2.. A Not So Happy Collision

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A calm, salubrious, and delightful morning induced new hopes and aspirations in life.

Donna was nostalgic, both confused and happy. At one side, her father was there for her and then her encounter with her bad memories of past.

Messina, her birth place, the place where she lost her mother, the place where she killed him. Her tears rested upon her eyes.

"hey dad! where are you, I can't see you? " 

"my flower, look at your back, you will find me! " he exclaimed,and she turned, her eyes were overwhelmed and she pressed her lips and came nearer to him and gave him a hug.

"dad you know what I love you so much, I miss u a lot! " She said happily clasping him. Patting her hair, he chuckled, " is that so, you can just come anytime flower to meet me."

She pouted and chuckler sheepishly, " Dad you know the reason, then why again the same topic!!?? "

"Dad Its just that I want to give me time to come out of my pasts memories. " 

He smiled, might be it was for good, she had already faced too much and then she was coping with her fears, insecurities and anguish. Then why not give a chance!


Every person living in De Costa mansion was excited to meet the daughter of their house.

Her mother came to her, her overwhelming emotions made her to take her in a bonecrush tight hug. Even after the tag of stepmother, she loved her.

She was in awe, and then pushed her, she looked at the angry young lady in front of her.

"don't you dare Mrs. De costa to touch me! " she bursted out ,pushing her with so much rage like a cloud did when it get overloaded.

"flower she is your mother! How can you behave like this?" her dad yelled in fury.

"do hell with mother, I don't care. Even she is not my mother. My mother has died! " she said, behaving like jerk, even if she was not her mother, she should respect her as she was elder but no!

"Donna how can you say like this! She is our mother, she gives her hands to us when we need most. Have you forget, she did our upbringing! " Her twin brother, Earnest with love in his voice towards his step mother said. She flustered and rolled her eyes frowning.

"Earnest you know what you are brainless fellow, just blindfolded by this lady but I am in my senses.
And I will never accept this lady as my mother, she can never take my mother's place." she yelled and went.

"dad you know what it's all your mistake that she don't have mild manners! " Earnest pointed out Mr. De Costa.
He was downhearted by her brat behavior.

Earnest wrapped his hands around her, and showed her affection towards her as a son.

"mother please don't cry. You know what that girl is insane! But we are with you, we all love you. Isn't it Emma and Leonardo? " 


While crossing the threshold of the place which suffocated her due to the mere presence of that lady whom she hated, her father stopped her, she turned back and lit her eyebrows.

"just apologize with your mother and go wherever you want to go! " 

"dad but.." she said blowing her eyes out. It was not expected at all.

"I said apologise! " With the hard tone, he commanded her again . She was confused but still she did what he wanted, not wanted to make him more upset.

"Mrs. De Costa, I don't know what have you filled in my father's ear, but shake it off.... I just want to apologize with you for my behaviour..

Even this apology doesn't meant by me but still forgive me." 


She was outrageously driving her car on an empty road, wanted to submerge herself there so that everything was off, all her fear and terror from her barbaric memories of her past would end.

She unfortunately bumped at the edge of the Ferrari car while driving leaving behind the scratches. Unexpectedly she stopped her car which resulted in a dive.

She thought to see what mess she had created! but that same car with its full fury bumped with her car which made her more furious.

"hey, can't you see that there is a car! " she snapped her fingers. But this didn't buzz the owner of that Ferrari, who came back after plowing up his car.

Opening the window, a man who was mouthwatering specimen of human race, wore out his glasses.

"even I can ask the same question miss! Should I? " he chuckled which outraged her more . She glared him with attitude, soon after their glare lost into each other's beautiful eyes, looking at the depthness, they felt connected, she bite her lower lip.

" hey baby just leave this idiot, we should go." the girl beside that man clinged to his arm said. He turned towards her and kissed her passionately. That was enough for Donna. How could a mere girl insulted her like that! And moreover this chessyness.

"ok darling." he replied with love.

"yes, man just leave this place with your clingy girlfriend but before you go anywhere, just take this." She said throwing  him the amount of money on his handsome face. He was shocked and furious.

"actually, I don't take any other's favor. So, this amount is with interest and time! For your car by the way! " she with attitude exclaimed and closed her window.
Without waiting for a minute she left that place speeding her car.

He was furious and angry, how could she insulted him.

Didn't she know who he was!

If she wait for even an second then he could show her who she was. He speed his car in a fury.

"baby, be calm." his girlfriend said. But he drove more harshly frightening the lady beside him.

