11.. Confusion And Shopping

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"Miss Romano, don't you get my order?" Simone said looking her, he for sure wasn't loving his crying face.

He was guilty. He wanted to apologize to her. So, he called her to his cabin. She didn't follow his order as she didn't have any guts.

He came near her in vexation.

" I said, in my office in 5 minutes." he commanded. Wow! He had guts to order her.

After turning her to tears, he stated things like nothing happened.


Timidly, Sofia put her step into the threshold of the cabin.

He would scold me for ruining his love's mood.

" yes sir.. " looking down, she whispered. Comprehending her fear, Simone was quiet.

" Sofia, I am sorry for what happened today. " He stood up and stated. He came to her. Sofia looked at him with tearful eyes. A drop fell from her eyes. Simone wiped her tears by tracing his thump below her eyes. He tucked her hair behind.

"Sir, What are you doing? If your gf find out, she will take everything as wrong. Please don't!" Sofia stated timidly, piercing her lips.

He stared her as dumbhead, what she was uttering.

May be Sofia has feelings for me.

Oh god! She is thinking that I have things with Donna.

Simone pinned her to the wall. He was tracing his finger to her lips.

Sofia closed her eyelid, feeling the moment. He traced his finger to her nape. He put his lips on her. That was a passionate moment. Sofia couldn't decipher what happened suddenly.

Simone was kissing her. If he also had feelings for her. And at last , she reciprocated the kiss.

They broke the kiss out of breathe. With guilt she looked at him.

"Sorry, sir. I can't. You love Ma'am, I am sorry. " she said and was going from there.

He held her hand, and pulled her towards him and said, "It can never be wrong! "

Sofia looked at him, he was holding her from the waist. Simone kissed her eyes and sucked all the tears.

"Sofia, you know what, I don't like when you came with that guy in ballroom. I don't like when you were dancing with him." he said.

"huh.. ." perplexed, she murmured.

He chuckled at his innocent beauty.

"you are confused, right, I am also when I think about you! " he said.

Bloomed, she looked at the man who could be her now.

"what do you mean? " she asked.
"you are so naive. I love your innocence." he said.

"Sir... It's not right let me go." she said coming out of his grip.

"Sofia why are you pushing me from yourself ?" He asked and hold her more tightly.
Sofia shook her head.

"Sir, You love her. We can't, its wrong." She said.

"I love her but she is not my life partner. We are there for each other. We care for each other, but we never wanted to accompany each other as life partner." He stated.

Sofia was confused after listening him out.
"I can't decipher." She said.

"It means, I only love one girl like a man do." he said.
Her heart pierced and she felt more jealous.

"who?" tearily, she said.

"Sofia Romano." He whispered and smiled.

She felt more jealous listening the name of Sofia Romano.

"huh... Come again." She said with amused face.

"I love Sofia Romano." He said.

The tears of happiness flowed from her eyes. She hugged him and said, "come again."

"I love Sofia Romano."


In vexation, she put her hand on her forehead, looking down at the table. How could they just decide everything. Did her opinion not matter? After all, it was her life. She had right to choose everything for her. Noone was ready to listen her.

Trapped and caged She couldn't comprehend what happened sudden in such a short span. Her mind was reviving every thing which happened suddenly in last 24 hours.

Her life was revolving like a rollercoaster which gave her thunderclaps at every point of second .

Yesterday, She was enjoying being herself but who knew that day was the starting of her changed life. Her life was taking an up turn. She was happy. Then from where that idea of marriage came?

Alessandro was handsome, rich, had status, maintained Donna's class. He had everything which was perfect for the groom which Donna wanted in her past life. But Why Donna was reluctant ?

She was sure her father made the whole situation in his favour. She knew him. Even, he was angry with her, but never in his dreams could thought negative things for his daughter.

She was a women of principals. What she didn't believe, then she didn't. No one could had tendency to deviate her perspective.

She didn't want the marriage. So she decided she would refuse even the groom was Alessandro, the most eligible bachelor of country.

Even, marriage was not any game that could be played. It was the bond of love. It was the union of two souls. No one could taint it. She knew that. So, she couldn't disrespect the bond of pious relation of marriage.

