The First Ultrasound And The Wedding.

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Nicole and Sadie and I woke up early the next morning and caught the first flight back to Idaho Falls.

While on the plane Nicole was checking her Twitter and Instagram and found a flood of 'Your a lucky woman', 'you better hang on to him', etc from fans plus rave reviews about her match against Alexa Bliss. She then headed over to my Twitter and Instagram and just smiled and cried as she read the reactions and responses from the fans about my match against John. She nudged me awake as I had thought it would be good to catch up on some sleep. "Danny read this,"
"What's happening?" I asked making Nicole laugh. I gently took her phone and read a reaction from Michael Douglas, Gordon Gekko himself. 'Daniel, you proved Gordon right, 'Bears make money, bulls make money. But pigs they get slaughtered.' Congratulations to you and your bride to be. Keep knocking'em dead.' I was surprised as I was reading that. I read a couple more reviews and reactions before handing Nicole her phone back. "I can't believe that Michael Douglas. Gordon Gekko himself reacted to my match." I smiled.
"Not only that but you really became a legit legend to all our fans. New and old."
"That's all well and good. But for the next eight months I'm only concerned with one person and her opinions." She looked at me. "Yours."
"Oooh, baby." She smiled and leaned over and kissed me.
"So, you excited for the ultrasound on Thursday?"
"Yes I am." She grinned. "But I'm more looking forward to our wedding."
"As am I." I slid my left hand onto her stomach and gently rubbed it. "But I am more excited to meet our little one." I smiled as did she.

When we landed in Salt Lake City. Which was early Tuesday morning. Me and Nicole decided to take the scenic route home so me, Nicole and Sadie got our bags and rented a car from enterprise and drove home. Nicole slept the entire way home. Sadie and I traded driving duties. Once we were all home. I picked up Nicole bridal style and carried her into the house which Sadie unlocked and opened the door for me. "Thank you Sadie. See you tomorrow."
"Your welcome and see you, later." Sadie smiled. I carried Nicole to the living room and set her carefully on the sofa. Then once I made sure she was okay and comfortable. I went to the rental car and retrieved our bags.
Once the last one was put in the closet near the stairs. Nicole woke up and smiled as she found herself wrapped in a blanket. "Daniel. Baby." I came from the kitchen as I was getting dinner ready.
"Hey, sleepyhead." I grinned as I approached her. "I was just getting dinner ready. Shepherds Pie. My moms recipe."
"Sounds delicious baby." She stood up and hugged me. Then looked into my eyes. "You nervous baby?"
"About marrying the most beautiful woman in the world? No. Becoming a dad? Yes."
"Well, if you ask me and Sadie. We think you'll be a great father."
"And I think you'll make an outstanding mother darling."
"Oh, thank you."
"Your most certainly welcome, Nikks." I smiled as I kissed her. "Come on. Dinner's almost ready." I led her to the kitchen and she started to smile as she started to prepare a salad for both of us as I started grating colby jack cheddar for the topping of the shepherds pie. Once the salad was finished and I put the cheese on top and it slowly melted. "Well, dinner is served." I smiled as Nikki and I took the dishes to the dining room and just dished up some of both the salad and pie. Sadie even graced us with a visit at dinner since she didn't feel up to cooking herself something. After a night of talking, laughing. Sadie went home as Nikks and I went into our bedroom and changed into some sleep wear.
"Dinner was exquisite as always baby."
"Thank you." I made short work of changing into some sleepwear. Nicole changed into hers which was a pair workout shorts and a t-shirt. I slid into bed and she slid closer to me.
"Mmm, this is my favorite spot." Nicole smiled.
"Glad you like it. Because anywhere with you is my favorite spot." I smiled. Nicole kissed me before she rested her head on my left shoulder and we both fell asleep.

