John Get's Crushed Under The Weight Of The Bull Market.

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The next morning, I woke up to see Nicole still laying next to me and looking at me. "Morning." She greeted.
"Morning." I smiled. She leaned over and kissed me. "I'm still riding high from the news babe," I told her.
"And I'm still on cloud nine from your reaction but also that amazing session we had last night." She grinned.
"Well, first things first. I need to call Hunter and arrange the needed time off to do the wedding and honeymoon. And since Sadie's one of the Maids of Honor. I think we should arrange for her to be here with us as we prepare for the wedding."
"Good idea baby." She kissed my cheek and got up and headed to the bathroom for a shower. I called Hunter and once I told him that we planned on having the wedding the week after 'Mania. He agreed to arrange the needed time off. I also arranged for Sadie to be traveling with us for the entire month as she was one of the Maids of Honor. Once everything was squared away, Nicole came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
"So, everything set?" She asked.
"Yep. I thought you would like to tell Sadie she's going to be traveling with us while we plan the wedding."
"Thank you, I'd love to tell her." She gently approached me and snatched my phone and called Sadie as she kissed me. I then headed into the bathroom for a shower myself. "Hey, Sadie."
'Hey, Nicole.'
"Listen. Daniel and I arranged for you to travel with us so you can help us plan the wedding. So I'm sure in an hour or two you should be able to go to the airport and just give them your name and there should be a ticket for you to come out to where we are. If everything goes by the numbers. You should be here early tomorrow afternoon."
'Oh, that is so cool you guys.' Sadie said.
"So get packed just head on over here."
'Okay, see you both real soon.' She hung up and Nicole smiled as she dialed her parents.
"Hey, mom."
'Hey, Nicole. Brie told us the good news.'
"Well, I was hoping to do that myself but I'm glad you guys know. But to add to it. Daniel and I are planning on being married the week after 'Mania. "
'Oh, that is such spectacular news.'
"And he would like JJ to be one of his Best Men."
'Tell Daniel I'd be honored.' JJ said.
"Mom do you have me on speaker phone?" She giggled.
'Yes, I do."
"That's fine."
'Nicole,' John started. 'We just want to congratulate you and Daniel on not only getting married. But also becoming parents.'
"Thanks, John." Nicole smiled. "Well, I better go. Daniel and I are going to look at rings before Raw tonight."
'Okay. Talk to you later, Nicole. Love you both.'
"Love you too, guys. Bye." She smiled as I opened the door and walked out in a towel around my waist.
"Told your parents." I smiled.
"About the wedding, yes. I didn't get the opportunity to tell them about the pregnancy." She slightly frowned.
"Brie strikes again," I said.
"Well, I don't blame her for telling them. But I was hoping I could've done it." Nicole hung her head.
"Hey, Nikks. At least they know. Besides. You did tell them about the wedding."
"True. And Sadie should be here early tomorrow afternoon." She smiled.
"Good. And there's the girl I love so much." I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Now let's get dressed. As you said. We're going to go and look for the wedding rings today."
"Right." She smiled wider. "I love you."
"I love you more." She got dressed as I did the same.

After we were dressed we went out into Detroit to all the different jewelers looking for a perfect pair of wedding rings. We found them in a mom and pops jeweler shop and bought them right there and I gave them my address so they could send them to my place when they were ready. Then we headed to a nice diner to have some late breakfast and some lunch. I was amazed at how much Nicole wolfed down. I shouldn't talk. But it impressed me. I'm not going to tell what she ate and how many. All I'm going to say is that it was impressive. We then headed back to the hotel, picked up our arena bags and headed to the arena.

When we arrived at the arena, Lexi approached us. "Sorry, you guys. I didn't get the opportunity to congratulate you two." Lexi smiled."Oh, I'm so excited to meet the little one."
"As are we." I giggled.
"Of course you two are." She giggled along with me and Nicole. "So Nicole should we go and plan the match for tonight?"
"Absolutely." Nicole smiled. I grinned as she approached me. "See you later baby."
"See you," I kissed Nicole. "Later darling." I looked at Lexi. "Let me make myself clear Lex. I don't want anything bad to happen to Nicole."
"Or it'll be my head."
"That would be rosy in comparison," I told her.
"Good." Nicole went with Lexi to her locker room as I headed to me and Nicole's locker room.
My work tonight was to just do a promo with John. Mickie walked in after knocking. "Ohh, Daniel, I am so happy for you and Nicole. Trust me, Dan. You'll enjoy being a parent." She smiled.
"I think we will too. But until I get done with John. I can't really concentrate on my impending family. As much as I want to." I told her.
"Just remember what you said to him last night. Your marrying Nicole. He's not. You are starting a family with her."
"He's not." I smiled.
"Exactly, you are going to be an outstanding father Daniel. And Nicole is going to be an outstanding mother. I know that you both will succeed in everything you do. Even if it's away from the ring." Mickie smiled.
"Thank you, Mickie." she left the room and I got ready for my promo with John.

