Fastlane Becomes The Night Of Dreams.

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Once we arrived at the arena for RAW, Nicole and I reported to the office suites of the arena and I knocked on Hunter's door. "Come in." Hunter's voice bellowed. We entered his office and he stood up and walked over to us. "Well, if it isn't the Billion Dollar Power Couple."
"Hey, Hunter." I greeted as he hugged us.
"Glad to have you two back." He smiled.
"Good to be back." Nicole and I replied smiling.
"So I'm guessing your wondering what storyline's we have in mind for you?"
"You betcha." I grinned.
"Well, for you Daniel. You will be starting a Wrestlemania Rivalry with the same man you beat at Clash of Champions. But this is going to end it. He's contemplating retiring."
"Well, I guess his hanging made him come to grips with his mortality. What do you think Nikks?"
"I couldn't agree more." She grinned.
"As for you Nikki," Hunter said. "We would like you to start a generational Wrestlemania rivalry with Alexa Bliss." He started going into more detail about me and Nicole's possible storylines. Once he finished. He had laid it all out. Next week, Nikki would call out Alexa on her childish behavior since she has been the WWE RAW Women's Champion for a while now. I was to start the Wrestlemania Rivalry with John by interfering in his WWE Universal Title shot later in the evening. When he finished, Nicole and I understood what we were supposed to do. "And that's it. But even I must say that you two look much better." We grinned. "Okay, that's all for now."
"Oh, Hunter. Before we go. We would like to tell you something."
I looked at Nicole. "Daniel asked me to marry him. When he came home for the month while I was out."
"That's good news." He smiled. "Congratulations. So when's the wedding."
"We're still working that out," I replied.
"Okay. Well, congratulations anyway." He smiled.
"Thank you." Nicole and I left his office then headed to the locker room and I got changed into my ring gear. And she got changed into her Billion Dollar Bella attire complete with the jacket I gave her then we headed to catering to hang out with our friends.
While we talked to Lexi, Alicia, Mickie, Trish, and a few other female superstars along with Braun Strowman, Seth Rollins. Lexi and Alicia noticed the engagement ring and gasped. "Nikki. Is that an engagement ring on your finger."
"Yes, it is." She smiled and the girls mobbed us with questions as the men congratulated me on becoming engaged to Nicole.
"So when's the wedding?" Lexi asked.
"Well, we were thinking either the first part of May or Somewhere in July." Nicole said as I nodded along.
"Those sound like good times of the year for a wedding." Seth smiled.
"Thank you." Nicole and I said in unison. Paul Heman walked up to us and I stood up as Brock came with him.
"Whoa. Easy, big guy." Brock smiled. "We're not here to cause trouble. We want to congratulate you." He smiled wider. He walked up and hugged me and shook my hand. "For real man. you are more of a man than that waste of space I'm supposed to face later tonight. You are going to join a very exclusive club with other guys who have married the girls they truly love." Brock said.
"Wow. That was a very good speech. Practicing for your own kids?" I asked.
"I guess you might say that. But Paul and I are very happy for you." Brock backed up and hugged Nicole. "You look after this Mad Billionaire. Okay?"
"I plan to." Nicole smiled.
"Good because we all know he needs special supervision," Paul said making us all laugh. And with all the laughs and smiles. I had a feeling something was going to happen tonight and not in a good way. And I couldn't believe how right I was.