When Thursday came around, Nicole and I had arrived to the obstetrician's office and we both filled out the needed paperwork and waited for her name to be called. When it was, we were taken to an examination room. "Hey, guys." Dr. Blackburn smiled as he came in. "I've been wondering when I'd see you two again. So word is according to the paperwork. You two are expecting." He grinned.
"Yes. We are." Nicole smiled.
"Well, let's get this party started." He squirted a special gel on a wand and Nicole rolled up her shirt and Hyrum put a small dollop of the gel onto her stomach and he started the ultrasound. "Okay. And everything looks good." We then heard a heartbeat over the speaker of the ultrasound. Nicole smiled as she looked at me and I slid my right hand into her left hand and I smiled. "And there it is. Your baby. Now I know there's not much detail for now. But when you come back in a couple months. We should be able to get more details. But so far. Everything looks good." Hyrum said.
"Thanks Hyrum." Nicole and I smiled.
"Your welcome. So see you in three months." He took a couple of small towels and wiped the gel off the wand and handed Nicole a couple and she wiped the smal remains of the gel off her stomach.
"See you in three Hyrum." I shook his hand.
Nicole and I left the office and made the next appointment in August and by then we should know more details about our baby. "Okay, here's your reminder for your next appointment." The receptionist said as she handed me the reminder.

Nicole and I went to Popeye's Chicken and had a late lunch. And I encroached on the topic of whether Nicole and I wanted to know the gender at the next appointment. "So Nicole. I was kind of wondering while we were in the examination room. Would you like to know the gender of our baby at the next appointment?"
"Yeah. How about you?"
"Most definitely."
"Glad we're on the same page. And in one more day and a half. it will be the day we've both have been waiting for." She smiled.
"Yes. You become my wife."
"And you become my husband." Nicole smiled. After we got done eating. We headed to the courthouse to take care of the marriage license. And after we got done dealing with the marriage license we were officially ready for our wedding.

The next day Briana and Ember and Lexi arrived along with JJ, Kathy, John, Braun, Finn and Brock and their wives and boyfriends arrived in town. Nicole and Sadie took the girls for dress fittings and I took the guys for suit measurments.
"So, Daniel. How's the little one doing so far?" JJ asked.
"Oh just fine. Nicole and I are to go back to the Obstetrician Hyrum Blackburn who is also our family doctor as well."
"Can he do that?" Finn asked.
"Yeah. I actually asked his sister Chelsea who was a friend of mine from High School. He was in medical school for close to twelve years. So me and Nicole are going to go to him as a family doctor and her Obstetrician."
"Sounds like your covering your bases pretty well." Brock smiled.
"Well, you know me. I always try to plan ahead." I smiled.
"Yeah. I remember when you and I had that major battle at Summerslam. close to eight or nine years back."
"Oohh, I'm still feeling the bruises on my ribs now and then."
"Well, to be honest. I was surprised that you asked me to be one of the last groomsmen."
"Well, Brie explained it as I wanted to bury the animosity between us and just make peace between us."
"I actually think that is pretty accurate." He smiled.
All the boys and I left after the suit measurements. And headed to my home where we just chilled in the backyard. "This is a nice place Daniel." Braun smiled.
"Thank you." I grinned. John smiled as we hung out in the backyard.
"I agree. And I'm actually happy to know that Nicole is going to have a great guy that loves her. And someone who can provide a great life for her. And you and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Are a whole hell of a lot better than John. She is a lot happier with you than she had ever been with John."
"I agree." JJ said.
"As do I." Finn and Braun said in unison.
"And to be honest. She is a lot better with how she interacts with people. And I can see how she smiles that she is genuinely happy." Brock said. "And to be honest again. I can tell the difference of how she was with John. And how she is with you." Brock approached me. "She acts and is a whole lot better off with you. A gentleman and a real man. And your not a man that needs to syphon off the popularity or the fame of Nicole. I can tell that you love her. And I can definitely tell that she loves you. Rena actually predicted that you and her would get together. And even though it happened later than expected. Rena and I are so happy for you guys." I smiled as I shook his hand and bro-hugged him. "You are more of a man than as you called him repeatedly." Brock giggled a bit. "The Ce-nothing leader. You and her are the perfect pair. And your going to make her life so much better. Because you genuinely love Nicole. And as I've said before as have other members of both locker rooms. You are going to be an exceptional, amazing father to you and Nicole's baby and future kids. I know because I thought I wouldn't be a good father. When I stopped worrying about screwing thigs up. I became a reasonably good father. And I know that there will be questions you will have. and you have at least two maybe three people that have kids or nieces or nephews that are close to their own kids. You have all of us to lean on or go to for help if you have any questions about anything that comes up with your kids. Trust me. I look at you and see the truest potential of an amazing father. And an amazing husband too. So I have nothing but love towards you and Nicole and I know that you two will have a beautiful family and future together." He grinned as the others smiled and nodded.
"So Braun what are we to do for a bachelor party tonight?" I asked.
"I thought we could go and just do some target shooting at the range." He said.
I smiled. "I know the best place in town."
"We're all ears."
"Guns'n Gears near Snake River Landing."
"Let's go then." We all packed into Braun's rental Ford Edge and we all headed to Guns'n Gears.

