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+Mystery Shack: Night time+

Bill was already pacing back and forth in the living room due to worry. Dipper had not come back for dinner yet and he was just about to go find him, but his half brother was telling him to leave him alone so Dipper could have some fun on his own.

"That's it! I'm heading out to find my son!" Bill exclaimed throwing his hands in the air frustrated. He put on his yellow tail coat jacket and headed out the door.

Tad and Ford had quickly followed behind him, so they could help search for the brunet. Tad trusted Stan to keep his daughter safe in the Shack while they went out to find Dipper.

"Bill, where do you think he went?" Tad asked his brother.

"Probably a little farther into the woods. PineTree always did want to expand some of his exploring grounds." Bill muttered using his powers to located Dipper.

"I haven't gone too deep into the woods yet, but I sure know it's much more dangerous than the usual paranormals I've encountered." Ford said checking their surroundings and signs of Dipper being anywhere near.

They needed to find Dipper soon, so Bill can know he's safe.

+Unknown Location+

Dipper could feel metal restrains holding him down as he woke up.

"Ugh..." Dipper groaned feeling dizzy. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around to see he was in a lair of some sort. With candles, chairs, and tables. Apparently he was in the center of the room, strapped onto a reclined table, confused as to what happened to him.

'Where am I?' Dipper thought glancing around his surroundings. Suddenly the cuffs restraining him came off letting him go. He fell on his hands and knees, but stood up holding his head regaining as he his balance. "Ow..." He groaned.

Taking one step at a time he reached the door to the room and opened it. He was greeted with a fresh breeze of air and saw the night sky and swaying trees. Dipper walked out of the lair room and into the forest.

Getting to a familiar area he followed the way back to the Mystery Shack. As the building came into view he smiled weakly. He walked up the steps and stood in front of the door. With a good few knocks against the door, he stood and waited for someone to open the door.

Running foot steps were heard coming from the other side and the door opened showing a surprised Mabel.

"Hey Mabel, sorry I'm late." Dipper say casually with a smile and passed out falling on the porch floor.


+With the group of 3: time is 9:30+

A couple of hours later, the group who went out to find Dipper came back. They had finally convinced Bill that his son could be already home waiting for him.

Going through the house door of the Mystery Shack they found a tired Mabel walking through the hall. Her eyes widened when she saw them. She ran to them quickly and hugged her dad. "Oh my gosh Dad! Dipper came back a few hours after you guys left. He knocked on the door, saw me, said sorry for being late, and passed out on the porch floor!" Mabel rapidly exclaimed to her dad.

Ford quickly ran through the hallways to talk to his brother about this.

Bill and Tad looked at each other and then at Mabel.

"Shooting Star, where is he?" Bill asked her worriedly.

Mabel grabbed both Tad and Bill's hand, and pulled them upstairs to her room.

They found Dipper laying on the second bed, sleeping peacefully with even breathing.

Bill went closer to him to check if he was physically injured in any way. He smiled, "Good news! He's not hurt! But... He does have a slight bump on his head like something hit him." He mumbled off.

Both occupants in the room sighed in relief.

They all saw Dipper start to stir and slowly open his eyes.

"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed with glee that her cousin was okay. But something in her mind was nagging her that everything wasn't alright.

Dipper sat up and the first thing he did was smile at Mabel. "Hey Mabel, sorry about coming home late again. You know just trying to solve the mystery behind Gravity Falls." Then he noticed Mabel's change in her fashion style, along with her hair and eye color, he looked at her confused.

'That's weird, normally Dipper would call me Shooting Star.' Mabel thought.

He looked around and saw Bill and Tad, getting into a defensive position, he got closer in front of Mabel.

"Who are you?"

This made the people in the room confused.

"What are you talking about Sapling?" Tad asked confused.

Bill nodded and tried to get closer to Dipper. "PineTree, are you okay?"

