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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

"Look Bill, all I want is for Dipper to trust us again. I hurt him and I want to say I'm sorry and all the other sad junk!" Mabel says waving her arms in the air.

Bill let out a frustrated sigh. "Shooting Star, all I want is for is for PineTree to stay away from the Pines Family. It's because of you guys that PineTree's emotionally hurt and not taken care of."

"We didn't know it would turn out that way Cipher. The Pines Family still accepts Dipper, no matter what, as family." Ford says looking at the red man.

Bill shook his head furiously and stood up. He and Ford continued to bicker at each other over Dipper with glares.

Mabel stood over to the side where Tad was sitting and watching them.

"Hello Shooting Star." Tad greeted.

Mabel did a little jump and looked at the man curiously. "Um hi. Who are you?"

"I'm Tad Strange, I'm Bill's brother and PineTree's Uncle." The purple headed man replied calmly as he stared at Mabel. There was a familiar presence in this one, he could feel it.

"Then it's nice to meet you, um... What should I call you?"

"Tad is fine dear."

"Nice meet you Tad."

+Upstairs in the Attic with Dipper+

Dipper went up the steps into his room for two months and looked around. Nothing has really changed except for the added bed and nightstand.

"Still the old run down room I remember. I need to bring my room here." Dipper said to himself.

With a wave from his hand the room transformed into his room in the mindscape. After checking out to see if everything was maintained properly, he popped himself onto his single bed.

Taking out his journal, he continued to write notes about the supernaturals and spells that his Father had taught him.

~knock ~knock

Dipper looked at the PineTree shape door and walked over to open it.

He saw Stan looking up at him, being a 17 year old boy, Dipper had grown tall for his age. Stan's height was at the teen's shoulders.

"Why are you here Fez?"

"I just wanted to talk to you kid...." Stan started out while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for lying to you and your sister all the summer 4 years ago, and for all the mean things I told you to do that I do not regret telling you. It was to make you tough and stronger for the future. I know I haven't very honest with you two, but I've changed. I promise I'll be honest with you if you ask me anything while your staying here. I just wanted to tell you that." Stan says and was about to walk away, but a pull on the shoulder stopped him. When he turned around to face Dipper he was already behind his bedroom door. So he walked away again with one last glance at the door before heading down the stairs.

Dipper on the other hand was sitting at the foot of his bedroom door, burying his head into his arms and cupping his mouth. He cried in that position for awhile. "Grunkle Stan..."

He didn't stop until a few minutes later, going to bathroom and washing his face. Retieing his eyepatch, he went out of his room and headed downstairs towards the living room to see how his Father and Uncle were doing. Turning around the corner he could hear loud clashes of words between his Father and Ford about him. Peeking into the living room he saw Mabel and Tad getting to know each other, and to Dipper it seemed like they were comfortable with each other. He smiled at that, at least he knows that his Uncle and former sister will get along and not try to fight like his Father and Ford.

"Stanford I will not leave my child in the your care, in this!," Bill waved his hands around gesturing to the whole shack, "Household! Besides, the contract doesn't state that he has to live here, only to come and hangout with you guys during the two months!" Bill exclaimed.

"Dipper is already upstairs settling down in his room and setting up! He's gonna stay here for two months and that's final! Whether he trust or not trusts us depends on him!" Ford exclaimed back at the red human formed demon.

Dipper smiled at the sight and how amusing it looked. Two that were shouting verbal attacks at each other and the other two calmly talking with each other like normal people. Then again, Tad Strange isn't exactly normal which is pretty ironic.

Stepping into the living room he turned on the Tv and started watching channels to see what's on.

Mabel noticed him right away and skipped to his side on the armchair. "Hey Dip Dot! Wanna go on a mystery hunt?"

This got everyone to stop talking and stare at the two teens.

Dipper stared at the Tv. "Maybe tomorrow Shooting Star."

"Aww~ Come on Dipper! Let go have some fun!" Mabel pulled the teen out of the chair and out of the shack to the forest.

Bill had receded his red color and was about to rush out the door to follow them, but Tad pulled him back by the collar of his dress shirt.

"Now Bill, let the kids have sometime together alone. Both of them did make a deal." Tad said pulling his brother to the armchair where Dipper was just sitting.

Bill struggled against the hold. "Tad~ Let go! I need to tend to my little Sapling!" The blond whined wanting to go to his son.

"You can spend time with him later, after Shooting Star spends time with him on some mystery hunt." Tad responded placing him the chair.

