Mother Knows How to Heal

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+Reverse Falls: Gleeful House+

Will was in Tyrone's room tending to his needs since the brunet had broken his right leg during a performance. He made sure the brunet was comfortable and his wants were taken care of.

Tyrone on the other hand didn't like staying in one place for long, but his injury had restricted him from moving else where. He hated the cast so much he tried to break it with his powers. Will had been there just in time to stop him unfortunately.

Now Will is sitting in a chair in the brunet's room reading while Tyrone read his 2nd journal.

A portal opened up unexpectedly causing Will to stand up quickly. The blue head was surprised to see his son come out of the portal crying.

"Dominic?!" Both Will and Tyrone says at the same time.

Dominic sniffed, rubbing his eyes so he could see clearly, but he started tearing up again. He ran over to his Mother and hugged him tightly. "Mother... Mother..." He cried into Will's light blue jacket.

Will patted his son's back lightly while his other hand rubbed it in circles. "Shh... Dominic, calm down dear."

Tyrone watched Will comfort his lover confused why his lover was crying.

Will passed Dominic to Tyrone to care of temporarily, so he could make a call to Tad and asked him what happened. He obviously couldn't call his husband because he was probably the main cause of why Dominic was crying in the first place. Will walked out of the room while Tyrone comforted Dominic.

He opened his hologram screen and it started calling Tad.

Ring~ Ring~

The other end picked up and Tad appeard on the screen rubbing his temples. "Will, is my nephew there?"

"Yes Tad, Dominic is here with Tyrone and I. What happened?" He asked worriedly.

Tad had explained to Will about what had happened for the past few days and the fight that happened just awhile ago. Will knew he had to talk to Dipper first and come with him to make up with his Father.

"Finally Sapling yelled, "I wish you weren't my Father", at Bill. We found Bill crying afterwards in their room.

Will sighed and nodded. "I'll talk things out with Pine Tree. Please make sure Bill is okay." He says sadly mixed with worry.

"Of course Will. My daughter is trying to get him to calm down and get off the floor at the moment. We'll do our best to brighten him up again." Tad replied with an apologetic expression on his face.

Will smiled softly. "Thank you Tad. I'll be seeing Bill soon with Pine Tree if possible."

"We'll be here waiting."

The call ended and the blue demon retured to Tyrone's room. He found Tyrone, still on his bed, stroking Dominic's hair whispering soothing word to him. Dominic arms wrapped around the other's neck, crying quietly into Tyrone's shoulder. Will sat down on a chair next to Tyrone's bed and began to speak to his son softly.

"Dominic..." Will started out to get his attention.

Dominic shifted a bit in Tyrone's lap and peeked his eye over at his Mother. "What?" He asked.

"I heard what happened from Tad. Why would you say such a thing to your Father?" Will says sadly.

"Because Father was being all mean to Uncle Kryptos. I trust him, I know Unckle Kryptos wasn't lying to me. He hasn't been deceiving me at all. We were just having a bonding experience together that's all. Then all of a sudden Fa- I mean Bill, starts yelling at me that I shouldn't trust Uncle Kryptos. That he's probably trying to mess with my mind again." Dominic explained tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Bill told me not to spend time with him anymore."

Tyrone rubbed his boyfriend's back soothing Dominic a bit from the tension. "He's just trying to protect you that's all. Like every parent should." He comments.

"Yeah, but he didn't have to yell or get angry at me." Dominic remarked.

Will leaned over and patted his son on the head. "Dominic, your Father loves you very much and doesn't want anyone to hurt you. I know there are times when Bill gets overprotective, trust me, I've been there and I was the one Bill was overprotective of, but he has his reasons. He just wants to protect his love ones, we're all he's got." Will says softly looking at his son's visible hazel eye. Tyrone moved Dominic over to his Mother who encased him into into a loving hug.

Dominic hugged his Mother back and continued to cry, but because he had realized he had made a terrible mistake. He shouldn't have said those hurtful words to his Father, he was just blinded by the anger that stirred up between them. It was his fault for spending less time with him when his Father need him the most.

After a few mintues, Dominic fell asleep in Will's arms, but he had cried himself to sleep which sadden the two with him in the room. Will placed Dominic beside Tyrone on the bed, who had moved to the side more for him, and kissed him on the forehead.

"So what are you going to do Will?" Tyrone asked Will.

"I'll let him rest first, when he wakes up I'll take him back to his Father and have them talk things out." Will says to Tyrone and kissed him on the forehead too.

Tyrone blushed and wiped the kiss of his head. "Don't do that!" He exclaimed, but quietly so he didn't wake Dominic up.

Will mentally laughed a little at his friend's blush. "Thanks for comforting Dominic for me Tyrone."

The brunet crossed his arms, "It's normal for me to do so because I love him. I just want him to be happy... Not sad."

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack (after Dipper left)+

Mabel watched her Uncle cry, on the floor, non-stop. Bill's face became stained with tears, clenching his hands against the floor. He looked so broken and empty.

She looked towards the door, behind it was her Dad talking to Dipper's mom. Mabel wished that Dipper had gone to his mom and Will would talk to him so that Dipper and his Father could make up. 'Dipper, please come back soon... Uncle Bill needs you...' She thought glancing over to her Uncle again.

Tad finally came back in letting out a sigh. He walked over to his daughter and saw his brother still on the floor crying. "Why is he still on the floor?" He asked his daughter.

"Uncle Bill is too stubborn to move. I tried using my powers to pry him off the floor, but he reflected it." The brunette replied to her dad with a facepalm. She leaned over to her dad and whispered a questione in his ear. "So where's Dipper?"