"P-PineTree?! Oh my gosh! Mabel! Let's go get Grunkle Ford quick! Bill's possessing someone again!" Dipper exclaimed with pure terror on his face backing away from Bill and got off the bed to his sister. He tried tugging his sister towards the door, but she stayed frozen to her spot.

Mabel took a hold of Dipper's shoulders and shook him. "What the hey bro bro?! They're not gonna hurt us!"

"Mabel are you crazy?! Bill's here possessing someone and brought another demon to help him too!" Dipper continued to shout.

Stan and Ford came into the room after hearing Dipper yelling from downstairs.

"What's going on in here?" Ford asked.

"That's what we want to know Sixer!" Bill exclaimed gesturing his hands to Dipper who was panicking.

Dipper ran up to Ford and pointed at Bill. "Bill's possessing somebody Grunkle Ford! We gotta get him out!"

"Dipper calm down. Everything is alright, that's Bill's own body." Stan tried to explain to the panicking demon.

"What?" Dipper started to calm down now and listen to everyone. "Isn't that dangerous? He can cause the apocalypse."

"PineTree I'm not gonna cause the stupid apocalypse." Bill grumbled out not liking how his son was acting. 'What's wrong with my son? He shouldn't be like this?' He thought to himself.

Ford questioned Dippper to see what was wrong with him. "Look Dipper, what is the last thing you remember?"

Dipper thought for a moment. "The last thing I remember was going out to find a crystal stone, some how I passed out. I woke up somewhere like a room and went out and headed back to the shack. Then I said sorry to Mabel for being out late again and passed out."

Mabel went over to her Grunkle Ford and whispered something to him. "Grunkle Ford, Dipper went to go look for that stone during our first summer here."

"Okay then, do you know the reason why Bill and his brother Tad are here?" Ford pressed on now very worried.

Dipper shook his head. "No- Wait Bill has a brother?!"

Ford looked at Bill and Tad with sad looks on their face. Something's not right.

"Dipper how do you view Bill and Tad?" Ford said quickly.

"Demons who you can never trust and are here to ruin humanity and start the apocalypse." Dipper hissed out and glared at the two.

"How about Mabel, Stan, and myself?"

"You and Stan are my grunckles. Mabel is my twin sister duh." Dipper instantly said with a smile.

"Ohhhh boy, huston we have a problem." Stan droned out with a frown massaging the bridge of his nose.

Ford sighed tired of all the stress. "Dipper, apparently you lost some of your memories. Well 4 years worth of memories, we can fix this somehow."

Bill stood up and took Dipper by the under arm and placed him on the bed. "I'm gonna go through his memories and see if their being locked up or if their actually missing." Without another word Bill closed his eyes and placed his forehead against Dipper's who tried to move away, but failed. He went into the teen's head and started going around looking the 4 years worth memories. Dipper had also closed his eyes and went into a silent state.

"While Bill's doing that Stanley and I will go into the forest and look into finding that room that Dipper mentioned. It maybe around that area farther in the woods that Dipper went to. Tad your in charge of the place until we get back. Mabel as usual be good and help your dad out, okay?" Ford said to everyone in the room.

"You got it Grunkle Ford!" Mabel chirped with a salute.

Tad just nodded with a concerned look.

Ford and Stan headed out the door to do their research about why Dipper suddenly lost his memory when he was in the forest.

Not to far away lurking in the woods was someone waiting for another chance to get a hold of Dipper.

"Soon, very soon, I'll come get you PineTree." The unknown person said followed by a crackle of maniac laughter. "Be prepared Cipher! PineTree's gonna fall into my hands soon!

+Dipper's Mindscape+

Bill continued to walked around Dipper's memory area. So far every door he opened was the bad memories of him and good memories of Dipper's first summer.

"PineTree..." Bill groaned not liking how things are turning out. He even used his powered to locate the missing memories, but he still had nothing.

