Daniel Bryan Makes A Very Costly Mistake.

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The next morning,
I was the first to wake up and I looked over to see Nicole still asleep. I smiled as I leaned over and gently kissed her lips as she was laying on her back with her head turned ever so slightly. I got out of bed, went over to one of my bags and rummaged through it for a change of clothes, once I found a nice ensemble to wear I went into the room's bathroom to take a shower.

Not too long after I got into the shower Nicole woke up, "Baby?" She asked looking around. When she noticed steam coming from the bathroom, she grinned as she now knew I was taking a nice shower to wake up not to mention wash the sweat off my body from not only my successful Dog Collar match victory but also from me and Nicole's three hour fuck. She sat up and stretched and yawned and stood on her feet then walked over to the bathroom door. She smiled at the sight of me showering. After I turned away from her she slipped into the bathroom and then the shower. I was wetting my hair to wash it when I heard, "Mmmm. Good morning, Danny." She wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Good morning, Nikks." I smiled as I flicked my head back and pressed the water from my hair and it ran down my back. "Sleep well?"
"Ohh, the best sleep I've had in a long, long while." She replied.
"Good to hear." I smiled as I leaned down and she leaned up as we kissed for five minutes. Once we pulled away. We washed each other and took care of our own hair, dried ourselves off and got dressed for the day.
"So what's the schedule for today?" Nicole asked.
"Well, we'll be here in Chicago for another night. Well, at least tonight. I'm guessing I promote my win over Cena in last nights Dog Collar Match." I smiled.
"I'm still so proud of you for beating Cena last night." After we got ready for the day we walked the river walk, went to some other landmarks of Chicago. Even where they film Chicago Fire, Med and P.D.

When it came time for RAW we arrived pretty early at the arena and after dropping our stuff at our locker room we went to catering.
Nicole and I talked about what would happen after me gloating or celebrating my victory over John Cena last night.
"Hey, Daniel," Rhonda said as she walked up. "Nice job against Cena last night."
"Well, I promised I'd see him at his hanging." I grinned.
"Very true." She giggled. "So what's it like being with him, Nikki?" She looked at Nicole.
"It's awesome. He treats me like a queen, he never forces me to do something I don't want to, he's just living up to the old school standards of a real gentleman."
"Good to hear." Rhonda smiled."Well, I better go. I'm supposed to talk to Hunter before RAW tonight. See you guys later."
"See ya, Rhonda." Nicole and I replied. Ember, Bayley, Sasha and the Riott Squad ran up and I took it as my cue to leave and let Nicole have a little girl talk moment. But I kissed Nicole's cheek before leaving for another table.

"So what was with all the noise last night?" Sasha asked.
"Not much, I was just giving Daniel his reward for winning the Dog Collar Match last night."
"It sounded more like he was doing most of the giving," Ember smirked.
The girls all nodded in agreement.
"You could hear us?" Nicole asked turning red.
"Hell yeah, we could." Ruby smiled.
"Which brings us to the all-important question." Liv smiled.
"How is he?"Bayley asked. I looked over at the table the girls were at and noticed Nicole blushing.
"He's an amazing lover. I mean. Every nerve ending was screaming for more of his touch. I never felt so much passion and love for someone. He even buried John."
"What do you mean?" Sarah asked.
"I mean while John lasted pretty long. But he has nothing on Daniel's stamina. Now, remember that Dog Collar Match took a lot out of him. But apparently, not enough to not please me anyway I wanted him to." The girls all had shocked expressions on their faces. "He went three hours. While if John was that worn out. I'd barely get an hour and forty minutes, if I was extremely lucky I would get a little over two hours. Daniel is the first man that has made me feel complete. I mean, he just made me reach new heights of pleasure."
"If he can last that long tired..." Sasha smiled.
"Just imagine how long he can last well rested." Liv grinned at the thought.
"Ohh, please. I'm trying to avoid that thought." Nicole smiled. "I'll test that theory sometime. But I want to make sure that we have a day off or two. Not to mention if I do test his stamina. I may not walk straight for a long while."
"Your one lucky girl Nikki. I can tell that he loves you as much as you love him." Ember smiled.

After a while RAW was on the air and Nicole and I went to out to the ring. "Ladies and gentlemen. I stand before you, not only as a winner. But as a vey happy and rich man. Well richer anyway. Last night, I beat the man who never quits. But last night proved otherwise. You see I am not going to stand out here saying that I was the better if not the superior man last night. Because I'm not well, I somewhat am ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." I looked at Nicole. Then continued. "I proved that I am the superior superstar. Because I had this lovely lady here next to me. You see what happens Johnny boy when you treat a woman like a lady instead of a possession. You get much, much further, faster. Now it seems that I don't have an opponent for Royal Rumble. So until I hear otherwise I'm just going to relax backstage with my Billion Dollar Beauty. But before I go. I'm richer than anyone else because I love this woman right here. And unlike a washed-up franchise player. I don't need to tear down her ego or self-esteem to build up mine. You see, this right here. Is what real love looks like. I love her and she loves me. That's all that matters and that is why I'm richer than everyone else." Nicole and I headed back to the backstage area then to our locker room. We watched the rest of the show from the locker rooms monitor.

