1.. A Call From Messina.

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She wore her inners down after wiping her body with the white flurry towel. Her beauty had no flaws and the curve of her body made her a woman quite irresistible. She had put a white formal shirt on her trunk, that's when her phone ranged. She looked at it. Dad! quite stubborn. Get ready for an excuse again, Donna. She shook her head and picked up the call.

" Hey old man, how are you? What do you want from me now."
"First of all, I am not a old man, you are a old woman." He whined, she scrunched her nose and chuckled lightly. " Huff, Dad still so dramatic. Yeah, why have you called? Speak up."

" Can't a father call her daughter, do he always need to have reasons. Tell me, if I should take appointment with you to have a talk with you. You are mean flower."

"Dad that's the last thing I want, which dailysoap you had seen last time to speak up such cringe dialogue. I will ask Ernst to guide Mrs Douka to not let you see those soaps again."
" And I will ask Ernst to to bring you up here for your sister wedding, alright."

She shook her head. That's the reason. She looked down her father could never call her for just only. He claimed to be her dad and showed her sympathy always to her but not for once he thought to come over here if she couldn't come there. Mrs Martina turned her dad into the dad of her child. But fault wasn't her and ofcourse not of her father too. It was her decision to stay away. Messina haunted her with those bad images of her past where she had lost her everything. She had enough damage and now she couldn't face any more bad news. It's better to stay away. She put on her black pants and politely denied him but the old man that time wasn't in a mood to hear denial.

"listen,  "

" Dad..." Her lower lip and plane face, was just plane with her emotional eyes.

" Flower, please!"

" Dad, you know right, that place haunts me!" 

" daughter, I understand it is hard to move on but you should try! Just running from your life is the sign of cowardice, you are a fighter, child."

" Dad, I am trying! " She stood up and came infront of mirror looking her hairs.

" flower, please, for me."

"dad please understand I don't want to come there. I am good here. I have lots of deals piled up, I can't! Why this sudden!!?? "

"child, deals will finalise later, your mother wants you here."

" Dad why you always mention her name, you know right how much I hated her presence." 

" Also, if she is waiting for me, then there is no way that I will be coming. "

With the hatred filled voice, she whispered slowly but he listened her, and chuckled sadly.

" Flower, why can't you accept that she is your mother.. Not a real one, but Mother is always a mother!!"

" Dad, shake it off! And remember one thing my mother is the one who is in grave, not she."

" Flower, you know Emma is going to be married next week! "

She chuckled how he turned the topic.

" oh wow! Amazing it is, and whom the groom is, when she will be going to marry, tell me, I want every detail, I should be present there, ya... I should. After all it's my sister's marriage, oh god! "

He chuckled, " flower, who is stopping you? We all are waiting, come to Messina. "

" okay... Okay... But first of all tell me more about her marriage, is it love or arrange?" She moved her hand and asked curiously.

" Flower, it is love marriage and I never opposed their relation so now it is love cum arrange marriage. "

" Great, at least someone got their love! I am so happy for her."

" Right, flower you should also try to move on, it is your life you should live as you like. "

Her jaw dropped listening him, and she pressed her lips with tears in her eyes, and whispered, " Dad, preaching about moving on is so easy if you shouldn't have to follow.

Only bearer knows where the shoe pinches. It is so difficult to forget him, you can never understand my pain!

I lost him because of me. I am ugly, and sinner, I should reap what I sow, I deserve it dad!! "

" I can understand yout pain flower, I too lost your mother! "

" but you married again forgetting her... Isn't it??!! "

Silence, surrounded the air, and then she couldn't hold herself and called off the cellphone.

Combing her hair into a high pony tail, she looked herself into mirror.

' It was me, I just hate myself, he was not here because of me, I ate him.'

She put on a black blazer upon her shoulder and then wore her white high heels matching her shirt, and went from there grabbing her laptop.


Her single glance towards her surrounding with so much of manners and etiquettes described how much professional she was.

Her fair skin with no spots of any pimples with her emerald eyes were glorifying her beauty which she never appreciated for once.

She was most ugly person in her own eyes, she didn't even deserve any care and love.

She was perfect beauty with brain. Her efficiency in her work made her what she was in the whole business world. She was a trending inspiration at how should women be!