When the main event for RAW came around and John and Brock were out in the ring. I made my way to the gorilla with Nicole. We watched the match waiting for the opportune moment for me to run out and ruin John Cena's Universal title shot. When he performed his second Attitude Adjustment on Brock I headed out but not before kissing Nicole for luck. I ran in and speared John out of his shoes. Brock rolled out of the ring and up the ramp with Paul and his title. John and I stood on opposite ends of the ring and the entire arena could feel the hatred that still loomed between us. John and I approached the center of the ring and he said, as the camera got close enough, 'Why would Nicole marry you when she has much better options out there." He smiled.
'Maybe. But if there's one thing I can count on. Is that none of them will be you.' I turned momentarily and did a tornado roundhouse that knocked him out cold. 'Like I said. None of them will be you.' I smiled as I walked to the back and was met by Nicole. "Good job out there." She kissed me and laced her right arm with my left. We then headed to our locker room then to the rental car. "I'm proud of how you handled John's prodding about you know." I nodded.
"Yeah, he was going for a cheap shot at the fact that you're marrying me. Only for me to take the higher road and point out that even that if you married someone else. None of the options wouldn't be him."
"I think that deserves a special reward." Nicole smiled.
"Can't wait." We drove to the hotel and went directly to our room. Once we dropped our bags on the floor. Nicole led me to the bed and five blissful hours later. We were laying on our back. Well, I was as Nicole smiled and leaned up and kissed me as she slid to my left side.
"That was incredible baby." She grinned.
"Glad you liked it. I'm just wondering." She looked at me questioningly. "What's with the sudden interest of draining me dry?" She smiled evilly.
"Well, I was so broken up when the doctor at the hospital that night of the incident that caused me to be out of action for a month said that there was a very slim chance for me/us to have kids. That I almost gave up hope. But then you said that we'd get through it together and I believe you. Then we went to Dr. Blackburn and he said that the damage wasn't as extensive as the other doctor said. So I-I just want to take advantage of it just in case something else goes wrong."
"Well, I can see your logic and reasoning in that. I was just curious."
"I know." She smiled. "And by the way." I looked at her. "That was amazing." She leaned up and kissed me. We talked about our rivalries mostly until sleep started to overtake us. "Well, goodnight Danny baby."
"Goodnight Nicole."

Over the next week or two, John tried everything to get my goat but failed at every turn and Lexi and Nicole were doing a grand job of working their Generational Rivalry for Wrestlemania 35.
But as you may have guessed we needed to get through FASTLANE first in order to even think about 'Mania.

The afternoon of Fastlane, I woke up in the bed to see no Nicole. I reached over to my bedside table and put my glasses on and slowly got up, yawned and stretched and groaned. "Nikks?" I called out I then heard for the second day in a row Nicole throwing up in the bathroom of the hotel room. "Nikks. You alright in there darling?" I knew it was a stupid question. But I just wanted to make sure.
"I'm fine baby. God this is getting monotonous." She said. I opened the door and found her holding her stomach while kneeling over the toilet bowl. I wasn't about to put some stock in something that may or may not be the source for Nicole's early morning or afternoon in this case vomiting.
"Come on." I slowly helped her to her feet and helped her to the bed.
"Thank you." She smiled. "I know that I may look weak to you baby."
"Hey," I kneeled in front of her. "You could never look weak in front of me. Your one of the strongest girls I know. But you have one thing they don't have."
"What's that?" She asked smiling a bit.
"This ring." I held up her right hand that had our engagement ring on her ring finger. "Do you see Lexi with that ring?"
"Do you see Sasha with that ring?"
"No." She giggled.
"No. Because I am going to marry you. Not them."
"Thank you, I needed the cheering up."
"That's what fiance's are for." I grinned. I kissed her forehead and got up. "Will you be alright while I take a shower?" She nodded. "Okay. If you need anything I'm just a scream away." I giggled as did she. I went into the bathroom with a change of clothes and my travel shower kit and a towel from the hotel closet shelf.
While I was in the bathroom taking a shower she texted her sister and Sasha. She described what she had been feeling and they both came to the same conclusion. Sasha even dropped off a test as I was finishing my shower. When I got out of the bathroom dressed in the change of clothes I took in with me. "Your turn Nikks," I told her. She practically ran into the bathroom as I noticed Sasha. "Oh, hey Mercedes."
"Daniel. Glad to see your back and I'm very happy and excited for you and Nicole on getting married."
"Thank you, Mercedes. Was there a reason your here."
"Oh, no. I just forgot that I borrowed her hairbrush months ago and never got to return it until now."
"Okay. Well, see you at the arena and say hi to Mikaze for me."
"Will do." She left the hotel room and headed back to hers. I sorted through my arena bag as I usually did once a month just to make sure I not only clean attire but also a couple of spare change of clothes. After Nicole came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and her hair slowly drying out. She walked over to me and I stood up and kissed her. But I did notice a smile on her face a country mile wide. "What are you up to?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"About thirty minutes ago you looked like you just had the worst case of indigestion imaginable. Now you look like you were practically handed the Raw Women's title."
"Well, I just feel so much better after my shower baby."
"Okay. If you say so." I smiled. She pulled the towel off her body and used it to dry her hair the rest of the way. I just couldn't help but smile as I looked at her in all her natural beauty. "How did I get so lucky to be engaged to such a stunningly beautiful woman like you?"
"Maybe you deserved to have some happiness come your way."
"Maybe." I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck. Our foreheads touching as we gazed into each other's eyes. "But I do know one thing."
"What's that?" She asked.
"In a month or so. You and I will take the biggest step anyone can in their lives. We will be getting married. And on that day. I'm going to be the happiest man alive." I kissed her and after a moment or two. Pulled away far enough for her to rest her head on my chest.
"Ohh, I'm so happy to be with you, Daniel."
"Thank you. And I'm happy to be with you, Nicole." I pulled away and she got dressed for the arena and we grabbed our arena bags, the rental car keys, hotel room key cards and just headed to the arena.

