You're joking right?

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- morning+

"Dipper, Mabel... Your both going to school today." Stan bluntly says after taking another bite of his breakfast.

Mabel and Dipper had stopped midway from their next bite, Tad continued eating, and Bill literally did a spit tick.

Ford nodded in agreement with his twin. "It'll be a good thing for the both of you. Not to mention hanging out and making new friends."

Bill wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and gave the twins an unbelievable look. "You're joking right?"

"Not joking here Cipher, like normal kids, both of them will go to school and learn. Plus they need to communicate with others." Fords says seriously looking towards Bill.

"You both know that's ironic right? Dipper and Stella aren't normal kids, there're demons." Tad says.

Grunckle Stan waved it off. "So? Both of them are still kids. Doesn't change anything."

Bill glared at him, but the author ignored him and turned his attention to the teens. "You two, go get ready for your first day of school." Ford smiles.

Mabel squealed in delight and went rushing up stairs to her room. Dipper on the other hand sighed while rolling his eye, he walked upstairs anyways to get ready.

Stan finished his breakfast and got ready too, so he could drive the teens to school.

"Sixer, I practically have all the knowledge in the whole universe. I can teach my son better then some flesh bag that could hardly know the right answer." Bill says sternly at Ford while clenching his fist at his side.

"I already talked with your wife before he left for his universe. He said it would be a great idea for Dipper to still experience school with everyone." Ford says back with a smirk on his face.

Bill groaned and crossed his arms when he heard Ford say that. 'Can't say no to the wife.' He pouted at the thought.

Tad patted Bill's shoulder with a chuckle. "Lighten up brother. I have to admit that Sapling does need to make some friends his own age."

"Friends that would probably hurt him, or better yet betray his trust." Bill grumbled out. "Not to mention he could be a target for bullying."

"You worry to much Bill, the kid is gonna be fine. Now stop being a overprotective Father." Tad finalized the conversation and started washing the dishes.

Bill stood up quickly from his chair. "NEVER!!!!!" He declares childishly, running up the stairs to his son's room.

Ford slapped a hand over his eyes. "Stubborn and childish."

"You got that right Sixer." Tad agreed, chuckling again.

After a few minutes of getting ready, Mabel came down wearing a purple sweater with a bunny on it. With a blue skirt, white knee length socks, and black flats.

Tad handed her a pink backpack with a shooting star charm on it. "I put all the stuff you need in you back dear."

"Even my grappling hook?" Mabel asked chirped at her dad.

Tad nodded with a smile. "You'll never know when you need it." He says and Mabel gave him a tight hug.

"Father can you please let go." Dipper's voice whined with plead.

Tad and Mabel turned to the door to see Dipper walking in with Bill clinging around his neck. He was wearing a white dress shirt, blue no sleeve vest, black jeans, and black sneakers. On his vest, over his heart, was a yellow PineTree, and black bracelets. His dark blue sling backpack hung over his right shoulder.

Dipper looked a little annoyed and Bill on the other hand seemed to be mind set on not letting his son go.

"I'm not letting you go to that dumb facility. I can teach you more things than they can." Bill says nuzzling his face into Dipper's brown locks.

Dipper rolled his eyes at his Father's antics, Ford and Stan came into the room.

"All right Kids! Who's ready for school?!" Stan exclaims cheerfully as he could.

"Oh I am! I am!" Mabel exclaims jumping up and down.

"Yeah, whatever." Dipper replied not really excited.

Mabel kissed her dad on the cheek and gave Tad on last hug. She followed Stan out the door to the car. Dipper managed to get out of his Father's grip, with the help of Ford and Tad, and walked out the door to the car.

Dipper managed to ignore his Father's calls even though he didn't want to. 'I know I shouldn't be ignoring Father, but I haven't been to school for a long time already. It be nice for a little while to get away from the paranormal.' He thought.

+Gravity Falls: Gravity High+

After Stan had left the two teenage demons in front of the high school, both of them went inside and got organized. Luckily their lockers were next to each other, but the schedules weren't all that great.

Mabel's schedule:
1st period- English
2nd period- French
3rd period- Chemistry
4th period- Lunch
5th period- Geometry
6th period- Cooking
7th period- free period
8th period-Studio Arts
9th period- history

Dipper's schedule:
1st period- Free period
2nd period- English
3rd period- Chemistry
4th period- Lunch
5th period- cooking
6th period- Latin
7th period- Band
8th period- Free period
9th period- Geometry

"Looks like we only have Chemistry and lunch together Shooting Star." Dipper says comparing both of the schedules. He handed Mabel her schedule back.

"Well I better head to my first class Dip Dot, don't wanna be late." She says happily and walked around the corner. Before Dipper could walk around Mabel popped her head out from the corner and added. "Also, make some friends cuz. I don't want you to be alone all the time." Finally she disappeared.

Dipper rolled his eyes and walked to find the library to read since his first period is free right now. When he got their he sat himself down in the corner of the room and pulled out his blue journal to add in some notes.

Time past and the bell rang signaling that first period was over and that kids should go to their next class. Dipper got up from his seat and headed to English class.

+Dipper's English class+

"Okay students, we have a new kid who just transferred in today. So let's try and get along with him." The teachers says loudly for the class to hear. He looked down at the notes for the new kid. The notes were in red with made the teacher wonder if it meant it is important, but he just shrugged it off. 'I've heard weird stuff goes on in that town, but they're just rumors.' He thought.