Bill huffed and stayed put in the chair. Ford was glaring at Bill for trying to interrupt with Mabel and Dipper's bonding time.

"Fine, but PineTree and I will have to stay together if he's staying here." Bill stated stubbornly crossing his arms over is chest.

Ford's eyes widened. "No no no no! I'm only letting one demon live here and it's Dipper, but I could consider letting Tad here stay because Mabel already trust him.

"Aw~ Thanks Sixer." Tad said in a happy tone.

"Well it's either me living with you guys while PineTree's here for two months or PineTree retuning to Mindscape with me after the day's over." Bill hissed out.

Ford groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, but no killing anyone or making them insane!"

Bill walked over to Ford and held out a brightly lit hand. "Do we have a deal?"

Ford stared at the blue flaming had for a few seconds and took it, completing the deal.

"Much appreciated Sixer." Bill giddily says to the man pulling his hand away and headed up the stairs to Dipper's room.

Tad gave him a silent short bow and followed his brother upstairs.

Ford gave a tired sigh and went to find his brother.

+Gravity Falls Forest+

"Soooo Dipper, what are we gonna hunt today?" Mabel drawled as she skipped beside said teen.

Dipper kept his eyes closed as he walked. "I told you we should go mystery hunting tomorrow. Yet you pulled me out of the shack to do this now."

"Because it's in the boring in the house right now, we should be out in the fresh Gravity Falls air!" Mabel exclaimed happily. She pulled something out of her purple sweater with a yellow star on the front. That something was Journal 3.

Dipper didn't see it because his eyes were still closed.

"Here Dipper, like old times." Mabel chirped trying to hand him the journal.

Dipper stopped in his tracks and opened his eyes to see Mabel handing him the once very important book that he tried to solve. He merely glanced at it and pushed it towards Mabel. "Shooting Star, I don't want this book anymore. It's already useless and I already have my own."

Mabel frowned a little as Dipper looked away from the journal. Her grip on the journal tightened, she wanted so badly for things to go back to normal or for Dipper to forgive them and still stay with them. She even had to hold back her tears which were threatening to fall.

"Please Dipper..." Mabel asked quietly trying to hold back a whimper and tears.

Dipper glanced at her again and sighed a little in defeat with a little smile on his face. "Fine Shooting Star. We'll go on a mystery hunt like you want, but we'll be using my own Journal okay? Just keep your Journal." He was about to make a girl cry, what kind of a gentleman would he be if he did that.

Mabel nodded and sniffed. He handed her a tissue and which she thankfully took it from him. Dipper snapped his finger and made his Journal pop above his other awaiting hand and flipped it open. Mabel slipped the original journal back into her sweater for safety.

Looking around Dipper looked in certain direction and then at Mabel. "We're close to the Fairy Kingdom Shooting Star. I could introduce you to the King, Queen, and the rest of the fairies if you'd like."

The older girl nodded and followed Dipper as he lead the way to the fairies. On the way Mabel asked questions about them and he'd have a good enough information about them.

"Is there anything unique about them Dipper?"

"I guess you could say that the fairies have a unique ability to sense something within people and animals, like me for example. They can tell that I'm demon from the energy I give off and secrets that I looked up deep down in me. Of course with a little threatening I got the fairies to keep quiet about me.~" The brunet smirked at the last sentence.

"Dip Dot, that's not nice to threatened others." Mabel said sternly.

"I have to do what I can keep my secrets." Dipper responded and stopped walking. Pushing some branches away and bushes, both of them came to an enclosed clearing surrounded by trees. "Welcome to the Fairy Kingdom Shooting Star!"

Mabel eyes widened at the sight of the small buildings on the ground with fairies flying around working or playing. When Dipper started walking towards the large castle, she followed along.

"Your Highnesses, I'm back!" Dipper exclaimed as he stopped a foot away from the castle.

Two fairies in royal clothing came out with friendly smiles on their faces.

"Young Cipher! It's good to see you again!" The male Fairy exclaimed with joy.

"It's been awhile since we saw you dear!" The female fairy chirped with glee and fluttered her wings.

Dipper smiled at the two and scooted to the side and showed them Mabel. "This is Mabel Pines, she's a human I've known for awhile now."

The two Fairies flied around Mabel analyzing her.

"Hello young lady, I'm the King of the Fairies Alexander Greyson." The fairy known as the King said nodding and bowing to her.