Once we got there we headed to our locker room, changed into our attire for the night and Nicole still had that smile that was becoming contagious. We headed to Catering and sat by ourselves and Nicole sat in my lap and I smiled as we watched the Kick off show a bit. Then Brie walked up. "Hey, Daniel, Nicole." She smiled.
"Brie," I said as Nicole got off me so I could stand up. "I'm sorry for what I did a couple months back."
"Hey, I understand. Besides. All it did was prove that you really love my sister. And I agree with Mom and John that what Bryan did was a very vulgar act. Accident or not." I hugged her and she did the same.
"It still doesn't excuse it," I said. "But I appreciate the attempt to cheer me up."
"By the way. I heard through the grapevine. That you'll be joining the Colace family."
Nicole grinned as she leaned into my left shoulder and sported the engagement ring. "That's right Brie." She smiled.
"Oh my. You went all out." Brie said.
"Well, Nicole deserves it," I replied.
"That she does." Brie smiled and we all sat together as FASTLANE continued. When Nicole's match against Lexi came up I followed her to the gorilla and Lexi came up with Mickie and Alicia.
"Good luck out there Nicole." Lexi hugged her before heading out with her posse.
"You're going to do fine. And I'll be in your corner the entire match." I told her. She smiled and turned around as we waited for her cue. When her music hit I walked behind her and she did her usual sashay and twirl on the stage. I then walked up and she laced her right arm around my left arm. I stayed at ringside as she got in the ring.

Thirty minutes into her match, everything was going by the book surprisingly. I kept my eyes on Mickie and Alicia as well inside the ring. When Alexa delivered a DDT to Nikki Alicia went for a weapon and I started running after her and Mickie which caused Alexa to lose her focus on Nikki as I chased them up the ramp a bit and stood to watch on the bottom. I kept my eyes on them to make sure they didn't come back down and Alexa leaned over the top rope near the ramp and yelled at me but I gave her no consideration as she turned around and Nikki nailed her with a Rack Attack. Then picked Alexa up and slapped on the Million Dollar Dream. Alexa tapped after Nikki wrapped her legs around Alexa's waist. Once the bell rang I rolled into the ring and by then Alexa had rolled out of the ring. I stood next to a smiling Nikki. "See, told ya you'd do fine." She leapt in my arms and kissed me.
"I love you."
"I love you more." We headed backstage and Brie met us at the gorilla.
"Good job out there Nikki." She smiled. After a moment or two Nicole, Briana and I headed to Nicole and I's locker room as after a couple of interviews with me and John. It would be our match up next.
"Brie. Would you mind staying with Nicole as I deal with the interviews and the match with John?"
"Sure," Brie replied.
"Okay. Kiss for luck." I leaned down as Nicole kissed me. "I'll see you after the match."
After I left the room, "So, what was the result? Of the uh, test?" Nicole smiled.
"Well, what the doctor said about me having difficulty having kids. Was pure bull."

