🖤Ch3-Billionaire's bouquet

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Gauri was sure that with such loud voice of hers Anika must have woke up whole of the Windermere.

"Can you be any louder Anika?" Gauri rolled her eyes.

"Oh no, no. Don't you dare smart talk me Miss Gauri Kumari Sharma. It's not me who danced with a total stranger and then even let him kiss you," Anika shot death glares at Gauri. It was after listening it from Anika that Gauri realised how stupid she was actually being. How could she be so stupid! That guy could have been a murderer! Or hell- he still could be a murderer! Maybe that's why he is calling her, to kill her.

"Anika! You are right! What's wrong with me?" Gauri whined loudly like a child. Seeing her like this Anika wrapped her arms around her and gave her some much needed sisterly love inform of a bear hug.

"By the way he didn't kiss me, just pecked my hand," Gauri corrected. They were still hugging.

"It doesn't matter Gauri. You would let him if he wanted to anyway," Anika said very casually as a matter of fact. Gauri couldn't believe her own cousin was saying this. She quickly pulled away.

"How can you say that Anika?"

"Oh Gauri, you have never dated any guy. In fact you always avoided whole of male population like pests. And then all of sudden you are dancing with some stranger ? Sounds weird right? I think you have a crush on him!" Anika exclaimed as she clapped her hands with excitement.

Gauri blushed. She had a crush on the mystery man?

"So what should I do?" She asked.

"First of all we will investigate him a on internet to make sure if he is a chantumai's brother chintu or not," Anika suggested. She took out her laptop.

"So what's his name?"

"It's- oh shit!" Gauri gasped.

"What happened?" Anika asked.

"I don't know his name," Gauri whined even louder this time.

"Whaaat? You don't even know his name?" Anika frowned. Her cousin sister was literally insane.

"He didn't tell me," Gauri said.

"And you didn't ask?"

Gauri denied.

"This guy is very clever Gauri. And something is definitely fishy about him. Everything about him is suspicious. You should not go there," Anika said.

Gauri nodded her head.

They both laid down on Anika's fluff let bed staring at the ceiling. Sleep was miles away from their eyes.

It was exactly 7 PM when there was a knock at Anika's door. She and Gauri were about to finish there 3rd mug of ice cream. They both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Anika, he is already here!" Gauri exclaimed.

"Don't worry Gauri, let me handle it," Anika said with determination as she walked to the door. She opened it to see an middle aged man holding a bouquet of white roses.

Is he Gauri's mystery man? But he is so old! There is something definitely wrong with Gauri. Anika cringed at her own thoughts.

"Good morning madam," the man said.

"Good morning, good morning," Anika replied feeling very awkward.

"Are you the girl that young master had dance with yesterday?" The man asked.

'Young master?' Oh! So he is the mystery man's servant. Even the servant looks so well dressed. Gauri's mystery man must be a billionaire! Gauri ki to nikal padi! Anika thought grinning to herself. She almost forgot that she had to reply to the middle aged man.


"Oh sorry! Sorry! It's not me, that girl is my cousin Gauri," Anika replied.

"Can you call her please? Young master has sent her flowers," the man said.

Anika immediately called Gauri who was hiding behind the door displaying her 'awesome' ninja skills, listening to their conversation.

"Gauri I can perfectly see you. And chill it's not your mystery man but he has sent a beautiful bouquet for you." Gauri came out from behind the door with a pout and the man handed her the bouquet of white roses.

There was a card in it too which read- thank you for the best dance of my life. She could help but smile at how charming the mystery man was.

"Here Maam, young master wishes to speak to you." The man handed Gauri his phone.

"Hey, I hope you liked the flowers. I didn't know which ones were your favourite so I chose the one which suited you the most," Omkara said.

"Thank you, they are very pretty," Gauri replied. She had no idea what else to say.

"I understand if you don't want to come. I am a complete stranger to you and this whole things makes very little sense. But I promise you I just want to talk. I mean you no harm. Moreover you can bring your cousin if that would make you less comfortable. Rest is all up to you. " Omkara said. He maintained his voice as professional as he could but still could not hide the desperation. Thankfully Gauri was too naive to notice it.

"I don't even know your name," she said.

She could hear Omkara's light chuckle from the other side. She frowned. Was he making fun of her?

"You don't need to know my name to talk to me. But I promise I'll answer all your questions once you are here," he said.

Gauri remained quite. Anika was looking at her with such interest as if she was some Indian daily soap.

"So will you come?" He asked.

"Yes," Gauri breathed.


I hope you liked the second chapter 💕

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