Before we left after the show was over, we were approached Hunter.
"Good work on that promo Daniel. Next week we'll have a promo done between Natalya and Nikki with you just observing and only interupting when needed. But I'll let you know what's next for you Dan." He told us.
"Okay. But if I may suggest. Have the promo be between Lexi and Nikki we don't want the fans to think your repetetive."
"I'll pass on the suggestion."
"Fat chance." I grumbled.
"Come on Daniel. Let's head to the hotel. I'm starving but also I want a little more cuddle time with my boyfriend." She grinned.
"Right behind you." I laughed. Over the next week or two. A rivalry was re-sparked between Natalya and Nicole. However I did notice something different Nicole. I would wake up some days and find her in the bathroom throwing up. Not to mention aside form her 'time of the month' she would bite my head off for absolutely nothing or for very little irritations. So I decided to just get her a couple pregnancy tests. She fought me the whole way. I finally just got them and put them in her bag to use at her discretion or convenience.
It wasn't until the week before Royal Rumble that tragedy struck.
Nicole and I were leaving the arena after RAW and I had done my second perfect promo with Daniel Bryan who was now my Royal Rumble opponent.
"I'm so looking forward to my match with Natalya."
"Not as much as I am against Daniel Bryan." I smiled. I then heard tires screeching and I looked to my left and saw a car heading toward us. I wrapped my arms and shielded Nicole from the impact. Or at least I thought I did. I coughed and slowly sat up and looked around and saw Nicole a few feet away. I crawled over to her and she slowly sat up but held her stomach. "Nicole. You alright?" I knew it was a dumb question since I could see she wasn't alright.
"No, no, Danny I'm not alright." She started to tear up as I noticed red covering her left hand after she just barely touched the crotch of her jeans. I looked around and saw the car that hit us. But what I didn't expect to see was Daniel Bryan in the drivers seat. I shakily got to my knees as Ember, Sasha and Bayley came up to us.
"Oh my god." Bayley said.
"You girls stay with her. I'm going to tear the chasis off a car." I stood up and held my stomach but ignored the pain. Bryan noticed and got out of the car and tried to beg for his life. I just tore the hood, trunk and with Brauns help flipped the car onto it's side. "You better pray Bryan." I seethed from the pain now starting to catch up with me. "You better pray that Nicole is not as bad as she looks. Because if she is worse than." I groaned as the pain intensified. Braun looked and noticed I was bleeding from my stomach and back. "Than she looks. I'm going to make your life a living hell." I fell over and Braun caught me. Ember ran over to me.
"Come on, Daniel. You need to be with Nikki." She said.

After I was patched up at the hospital, I headed to Nicole's area of the Emergency room. I hugged her as she hugged me back. "Any news yet?" She shook her head.
"No. And I'm starting to worry." She looked at me with a mixture of scared and sad.
"I'm right here Nikks. We'll face this together." I told her. I slid my right hand into her left hand and she held it to her lips and kissed my hand.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I tried to keep my nerves at bay and keep a brave face for Nicole. Then John Laurenitis and Kathy and JJ came into the emergency room. "Kathy, John, JJ." I smiled a bit more.
"Any news?" Kathy asked.
"No. But I'd like to talk to John and JJ for a moment."
"Sure." JJ said.
"I won't be gone long, Nikks." I leaned down and kissed Nicole's forehead. Then led John and JJ away to the far end of the room.
"So how did this happen?"
"I was getting to that. Daniel Bryan tried to run me over with his rental car after RAW but got both of us."
"What?" JJ said.
"That's right." I groaned as my stitches were almost coming loose from my anger. "I guess he still hates me for making the deal that sent Brie down to NXT and the Performance Center."
"I guess so." John said. Are you sure it was him?"
"I'm sure you can even ask Braun Strowman." I told him. He grimaced at the thought of Bryan being such a spiteful individual. "There's the doctor." We all walked back over to Nicole and Kathy.
"Miss. Colace." He started with a barely detectable hint of meloncholy. "You sustained some minor injuries. However, you lost your baby."
Nicole clasped her hands together over her mouth. "Doc." I started. "How far along was it?"
"I'd say a week or two." He told us. I sat on the bed and pulled Nicole close to me as she started to cry. "Also due to the minor damage done to the uterus. You will not be able to do any strenuous activities for a few weeks." That only made Nicole cry a little more. I tried to consul her and settle her down. Once the doctor walked away I looked to JJ, Kathy and John.
They could read my hatred for Daniel Bryan in my eyes and how my hands would ever few strokes of Nicole's hair would spasm into near fists. Hunter then came in along with Stephanie and Rhonda and Braun. I didn't say anything. I just motioned to Kathy to take over for a moment. Then led Hunter, Rhonda Steph and Braun into an empty examination room. "Daniel, what's wrong?" Rhonda could tell that I was fit to be tied.
"Bryan. He used his rental car. As Braun knows. To run me over. But not only got me but Nicole as well."
"Oh, my god."
"She's suffered minor injuries. But..." I was starting to lose my composure. "She also was two weeks pregnant. And lost the baby." I punched the wall dislodging a brick an inch or two out of the wall. "I want Daniel Bryans Head. If you won't give me the opprotunity. I'm going after him myself. Job be damned. I'm not just gonna stand by and let him get away with this atrocity. Not unless I get my pound of flesh for each injury." Hunter and Steph looked at me with fear in their eyes. As did Braun and Rhonda. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have a girlfriend who needs me." I walked back over the Colace's and Nicole.
Hunter and Steph left as Braun and Rhonda waited in the waiting room. Telling anyone that came in what happened and what the prognosis was.