Tad whispered back, "He's with his Mother and Tyrone. Will is probably talking to Sapling right now to get him to make up with Bill again." Tad patted Mabel on the head with a smile.

Bill had been watching them with his blurry eye with envy. He wished thing were back to normal with his son. All he wanted was Pine Tree's safety, is that so much to ask? Bill scilenced himself and turned into his yellow triangle form. He flew into the pile of pillows on the bed surprising the dad and daughter.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Tad asked him.

Bill didn't answer and focused on making a pillow fort. Once it was done he laid flat on his back and closed his eye falling asleep.

Mabel looked at the mini pillow fort and touched it. The pillow shocked her a little for self defense. "Ow~" Mable wince and sucked on her injured finger.

It was Tad's turn to facepalm at Bill's action. All they could do now was wait for Dipper and Will to come help.

+Reverse Falls: Gleeful House- Tyrone's room (few hours later)+

"You dare tell me to watch over my dear brother while you handle family problems." Mabel Gleeful hissed at Will.

Will took a step back in fright. "Y-Yes Miss M-Mabel..." He stuttered.

"Dear sister, just do it, it will only be for a short while anyways." Tyrone says harshly at her.

Mabel hummed and sat herself down on the chair across the room.

Tyrone sighed and kissed Dominic on the cheek. "Hope everything goes well with you and your Father Dominic."

Dominic kissed him back on the cheek. "Yeah, thanks Tyrone for helping me calm down."

Will opened a portal to Gravity Falls and watched his son leave Tyrone's side and go through the portal. He went after him, the portal closing behind him.

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- Dipper and Bill's bedroom+

Mabel looked up when she heard a tearing sound in the room. Tad looked over and saw a portal opening up. Dipper came through that portal and looked at his Uncle Tad and his cousin Mabel with a sorry look on his face.

His cousin was the first to go up to him and give him a hug. "Dipper you big idiot." She says sadly.

Dipper hugged her back.

Will finally came through the portal and went over to Tad. "Where is he?" He asked.

"Bill made himself a pillow fort and surrounded it with his powers. Can't get in there." Tad said to the blue demon.

Dipper let go of Mabel and went over to the mini pillow fort. "Is he in his triangle form?"

"Hello, Dip Dot? It's pretty much obvious, his human form can't fit in there." Mabel says.

Dipper rolled his eye at her.

Will took Dipper's hand and the both of them changed into their demon forms. A tiny blue Pine Tree with one eye, and next to him is a light blue triangle with also one eyes floated in front of the mini fort.

"We'll go in and work thing out with Bill. Do you mind going out of the room?" Will asked Tad and Mabel calmly. Both of them nodded and headed out of the room to give the family some privacy. They needed it.

Will led his son into the mini pillow fort reflecting the magic that wanted to force them out. When they finally got in, both of them saw Bill's yellow form laying down sleeping.

"Bill." Will says a little loudly to get his husband to wake up.

"Father." Dipper said helping his Mother wake up his Father.

Bill's eye slowly opened and floated up. He blinked his eye a couple of time to see if he was seeing correctly. His son was in front of him in his demon form beside his Mother. "Pine Tree? Will?" He asked groggily.

Dipper rushed over to Bill and tackled him into a hug. He rapidly said I'm sorries over and over again.

Bill looked surprised at Dipper and at Will who came over to the two.

"I talked to our son when he escaped to me." Will started saying to Bill.

"Will... What..." Bill says still surprised.

"He realized, after I talked to him, that he was ignoring you and he felt bad for doing so." Will added.

Dipper's eye leaked tears, but he looked at his Father. "I'm so sorry Father... I didn't realized that you feeling so lonely. I'm sorry I ignored you. It's just I wanted to spend some time with Uncle Kryptos that's all... I know you only wanted to protect me from danger..." Dipper rambled on apologizing.

"Pine Tree... It's okay, I'm not mad anymore... I'm the one who should be sorry..." Bill cried and hugged his son tightly to his form. "I just need to trust you more when you're out alone or with someone else..." Will smiled at his husband and son getting along again.

The happy part was when Bill pulled Will into the hug too. Bill's dim yellow form became bright again filled with joy. "I love you two so much. I don't ever want to lose you two." Bill stated happily with a ringing laugh.

The three of them turned back into human form again which caused the pillow fort to break because of the sudden size change. Dipper laughed childishly making Bill and Will glad to know their son was also happy and that things are back to normal.

Bill cuddled his two favorite demons on the bed loving their presence next to him. Will being next to the wall, Dipper in the middle, and Bill by the edge of the bed. The blond had his arm around Will's head and the other around Dipper's waist.

Dipper had fallen asleep after Will had sung him a song since it was getting late already.

"My sweet dear child, everything is alright now~
Don't worry about the problems, they've been solved.
My sweet child~ I've healed that wound of yours,
So don't cry now...
Your alright now my dear, smile as you use to~
It pains me to see you crying and sadden by those creatures called 'Problems'
Sleep now and rest your mind, precious child of ours~
We'll protect you, no one will leave you to the monster called 'Danger'~

The blue demon kissed the top of his son's head with a soft smile. Dipper's soft breathing evened out as he slept between his parents.

Bill kissed Dipper on the head too and moved back to looking at his wife. "Thank you Will."

Will blushed at Bill. "I-I didn't d-do much." He stutter.

"You actually did a lot Will." Bill leaned closes to Will and kissed him on the lips.

Will blushed redden more, but kissed Bill back. It lasted a couple of minutes until they finally broke apart. Will buried his head in the pillow in embarrassment, while Bill chuckled with his own blush on his cheeks across his face.

"I love you Bill."

"I love you too Will. Dominic and You make my world a happy place."

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