"Hello honey, I'm the Queen of the Fairies Serenity Greyson." The fairy now known as the Queen said giving a short curtsy.

Mabel gave her them a little curtsy of her own to be respectful and the Fairies smiled at her manners. "I'm Mabel Pines, I'm a friend of Dip Dot here.

"Dear you do know she is just like you just so you know." The Queen said flying to Dipper.

"I get that we look kinda of alike, but we're not related." Dipper said to the Queen noting something in his Journal.

The King shook his head. "It's not that you only look alike Young Cipher, but the energy she gives off is Demon energy, a little like yours."

Both teens looked at the fairies with confusion.

"But I'm human. I'm not a demon like Dipper you two." Mabel said to the two fairies with a confused expressions.

The Queen quickly circled around Mabel. "Honey, your radiating a little bit of demon energy. I'm mean it's a little like the young Cipher over here, but from a different demon."

The King nodded. "My wife is right young lady. Usually demons can sense other demons, but seeing as young Cipher can't sense that from you means it's really hard to sense it off of you."

Dipper stared between Mabel and the Royals. 'I've got to tell Father about this. Maybe he knows about what's going on. If the Fairies are right, which they should be, then Mabel is a demon too.' He thought and grabbed Mabel by the wrist.

"Your Highnesses, we'll come back another time to talk. I must speak with my Father about this." Dipper told them with a serious tone. His one revealed eye looking at them.

Both fairies bowed and waved a goodbye.

Dipper pulled Mabel into a run towards the Mystery Shack.

+Mystery Shack+

"Father!" Dipper yelled as he barged in through the front door of the shack pulling Mabel right behind him.

In a record of time Bill appeared in front of his son with a worried looked. "What's wrong PineTree?! Did you get hurt?! Are you injured?! Broken bones? Eternal bleeding?!" The demon says quickly checking his son all over.

"Father I'm fine. It has to do with Shooting Star!"

"What's this about Mabel/Shooting Star?" Stan, Ford, and Tad came into the hallway.

Dipper pointed to the living room. "We should talk about this in there."

All of them went into the living room and sat down except for Dipper and Mabel.

"Let's see, Shooting Star and I went to see the fairies and we kinda of learned something from them about Mabel." Dipper started to say running his hand through his messy brown hair.

Mabel looked at him worried and speechless.

"What did you learn Sapling?" Tad asked.

"Shooting Star... is umm... well.... A Demon..." Dipper drawled out nervously.

The whole room was silent for a few minutes.

"How can that be? We should be able to sense if she is a demon." Bill said surprised about the information.

Mabel shook her head and fiddled with her fingers. "Dipper told me fairies can sense things even demons can't sense sometimes. They can sense little demon energy radiating off of me."

Ford was writing down notes in journal one while he listened. Stan was speechless to the core not to mention frozen, and Tad keep a blank face unsure of what to say.

It finally clicked into Bill's head. "I've got it! She's a Light!" Bill exclaimed pointing at Mabel.

"Bill it's rude to point you know. Also what the heck is a Light besides the purpose of lighting a dark area?" Tad said to the blond.

"A Light is what demons call other demons who have disappeared from their cribs a few minutes after they are born. The Lights disappear here and are unknowing raised as humans. Of course both species don't know that they are either raising a demon and the other raised by humans. Our kind doesn't really know why it happens or the cause, but it happens. It used to be common, but now it's rare if it happens to a demon child now." Bill explained to the group who stared at him.

"Do the parents find their child?" Stan asked.

"Some do, but the chances are low because there a billions of humans everywhere! Some don't bother to try and hope that their child is doing well." Bill answered the other's question.

"I'm still wondering about why the King and Queen said Shooting Star's energy is like mine and Father's." Dipper said aloud thinking.

Bill shocked his head and looked at Mabel with his one eye. "That would mean she'd be related to me PineTree and she would be your sister, but that couldn't have happened because I was only set on having one child."

"But they said I came from another Demon, right Dipper?!" Mabel added slowly getting use to now knowing she was a demon.

"Yeah, another Demon...." Dipper thought hard and when the pieces clicked into place his eyes widened. "Oh my..."

"PineTree/Sapling/Dipper?" The group said.

Dipper went over to Tad and pulled him off his chair and towards Mabel. He placed the man beside Mabel and stepped back to look at them both. The teen could already see the similarities between the two of them.

"Uncle Tad... Shooting Star's your daughter...."

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