Meanwhile across town, Nicole, Sadie, Briana, Kathy, Lexi, Ember and Rena and Bailey were at a nice Italian Restaruant having dinner.
"Well, I'm sure JJ asked about it to Daniel. How's the baby coming along." Kathy asked.
"Oh, it's coming along great mom." Nicole smiled rubbing her stomach.
"That's great to hear. And I can definitely tell that you are better with him than with John. And I'm so happy that you found someone that makes you this happy. And the funny thing is that he will be the second son-in-law with the first name Daniel and with the last initial of B. So it seems there's something about guys with the name Daniel that attracts my daughters." Kathy laughed as the others did too. "I'm not saying it's bad. I just find it interesting. But Daniel is a good man. And I think he is the perfect man for you." Nicole smiled. "You are going to be an amazing mother of that baby and the other children you two will eventually have. I can see that as can everyone, that you two will be great parents. If not amazing parents to your kids."
"So Brie what is the plan for the bachelorette party?" Nicole asked.
"Well, I thought we could just have a game night at Your new home." Brie smiled.
"Sounds pretty good to us." Ember smiled. Rena, Sadie, Lexi and Bailey all grinned at the concept. So after they finished eating dinner. Then headed to Nicole and I's home for a special game night.

At Guns'n Gears me and the boys were having fun shooting targets. I rented a Winchester and Henry lever action rifle with a pair of 1911 Pistols and a Colt Peacemaker. The other guys picked their poison. With the Winchester I unloaded a regiment of twelve rounds into the center mass of a target. Completely destroying it. Then with the Henry. Same thing. I never missed a single shot to the center mass of the target. The 1911's mags were emptied within twelve seconds. The Colt was my favorite. And I wrote John Cena on the target I used with the Colt and emptied three drums into the target. Obliterating the center mass and the written name on the target.
"Remind us not to get on your bad side." JJ said.
"Agreed." Brock and Braun added in unison. I grinned.
"You can probably tell that I've had a lot of practice." I said. They all nodded. "Well, I may not have any guns but I've had more than my fair share of experience with guns."
"It shows." John said.