Meanwhile, in Lexi's locker room...
"So Nikki, " Lexi started. " Have any names picked out, or godparents?"
"No. Not yet at least." Nicole smiled.
"Any ideas as to what the names will be?"
"Well if it's a girl. I think Lily would be a good one. Or Magdalen."
"Ohh, I'm sure Daniel will love that name." Lexi smiled. "Now if it's a boy. I think it would be good to name him after his dad." Lexi started to tear up.
"That's an adorable idea. Although I think that it may be a better idea to let Daniel name it if it's a boy that is."
"Maybe your right." Nicole smiled.

When the show started I was in catering waiting for Nikki whose match was up next. When she and Lexi came up to the table I was at. So did Cena. He tried reaching for Nicole.
"Hey, Nikki." He started I rocketed to my feet and stepped in front of her facing John.
"You are really hard of hearing aren't you Ce-nothing?" I smirked. "She." I gestured to Nikki. "Is my girl, not yours, my future bride, not yours. And if you try and touch her again. You will be more than sorry. You will be dead." Then Nicole pulled on my arm and that pretty much told me that her match was up next. "So just keep your distance until Wrestlemania. Or we'll have a very big problem, no worries because I have a very permanent solution." Nicole wrapped her arms around my right arm and led me to the gorilla as we left Cena standing dumbfounded by what I said.

"Danny." Nicole said.
"Ha, sorry Nikks." I looked at her.
"No need to apologize baby." She slid into my arms. "I'm so happy that you would do anything to protect me. In fact I'm looking forward to seeing you end this long rivalry. Because, then we'd be able to focus on us and our soon to be growing family." I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my waist and I gently rubbed her back with my right hand. Lexi smiled as she watched us.
"You two are so adorable." She said.
Me and Nikks just smiled and giggled. "Thank you, Lexi." We said in unison.
I pulled away and looked at Nicole. "Do you want me to come out with you?" I asked.
"Alicia and Mickie have their own matches. But I would like the extra support." Nicole smiled.
"Okay." I smiled and hugged her and kissed the top of her head.
"Ohh, I can't wait for our wedding."
"Neither can I."

Needless to say Nikki and Alexa put on one hell of a show. Alexa did end up winning with a an old school DDT. Nikki slowly slid out of the ring and I picked her up and she smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I carried her all the way to our locker room and laid her down on the sofa of our locker room.

"I'm so glad you were at ringside tonight." Nicole smiled as she pulled me in for a kiss.
"I am too. I wanted to make sure you were okay after the match. But I think you just wanted to be carried here." I smiled.
"I have no idea what your talking about." She grinned.
"Uh huh." I giggled. "Ooohh, I love you, Nikks."
"I love you more, Danny." She sat up and kissed me once more before I had to go and do my promo with John. Before I left Brie came in and sat with Nicole as I headed to the door. "Love you Danny. Be careful."
"Love you too, Nikks. And I will." She blew me a kiss and I blew one back as I left for the gorilla.
"I'm sure you get this a lot. But you two are just so adorable together." Brie grinned.
"Yeah. Lexi told us before our match tonight." Nicole smiled.
"So you looking forward to tying the knot with him after 'Mania?" Brie asked.
"Mania can't come fast enough." Nicole smiled.
"I know. And I'm sure that you can't wait to meet your little one or ones."
"You'd be correct on that." Nicole smiled.
"So what are the plans so far for the wedding?"
Nicole updated Brie on what was already planned for the wedding. Such as the maids of honor or brides maids which for some reason there was only two so far and as for my groomsmen or best man I had one so far. She told her that it would be an outdoor wedding at my place in I.F. and it just went from there.

