3.. Their Smooth Life

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"dad, just look at these flawfull files."

"flower I am! How can this be possible! We have meeting in next hour and why the hell this file hasn't completed yet." 

The old man roared out to call for his secretary.

Andrea, his secretary came to the cabin listening his shout to. He knew that he again done some sort of mistake otherwise his boss hadn't calleed him in so fury.

"yes sir." Trembling, he whispered.

"Don't you know you have to complete this file till this time?"

He was afraid of his boss wrath and silently scolding himself for not conpleting the file of such a prominent deal. How?!!

"what caught your tongue man, I have asked a question. You know you are good for nothing. Now just get out." 

"sir I am sorry I will correct this file now." His secretary stammered.

Despite replying he glared him, it made him more nervous and frightened.

"I said just get.. ." Before he could complete his sentence, his daughter cut him as it was giving hypertension to the old man.

" dad just calm down. Look Andrea take these file and correct all flaws. Am I right? "

Collecting all the files, with trembling legs he left from there.

She gave her father a glass of water.

She suggested him that he should go home, she would look after all the office. He was not ready for this because he knew she was unaware about the whole office.

Then his son, Earnest came and assured him that they would complete everything on time , he shouldn't worry and trust them.

He nodded. He smiled looking at his responsible children. He was sure he shouldn't be worried in any form.

At last they cracked the deal. Everyone was happy for cracking the 100 billion Euros profit.

When they were having their dinner at the wooden Mahogany dine table, Donna looked everyfood was hers' favorite. And then she couldn't eat.

" Dad, let's have dinner in some sort of Italian restaurant, it is too long!!"

He was amused and then wished to not waste food, but her stubborness got added by Emma's wish too, and he eventually said yes.

They send all the food to the poor people. This hurted her step mother but she facade a smile thinking it was their happiness.

Such a pure soul!
Her daughter always despised her because she had a tag of step mother.


A man blundfolded a young lady. She was continuously asking where they were going but he said that it was a surprise. He asked her to be patient.

Her frustration touched the apex, and she agitated when the hell they reached?!!

Hr shooked his head, and then whispered come baby, he opened her blindfold, and she looked at the view. Her delight had no level upon that scenic beauty of the beautifully embellished beach.

Decorated with the balloons of love colors and rose petal, the beach was looking sizzling and marvelous.

"Alessandro it's too beautiful! " She whispered in awe.

" Thank you for your grace, my queen. "

He bowed down and smiled. He took her into his arms and made her sit on the chair where they ate the food which was Sofia's favorite.

After that they went to the center stage where he asked her for a dance, she agreed with wholeheart.

They were dancing on her favorite tune, twirling and twisting her, they continued their dance till the end.

He bent on his knees and put forward her a diamond ring in the heart shape box and said, "Miss Sophia Romano, will you give me the chance to let your finger inside this ring."

Her amazement had no boundaries and she nodded in excitement. He smiled looking her delighted face.

"Honey it is loose. Can't you check the size of finger before purchasing it?" she said grumpily, just because of that ring her bloomed mood became gloomed.

"what sweetheart! I have just check your size. Haven't I?!! Hey let me see this."

"just wait a minute." he said. He slided the ring on other finger.

"honey sorry, I have measured your first finger." he said apologetically.

How careless he could? How?

"honey but it's not right finger." she said complainingly.

"baby I will purchase you another ring, now be happy." he said and she immediately hugged him, "I love you Alessandro, you are best.. But on serious note I don't want another ring, I am upset because it's my dream to be wear the ring on my ring finger. That's it. "

"I understand, don't worry I will again propose you another day and I love you too baby." he said and hugged her more tightly.

Might that loose ring was not a mistake, but the indication of destiny that it never meant for Sofia, something was wrapped in the store of destiny for them for sure.


Lying under the stars and moon cuddling each other, they were watching the scenic view of the sky, Then suddenly she exclaimed,
"Alessandro you know what you are very bad! "

"and why do you think so?" looking in the sky, he said.

"you know what after doing so much you even didn't share a single kiss with me." she complained.

How cute this was!

"Is that so, okay now I will kiss you."He said and closed their distance.




He lied beside her Giving her a kiss on forehead.

" Alessandro what was that. I want a kiss. "she said.

" and that was the kiss. "he plainly said.

" No, i didn't want that kiss, I want...." She get quiet b/w the sentence realising what she was going to say.

" and what do you want? "he smirked.

" actually I want a.. "she said.

" yes what do you want? "He said.

"a real kiss." she said quickly.

"ahh, what is a real kiss? " he smirked again.

"huh.... I want a lip kiss. " 

"yes, take it by yourself." he said.

"okay... I Will take by myself." she said irritatedly and came over him and sat on his stomach, slowly putting her lips on his tempting and alluring lips and started to suck his lips.

She could taste the flavor of red wine from his hard lips. She was trying to increase the pace but couldn't. At the next moment he took her under him
He kissed and sucked her lips furiously.


Cuddling to each other, both the lover were in the sound sleep. But a phone call disturbed them in early morning.

"hey dude why are you disturbing me with my Juliet? he said in vexation not bothering to check who was the caller.

