Nice to meet you Dad! I love you Father.

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

Everyone in the room stared between the two of them. Mabel and Tad looked at one another in wonder.

Bill stood up and went up to his son. "Sapling, Tad never told me he had a child, no less that I'm a uncle too."

Dipper looked at his Father and started to explain to him about Tad having a daughter. "I'm not sure why Uncle Tad didn't tell you he had a kid, but his daughter was born 11 minutes after I was born. He left the room to get some stuff for her and when he came back she was missing from her crib."

Bill once again looked at his brother who had tears pooling at the corner of his eyes ready to fall.

Tad had a lot of questions racing through his mind. His daughter was right infront of him and he was about to cry. Ever since that day, he really truly wished to see daughter and wanted to look for her all these years ever since she was born. Now look where he was, right here standing in front of his missing daughter.

"My Stella..." He said in a quiet shaky voice.

Mabel also had many questions she wanted to ask and have answered too. Like 'How did she end up in the Pines family?' Or 'Is this really true?'. She was speechless and didn't know what to do or react. Mabel kept her eyes on Tad's form.

Stan and Ford were very surprised that Mabel was also a demon child like Dipper and to Bill's brother too! Ford decided to get up from the couch and call Mabel's "parents" get them to explain to him how they had Mabel. Stan stayed on the couch to fill Ford in later about what happens while he was out of the room.

"Shooting Star..." Bill said to the brunette getting her attention.

Mabel turned her head to glance at Bill.

"I know if this is too much for you, but are you okay with this? Knowing that you were born a demon?" Bill asked.

Mabel gave it a little thought and smiled brightly to everyone in the room. "I'm total fine with it Bill! Omg this is so awesome!" Yup, she was defiantly a shooting star alright. Radiant, bright, positive, cheerful, active, and accepting.

Dipper and Bill smiled at her.

Mabel turned back to her Dad, tears now running down his cheeks. She smiled and put her hands to his face wiping away the tears with her thumbs. "Hahaha! Dad, there's no need to cry. You should be smiling ya know! You finally found me!" The teen says grinning up at her Dad.

Tad looked at her and gave her a happy loving smile. "My Stella, my daughter... I've missed you so much and had tried to look for you, but there were so many thing stopping me from doing so." He took Mabel into a tight hug afraid she might disappear again. "17 years later I find you here. I'm so happy, I have my daughter back with me."

Mabel returned the tight hug with a warm smile against her Dad's shoulder. "I'm glad to know my real Dad loves me very much and tried to look for me."

Bill placed his hands on Dipper shoulder and gave them a little squeeze. Dipper glanced up as his father and smiled seeing the blond was happy for his brother. He put his right hand on top of his fathers left one on his shoulder.

"Hey Father?"

"Yes Sapling?"

"Were Lights ever called something else?"


"What was it?"

"Amissis Liberis, in Latin it means Lost Children."

"Hey Father?" Dipper said in a hushed voice.


"I love you."

"... ... ..."

Ford came into the room and explained to everyone that Mabel was found by Mr. And Mrs. Pines when someone rang their doorbell sometime in the middle of the night. There was a note in her basket saying she was now theirs.

"Seems like the cause of the lost demon newborns are cause by someone." Stan stated crossing his arms obviously irritated. Seriously who would give humans a demon child to take care of.

"Not someone Stanley. More like a group of people. This obviously is done as a group." Ford said in a matter fact tone.

Both of them sighed and Stan shook his head. "Look everyone it's already late. Let's sleep this all off. Mabel, you and your dad will sleep in your room. Dipper, you and your dad will sleep in your room upstairs where I told you. Now that's taken care of, off to bed."

Everyone went to their respective rooms to get a goodnight rest.

+Dipper's Room+

Both Bill and Dipper got into their proper night wear and headed to the bed to sleep.

Dipper calmly slipped into his sleeping state with even patterned breathing. He curled up against his Father's warm chest and felt safe from everything around him.

Bill was still awake beside his son watching him with calm eyes. He held the curled teen closely and possessively to his chest.