After the place closed for the night Braun took me home along with JJ and John and once he vanished from sight I opened the door and we found the girls finishing up a game of truth or dare. Once they finished. Everyone except Brie, Sadie and Kathy left for the hotel. Sadie had Brie stay with her but before Brie left. "Hey, Brie."
"Yeah, Dan?"
"Where's Birdie or Bryan?"
"He'll be here early in the morning, with Birdie. And to be honest. I think that Birdie loves you."
"Well, she's the first niece I'll have. And I noticed whenever I walked into the room at Thanksgiving that she was happy to have someone new."
"Oh, she was."
"But if Bryan is going to cause some drama during Nicole and I's wedding. He would be better off waiting in the car. Birdie. Can come. But if Bryan is going to cause drama. Then he should stay the hell away from me."
"I understand."
"Good. I'm not trying to be mean. But it is your sisters day tomorrow and the last thing she needs. Is her brother-in-law causing drama."
"I agree."
"Well, I'm glad that Birdie's coming. So that's always a plus." I smiled. I hugged Brie and Sadie took her to her place.
"So did you have fun at the range tonight?"
"Oh yeah." I grinned. "I obliterated six targets. Especially." I pulled a target from my back pocket. "This one." I unfolded the paper target and showed Nicole the target. The name across the top of the target absolutely destroyed. Along with the center mass destroyed.
"Oh my. You are incredible."
"And that was done with a Colt Peacemaker." John smiled.
"Now. I want to know what you want to do with that target."
Nicole smiled and looked at me and smiled then turned and put the destroyed target in a bowl and just lit the target on fire. Then walked up to me and smiled. "That is what I think of John. You are more of a man. Than he ever will be." She started to tear up. "And, you have treated me like a queen. And I'm so excited for tomorrow as that will be the moment that I will be married to the greatest man I can ever hope for. And," She looked down at her stomach. "We are going to have a family and I'm so happy that I can finally get my dreams. All my dreams about being married, having kids becoming a mother to a child of my own. All those dreams are coming true. Because of you. And I know that you have your issues. And you know I have mine. But I believe with all my heart, that together. We can get through anything. And I know that you love me. And I love you just as much if not more so. And I cannot wait to live the rest of my life with you." She hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"You will always be my Billion Dollar Bella. And I will always love you, treat you like you deserve to be treated. Which is like a queen. A woman who deserved better than having a waste of space that was going nowhere in his career. Hollywood or otherwise. Now you have a man that loves you and will keep doing so until the day we die." I smiled. I have been waiting for the girl of my dreams to come into my life. And I'm lucky enough to have had two in my lifetime. Two great loves. And I'm going to be so proud when you and I are married tomorrow. And when our little one comes. That I'll feel like I'm on top of the world on both counts. And I know you will feel the same Nikks. Nobody. Is going to be able to split us up. If they want to try, more power to them. But I know. As do you. That what we have is a very strong relationship. I admit I wasn't a fan of being put with you and your sister as your manager. But I somehow. Had this feeling that if I did it anyway. I'd be happy that I did and I have yet to see proof of the contrary. You have been the angel on my shoulder, the woman who keeps me calm and centered. I have never been happier than when you came into my life. The only time that comes close was when Katherine and I were together. But I think, and personally believe. That she led me to you." She smiled as I slid my hands down her arms and held her hands in mine then lifted them up. "I believe I came back to WWE, because Katherine was leading me to a girl who she knew would make me very happy and you." I started to tear up. "You came back into my life and looking back on how I treated you in our first reunion in years. I feel like I could have done everything different. Treated you with the respect I should have instead of like the pompous if not rude man that I was that night." Nicole smiled amidst tears. "I am sorry for what I said about how you were so easy to frustrate by the mere mention of John's and your's non-existent sex life."
"Oh baby." She started to cry a bit. "You have done more than make up for it. You protected me from John. Your about to make me the happiest girl in the world tomorrow and in eight and a half months. We'll finally meet our little one." She smiled. "You gave me a great white Christmas last year. No one can say that aside from my mom and family. So you don't need to apologize for how you acted. I forgave you months ago."
"I still wanted to apologize none the less. But your right. We are going to meet our little one finally in eight and a half months. And you and I are both going to be the happiest couple in the world tomorrow. Because tomorrow." I kissed both her hands. "You will become Nicole Boyce-Colace."
"No. Just Nicole Boyce." She smiled. "I know I originally wanted it to be Boyce-Colace. But I want everyone to know that I'm your girl. Your wife." I smiled as I pulled her in for a long passionate kiss. "You are my man. And I know that you will remember as will everyone else after tomorrow." She grinned as she rested her head on my chest.
"Well, we're going to head to bed now guys." Kathy said as she and John yawned. JJ already fell asleep on the couch.
"Okay mom. I think you and I mister need to head to bed as well." She kissed me.
"Lead the way." I smiled as we passed John and Kathy and headed to our bedroom and they headed to the guest room.

When we changed for bed and slid into bed. Nicole slid in close to me with her back to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist and she held my arms in place with her right hand. "Goodnight, Nikks."
"Goodnight, Danny." I kissed her neck and she turned her head and her lips met mine and we kissed for two minutes. I took of my glasses off and she put them on her bedside table and then turned off the rooms lights. After we found a good comfortable position. We fell fast asleep.