"It's not your dude dear son. It's your dad."

"oh dad is that you? Yes, ways up." he said like he was his friend which agitated him more and he replied, "I am fine but your fineness is going to end if you not come at evening in the party."

"dad but what's my need. For marriage there need a bride and groom or a priest and that's it. So what should my need?" 

" I don't want any arguememt, I want you there and that's it. That party was beneficial for us. Even the father of bride is my old friend, so you have to come otherwise I will block your all cards and then do party and all your useless work on your own."

okay dad I will come. " Annoyingly, he cut the call, mimicking him.


here was hustle and bustle in the house. And why not? That day was a marriage of their elder daughter. Everyone was busy and in one room bride and her sister was getting ready.

" Donna can I ask you something. You will not deny me? Don't you!! " Emma asked. She wore the beautiful white gown brushing the floor.

"Ah! Emma no cheating, it's not fair. First of all tell me, then I will decide." 

" Pwease, li'l sis!!"
" Emma, I am not!"
"you know what Donna, you are such a......" she said, showing her fist. Donna smiled pressing her both lips.

"Emma now just tell me what do you want from me?" 

"Donna, I want you to be my bridesmaid." 

"No, never in my dreams! It's so cheesy and all. "

"but why Donna? we are sisters, moreover a friend to each other, then why can't you be my bridesmaid."

"Actually I don't believe in any marriage institution. And don't make me believe, for god sake!! " she said with attitude.

"what are you saying but why? It's so confusing baby. " Emma asked.

"I think darling, it's not your matter, do concemtrate on your marriage. Don't poke in my life" 

"okay, don't share, life! But don't yell at me, it's my day. " 

She knew she will never do anything which she didn't want. Even it's not her nature to dig someone's wound which pained them.

Even after her rough behavior towards her mother, they shared a good bond.


"by the way Donna if love happen to you, you will not marry that person. Is it? " Emma asked a simple question while her makeup artist was doing her makeup.

"Love can never happen with me! I think its not my cup of tea, no, never!"

"ma'am your makeup is done, any other thing left!! " one of her make-up artist exclaimed. 

"No not at all, now you may go." 

"but how can you be so sure, love never happen with you. You know what love is not preplanned . I love Ethan, its so unexpected. I met him at my fashion show, isn't it something unusual, may be today you will meet him, and remember always love can happen any time, anywhere, and with anyone. We can't predict it."

She adjusted her gown and was looking breathtaking.

"it will happen but not with me. I can't love anyone and no one can love me. It's as simple as it is. I belong to him only. " Donna said and smiled.

"Donna tell me what's the problem with you? Why are you running from your life. Have you look dad, how worried he was for you. " She grasped her shoulder.

"Emma there is no problem." She shrugged her hands off and gave a million dollar smile.

"Donna you have changed, you are not what you were three years ago. What happen, I can't see you like this. Please share with me. I am your soul mate." she said pitying her.

What happened to the girl who sucked when she listened the name of business!

And irony was that she was immersed herself into the company and all!
the girl who always wanted a true love in her life now didn't believe in love!
the girl who was innocent in past, now turned into a shrewd businesswomen!

"Emma nothing has changed and just leave my life and look at yours, you are looking Marvellous . Its your new beginning. "

" May be it's a new beginning for you too."

"Arggh!! Leave all this darling, and don't shed any tear, get that. Otherwise your makeup will be ruined." 


"I do."

"I do."

The marriage was done. The priest or to say father announced both bride and the bridegroom, the man and woman of each other.

Bride threw the bouquet in air. Unfortunately, it landed at Donna's hand piercing the dream of all the maidens present there.

She became a center of attraction, and felt uneasy. She was shocked what happened such a sudden.


When she was sipping a red wine, her father called her. He introduced her to his friend Francesco Douka, the CEO of Douka group of industries.

She greeted him formally but then he asked her to think of him as her uncle , so she shouldn't be formal. After that she sided off from there.

"you know what Gabrielle you are lucky. You have daughter and son both who are so responsible and there  my son, a trash, good for his useless friends."

"Francesco don't worry he will understand his responsibilitieseven he is only 24 , Don't worry." Mr De Costa said consoling his friend.

"Donna is also 23, but still she is too mature, even Earnest too handle your business efficiently. But my son is only good for his useless friends." 

A Ferrari car had entered the reception venue. All eyes gathered at the man who was wearing black tuxedo with everything matching and came out with a swag.

Every girl was gawking that devilish man.

Why not!

He was Greek god. His single view had the potency that could flattered any girl in one swap. He was so freaking handsome but Donna didn't bother about his presence.

"hey, dad As you say I came." he said coming to his dad showing style that how dude he was!

"thank you for your favor, dear son." his dad mocked him.

After that his father introduced him to his friend, Mr De costa.


"Donna come here."

Mr De costa called her and introduced her to the most devilish person there. She looked at him.

He looked at her. He was shocked and recognised her that she was the same lady who insulted her with no mercy.

From there everything was going to change in Donna's and Alessandro's life.

Do vote and comment, I feel motivated.

So, what's happen next, is this story become revenge or romantic.

Do tell me!!

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