"I love you too Dipper."

He quietly said drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face.

Now that he had Dipper by his side he was sane.

A world without his Dipper is where Bill would make the universe darken and horrifying.

That would just not do at all.

+Mystery Shack: Morning+

The next day everyone woke up with a good start. They had a peaceful breakfast excluding Bill and Ford glaring at each other as they ate. Then they went their separate ways for awhile.

Bill and Dipper had decided to go into town to see what's new and go for a little shopping for some new clothes.

Ford had gone to his lab to work on another experiment and check the Journals 1 and 2.

Mabel and Tad stayed with Stan to help with the Mystery Shack. Mabel had even told Wendy and Soos about her finding out she was a demon like Dipper. Also that instead of siblings both of them were cousins. They were totally shocked, but passed if off say it was cool and awesome.

Tad had even asked if she would like to change body into her would be human/demon form if she hadn't been raised human. Mabel told her dad she would like to do it when Dipper and Bill came back so they could see too. The man agree with her wish and continued to help around the Shack with her.

~ring ~ring

Mabel picked up her cellphone and accepted the call.

"Hey girl!" Two voices exclaimed on the phone. One was Korean and the other was a deeper voice.

"Ahhh! Candy, Grenda!" She squealed in delight. Mabel rapidly started chatting with her friends and invited them over to she her transformation. Along the way she suggested asking Pacifica over too.

+Mall: Bill and Dipper+

"Aw~ Come on Sapling. At least try this outfit on." Bill whined holding out a yellow mini outfit that looked just like Bill's.

Dipper shook his head and continued looking though the clothing rack. "Father please no. For the fiftieth time I will not wear that outfit."

"I think it will great on you Sapling. You don't have to buy it, just try it on! It's like your wearing my clothes but your size!" Bill exclaimed happily and started pushing his son towards the changing room.

"Father!" It was already too late. Dipper was shoved into a stall with the outfit in hand. He gave a defeated sigh and started removing his clothes and putting on the other. After looking at the mirror to see it was alright he went out and saw his father sitting down excitedly. "How does it look?"

Bill's attention was immediately on Dipper's form and grinned wildly. "Sapling, don't you look handsome."

Dipper flushed red from embarrassment and started walking back to the stall to change. Behind him, Bill was snickering to himself. When the other handed the outfit back to Bill, he went back to the rack to look for new clothes.

Dipper went to the cash register to pay for his clothes and got them bagged up. He saw his father standing by the entrance with a couple bags of his own.

"Here PineTree!" Bill says happily to his son and handed him a bag.

Curiously Dipper opened the bag and saw what was inside. He groaned,"Father I thought I said I wasn't going to get this."

"You didn't, I did!~ You clearly stated you weren't going to buy it, so I did it for you!" Bill grinned.

Dipper facepalmed.

4 hours later they were out of the mall with new supplies and clothes. As they passed by some towns people, they would stare at the pair with looks of confusion, surprise, or neutral for new residents who didn't know them.

As they came up to the Mystery Shack they saw the gang all out on the front porch with Mabel and Tad standing in front of them.

"What are guys doing?" Dipper asked them.

Mabel turned around happy and ran up to Dipper pulling him towards the porch. "My Dad is gonna do my transformation Dipping Sauce! Your just in time to watch!" She quickly placed him on the porch steps and quickly went back to her dad. Bill took a seat next to him setting the bags down.

Bill glanced around and saw Wendy and her gang of friends. Mabel's three friends were also here to watch too. Stan and Ford were on the couch porch with smiles on their faces eager to see. Soos was munching on some chips with a excited face.

"Okay Dad! Everyone is here! You can start when your ready." She exclaimed loudly jumping up and down a few times.

Tad nodded with a smile on his face. He place a hand on Mabel's shoulder and a bright light enveloped her form. People covered their eyes and then placed them down when the light disappeared, looking at the Mabel she look different.