And with that chaos and hustle bustle, her day ended. Everything was unexpected and stressful. Her head was aching with anxiety.

She returned to her suit early. She hit the bed early. Wow! Such a great thing. She was changing. Might be changing for good.


The clock had hit the 9 in am. Donna was in a deep slumber.

A door bell rang and agitated Donna's sleep.
Flustered, she opened her soft eyelid. Yawning, she stood and gave a glance to the clock. It was like a bombshell dropped at her.

Again, a voice of door bell clapped in her ear. Unpleasantly, she went and opened the door.

She was shocked, there was all her family members were present. She was silent. She  glanced her father but then couldn't met his eyes. Her father noticed this.


"Donna, you are going to be married!" Emma shrieked in joy. Donna murmured, 'unfortunately.'

"Now, come with me." holding Donna's wrist. Maniacally, Emma dragged her to her room.

"what are you doing, Emma?" jerking her, she dementedly yelled.

Emma didn't bother to reply her and brought a dress for Donna from the closet. It was an emerald color alike her eyes.

"but where are we going?" perplexed, she asked her.

"just get ready, then you will get to know by yourself." Emma said, holding the suspense and pushed her into the rest room.


"Now, Emma just tell me what's going on, otherwise, I am going to my office. I don't have time to waste." perturbed, Donna warned her.

"sweetheart, why are you taking worry, you will get to know. Just chill! " Emma said while driving the car.

Donna was demented and wanted Emma to kill all her suspense.

When Emma was convincing her to go with her, she showed too much tantrums. At last, her all important works were postponed and Earnest was going to look after her office. She had no option left and she should accept what her sister wanted.

"Now, we reached our destination." Her sister said while jerking the car.

Jerked by the sudden break, Donna looked at the place and her only statement was, "Emma, take me back, what's this? Are you out of your mind! I just can't.. "

"Donna, you promised me, now no room for back out, I warn you otherwise... " Palpable, she spoke.


"Try this Donna," Emma squirrelled presenting her a white ravishing bridal gown.

"wait, wait..." she yelled and gave her two more wedding gown for trial.

"Now, OK.. So just shut your mouth, let me go for trying this." Donna said in vexation.

Emma chuckled and let her go.

While Emma was looking other dresses. Donna came out.

She was wearing a light blue, deep necked, strapless ravishing wedding gown. She was looking gorgeous. Her face glinted. She whistled at her.

" perfect, you will surely lighten your wedding, Alessandro can't take off his eyes from you, I am sure. " she said exploring her beauty in that gown.

"but, Emma it's uneasy, look at its deepness, I remember  he also didn't like such a bold dresses. " she threw a tantrum. Emma gritted her teeth.

" Who is he? Do you love someone else? Tell me I will support you fully."

" None, let's look at other dress. "

" Do... Tell me who is he? "

" Emma, none when he doesn't exist now, then what should I tell, he had died Emma, he had died, now no questions. "

" Do... "

After that the bride tried almost ten most lavishing and ravishing bridal gown but those didn't match her tastes.

"You are so choosy, how can Alessandro fulfilled your demands!" she exclaimed.

"hey, Alessandro now just choose a gown on your own for your beautiful bride." Emma spoke when she noticed him and then Donna suddenly whispered, " I don't care about him, he shouldn't have to handle my tastes for god sake, I am self sufficient."

And then he arrived, his father compelled him to go for the shopping of their wedding attire. He should be present in all the major and minor decision and function. What an irony!

Alessandro looked at his bride who was gorgeous but a beast of money.

She was wearing a white flowered frilled gown, deep necked showing her bosom, also her back. She was looking gorgeous, but didn't know from where his possessive freak came, "I don't like this gown! Can't you get any other piece of cloth, look how much revealing it is. Is it? "

"Look Emma, he also didn't want me to wear those. Please search something decent and modest. This girl can never listen me. Gosh! "

"Alessandro, now you just choose. I am tired of her,let me live in peace, from where such a boring people came, can't they see how ravishing these dresses are! "

Whispering  ' Take care of your bride,' Emma left them alone.