I, on the other hand, was already in the interview area ready to do my interview. Charly Caruso called me over. I walked over and came into frame. "Now, Daniel. We all saw how badly you beat Cena at Clash and you've continued that for the past few weeks like there wasn't even any time between now and Clash. So do you see yourself winning tonight and do you have a message for Cena?"
"You know, Charly. I've been in this business for a long time. I've seen them all. Good, wrestlers, bad wrestlers." I smiled into the camera. "Mediocre wrestlers. And John my boy. You are in the category of mediocre wrestlers. Because only a mediocre wrestler would break the heart of the woman he supposedly loves. Only a mediocre wrestler would ask the woman of his dreams to marry him. And over a year later. Break not only the relationship off but also call off the wedding. John your not even a man. Your just a cockroach who fed off of Nikki's popularity and fame. Well, tonight's the first step to your destruction. Because. Look at me. I'm the quintessential athlete, I have held nearly every title in this company's history, I've participated in a lot of firsts. The first Leavenworth Match at this past Royal Rumble. The Wall Street Street Fight before I took some time off. I'm even engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world. What are your accomplishments, John? Oh right. Your tied with Ric Flair in terms of World Title reigns, you've taken more breaks than Hunter has in his lifetime, Oh I got it. Your crowning achievement was lying to the world and more importantly to 'MY' wife to be Nikki Bella. By convincing her and the world that you actually loved her. Loved her enough to marry her. Well, sonny Jim. Unlike you. I'm not gonna run like a coward for the nearest exit. I promised to marry Nikki and that's just what I'll do. Unlike you, I will never abandon her. I will never lie to her. And one last thing Johnny boy. At least I am not afraid to have kids with her like you were. So my message to you is you better have your insurances paid up. Because you may need it to pay your soon to be insurmountable medical bills." I walked away and headed to the gorilla. I had my eyes closed as I was focusing on my upcoming match and John walked up after doing his interview.
"Hey, where do you get off saying those things about me?" He asked.
"I don't know if you heard. Um, I'm the Billion Dollar Man. I can do whatever I want, say whatever I want and have nobody tell me different. Don't you wish you had that kind of freedom." My music hit and I headed to the ring leaving John angry in the gorilla.
As I made my way to the ring I pulled out a remote and pressed a combination of buttons and hundred dollar bills started to rain down on the crowd. I tossed the remote and continued to the ring. When I reached the ring. I took off my jacket and button up shirt and ripped my tear away trousers off. Then tossed it all outside. But handed my glasses and pendant to Jojo, who took them and slid them behind her back as she announced John who charged the ring. I smiled as I noticed that he was very pissed which meant that he was so angry that he wasn't thinking straight which meant to me. He would be easily manipulated or he was unfocused enough that he wouldn't be able to completely counter anything I threw at him.

Thirty-five minutes in, John was starting to tire as I kept prodding him with facts of how his love for Nicole was fake in comparison to my love for her. When he tried to go for his first Attitude Adjustment in the match I swung myself towards his back and cinched in a scissor Milion Dollar Dream. I swung his upper body back and forth which made me cinch the Million Dollar Dream in tighter. Not too long after the eleventh or twelfth time. He passed out. The ref checked John and when he didn't respond. The ref called for the bell. I stood up after shoving John off me and smiled at the crowd and Nicole came down to the ring and smiled as she hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Is this rivalry over with yet?" I asked making her laugh.
"Not yet."
"Damn. That means another month of this shit."
"Well, I got some good news for you." She grinned as she asked Jojo for a microphone. I retrieved my pendant and glasses from Jojo as Nicole tried to gather the nerve to say what she needed to say. "I am so happy to say this, that I wanted to share it with everyone here." Nicole smiled wider by the second. She held my left hand in her right hand. "Daniel, My Billion Dollar Man." She started. "You are going to be a Billion Dollar Daddy." She finished and the eruption from the crowd was not only deafening but also disorienting.
"You mean," I started and she nodded. "We're having,"
"Yes. I'm pregnant." I was elated as I picked Nicole up and she dropped the microphone. I swung her around in absolute happiness as she laughed and cried tears of joy.
"How long have you known?"
"Since this morning." She smiled.
"Oohhh, I love you. " I told her.
"I love you too." She kissed me as I lowered her back to her feet. We left the ring and headed up to the stage. Once we got there I swept her up in my arms bridal style and shouted, 'I'm going to be a daddy. Ha, ha, ha." We eventually made our way into the gorilla and were greeted by the entire Smackdown Live and Raw locker rooms. Brie hugged us both.
"Congratulations. You are joining me and Bryan in parenthood." She smiled
"Considering how happy I am right now. Nothing could spoil my mood."
"Daniel." John said.
"Except that neandrathal." I turned to face John who was having a hard time staying on his feet as the lack of oxygen to his brain the MDD caused him to become disoriented after he had regained consciousness. "This isn't over." He said.
"I'm afraid that after 'Mania. Not only will our rivalry be done. But so will your career here in the WWE." I smiled. "Face it, John. You will most definitely lose at 'Mania. And even if you did win. You still lose. Because. I have the girl. You don't. I'm going to marry her. Your not. And she and I are already starting a family. And you are just gonna be just like your dad. A lonely lost old man with a lot of what-ifs instead of what could have's to keep him company." John was fuming. The AoP and Braun stepped in front of me facing John.
"Mr. Boyce is done with you tonight." Drake Maverick the manager of the AoP said. "If I were you. I'd leave before these guys tear you a new one." John walked away.
"Thank you, Drake. Thanks, guys." I said to the AoP, Braun, and Drake as the large group slowly dispersed. Hunter approached us as we were going to just head to the hotel.
"I saw the good news. Congratulations." He smiled. "Now that means that Wrestlemania 35 will be your last event for quite a while, Nicole."
"I know." She smiled. "And I'm okay with that."
"Okay. So Daniel, would you like to have time off with Nicole?"
"I wouldn't mind a part-time schedule if that's okay. But on the eighth and ninth month. Just put me on paternity leave." I told him.
"Sounds good. Any objections, Nicole?" Hunter asked.
"No. That sounds good to me. Besides. I'll have Sadie to keep me company."
"Oh, uh Katherine's sister. She's my would-be-sister-in-law."
"Oh. Okay." Well regardless. Congratulations guys." He left us alone and I smiled at Nicole.
We got our arena bags and headed to the hotel.