'I knew I shouldn't have let him go into the woods.' Bill thought and crouch down to the floor squeezing his head. 'I want my PineTree back.'

Bill stood up again and looked in the last section of Dipper's mindscape only to find it was more bad memories of himself.

Hanging his head in defeat, the blond exited Dipper's head and opened his eye out of the mindscape.

+Out of the Mindscape time 12:50+

Dipper slowly did the same waking up and quickly backed away from Bill. He saw Bill still hanging his head with a sad look on his face.

Tad noticed both of them come back and motioned His daughter to Dipper to explain what's going to him. She nodded and went over to he cousin with a smile on her face being positive. Mabel believed they will get his memories back.

"Mabel... What's going on?" Dipper slowly asked trying to inch away from the depressed Bill. "Also, why do you look different?"

Mabel rubbed the back of her neck and laughed nervously. "Um Dip Dot, I should first tell you we're not twins, but we are cousins instead. You and I are also demons Dipper, pretty cool right?"

Dipper mouth was hanging open and Mabel closed it for him. She continued with her explanation.

Mabel pointed towards Tad who was smiling at them. "That's my real dad Dipper. I disappeared when I was a baby, and we recently got back together because of you. My real name is Stella Lepos Strange or Mabel Strange for short. This is how I truly look like." She looked over towards Bill who was still sulking gloomily to himself. "Bill's your real father, Dipper. 4 years ago on our birthday he came looking for his son and you didn't know you were his son. Then you left us after we lied to you and all that crazy junk. But you forgave us and here we are now."

Dipper let the information sink into his brain. He can't believe it. This is not true. Everything is a lie.

"... ... lie..." Dipper quietly said.

"What Dipper?" Mabel asked.

Dipper looked straight into her eyes. "Stop it! I don't want to hear it! Your lying! Your not a demon! I'm not a demon! Bill's not my father!" He glared at Mabel and stood up from the bed. Mabel took a step back as Dipper stepped forward.

Tad quickly got up and stood behind Mabel holding onto her shoulders. Bill also looked up to see his son running out the door.

"PineTree!" The blond demon called out. All three demons in the room ran out to chase after Dipper to see him run into the woods.

"Dipper!" Mabel yelled out into the forest with an echo.

Bill ran through the woods desperately looking for him.



'Where is he?! Where are you?! Come back!' Bill thought as he ran in random directions.

"Well my sweet little PineTree, let us go, we should not waste our time." A bright voice says catching his attention.

Bill pulled the breaks and turned his head in the direction of the voice. He saw his son standing in front of someone, but not just anyone, it was his enemy Alexander Kryptos.

The man has a blend of light colors in his hair. He wore a white suite and a light blue tie. His eyepatch was a star, like Gideon's star at the top of his telepathy tent. Furthermore, looking at Bill's son with a predatory grin like he won.

"PineTree! Get away from him!" Bill shouted and stood afar from the two figures.

Dipper turned around glaring hard at Bill like he had just killed someone important to him. Kryptos was smirking at the blond and put a hand on Dipper's shoulder.

"Ah Cipher~ How great is it to see you again." Kryptos said in glee. "Sweet little PineTree here was just about to leave Gravity Falls with me."

Black magic started to swarm around Bill's form."Hands off my son Kryptos! He's coming home with me!" His voice deep and dreadful.

Kryptos let out a puff of air. "Look here Cipher, in every single dimension you end up with the key factor of every alternate universe. It's time for a change don't you think?~" White light magic encircled him and Dipper. The teen walked over by Kryptos's side and held his hand.

"NO! Kryptos, you stupid star of a demon! Give my son back his memories and return him to me THIS INSTANT!" Bill roared at the other and ran over to them.

In a bright flash the two were gone.

Bill couldn't make it in time to find him, save him, help him.

He fell into his knees and looked up at the grey cloudy sky that started to rain like they were his sadness pouring.

His one visible eye cried, falling along with the rain.


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