Each and every person in her office was intimidated by her presence, they made a straight queue in her regards. It was queer why they all acted like that she was the beast and ate them raw.

She entered inside her cabin and set on her chair, thinking how her world changed in these three years. In past her carefree attitude was way too much & now, it was all gone.

" Mia, came here and tell me the whole schedule!" She exclaimed on telecom.

" Mam by all and end all in evening, you have an appointment with the manager of the france textiles." She completed herself.

She nodded and then read all the files to know what was going on in her branch which she was heading.


At afternoon, she was informed that a double standard person was leaking their information. She was furious, agitated, and angry.

In the anger she threw all the object that was surrounded around her.

The culprit tried to justify himself but she was in no mood to listen him and yelled on the top of her nerves in her sharp and blazing voice get out.

Her mood was off and unpredictable, and at that her thoughts were pondering, her prepossessing finger was rolling a steel pen for solving such a big problem.


"it's really nice to meet you miss De Costa! " the representer of her client exclaimed, when she signed the deeal looking all its aspect.

She gave him a glance but then she ignored him and left from there with so much confidence and power in her hand.

"what a strange lady she was! But whatever its the boss's deal, not my! " he murmured.


When she was returning to her penthouse in midnight. Suddenly a young girl bumped upon her car, drastically she applied brakes with its full intensity, and she jerked on the dashboard.

That young girl came to the window, her hairs were scattered on her face, she was featured with the horror. She looked at Donna with the induced hope and smiled worriedly.

She knocked , she was tired of running from her predator. She was really in a big mess.

"hey girl can't you get any other car to bump! Who you are? "

"ma'am plz save me, they will destroy me." she pleaded with tears looking back again and again.

"who?" she asked sternly.

"ma'am, the man who are chasing me. This is my mistake , I shouldn't left my house after my mother advised me, Plz save me." she was blabbering whatever she wanted.

Oh wow! She couldn't help herself. What this girl is made up of' she wondered

"yes you do mistake, "she said closing her window with a smirk on her face, "since every mistake should be paid! So you should face. Go face it, its your mistake right, you should face. "

"ma'am what are you saying! " She whispered timidly, "ma'am plz help me from those beast." she cried banging the window again.

"you know, you are really stupid, you can't help yourself, those men who were behind you because, you let them that dare, pretending that you are weak.
You are not weak, you should fight for yourself, no one has right to control you, Be Strong." she adviced her genuinely.

" ma'am I think she is cooking some stories? You know what this girl is mad. Can I take my wife? " an unknown ugly, muggy man came and held her waist like she was his, feeling tainted by his touch, she jerked his hand from her waist and was wriggling to come out from his grip.

Something was fishy.

" ma'am may I take my wife?" That dirty man said like a gentelmen, how could he represented that situation like this . Such a cheap and ugly person he was!

She was messed up with no hopes left, she let out a drop of tear from her eyes thinking there was no way to come out.

" wait! "coming out of her car, Donna smiled and at the next moment she hit her male point with her knees giving him tremendous pain below his abdomen. He was laying there clutching the place below her stomach.

He should already knew whom he was messing, the CEO of De Costa pvt. Limited, who was mastered in every skill, be it so martial arts.

Before that, she was making the same girl understood the importance of our own self defence, girls should be self dependent. They all time can't beg from others to save them.

God have gave women everything. So, they should use their wits, resistance and strength to empower themselves so that no one can lay their bad eyes on them.

" How ugly you people are! Always take the advantage of innocent girl, you should rot in hell, bas****! "

" just come in! "she said calling the young girl, and gave a single glance to him ugly and set on the driving seat.

The whole drive was silent, that young girl was peeking her again and again like a curious cat.

" She is so strong and independent. Why can't I be!"  She wondered, and then smiled, she would.

" Its too favor, I am really obliged to you ma'am, I wondered if I could be like you but one day I will sure."

" Mam, by the way what's your name? " she smiled, and looked her with a slight hope.

" what's in the name! " And she left dropping her to her home.

How's it?

Well, self defence is what I believe, so why shouldn't picturise my lead character bold and fiery!

We always read about a weak girl, let's hop into a forced marriage story with both strong female and male lead!

It is for sure interesting...
Hope you all love it!

Love ya❤️❤️

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