I was the first to wake up early in the morning and as this day was my wedding day. I decided to hold to the tradition of it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. So I wrote little one on a blank card and leaned it on a platter of breakfast I cooked for Nicole. I carried it up and grabbed my suit and just went out to the patio and just sat watching the sunrise over the foothills. It was a very dreamy sight. Then a knock came to the door and I stood up and answered the door. I opened it and saw Briana standing in the doorway. "Need a ride to get Bryan?" I asked and she nodded. I put on my shoes and headed upstairs and for my glasses, put then on and went back downstairs and snagged my keys and led her to my car. A Chevy Camaro. Black in color of course. Anyway, we made our way to the airport and I waited in the car as Briana went inside to make sure the plane landed on time. Once Brian came out with Briana and Birdie we headed to Sadie's and I went back home to get my suit on.

By eleven thirty, the florists and decorators arrived. By noon the caterers arrived. Then by one in the afternoon. The band came and set up near the buffet tables. Which I had no idea why.

And at one thirty six, I was dressed in my suit as was JJ, Brock, Finn, and my best man Braun kept saying comforting things to keep me calm. I looked across the altar and saw Briana, Sadie, Lexi and Ember all standing in grandly made dresses for the occasion. Then the music hit and all the guests stood and looked up the alley and as did I and what I saw nearly knocked me out. Nicole was wearing a beautiful silk white wedding dress and it was complimented by a baby's breath, white lily and carnation bouquet. I was just so mesmerized by her beauty that I nearly forgot to retrieve her from John. She giggled as we made our way, the rest of the way to the altar. "You look so beautiful Nikks. What are you trying to do give me a heart attack or an aneurysm." She giggled s bit more as we looked at the preacher. Who did his usual spiel. But when it got to the part of the vows we winged it. "Nicole. When hunter told me that you and your sister were to be my charges after I came back. I had my doubts about his sanity. But in time we started meshing really well to the point we nearly gave Miz and Maryse a run for their money." She smiled as everyone just lightly laughed. "When we started getting closer. I knew that something special was happening as I spent the Thanksgiving holiday with your family. And your mom and John can deny it all they want. But I'm sure they knew that our budding relationship would somewhere down the line turn into or become this. Us standing up here in front of friends and family and taking the ultimate step. And when you told me you were pregnant. Well that just made this all the sweeter. I know you have been hurt and been heartbroken before. But I'm hoping with me. I can make you happy and content everyday. Because I can't imagine my life without you. I love you. Nicole. And nobody or nothing will change that. And I'll do everything I am capable to protect you and our children coming or future. I'll do my best to make you happy. I swear this before everyone here and watching from the heavens. I love you with all my heart." She started tearing up.
"Daniel. You were one of the first to make me and my sister feel at home in the WWE. When you were injured after the street fight against Cena. I should have tried harder to keep in touch with you. But I thought Katherine wouldn't like that so I didn't. When I found out that Katherine died. I wanted so much to come see you and make sure you were okay. But I was dating Cena at the time. And like you regretted how you reacted when you and me and my sister met after the last four to five years. I regretted never checking on you like I should have as a friend." I tearfully smiled. "Now I think we've made up for our regrets and past mistakes. By standing here in front of our family and friends. Getting married. And when I found out I was pregnant. It just made this wedding as you said all the sweeter. I am never going to turn my back on you, I'll never hurt you, I'll be there for you as you have been for me for the past few months or so. I promise you, that I will make you happy and content. I'll make sure to support you in anything that you want to do because you would do the same. And I know that you and I will show our children coming or future. What real love truly is and teach them what they will need to live this life the right way. But most of all. I want you to know that you have always been my other half this whole time. I just didn't realize it until Thanksgiving at my parents house. I love you Daniel. And I always will."
After we exchanged rings, the preacher said, "And with that if there is anyone who does not think these two should not be wed. Let them speak now or forever hold their peace." A minute passed and not one objection came. "Alright. Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may..." I was way ahead of him on this as I kissed Nicole and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "The bride. May I present to you. Daniel and Nicole Boyce." The entire crowd in attendance cheered for me and Nicole as we made our way to the reception tent. Nicole and I spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening talking to guests, taking our wedding pictures, we danced our customary couple dances and she had her father of the bride dance and I had a mother of the bride dance. We then danced together before cutting the cake. We fed pieces of the cake to each other and she sat in a chair and I slowly moved the skirt of her wedding dress up exposing the garter and I gently slid my hand up her leg and took off the garter and launched it into the air and Finn caught it. Then once I helped her to her feet and before we could head inside our home. It was time to toss the bouquet. She tossed it and Sadie was the lucky girl to catch it. After the reception and the toasts. The caterers cleaned up along with the decorators and the band packed up and cleared out. But we made sure to take what was left of the cake inside and put it in the fridge.