When he reached his suit. He slammed his lips with her girlfriend. He was taking out all his frustration on her. It was not he was using his girlfriend or she was just a time pass. He actually loved her. Even his girlfriend too loved him. They were true lover.

How cheesy!


"baby why are you so angry? What is my fault? " his girlfriend said, lied upon his muscular chest.

"Sophia you know what that girl just insulted me, How dare she! " he said with redshot eyes.

He realised that he hurted her.

"Sophia I am really sorry. Plz forgive me." he said and gripped his hair in frustration.

He kissed her forehead, trying to mend her. He knew he was acting like jerk but that girl just broke his ego.

Not ego, his so-called man ego!

But because of that girl he didn't let his love to be harmed by him.

He took her in his  embrace and gave her some warm kisses all over her face. They both slept.


Donna stopped her car over the peaceful place.

Her inner turmoil was killing her, compelling her to cry. Despite all her barriers, she let all her tears to flow. She was crying. The great donna de costa was crying.

Her head was placed over steering wheel. Her face especially her nose became red due to crying. She was always like this, broken. But didn't let anyone see her vulnerable side. She didn't want anyone to call her weak. But actually she was weak.

Suddenly someone knocked her window, she turned.

It was a child, may be he was of 5 years who had tissue papers in his hand for trading. What could be his plight!

He had worn worn out clothes which attract her attention. She opened her car's window and took a tissue paper from him. She wiped all her wet tears from her face, the child showed 1 finger to say tissue's cost on which she chuckeled.

"hey little child, just give me all tissue paper and take this." she said giving him total 100 Euro and smiled.

She was feeling useful after placing a smile on that kid face, with love in her voice, she asked, "by the way what is the name of this lovely child?"

" my name is lorrenzo. "that child said cutely.

" so cute name!"

" hey Lorrenzo where are you? " a women shouted.

" so here are you, now just give me tissues. I have to sell them. Give me fast baby! "

Giving hundred Euros to his mother, he pointed towards the lady who helped them, his mother smiled, " hey ma'am thank you so much. "

" It doesn't needed! "  

Observing them that they were not wearing winter clothes properly in that chilly cold weather of Messina.

" hey lady, just sit in the car. "she said. It confused the lady that what did she meant but at last, she entered after denying too much.


She had stopped her car in front of the best woollen clothing shops of Messina.

" Do shop as you want! " she said.

"but how can I?" she said.

"do as I say." she said authoratatively, so that she could purchased everything which she needed, this act of kindness satisfied her after all.


"are you educated?" Donna asked that lady, sitting in the Your favorite cuisine, gulping the piece of white sauce pasta.


What could be her plight of that poverty- striken decent lady?

"which course?"

" ma'am I have done masters in business. " She said which was quite unexpected for her. 

" why didn't you join any company then? "

"I have tried but no company wanted an unexperienced employ. That is the problem of the system.

When I have completed my MBA my parents set my wedding with lorrenzo father. Then Lorrenzo came. And then a day come when lorrenzo father left us. He left us because he loved another girl." 

She was sad but she was looking like now it didn't matter to her.

" you know what love is all waste of time. The person you love always cheats. Even love didn't exist. The thing which exist is only need and lust. And if it happened, then love only know how to kill. "

" ma'am I think in this matter you are wrong. If one person cheats, it doesn't mean everyone cheat. Love never kill. Believe it or not, its your wish.

Cheating is not a fault of love. It's the mere fault of us that we believe too much. "

" it means you still believe in love despite being cheated. " 

" yes I still believe that my true love in the end come only to me.

I am waiting for my perk of happiness, even god grant me Lorrenzo, what could I ask more!!

so that I could be happy, he is my reason to live."

Even after so much suffering she was smiling was the best thing
Donna understood one thing for sure anything doesn't effect us till we not allow them to effect us.

Oh.. She whispered and then placed a card on her hand, " just take this and give your resume in this company. "

" ma'am but how can you trust me like that easily!" She said meekly.

" actually I am not trusting you, its just that I give you a chance and that's it."

They both smiled at each other. Lorrenzo was sleeping in her mother's arm. 

That day She understood the true meaning of moving on. She was ready to give herself a chance to move on. 

But this was as simple as it seemed. Talking about moving on is simple, but moving on practically is very difficult task.

So, what's in the store for her?!! Stay tuned to know more.

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By the way, what's your definition of moving on!

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And... Last thing I know 1-6 chapter will be quite boring, but please bear it.... Then I promise you all will love the book and plot! 💕💕

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