Her height was cut off by 2 inches and if she stood next to Dipper she would be at his chin. Mabel's dark brown hair became a little lighter with some strands of purple highlights. Her skin tone was a lighter tan and eyes became two different colors her left eye violet and right eye chocolate brown. Her new outfit was blue. Her blouse was blue with ruffled cuffs with a purple ribbon lace bow and a dark blue flow free skirt that stopped around her mid-thigh. She has black flat shoes with white colored knee socks. On her head was a light blue headband with a square shape accessory. Around her neck was a black choker neacklace with a yellow star in the middle.

What made her different from the Ciphers and Strange was not having a eyepatch.

Amazed by the sight of her new appearance the group, except Dipper, Bill, and Tad, oh~ and aw~ at her.

"Mabel you look amazing." Candy complimented the now transformed teen.

"No kidding! You look hot girl!" Grenda added with fist pump in the air.

"Thanks Candy and Grenda!" Mabel ran over to her friends and gave them a hug.

Pacifica went over to the hugging group with a smile. "Love the outfit Mabel, your definitely pulling it off."

Mabel blushed and let go of her girls and gave Pacifica a hug too. "Thanks Pacifica."

Dipper got bored and headed back inside the shack to put the stuff his Father and him got from the mall. Bill also followed obviously not interested in Shooting Star's transformation.

Both Stans saw this and looked at each other with worried faces. Dipper wasn't having any fun or showing signs of trust towards them even to Mabel who was just recently found out to be a demon and his cousin. All of the mystery crew had to work hard to get at lest one person to earn Dipper's trust.

These two months were going to be hard.

*time skip: second month the last day of the final week* +Mystry Shack: Afternoon+
(Sorry about this time skip, don't want to spend to much time on what happen during the 2 months)

During the first month of Dipper's stay at the Mystery Shack wasn't very eventful and no one was able to get through him. He was very closed off and no one couldn't even start a conversation with him except with the occasional greeting and what's happening? news.

The second month was more helpful though. Dipper had started to grow to trusting Mabel and Stan during a small road trip together. The teen had accidentally caught a very strong flu and both friends did there best to try and heal him. Dipper didn't trust them to take care of him, but Mabel and Stan promise him both of them would do their fullest to heal him. Of course they didn't tell Dipper's Father knowing he was very over protective of the kid. Strongly enough, they developed a understanding trust.

Now Dipper had to come back often as promised with Mabel's deal and hangout around Gravity Falls with them when he was free.


"Hey Cuz!" Mabel yelled and tackled Dipper into a hug as they were heading to the kitchen.

"Oof!" Both of them fell to the floor and laughed. "Afternoon to you too Shooting Star." Dipper greeted with a smile.

Dipper and Mabel got off the floor and walked into the kitchen where Stan was cooking and the two older demons were talking.

"Hey Kids!" Stan said cooking some lunch.

"Hey Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said back to him.

Dipper just rolled his eyes and sat beside his father with a smile. "Father I'm going into the woods again. I'll be back before dinner."

"Hmm~ Alright, but if your not back before then, I'm gonna go hunting for you Deerper!" Bill laughed at the end of sentence. Mabel sat beside her dad and laughed along with Bill.

Dipper knew the reason to his father's joke anyways. Apparently in a alternate universe he was half deer and his father is a hunter who choose him as an unfortunate target. Surprisingly the hunter Bill wanted to keep him as a pet and was highly possessive and overprotective.

With that he quickly ate lunch that was set on the table and ran out of the house to explore the forest.

+With Dipper: Gravity Falls Forest+

Dipper decided to go a little farther into the forest he hadn't explored yet. He saw came upon a beautiful scene, it was a sizable pond shrouded by forest trees. Blue and white daisies danced in a light breeze along with the trees.

"Woah..." Dipper walked out into the clearing. He walked a little closer to the water and leaned over and saw a clear reflection of himself.

Shhh Shhh Snap!

Dipper quickly turned around to see no one where he heard the snap. Cautiously he turned back to the water, his eyes furrowed, but he didn't see the water anymore.

He saw darkness.

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