Royal Rumble Becomes A Super-Max Prison.

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That Sunday when I arrived at the arena in Hartford, Connecticut. And was instantly ushered into Hunters office at the arena. I was met by a restrained Bryan and Hunter and Stephanie. "Daniel. Glad your here. We decided to make your match the first ever Leavenworth Match. We had a special cage made for this type of match. It nearly makes the Elimination Chamber look like a cakewalk. It's one hundred percent inescapable. The sides are lined with pure razor wire near the top, there is a lid so it's close to a Hell in a Cell match but unlike those matches. The only thing the referee can do is call for the bell to start the match and again to end the match. Also the only way to win is that the other person will have to be incapable of continuing whatsoever. So basically this match is under sudden death rules with the added stipulation that submissions and pinfalls will not be counted."
I smiled as Hunter made this clear to both of us.
"So whatever grudge you have with Boyce tonight. Better die tonight Bryan. Because if it doesn't you will be let go and I will make it my personal mission that you don't get hired anywhere else."
"Same goes for you Daniel." Steph told me. "Minus being  let go of course."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Dismissed." Hunter said. I left first as Bryan just glared after me.
I went to my locker room and Sasha came into my room. "Daniel?"
"Yeah. Hey Sasha."
"Hey, You alright?" She asked.
"I will be after tonight."
"Well, just be careful tonight. I know Nikki  will want her man home at one hundred or at least fifty percent."
"Dually noted, Sasha." I smiled. I hugged her and she giggled as she pulled away from me.
"Hey, what's the matter?" She asked.
"Hah. I was told by John Laurenitis. That the doctors told them. The odds of Nikki having kids now. Is very slim."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. WHen did John tell you?"
"Yesterday when I arrived at here. He called to make sure I knew everything the doctor told them or if anything further was found in the tests they did when Nicole and I arrived at the hospital that night."
"I also heard your taking a month off."
"That's right. I need to spend some more time with Nicole. I won't make the same mistake I did with Katherine."
"Your ex fiancee." She said. I regretted saying Katherine's name.
"Daniel. You aren't the only one who lost people that were special or close to you. But I'll make sure to not tell anyone. I'd hate to make an enemy out of someone who took apart Brie Bella in mere seconds." I smiled weakly. "Hey, everything will work out. You'll see." She smiled as she started to head out. "See you later Daniel." I just waved goodbye as I got prepped for my match against Bryan.

The match was slated for later in the before the Royal Rumble. Both of them.

When the structure was lowered and in place. There was nowhere for either of us to escape. We were literally locked in a supermax prison. At least the WWE equivalent. I didn't wait for the bell to ring as I tore into Bryan. Letting my savagery and real extreme, hardcore personality reign supreme. I may have been the 'Billion Dollar Man' but I was not him tonight. I was a man fighting for the woman he loved. I was a man getting his pound of flesh for what was done to him and his girlfriend. But the bottom line was. I was an uncaged animal in that structure. Bryan had no chance as my muscles, bones and body savored the beating I was bringing down on Bryan. Everything fell away. And I just continued the beatdown on Bryan. Nothing else even registered.
Forty seven to fifty five minutes into the match. I was still punishing Bryan. Not even once did I lose my head of steam. Every time I felt myself get tired. I just remembered the sad look on Nicole's face and I would suddenly find more power, more energy, more brutality to reign down on Bryan. I stood up and walked over to the ropes, slid out of the ring took out seven steel chairs from under the ring and tossed them into the ring two at a time. I slid back into the ring and slid Bryans head into one of the folded steel chairs, picked up another and slid his leg into one and picked up another and did the same. I leapt in the air and stomped on the bar between the legs of the two chairs on his legs. He jerked in pain, grasping at his knees as I had heard the bone pop out of socket when I landed on the chairs. I picked up another chair and hit him in the face with it knocking him out again. I readjsuted the chair around his neck and looked to the top rope. I grinned sadistically as I took the chair that I used to knock him out up to the top rope with me and looked to the crowd. I leapt into the air with a steel chair held close to my chest and landed on the one around Bryans neck. I started laughing as his entire body twitched as I slowly stood up and pulled the chair from around his neck. Laid one out on the mat placed Bryans head on it then took a fresh chair and did seven con-chair-to's in a row. Then dragged him over to the corner. Placed a chair in front of him as he leaned on the bottom turnbuckle. Walked to the opposite corner and ran at him and speared the chair into his head.  I was still laughing as I tore the bent chair from it's place and and tossed it in the pile of destroyed chairs.
'Not so fun is it. IS IT!!!' I screamed at him. The referee called for the bell and I picked him up and performed Hostile Take over twice on the only steel chair that was untouched. Once he was slammed a second time I spit on him and made my way to the back. But not before taking one last look at the scene developing in the ring as EMT's, trainers, doctors started examining Bryan. I snagged a mic from a tech backstage and said, "Someone should have told you Bryan. Never. Give an Irish or Scot reason for revenge. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." I went to my locker room and packed up, headed to the hotel, just got ready to go home. Then headed to the airport and caught the first flight home.

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