"Donna, are you willing for the marriage?" killing the awkward silence, Alessandro said.

"Like, I have choice. By the way we are not here for discussing about yes and no, we should select the dress first. " 

"Donna, if you don't want, then refuse. And we can discuss yes and no because its about our life. " he said sincerely. He was looking at the gowns. He took the gown which he liked at one sight.

" Alessandro don't be so pathetic caring, I don't even care, why are you becoming Nobel, that my yes and no matter, don't be, please! "

"Donna, why do you agree with this alliance? Is it really because of profit? And why do you yelling, can't you talk with might decency?" he asked.

What should she told? And what was that question? She couldn't comprehend. She never agreed with this marriage.

"Alessandro, why do you accept?"she asked and then replied, " because It will give surely a huge profit. This is my answer. This was just a mere business deal. "

Alessandro never in his dreams thought that his father statement was right. She could do anything for profit. But he let it be the way it was.

Alessandro gave her gown for the trial.

She came out wearing a very gorgeous and eye-catching beautiful light blue gown, made up of blue net. On the side of right bosom, it had a full long patch of blue net made flowers. It had the sleeves of one strap while brushing the floor. It didn't show her cleavage for sure. Donna loved that classy, scenic and alluring gown.

Alessandro was amazed to see her. She was looking ravishing. Her smile made her more beautiful. Alessandro too curved his lips and smiled.

" Donna, once again if you don't want the marriage then please deny!"


"Dad, I can't bait myself." she whispered. "This alliance will be a great opportunity for expanding our trade." calculating, all the aspects he stated.

"This is alliance, that is why I am reluctant." she said, her voice was filled with an unknown pain.

Her father had no words to say.

"I don't need any backbone to expand our trade. I assure you, I will give you a double profit, if its about profit. " confidently, she said. Rigid like a tree, she stood there.

Perplexed, his father didn't knew how should he convince her. Because, he used that opportunity to marry his daughter. He wanted to see her happy. His heart get pierced when he thought about the loneliness of his daughter.

Donna turned and was going back to her room.

"Flower, your beloved dead mother, want this. Can't you do it for her! And what about him, if his should could rest in peace if it looks at your pathetic state! " He stated.

Filled with tears, her eyes looked at her father. She comprehended that her father forgave her. With joy, she hugged him. His father caressed his hair.

"I should understood before that all the scamming you done, because for staying distant with us. Why you separated yourself from us flower, forget him. " tearily, he stated.

" Dad, have you forget my mother?"

He was silent.


"Dad, what did you say about mother? What she wanted? " She asked standing still.

" Flower, your mother always desired your marriage with her friends son, i.e..Alessandro. " He told her genuinely.

He gave her box." Flower this was prepared for you and your brother by your mother. She knew, she couldn't saw you and your brother growing. She was suffering from cancer. " He told her. Emotionless, she took the box and said," Dad but she was murdered, I knew this, I told him then he found evidences and then he left me. "

Her father looked at her with tearful eyes.

" flower.. Let's don't talk about past. " He whispered.


" dear Donna.

I hope you are doing well.

If, I will also present with you!

And stay always happy.

I think, you are 23 at this time. You know what, I told your father to give the box which you have, when you are going to be married. I can't be there for you at that moment. I am so unlucky. But my soul will always there for you. And thank you my dear daughter for fulfilling my last wish by approving the marriage with Alessandro.

He was like my son. I always see him as your groom. If, I could be there and see my baby in wedding gown, looking like a doll.

I miss you, I wanted to see you, but I think god didn't wanted me there with you all. But always stay happy. And fight with all the evils and don't let this world taint your innocnce, my sweet flower.

I love you.

Your mother. "

Tears were flowing from her eyes after reading the letter. Sitting on her bed, she was emotional. She wanted anyone to console her. She put her head on the bedpost and lied there. Missing her mother, she wet the pillow.

'I miss you .' she whispered.

She couldn't decide whether she should marry him or not. She was occupied with so many thoughts.

Now, what would be her decision? Did she marry Alessandro for her mother or refused for herself?

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I will feel blessed.

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