When Nicole was discharged the next day. I had her fly to my home to Idaho Falls and arranged for Sadie who had a spare key to my home pick her up, take her to my home and take care of her. I on the other hand decided to really make this little blind vendetta Bryan had against me very personal. Because at NXT on Wednesday. I gave credence to the old addage an eye for an eye. I made my way out to the ring and stood in the center with the Authors of Pain on either side of me.
"Now for those of you, wondering why I'm out here. Or why I'm here period. It's because Daniel Bryan took something from me. Now I'm going to do the same to him." The crowd was dead quiet. "Brie. Get your ass out here and I have two people that will make sure I'm able to stay in this ring until you do." I hopped up and sat on the top turnbuckle.
Soon 'Brie Mode' started playing and Brie slowly made her way to the ring. I hopped down and tapped Akam and Rezar on the shoulder. Then pointed to both sides of the ring and they left the ring but not ringside. Brie was very worried about why I would come into the NXT ring and stand in the center as she got in.
"Brie. Been a long time. Would you like something to drink, water, juice, tea, your sisters cervical blood?" The crowd was shocked by what I said. Brie was scared now as I got real close to her. "Your hubby. Daniel Bryan. Is going to learn that you never give an irish or scottsman a reason for revenge. But for now. I'm going to make an example out of you." I turned and took off my jacket, shirt, pendant and kept my black undershirt on. "You see. Your hubby. Hit me and Nicole with his rental car. I took a few bumps and bruises. But as for your sister. My girlfriend. Nicole. She has minor injuries.  Except she was three weeks pregnant and lost the baby due to your hubby's actions." I snapped my left hand around Brie's throat squeezing with growing anger and intensity. "Now I can't touch Daniel until Rumble. But there's nothing stopping me from using you as a surrogate." Just then Shayna Baszler's theme hit. I let go and backed off. Shayna looked at me then to Brie. I handed Shayna the mic.
"I don't know why Bryan would try to injure his Rumble opponent. But to make a woman lose her baby. Is beyond sick." She said to the cheers of the crowd. "So as much as I don't want to get sloppy seconds. But in this case. I'm going to enjoy taking the scraps after Daniel here get's done with you." She dropped the mic and I performed not one but three Hostile Takeovers. I locked in the Million Dollar Dream but I swung her around while I had it still cinched in. Then turned it into a Hostile Million Dollar Dream and didn't let go not even when my hands started to spasm and lose feeling in them. I picked her up with the Million Dollar Dream cinched in and with a discus swing tossed her out of the ring and Shayna did as promised. I started walking backstage as I knew my message was delivered my way and was clear as day. Akam and Rezar accompanied me to the hotel after I made my presence more than known and my intentions for Bryan at Rumble very, very clear.

When I got to the hotel. I said my goodbye's to Akam and Rezar then called Sadie as I entered my room.
"Sadie." I said.
'Oh, hey Daniel. You okay."
"A little better. But still not out of the woods yet. How's Nikks doing?"
'Oh she's doing a little better. She's asleep now. I'm sorry to hear about your baby.'
"Thanks for the sympathies. But I just want you to take care of Nikks. I miss her so much. But I need to make sure Bryan understands that he is no longer untouchable to me."
'Well, I'm sure you'll beat his ass for what he did.'
"You got that right. I heard from Rhonda their changing the match type. So I just hope it's a match I can do whatever I want to he prick."
'Oh, she's awake.' Sadie passed the phone to Nicole.
'Hey, Danny.' I smiled hearing her voice.
"Hey, Nikks. You feeling any better?"
'A bit. Although I'm about to strangle Sadie.'
I laughed a bit at that. "Being a nurse maid and mama bear right?" I asked.
'Yeah.' Nicole giggled. 'When you coming home?'
"I've already arranged a month off for both of us after my match at Rumble." I told her honestly.
'Good. Because I want to spend time with my boyfriend.'
"I know Nikks. You just get some rest and try not to do anything strenuous until I get home."
'I'll try but would killing Sadie count as strenuous?' She joked.
"Yes, it would. Well, I got to go Nikks. I love you."
'I love you too, Danny.' We made kissing noises and hung up.
Then just laid down on the bed and took my glasses off and just folded my arms behind my head and closed my eyes. My muscles twitched and writhed for the coming punishment of Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble.

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