(Side note: Gravity High is a little out of the town's area so it accepts People who are not familiar with the people of Gravity Falls and its Paranormal activity.)

"Hey I heard the new kid's from Gravity Falls." One student says to a group of friends.

Another student laughed. "You mean that weird place that has rumors that strange things happen there."

"I heard another that there are paranormal creatures that live there too."

"Quiet down everyone." The teacher says sternly.

The door opened up and a burner with yellow highlights came in. He looked at the teacher.

"Is this Mr. Richard's English class?"

Mr. Richard nodded. "I assume that your my new student?"

He brunet nodded and walked further into the class room towards the teacher.

"Please introduce yourself to the class young man." Mr. Richard says.

The teen face the class, but he didn't look amused to see them. "Hey I'm Dipper Cipher, 17 years old. Didn't really want to come to school, its mostly against my will because of a relative." He says air quoting the word relative at the end.

"Do we have any questions for Mr. Cipher?" Mr. Richard asked the class.

A female student raised her hand. "Yes Miss Emily?"

"Do your parents hate you that much to name you Dipper?" She asked with a snicker. Other students around her laughed at the name.

Dipper ignored their laughs. "It's a nickname. I don't really use my first name much."

This time a male student raised his hand. "Is it true that weird things happen in Gravity Falls and that there are paranormal creatures live there?"

"Yes and I wouldn't mess with them if I were you. You'd probably get yourself in danger once you set foot there." Dipper answered.

The teacher stopped the class from raising their hands. He pointed to Dipper's seat by the window and the teen went and sat down.

Class went smoothly and the students learned that Dipper was really smart. He even impressed the teacher and taught him something.

But during class Dipper's phone went off with a loud ring.

"Mr. Cipher, phones are not to be on during class." His teacher says.

"I'm sorry Mr. Richard." Dipper pulled out his blue and white iPhone. (He got it for a present last year on his birthday) When he saw who was calling him and asked his teacher a question.

"Um, Mr. Richard? Could I take this call outside?" He asked with little begging in his voice.

His teacher raised a brow at him. "Please Mr. Cipher go and answer your call in here. You already have everyone's attention and you disrupted my class too."

'I'm so gonna get Father back for this later.' He thought and accepted the call. "Hello?" Hey says into the phone.

"PINETREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" A loud long whine came through the the phone. The funny part of it was that the phone wasn't even on speaker.

Dipper held the phone away from his ear. "Ow. Father, what do want? Your disturbing my class. I even had this thing on silent."

A maniacal echoey laughter came through the phone. "Oh PineTree, let me remind you that I can do many things~ Another example, appearing at your school."

"No! No! Father, stay at the shack!" Dipper hurriedly says with a shocked experience on his face. He covered the mic of the phone and looked at his teacher. "Could you get my cousin, Stella Strange also know as Mabel? Quickly!"


"Now! Please!" Dipper rushed in panic.

Mr. Richard ran out of the room.

"To late PineTree! I'm so gonna do it!" Dipper's Father exclaimed happily.

"Where's Ford, Stan, or Uncle Tad when you need them?" Dipper thought aloud ignoring his English class.

"What's happening?" Someone asked.

"This is getting weird." Another says.

The door slammed open with Mr. Richard behind a brunet girl with purple highlights who looked a bit like Dipper. The class assumed it was Dipper's cousin.

"Dipper! What the heck?!" She says rushing over to Dipper.

Dipper kept covering the mic. "Father's trying to get here through my phone! Help me stop him!"

Mabel renewed her shock of surprised and got out her purple and pink Iphone.(Gift from her dad awhile back) She called someone quickly and thankfully the other end picked up quick.

"Hey Stella. Aren't you suppose to be having classes at the moment?" The other end asked confused.

"Dad! Dad! Uncle Bill's trying to come to our school!" Mabel says hurriedly.

"Stella dear, calm down. Ford and Stan just heard you and are heading down stair to-" Tad was cut off by Stan's shout.

"Hot Belgian Waffles! Tad! Get your square butt down here!"

Mabel looked towards here cousin who was chanting at his phone in Latin probably to keep Bill from getting through.

"Dad? How's it going over there?" She asked worriedly.

"Stella- it's-" Her phone shut off.

Mabel looked at her phone and slapped her forehead. "You've got to be kidding me! I have no charge anymore!"

Dipper phone glowed brightly in the class room. "Dang it!" Dipper exclaimed and dropped his phone on the ground. "Everyone get down! Shooting Star make a shield with me!"

The two teens made a blue and pink shield in front of the students and teacher. It protected the students from the incoming debris flying at them.

Smoke collected in the classroom, but flew out the open window.

Everyone coughed and waved away the smoke.

"Oh my gosh..." Mabel says looking at where her cousin dropped his phone. She wasn't looking at the phone, but what's hovering above it.

Dipper next to her facepalmed. "I am really starting to hate my life right now. Please let this be a nightmare." He says with a groan. "You're joking right?"

The class looked at what Mabel and Dipper were looking at. Floating above Dipper's use to be phone is a yellow triangle with a black top hat and bow. It had one eye that is staring mainly at Dipper, black arms, and legs.

"Hi PineTree!"

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