🖤 The billionaire

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Windermere, England.


In a local club of Windermere, sat one of the most leading businessmen under 30s, Omkara Singh Oberoi. Though he doubted if anyone in the bar knew that. He liked to keep it low profile.

His beautiful dark eyes were scanning the club, particularly the ladies section. Today the beast was out on hunt, to find his new prey. There were blondes and brunettes, tall ones and short ones, pale and tanned ones and most of them were ogling him. Omkara would occasionally grin at them, making them swoon. But that was all. None of the girl could make him spare more than a glance from him.He sighed. Maybe today also he has to go without any conquest.

He was about to get up from his seat and leave when she walked inside. She had beautiful long and dark wavy hair, petite body and those eyes...those dazzling eyes guarded with thick khole. And she was *Indian*. Omkara smirked. He found it.

She came with two of her friends (maybe) one of which was an Indian girl and another one was a blond guy who stuck to her like a chewing gum. Was he her boyfriend? Was she already in a relationship? He had to make sure without going any further.

They sat on a table chatting like life long friends. They looked to be college students. Maybe they went to the town college. But then again Omkara was sure he had never seen the doe eyed girl ever before.

Unfortunately Omkara had to divert his attention from the doe eyed girl as the waitress came to take his order.

"May I refill your glass sir?" She asked. She was tall and had short black hair, striking blue eyes and was smirking flirtatiously at him. She was pretty. Maybe he would have taken her home instead if he would have met her 5 minutes earlier but now his eyes were set on the doe eyed girl.

Omkara smiled at the waitress and replied "yes, thank you,"

"Can I get you anything else sir?" She asked batting her eyes.

Omkara chuckled lightly. He was now used to get this kinda reaction from women. It was funny how all he had to do was smile at them and sweet talk a little to lure them in.

"Well,there maybe a thing that you can do for me." He replied after thinking for a while.

"And what might that be sir?" She waitress asked.

"Can you get me a little information about the girl with long hair sitting over there?" He asked.

The waitress looked confused for a while but then smirked lightly.

"Very well sir but every extra service come with a price." She said.

Omkara knew what she meant.

"Don't worry about that," he said.

"Ok then," the waitress walked away with the usually smile on her face, straight to the doe eyed girl's table. She talked to her and her friends for a while and laughed at some jokes which remained unknown to Omkara sitting at a good distance from them.

After a while she prowled back to Omkara.

"Her name is-"

"No don't tell me that information," he cut her in between. The waitress was taken back a little by this perplexing gesture of Omkara but she decided to let it pass.

"O-Kay..so she is here for vacation. Approximately for next two months. Another girl siting beside her is her cousin and that boy is her cousin's neighbour." She waitress informed.

"Is she in relationship with that boy," he inquired.

"I don't think so. She came here yesterday," the waitress said.

Omkara passed the waitress a note of 100. The waitress's eyes widen. It was more than her salary for a week.

"T-thank you sir," she managed to say.

Omkara smirked at her reaction.

"Don't thank me so soon. Maybe you can help me a little more," he said.

The waitress couldn't stop grinning. Today was definitely her lucky day.

"Can you get me some more information about her love life and what all places she is going to visit?"

"Why not sir," the waitress walked to the doe eyed girl's table again and came back a little late this time.

"She was a little reluctant to tell but she is not dating anyone right now,"

Omkara grinned at that little piece of information. It was exactly what he needed to hear. The coast was clear.

"And she is participating in the college fest so she will be there most of the evenings for next week,"

Omkara passed another bill of two 50 and the waitress went away happily. He kept looking at the doe eyed girl though. She was just so beautiful. Definitely most beautiful girl he will ever be with. Now all he needed was to lay perfect plan.

This was my very first RiKara Fanfic which I posted almost an year ago on IF 🖤
Its still on going so after some times the update might take a little time 😓😓

Until then please HIT LIKE if you liked the story and don't forget to leave COMMENTS!! 💕💕

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