Once there I was still smiling like I had a huge dose of Joker's laughing gas. "You, Miss Colace. Have made me the happiest man alive tonight." I told her.
"Oh, I know. So. When should we hold the wedding?" She asked as she turned around and I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"I was thinking maybe a week after 'Mania."
"Sounds doable. Besides. That would be about around the time our first appointment should be."
"Okay then." I smiled. "Who will be the Maid of Honor?"
"Brie and Sadie." Nicole smiled.
"Oh, that will make Sadie burst in absolute pandemonium." I joked.
"Oh, right she hasn't met Brie yet has she?" I shook my head. "Well, this should be an experience."
"Just let me know when to wear earplugs." I smiled as Nicole giggled.
"How about best man or men?" She asked leaning back against me.
"I was thinking, one would be, Braun and the other I was thinking JJ."
She smiled. "I'm sure they would love that."
Then my phone went off and I looked at the screen and it was Sadie. "Oh, speak of the devil. It's Sadie."
"Put her on speaker."
"No argument here," I answered the phone and immediately put it on speaker. "Hey, Sadie."
'Hey, I just saw a video that you and Nicole are going to be parents.'
"That's right, Sadie," Nicole said.
"I forgot to warn you that you're on speaker phone," I told her.
'That's cool.' Sadie said. 'I'm so happy for you two.'
"Thank you, Sadie." Nicole and I said in unison.
"Oh, and before we let you go. Would you like to be a maid of honor at our wedding?" There was a long silence. Then Nicole and I hear a loud scream. I laughed as did Nicole.
"I told you." She nudged me in the ribs.
'Absolutely. Who is the other?' Sadie asked.
"My sister Briana." Nicole said and I could definitely hear a loud thud."
"Uhh, Sadie. Sadie. You okay?" After a whole minute of silence.
'Oh, I'm here. And I'm so excited to meet Brie.'
"Well, you'll have to wait until there's a lull or when we arrange time off for the wedding," I told her.
'Okay.' She squealed. 'Congratulations guys. See you soon, bye.'
"Okay. Now. All that's needed to be done is tell your parents that their about to become grandparents for the second time. Or third. Ehh, whatever." I kissed Nicole's neck. "As for you future Mrs. Colace-Boyce. I think a good massage is in order."
"I agree." She sultrily said. She spun around in my arms and faced me. "Come here." She and I made out while stripping down to nothing. Once we made it to the bed. "Show me how happy I've made you tonight."
"As you wish."

Four hours later...
I was laying on my back asleep and Nicole was smiling and awake. 'Your a true gentleman, the man I love and you're going to be an outstanding father.' She whispered. She kissed my cheek and rested her head back onto my chest. And the Sandman soon found his way to her as she fell asleep.

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