I on the other hand was at the gorilla waiting for my music to hit and before it could I heard, "Well, at Wrestlemania 35. I'll be winning the match. And you will be proven as a fraud. And lose Nicole."
"You must have lost some oxygen from the hanging at Clash. Regardless as to whether I win or lose. I still win and you will still lose. Because like I've said many times before. You will never be with Nicole. Never marry her. And unlike you. I am not afraid of starting a family with her. You on the other hand. Will never be happy until she's a broken mess. Which is fine for someone who supposedly loved her but loved tearing her down physically, emotionally and psychologically. You better remember. I have already won. I have Nicole. I am the one marrying Nicole. I am the one that will be having a family with her. Not. You." He was getting angry. "And if you mention my fiancee again. I'll break your neck and toss you over the nearest bridge. She's mine, now and forever. If you want to be mad at someone. Maybe you should take one good look in the mirror. And whatever reflection you see. You should blame. Not me. Not Nicole. Nobody else. But yourself. Because last I checked. It was you who toyed with her emotions, it was you who broke off the engagement, wedding and it took Nicole about three years to get you to even consider marrying her. So which of us broke her heart more. I'm sure it wasn't me. I love Nicole. All you love is yourself. So regardless of the outcome of the match we have. I want your ass out of WWE. Because you have no other business here. So why don't you go and suck up to the Hollywood big wigs and get more movie opprotunities. Because You do not deserve to be here anymore." I walked out to 'Almighty Dollar' and John was stunned to silence after I told him off. But he miraculously did the promo which I knew he would considering the match at Wrestlemania was a big payday for him. But as far as I was concerned. He has no business being in the WWE after our match at Mania.
Towards the end of the night after an exciting promo and before I headed to Nicole and I's locker room I walked up to Braun. "Hey Daniel."
"Congratulations on becoming a dad, man."
"Thank you. Now the reason I walked over here is because I was wondering if you would like to be my best man?"
"Sure man. I'd be honored." He smiled.
"Okay. Good. Now I just have to worry about the last two groomsmen." Then Brock and Finn came up to us.
"Hey, Daniel. Congratulations lad." Finn said.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"So how are the wedding plans going?" Brock asked.
"Fine. Brauns best man and Nicole's brother JJ is one of the groomsmen. I just need two more as far as my memory goes." I joked. Which made them laugh. "But since you two are here. And even this is surprising me." I breathed once. "Would you two be the last groomsmen?"
"Sure lad."
"Absolutely." Brock replied.
"Excellent. Well, I better go and rescue Nicole from Brie. So see you guys next week." I waved goodbye and headed to Nicole and I's locker room and found Nicole and Brie looking over baby names on her phone. "Okay. I've interrupted something important haven't I?"
"Danny." Nicole got up and ran into my arms. "Ooohh, I'm guessing that you asked Braun?"
"Yep. And I asked Finn and much to my amazement. Brock to be the final groomsmen."
"Well, I'm sure that you just wanted to bury the animosity between you and Brock by asking him to be a groomsman." Brie said.
"Okay. Am I unconscious somewhere. Or is your sister making more sense than usual." I joked making both Nicole and Briana laugh a bit.

Over the next couple weeks, Sadie joined us and we finalized the venue for the wedding and the reception and that the date would be the very next Saturday after Wrestlemania.

Then the day before Wrestlemania 35...
Nicole and I were arriving to the HoF induction ceremony. Dressed to the nines. I was wearing a dark blue crushed velvet suit with a gold kerchief in my left breast pocket of the jacket. And a nice silver Tie that read 'Nicole's Billion Dollar Boyfriend' emblazoned in emerald green. Nicole wore a beautiful dark red and gold strapless dress.
We did the red carpet interviews and before we found our seats. Hunter approached me. "Daniel. We need you to induct the Undertaker. Glenn had a family emergency come up so we want you to do it."
"I don't know, Hunter."
"Baby." I looked to Nicole. "I'll be fine. You deserve to induct Mark. Let's not forget that classic fight you had against him at the inaugural Elimination Chamber."
"Oooh, I still get sharp pains in my neck thinking about that." I laughed.
"Nicole. You can be Daniels escort tonight if you wish." Hunter said.
"I'd like that." She smiled.
We headed to the back of the stage where the inductors and inductees were." When the ceremony started. The video chronicling Marks career started playing. Then when it concluded Jerry Lawler smiled. "Now here to induct the newest member of the WWE Hall of Fame. 'The Billion Dollar Man' Daniel Boyce."
Nicole escorted me out to the stage. After I kissed her cheek, she smiled and stood beside Jerry and I took my place at the podium.
"Thank you. Umm to be honest with all of you. I'm the last minute or ditch replacement for Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs has a family emergency come up. So even though I am unprepared for this. I'm still honored to induct my longtime enemy and friend off camera. Mark 'The Undertaker ' Calloway." I went through what I knew about Mark. But when it came time to share a story about an experience I had with 'Taker. Only one thing came to mind. "Now as you all remember. Before I disappeared, I had a knockdown drag out big marquee fight with 'Taker." The audience roared with raucous applause and cheers after I mentioned it. "I have never met or known anyone. That gave me a hell of a beating than Undertaker. When I finished the match. Bruised, broken, bleeding. I was grateful that I had survived the match. In fact. It was due to injuries that I sustained from my match with 'Taker. That practically made me an easy target or win for John. Uhh, the fact of the matter is. I quite possibly wouldn't be standing here. If it wasn't for Mark because he gave me a match that would cement both of our names and legacies. Umm. I'm proud to be standing here. I just wish that I had a better speech planned." I smiled as I looked to Nicole. "I don't want to steal the mans thunder. So. Please join me in welcoming to the Hall. The one and only. The Undertaker." Mark came out and hugged me. I then bowed out and me and Nicole went back to the back.
After the ceremony. Nicole and I went back to the hotel.

