held hands and started chanting a summoning related to Bill's.


Dipper stared at his Uncle sipping tea while he ate some Caesar salad for lunch.

"Hey Uncle Tad, do you have a child too?"

Tad was caught off guard by the question and choked on his tea. After composing himself he looked at Dipper with a small smile. "And what brought this up Sapling?" Tad asked while setting his tea cup down.

Dipper stared at his salad. "It's just you act so protective when you come over and watch me while Father has long deal trips. Just makes me think you have a kid too cause you act like a parent."

The purple headed man nodded. "I'll tell you something I haven't told your Father sapling."

Dipper looked at him and leaned in.

"On the same day you were born, I also gave life to my own little star. You being born at 11 a.m., she was born 11:11 a.m. 11 mins after you were born, but I lost her when she magically disappeared from her crib when I came back to get some stuff for her." Tad finished off with a sad look in his eyes.

Dipper got off his seat and gave his Uncle a hug. "What was her name?"

Tad smiled. "Her name was Stella Lepos Strange. In Latin Stella means Star and Lepos means Charm. You two would be cousins you know, if she was still with me. She was born the same way you born and all that friz."

Just then Dipper's summon alarm went off. "Wait, I haven't even let my summon circle be visible to anyone yet. Who's summoning me?"

Tad arched a brow confused too. "Well you go answer the call. Don't worry, I'll follow you and meet you at the spot your being called to."

Dipper changed into his demon form holding his journal close to him. He closed his one eye and transported to the area where he was being call.

+With the Group in the Forest+

After they had finished chanting a large portal opened and a little blue PineTree came out holding a blue journal. The demon stared at them with one eye.

"I should have know it was you guys." The pinetree demon said in a flat tone.

"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed getting his attention.

"What now Shooting Star?" Dipper said back at her with a glare.

Mabel stuck her hand out. "I want to make a deal with you."

Everyone stared at her jaw dropped except Dipper who turned into his human form and gave her a hard look.

"Why should I make a deal with you?"

"Just hear me out Dip Dot. I want you to spend time with us for two months. If we can get you to trust us within two months then you have to visit us occasionally and hangout with us like old times. If we can't get you to trust us, then we won't bother you anymore, but you can still come to us anytime you need help." Mabel explained to the other.

Dipper thought it over. "Shooting Star, you still have to offer me something and has to be good or else I won't say yes."

Mabel looked over at her family and friends, then back at the floating Dipper. "I'll give you something you really want back. Just name it."

Everyone saw Dipper's eyes light up with happiness when he heard Mabel say that. He zoomed in front of her with a smirk on his face.

"Okay Shooting Star, let's shake on it!" Dipper held his left hand out covered in bright yellow flames.

Mabel looked at the flaming hand then back to her friends who gave a hesitant nod. She grabbed Dipper's hand and shook it.

Dipper gave a echoey laugh of joy and place his feet on the ground. "A deal is a deal Shooting Star, but of course during the two month I need to go to the mindscape once and awhile to help Father with dreams and nightmares ya know."

Mabel nodded understanding.

"Your paying your end of the deal first Shooting Star." Dipper stated ceasing the yellow flame on his hand.

Mabel gave him a worried look and clutched the the hem of her pink sweater. "What do you want Dipper?"

"Bring me back my Father. Then the deal will start."

Mabel, with the help from Ford changed the summoning circle and she started summoning Bill.

"Triangulum, entangulum. meteforis dominus ventium. meteforis venetisarium!"

Mabel's eyes started glow blue and continued.

"Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus Asetnoheptus" She chanted arms out.

Bill's form took shape in the monochrome world and his eye opened. His laugh rang through the whole area.

"Oh Gravity Falls, good to be out so early!" Bill exclaimed and saw his son grinning at him. He immediately went over to him while shifting into human form, giving him a tight hug. "Thank nightmares your okay and that they," He pointed to the humans, "Didn't hurt you!"

Dipper hugged his Father back tightly, crying into the other's jacket that his father was okay. "Dad I'm so glad you back!" He said as he continuing to hold onto his Father.

Since Dipper's back was faced from his former family and friends, Bill was glaring straight at them.

"So mind telling me what's going on Sapling?" Bill said to his son.

"Shooting Star made a deal with me and in return she summons you back here with me." Dipper put the story in short and let go of his Father.

Bill narrowed his one eye at Dipper. "Mind telling me about what the deal was about."

Dipper tried to avoid eye contact and looked the other way. "I-it's nothing important." Dipper stuttered.

"Dominic." Bill said firmly.

"R zxxvkgvw Hsllgrmt Hgzi'h wvzo gl hgzb drgs svi uli gdl nlmgsh. Ru R hgzig gifhgrmt gsvn ztzrm gsvm R szev gl xlnv erhrg gsvn hlnvgrnvh zmw szmtlfg drgs gsvn." Dipper told the blond in code.

Bill only took a second to uncode what Dipper just said and surprisingly... Bill fainted.

"Ah! Dad! Dad! Wake up! Get a hold of yourself!" Dipper exclaimed and slapped his Father once.

Bill was still passed out on the ground. At the same time Dipper brought the world back to its colorful state.

"Aww man, Father~ He's not waking up." Dipper turned to Mabel. "Shooting Star can you lead me to the Shack. I need to carry Father."

Mabel nodded, walked over to everyone and lead the way to the shack.

Dipper carried his Father all the way to the Mystery Shack and once they got there he placed him on the couch.

"So, where will I be staying?"

Ford pointed up at the ceiling. "Upstairs in the room with that stain glass window." (The room where Dipper got possessed by Bill during Sock Opera)


With a pop sound, next to Dipper appeared a purple hair man holding a Umbrella. "Sapling, sorry I'm late. There was some trouble that came up elsewhere."

Dipper nodded in understanding. "I understand Uncle Tad."

Tad looked at the staring Ford and Stand who just arrived and was confused.

"It's rude to stare gentlemen, you know. I'm Tad Strange by the way." Tad bowed and tipped his hat and stood straight again. "I'm Dipper's Uncle and I see you already know my brother Bill."

Stan pointed at the man. "Your the dorito's brother, so your a triangle too?"

"No Stanley, if anything I'm a square."

Stan slapped a hand onto his forehead and left, while Mabel brushed past him into the room.

Bill on the other hand quickly opened his eyes and sat up looking around. "PineTree!"

"I'm over hear Father." Dipper says in a monotone voice turning around to face his Dad. He walks over to him and hugs him again as Bill does the same.

Mabel and Ford couldn't say anything again, whenever they see the scene before them it hard for them to talk.

Tad came over and started talking with them, mostly to Bill while Dipper said a few thing into the conversation.

"PineTree, how about you go settle into your room. I'm gonna have a talk with the Pines really quick, okay?"

Dipper nodded and headed out the door going upstairs. Finally when he was out of hearing range, Bill looked at them with his one eye. He was practically red, angry, but calm with a dangerous smile on his face. Tad had placed himself next to him on the couch giving them a sideways glance, not caring about Bill's anger.

"Let's get down to business Pines..."

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