After the last guest headed to the hotel they were staying at. Nicole and I had changed into some comfortable clothes. Then headed back downstairs to just sit and relax. Then Bryan approached us. "Daniel." He started.
I stood up and Nicole just observed what was going on. "Look. I'm so sorry for hurting Nicole and you. I'm being honest this time. Everyone is right. What I did was callous and cruel and to cost you two your first baby was wrong of me. So not only did I deserve the beating I got at Rumble. But I should have thought about how I'd have reacted if someone did the same to me and Brie. In fact. Brie. Told me that if I ever tried to cause drama that I wouldn't be allowed to come to the wedding. And I think I would have just cost myself the opportunity to see how happy Nicole was in that wedding dress. You make her happy. And I'm glad that you are her husband now. And I'm sure your probably tired or sick of hearing this. But I think you both will be amazing parents." He held out his hand.
"I believe what your saying is true. But the last time we believed you. You. Hit me and her and cost us our first baby. By all accounts I should have you jailed, for what you did. So if your expecting an instantaneous forgiving moment. Then your out of luck. I made peace with Brie because she didn't deserve being the victim of my anger but since I couldn't touch you until Rumble. I took my aggression out on Brie. Which I later regretted. But at least she knew why I had her sent down to NXT. Your animosity towards me. As you can see was completely unfounded. I helped Brie get better at performing her spots with my what did he call it Nikks?"
"Underhanded deal." Nicole said.
"An underhanded deal. Now I'm married to Nicole. And we're starting a family. And if you don't like that fact. There's the door. Don't let it hit you on the ass on your way out." Brie came up with Birdie.
"Hey, you ready go?" She asked Bryan who still was sporting a shocked expression. Birdie reached out for Nicole and Brie handed Birdie to Nicole. Who hugged her niece.
"Brie. You may want to take Bryan home fast. Because I may feel the need to run him through the door." I said losing my patience. Birdie saw how upset I was and reached out for me.
"Baby." Nicole said getting my attention and I saw Birdie reaching out for me. I picked her up and she hugged me.
"Ohh, bless you Birdie girl." I smiled. I then looked at Bryan. "You have a long hard road ahead if you want us to trust you again Bryan. I'm not mad at Brie or Birdie here. I'm more angry at you for jumping down my throat for making that 'Underhanded Deal' that ended up improving Brie's ability to perform near perfect spots. I'm more angry at you than I have ever been at anyone in my life. We may forgive you one day. But I don't see that happening anytime soon." Birdie smiled as I held her close. Then after another moment or two I handed Birdie back to Brie. "Now. If you please. Me and Nicole would like to spend the rest of the evening alone."
"Okay, Daniel. See you later Nicole." Brie smiled.
"Bye." Nicole smiled in return. "Bye, Birdie." Birdie waved goodbye to us and Bryan, Brie and Birdie left the house and Kathy and John had already gone to bed. I sat back down next to Nicole.
"You have made me the happiest girl today, baby." She grinned.
"And you have made me the happiest man today darling." I replied.

We talked for an hour and just sat quietly after a while and just held each other. At one in the morning, "Well, we need to get to bed. Because first thing Monday morning. We have a flight to Italy to catch." I told her.
"Very true." Nicole smiled. I stood up and stretched and I turned to Nicole and she had her arms out. "Carry me baby?"
"Okay." I smiled as I picked her up in my arms bridal style and carried her to our bedroom. After changing into our sleepwear, we just got in bed and held each other close and fell fast asleep.

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