"You did great tonight, Danny." She slid into my arms and I gently held her against me.
"Glad you think so, Nikks." I smiled. So who are your last two bridesmaids?" I asked her.
"Lexi and Ember." She told me.
"Excellent." I smiled. "I'm sure you know already. No matter the outcome of our matches tomorrow night. We both still win. Because next Saturday. We will be getting married."
"That's right. And a few days before. We will have our first ultrasound appointment. To see how our family is doing so far." I smiled as she snuggled closer to my chest.
"You sure you'll be okay. I can still get the time off needed before the big day?" I asked.
"I'm sure. Sadie and I will be fine. And if I get lonely. I'll just call you or FaceTime you."
"You have this all figured out don't you?" Nicole smiled.
"Not everything. I'm still trying to figure out what I'll do when I want you to fuck me."
"Well hopefully that urge will hit when I'm home. I'll be on a part time schedule after all." I smiled.
"Very true." She smiled. Once we got inside our two bedroom suite, we sat on the sofa where we found Sadie just looking over the plans for the wedding.
"Hey, guys. How did the ceremony go?" She asked.
"Just fine." Nicole smiled. "Danny got to induct The Undertaker tonight."
"Yeah?"I nodded. "That must have been cool."
"Would've been cooler if I wasn't the last ditch effort or a rather bewildered replacement for Glenn." I told them. "But I was honored to induct him. That is not a lie either." I smiled.
"Well, glad you two had fun." Sadie smiled.
"And what do you think of the wedding plans so far?" Nicole asked.
"It all looks ready and amazing. I even called the caterers, decorators etc. Everything should be ready to go Saturday. They'll start setting up Friday afternoon and the food should arrive Saturday morning." Sadie told us.
"Excellent." Sadie went to her room and Nicole and I stayed in the living room of the hotel suite. "It was a good idea to bring her along." I smiled.
"Agreed." Nicole smiled. She slid into my lap and I wrapped my left arm around her and she leaned into me. We also ordered room service and just relaxed and talked. Even about names for our kids. When we felt that the allure of sleep was becoming overpowering we retired to bed and the moment our heads hit the pillows. We fell asleep.

The next afternoon, Me and Nicole woke up to a bright sunny day and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I looked to see Nicole getting dressed and she noticed me looking. "Morning my Billion Dollar husband-to-be." She giggled.
"Morning, my Fearless bride-to-be." I smiled as I gently got up out of bed. Nicole looked exceptionally lovely as she wore a plain red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. She approached me as I stretched and popped my back and neck. "So it's safe to say that you slept very well."
"Yes. I did. How about you?"
"There were a few times that I woke up due to the fact that I was feeling queezy. But I slept really well baby." She smiled.
"That's good. Now. Let's see what Sadie has waiting for us for a quick late brunch." I changed into a set of clean clothes and we both headed to the parlor of the hotel suite and found Sadie smiling as she ate bacon and eggs along with some pancakes.
"Morning you two." She smiled.
"Morning Sadie." Nicole and I said in unison.
"So you ready for Wrestlemania?" She asked.
"As ready as we'll ever be." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Nicole as she stood in front of me. "So what's for breakfast? Or brunch rather."
"Sausage, bacon, eggs a couple slices of toast and pancakes." Sadie smiled. Nicole and I got what we wanted for breakfast and at what we could before we had to get ready to go to the arena.
Sadie got some things like a couple books and small notebooks to write in, in case she got bored. Which to me was a dead certainty that she wouldn't be.

