Chapter 54

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Khushi's P.O.V

Scene started at court room

"So I want my opponent lawyer answer us why his client Ms. Maya did it"? The prosecutor asked the defense lawyer...

The defense lawyer stoodd up and started saying...

"My honor, I already said that my Client. Ms. Maya did it mistakenly. She didn't meant to kill that boy and if she meant it she wouldn't have helped that boy's family by giving money. And we all know that it is normal to miss target while shooting practice..So I want to ask my opponent lawyer if he have any other things to prove my client as guilty..."

Saying this, the defense lawyer sat down and the prosecutor stood up...

"My honor for a moment lets forget about the shooting incident but I want ask some questions to Ms. Maya ?" The prosecuter asked though the defense lawyer denied but the judge agreed and the prosecutor went towards Maya and stood in front of her...

" So Miss. Maya, it is true that you have a charity club?" He asked her..

"Yes" Maya answered..

"Very good. so what do you do in that club?" He again asked...

"We provide shelter, food, education and protection for poor orphan people" She answered but me and Murat vaia (brother) got shocked hearing it..

She has a club??..

She help poor orphan people???

Anyway let's concentrate on the lawyer now..

" Really you do a great work Miss Maya but I think poor orphan people need protection from you and from your club people" The prosecutor said to her and immediately Maya's face fell down. she was looking nervous like she got off guard...

"What do you mean?" The defense lawyer asked the prosecutor..

" Your honor, Ms. Maya opened that charity club two years ago and five months ago Ms. Maya confessed in media that she has 500 hundred poor orphan people in their club house but we did a hidden investigation and we got to know there are only 300 people there. So I wanted to ask Ms. Maya where are the remaining people?" but Maya kept silent and the prosecutor started saying again..

"Your honor, that club didn't help people instead they sell people" and as soon as he said it, the defense lawyer stood up denying it but he got cut off when the prosecutor said he has evidence..

"Your honor, we did another hidden investigation and got to know that club provide kidney, eyes, heart to different hospitals of our country every month and here is the evidence " Saying this, he handover the evidence to judge..

And again started saying, "so Ms. Maya do you have any production machine in your charity club? And I want to ask the defense lawyer if his client did this too mistakenly!" but they kept silence..

"Your honor, Ms. Maya every month selects 50 person from her charity club and said to them that she is transferring them to another club but in real, she killed them and sell their Kinneys, eyes, and hearts in different hospital so that no one can doubt on her.."

"But five months ago unfortunately they offered to sell eyes, heart and kidneys in the most famous hospital in our country, in Khan's hospital and when the security team of the hospital asked them about the source of those, they back off from there but as we know in Khan's hospital security is best. So the security head started investigation on them, on their source and found this last week.

And that charity in name of providing orphan people they collect a lot amount of money from every college, company even from the government and it is also counted as a crime..

"At last my honor, I want to ask two person here for revealing another crime" and the judge nodded immediately and two men went forward and stood in custody..

But the defence lawyer started saying, " What is this ? You cannot bring any person without any notice and who are they?" but he got cut off by the judge and the prosecutor again started saying..

"Don't worry, my opponent. They are here because they are government guest and Ms. Maya, do you remember anything seeing them or should I help you?" But Maya kept silent. then he again started. "Your honor, Ms. Maya's crime are not limited in selling and black money she also kidnapped middle class people and collect money from them and this two people are her main kidnapping men.

They target middle class people for kidnapping so they can blackmail them saying this if they inform police she will kill her dear ones..

"Your honor, girl like Ms. Maya don't deserve to live. She is involved in kidnapping, selling people, blackmailing and collecting money in wrong way. Your honor, I want you to give the worst punishment to her. That's all" Saying this, he sat down on his chair....

And a long silence fell on the court room. Everyone were looking at Maya including the judge. It was like that they want to kill her for her unforgivable sins..

Suddenly I felt someone uttering a rude word for Maya. When I looked beside, I found Murat vaia (brother) is looking at her angrily like if he wants to kill her by his hand...

And slowly the whole court room filled up with shouting. Everyone was shouting at Maya and requesting the judge to hang her...

But Maya's expression was so clam. And suddenly she started crying then laughing like a mad girl and the judge spoke up....

"After hearing Ms. Maya's all crime, the court gave her life long imprisonment and she won't be allowed to meet any person. The court ordered police to give her the worst cell in jail and also orders to catch every man who is involved in those crime with Ms. Maya and close that charity club. And the money they collected for two years will be given to an orphanage. This court is closed" saying this the judge left...


Assalamu_Alaikum dears,

I was trying to update from yesterday but wattpad and internet was playing trouble trouble and catch me if you can with me. So I got late to update..

And few of you asked me some questions about this book. So now I am giving your answers..

Question 1. Is this book going to so long?

Answer: No dear. Just 8 chapter including Epilogue is left to complete this book..

Question 2. When Khushi and Hasan will get marriage??

Answer: They will get marriage in my last chapter. I know you all imagine that Hasan will marry her then abuse her. After when he come to know about his mistake he will apologize to her. Then they will live happily. But I think if I write like this it will be so common. I want to write something new. And though I thought to write like this but at the last I should have kill one of the main lead. But as you all want happy ending. So I changed my story line.

Question 3. Happy ending or sad ending?

Answer: Happy ending. Because I don't want my innocent readers mute my account or report my book to wattpad..

And I am going to write Hayat and Murat's book after this as I got many request to write this book...


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