Chapter 53

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Khushi's P.O.V

Tomorrow is Maya's hearing. And I am going there..Though Murat vaia was against it but somehow I managed him.. He agreed but over a condition that he will also accompany me...

It is already night. Uncle is not home since morning though Aunty told us that he went to buy a special gift for me but I know she was telling lie..

Maybe Uncle went for any important work..Everything changed after this accident. Murat vaia (brother) was staying with me every time like my shadow even he visits my room at night at least three times for confirming that I am okay. I am scared that he will fall sick because of it..

I knew Maya hate me but I didn't know that she was the worst person. Media is saying that even she was involved in selling people. Media is also saying that she used to kidnap orphan and poor kids from road and sell their body parts..Their heart, eyes, kidney..

I never knew that a person can do these types of work..Murat vaia (brother) is hurt by her work I know. Though he is hiding it but in deep he is also very hurt and angry and who wouldn't after knowing this!

He is Ashamed of her work. I don't know how to console him but in deep I am scared that he will hate me. Maybe he will think that because of me Maya took that step like Aunty think...

I don't know but I am scared of everything now..Hayat left from here last night because she has to do some important work.. Murat vaia is doing his office work in his room and Arman Vaia went out at morning but didn't return till now..

Maybe he is also busy..

I hope everything will be okay now. I wish Uncle and Aunty understand that their daughter really done a horrible sin and she deserves punishment...

Insha_Allah, Allah will make everything okay..

Thinking this, I went to washroom for making ablution. It is already prayer time now...

Arman's P.O.V

" Sir we got the information about that hospital but I couldn't take those records. And sir I heard that hospital will be in auction for sell very soon. So if you buy this hospital, you will get every information easily" My PA told me over phone..

"You are right. Don't worry. Catch the flight and come here. You need to work on something important..."

"Sure sir but this hospital?" He asked..

"I already know about it and I am now standing outside of this hospital. And I am going to buy it tomorrow. You don't need to worry about it " Saying this, I cut the call..

And looked at the hospital and started thinking..

Mom said a doctor tried to kill me just after my birth.. That means one of the doctors is bad here..

That doctor tried to kill me means he must stole me from my parents. From my Abbu, from my Ammi..

My parents lost me just after my birth. Must be my parents are still suffering . They must be thinking that I am still alive and go back to them one day..

I am coming very soon Ammi. Just let me find you out and your son promises you that I will surely make those persons suffer who were involved in that matter...

I will deal with it tomorrow but now I have to go back Murat's home. Khushi must be alone..I don't know why but I always feel a connection towards her..

Her tears are hurting me every time without my knowledge.. That day I found her, I felt like that I found a special missing part of mine.. My mind and heart both wanted to protect her from all problems..

And I will do it till my last breath.. I was feeling like to kill Maya after hearing her sins but I had to control myself because she was Murat's sister though Murat loves Khushi like his own sister but it will be hard for him if I try to hurt his own blood in front of him..

I am wishing that Murat would understand that his sister had done wrong no the worst.. And even he or his family or he himself tries to release Maya from jail, then I will use my power to punish her.

Because person like her deserves punishment not second chance..

Murat's P.O.V

"Where were you Arman ? I need your help in selecting marriage things. I was grateful to Mr. Khan that he postponed this marriage. This marriage was supposed to happen tomorrow but now it will be going to held next week. Mr. Khan is an understanding man though I didn't need that break but let's take it so that we can arrange this marriage more grandly..."

"But let concentrate on marriage now"

Where are you Arman ? Maybe that fool was thinking that I am sad about Maya. Though I am angry on her but honestly I want that she get what she deserves..

For a moment I can forget that shoot accident but kidnapping people, selling their body parts one of the worst sins.

So let the law do it's work now whatever it thinks right...

Hasan's P.O.V

After reaching my cabin, I started working on a new project. Now a days because of this marriage I can't work peacefully.. Whenever I tried to work my two dear sisters starts calling me for stupid reason like selecting dress, marriage hall, place ,flower etc and when I cut their phone, Ammi called me ordering to come home right now...

After four days I am working peacefully but my peace broke when I heard a knock at my door..

"Come in " Saying this, I started hoping that that person shouldn't be Fatima and Jiya or Jubayer...

My PA came in my room and greeted me, "Assalamu_Alaikum sir"

"Walaikum Assalam. What do you want Mir?" I asked him...

" Sir sorry for disturbeding you but I collected few important information about Mr. Jahan Ali's Family" He said...

"Okay tell me Mir and it's okay. you didn't disturb me. " I told him..

After sometime

I knew that Mr. Jahan is the worst person but I didn't expect that he could get down that low only for money...

"Thanks for your information, Mir I will take care of this. Do you have anything else to say?" I asked him..

"Sir today is Ms. Maya's hearing in the afternoon. Will you go there?" He asked me..

"I don't know Mir. I think I shouldn't go because if go there I won't be able to control myself to punish that cheap girl. When lawyer told about her sins, my blood was just boiling up but you go and turn on your video camera. so that me and Jubayer can watch that from my office " I told him and he nodded at me and left...

It is good that Jubayer is coming here in the afternoon. I can discuss the information with him while watching the movie I mean that cheap girl's hearing...

Our first step is done, now your turn Mr. Jahan Ali.

Everything is alright but where is she? How can I find her?

Should I avoid this matter? But according to Mir's information, the girl was innocent and if I avoid it then it will be injustice to her...

I should find her anyhow because she also deserves justice for her parents..

But the question is will she believe me when I will tell her about her parents history?

What if a good family adopted her and she is living a good life! Then I can't tell her. I can't destroy her peace.

I have to collect every information about her first, then I can decide what should I do about it??

If she is living a peaceful life then I won't disturb her and if she is living a suffering life then I have to talk to her...

I was thinking about it when I heard a knock at my door and before I could tell him or her to come in the person entered my room..

As expected the person is my best friend, my brother in law..It is true that a friend never asks permission to enter into his friend's life. He just enters and stands beside him in good or bad situation..

"Hasan, back on earth. What you are even thinking ? There we are working hard for your marriage and here you are living in your thinking world" He asked...

"Nothing and now let's take lunch and I have to discuss something important with you.."

He said, "Okay" and we both left for canteen to eat...

After sometime

"Now tell me Hasan what important matter you want to discuss?" He asked me...

"I will Jubayer but now we should watch a video and I believe we both need to watch it " Saying this, I placed my laptop in front of us and played the video...

Scene starts in court

Maya standing at custody while both lawyers were standing in front of judge

The court was filled up with peoples and media.

One of the lawyer spoke up,

"Your honor, shall we start the case? and when the judge nodded, the defense lawyer started the case.

Your honor my client Ms. Maya is innocent, she was just practicing shooting and unfortunately she shot a boy but she felt sad about this and she sent money. Saying this, the defense lawyer sat down and our lawyer stood up...

" Your honor, my opponent lawyer said she was just practicing shooting but my question is why she was practicing at playground where lot of kids were playing? In our country there are many practicing centers. so why she was practicing shooting there knowing that was not allowed and dangerous?" Asking this, our lawyer sat down..

We both smiled looking at the screen..

After watching this, I looked at Jubayer and find him smiling..

We got our justice Hasan and now let's go home" He said..

"Okay" saying this, I stood up.

We left for home but one thing was disturbing my mind. Khushi also arranged orphan kids. Did she supply them to her sister?


Assalamu_Alaikum dears,

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You will find the full hearing in my next chapter Insha_Allah...

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