We arrived at the arena an hour before the kick of show was to start. It was there that I made the introductions between Brie and Sadie.
"Hey, guys. Daniel good job on inducting the Undertaker last night." Brie said walking up.
"Briana Colace. Sadie Martinez." I said.
"Ahh, so your the Sadie my sister has told me about." Brie smiled.
"Yes, I am." Sadie smiled. "I've been spending the better part of the last couple weeks checking everything that Nicole planned for the wedding and it will all be ready." The girls chatted as me and Nicole headed to our locker room to change and get ready for Wrestlemania 35.

When the show finally began. Nicole and I were in catering watching the matches so far. Especially the triple threat match for the Raw Women's Championship. Becky Lynch Vs Charlotte Flair Vs Rhonda Rousey. So far it was a tight contest. But the winner was Becky Lynch in the end which made me, Nicole, Brie and Sadie smile. My match was slated as the first Main Event of the evening. An hour into 'Mania 35. Nicole's match was up. "Will you need me at ringside darling?" I asked her.
"I don't think so. But I will need some tender, loving, care after." I smiled as she kissed my cheek.
"I think it would be a good idea if he went out there with you Nicole. I mean. After tonight. You will be at home. And he'll be on a part time schedule." Brie said.
"She's got a point." Lexi said approaching the table.
"And I'm sure Daniel would like to be there next to you. And possibly carry you if you get too tired to walk." Sadie smiled.
"Alright. Besides. This is my last event for quite a while. So I'd love it if you accompanied me tonight baby." We stood up and headed to the gorilla and once Lexi headed out. Nicole turned to me. "It's amazing how life turns out. A few if not seven to ten months ago. You came back as did me and Brie. You helped me through so much in so little time. Through my breakup with John. Through the stigma of coming back at all. But I'm very happy. Because now, I have a man who genuinely loves me. Gives me everything I need. And want. In fact in a weeks time. He'll be my husband and I'll be his wife. But the ultimate gift." She looked down and rubbed her stomach. "Is that we'll be starting a family." She looked back up at me. "And I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. Or what our little one or ones will look like and take after."
"Neither can I darling." I smiled. I leaned down and once our lips met her music hit and she giggled as we kissed. "Time to do your thing."
"Yes. It is." We headed down to the ring and she put on a strong powerful showing against Lexi. I smiled as she beat Lexi with a couple of Hostile Takeovers and a variation of her Rack Attack which she turned into a ripcord cutter. I was so proud of her creativity. And the surprising thing she called it the Wallstreet Fallout. She was barely able to leave the ring on her own power and I helped her to the back and to our locker room. Sadie was still hanging out with Brie and the other girls in catering.
"You won darling." I smiled as I sat down on the rooms sofa and she slid onto my lap. "I am so proud of you. That only leaves my fight against John."
"You'll kick his ass baby." She smiled as she hugged me close to her and kissed the top of my head. "Besides. I don't think I want to tell our baby that their dad lost to John on the Grandest Stage of Them All."
"Oh, ho, ho. You threatening me Nicole Colache." I smiled. She smiled as I started tickling her.
"Okay, okay. I surrender." She said while laughing. "You are a good man. A great man. And I know that you will not let our children soon to be or future down. You will be the father they deserve. As I will be..."
"The mother they deserve and will need." I finished for her. She smiled and I slid my left hand behind her head and my right hand to her left thigh and pulled her down for a nice long kiss. The moment we pulled away it was close to my matches time. "You are the angel I've waited my whole life for. Katherine was as well. But for some reason. I am lucky enough to have two loves in one lifetime. I have never met anyone like my Katherine. But most of all like you. I never thought, that I'd find another girl that makes me as happy if not more so than you or Katherine have. You and I have helped each other. I shouldn't get all the credit for helping you. Because you helped me through the pain of losing Katherine. And I sometimes wonder if Katherine led you to me or led me back to the business so I'd find you."
"I'd lean to a mixture of both." Nicole smiled. "And even though you don't want full credit. I think that you deserve it. You and Sadie both. I love you both. And I know that our baby will love you. Just as much as I do." She smiled.
"Thank you." I said as she got up and I stood up. "Thank you for everything. For giving me a new family. Both extended and our soon to be growing family." I smiled. "But most of all for giving me the one thing I thought I lost when Katherine died."
"What's that?"
"Love and my soul." She looked at me and I could tell she was about to breakdown. "The truth is Nicole. I lost a whole lot of myself when Katherine died. And when I came back to the WWE. I never would have expected to find another girl who makes me happy with a simple smile or a wave. Now I'm going to be marrying her in a weeks time. And starting a family with her in another eight months." She slid into my arms. "And I wouldn't trade anything that has happened within the past few months or so. For anything." I kissed the top of her head. "I love you and I always will. And I will love our baby just as much."
"I know you will." She smiled.
"Hey, Daniel. Your match is up next." A tech came in and said.
"Thank you. Be there in a moment." I said. I looked to Nicole. "Well, I guess I better go and deal with the malignant growth." I said making Nicole laugh a bit. "Kiss for luck?"
"Of course." She looked up at me and I leaned down and kissed her. "Come back to me in one piece okay?"
"I will." I headed out and as I did, Sadie, Lexie, Ember, Brie and a few others came into our locker room and sat with her as I headed to the gorilla.

Thankfully John was already out in the ring as the rivalry video played and I was in the gorilla waiting for my cue. I closed my eyes and thought back to everything that happened from this past Thanksgiving to now. My reunion with the Twins. Spending the holidays with Nicole and her family. Introducing her to Sadie. And everything leading up to Mania. I was extremely happy as to how things were finally working out. I felt a calmness I haven't felt for quite a long time since I first started dating Nicole. I somehow knew it was Katherine trying to keep me calm and relaxed for the coming fight and also to tell me that she was happy for me in finding someone that makes me happy. "Thank you, Katherine. I hope you'll be watching over Nicole and I and also our children. I miss you. But I think you led me back to the WWE because you had someone in mind to make me as happy as you did. And for that I thank you."
Since it was Wrestlemania. I thought I'd shake things up by coming out to 'Woke Up This Morning' From the Soprano's by A3. And since this would be a match to end the rivalry between me and John and a send off match. Hunter thought it best that since this years Mania was to happen in New York and New Jersey simultaneously. To make our match. The same one I faced Taker in at the inaugural Elimination Chamber Pay-Per-View years ago. A Wall Street Fight.

I made my entrance to 'Woke Up This Morning' and once the announcements were made. I tore into John and didn't hold one thing back.

Forty minutes into the match. John and I were fighting in one of the VIP boxes and we had been beating the hell out of each other and we were both bruised and bleeding. But neither of us was going to just break and give up. He went for his sixth attempted Attitude Adjustment. Only to have it reversed into a Reverse DDT.

Twenty six minutes later...
We were near the entrance area and John was the victim of a Hostile Take over and a Million Dollar Dream Backbreaker. Once I was back to my feet. I looked to the replica of the Brooklyn Bridge above us and looked ot the supports under it. The crowd and commentators could tell that I had a devious plan cooking. So I gathered a little extra energy and walked over and started climbing up the support and slowly made my way to where John was laying, looked to the crowd and then back to John. I took a leap and nailed him with a very high Superfly Splash. I then pinned John for the three count victory. Nicole came running out of the back and slid next to me and gently helped me to my feet. I smiled at her and the ref raised my hurting right arm in victory and I looked to John. 'This time, Johnny boy. Stay out of the WWE. And away from Nicole.' I said leaning over him. Nicole and I headed back to our locker room and I was greeted by racuous applause by everyone backstage and everyone that was still in our locker room. I had finally won and ended the long standing pointless rivalry between me and the Ce-nothing Leader. Once I was rested enough to, Sadie, Nicole and I got packed up and ready to head back to the hotel. Hunter caught up with us in the parking lot of the arena.
"You did great tonight Daniel." He said. "In fact. I think you deserve to be on paternity leave with Nicole. Oh don't worry. You'll have meet and greet appearances near your home state, plus a couple of live shows to participate in. And once you and Nicole are ready. You can come back. And once you do. We just might resurrect the Million Dollar Championship."
"Well, thank you Hunter. But for now." I looked at Nicole. "I just want to go to the hotel. Get some well deserved rest and go home and marry my beautiful bride-to-be. But I accept the time off. So thank you." I smiled as Hunter hugged me and Nicole before we all got in our rental car and headed to the hotel.

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