10.. Marriage And Chaos

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Note all the italic words the real thought of the person

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"hello, dad why you call? And what's is the news, when that happened? " Alessandro questioned as he was still shocked what trash was published in the newspaper.

" Alessandro, what was that crap in newspaper! Just cut to the chase. And when it happened? You know how would it effect the prizes of share!  Do you have any idea? " His father yelled worried for his business and shares not analysing what was the situation.

He was acting rationally when he thought everything from the CEO's point of view but as a father he should ask his son what the matter was!

"Dad, that was all baseless, it never happened. This media published such a crap without knowing anything." he said trying to make his stubborn father comprehend but in vain.

"How could you say this? If it is published then it means it has relevance, you useless, good for nothing tramp! You only wanted to flop my business. Why should I let you born in this world? You don't deserve to be my child. Just go to hell." He let out a howl of anguish.

He didn't in his wild dreams expected those harsh words from his father's mouth, whatever his fault was but his father first of all should asked him what was going on rather than accusing him.

He was confused after all what was his karma so he should reap such a behavior from his father, he never knew an act of help could become such a matter of controversy. Strange!

"Dad, it was not it seems..." he tried to justify himself but it was too late because call was already off.

He wanted to look Donna, for whom he started feeling something for, he was anxious what she was facing , if she needed him but who was he!


Alessandro's secretary Bianca, a blonde lady wearing formals, showing professionalism was speaking out his whole schedule of the day.

"sir, in the next hour you had to go for a meeting for the supply of clothes."

"Give the details of the whole contract! "

She gave him all the files to analyse the whole deal, he stood up with his sinister personality and went to his car.

He was on his way to sign the deal to the owner of the Alphonse fashion works.


Alessandro was sitting in the waiting room with his stress filled and fully occupied by his thoughts due to the whole controversies.

How was Donna? Is she well?

Everything was messy and like the dough drenched in rain, this deal was not doing any good.

Wow! Such an irresponsible people.

He was irritated.

" Bianca , why are they made us wait, I am irritated, give them warning Otherwise just cancel this deal, I don't like such unprofessional stuffs." He said with ragely as he was already worried and now they were making him, Alessandro Douka wait , how could it be possible.

He stepped onto the threshold of his clients cabin and there his developing feeling for Donna crumbled into a tine pieces, he felt deceived but why!

Simone and Donna was hugging each other without no worries.

"I love you, Simone." Donna said.

"Love you 2, babes. Everything will be fine! " He said and kissed her forehead which was not appreciated by him, he didn't like their proximity.

" I and he are not in any relation. "

It means she was acting last night, She lied to him, but why he was so effected. It was her life, she could chose anyone she want but he was ached even after when they still didn't know each other properly.

He was confused about his feelings plus angry too, there he was worried for her and she was hugging and kissing her lover rather than clearing all the confusion to everyone.

He developed an aversion towards her, like she ditched him after a long term relationship, it was just their beginning which was misted then.

He was bickering in his own thought, he was confused as what was right and wrong and turned back to leave from there.

He looked at Sofia who was standing there with a huge smile on her face, she was happy to see him again , she was looking classy in her french braided hairs and her black formal attire.


"Sofia, don't you mind.. But that Simone Alphonsi was the reason of our breakup! Isn't it?!! " He exclaimed sipping his black coffee while sitting into the cafeteria.

She was confused if she should tell him the truth or should stay quiet leaving everything as it was.

"I am not judging you baby. I am just asking out of curiosity." He said and chuckled. He was looking like a Greek god due to his chiseled and carved face.

She nodded approving what he was assuming was true, she was down in the dumps even after their broke up, she should be happy as then she had no walls between them.

He smiled fakely understanding what was the matter, it was surely because of him, Simone Alphonsi, she was ached as he was already in love, she could never have him even after sacrificing everything which was hers!

"Sofia, what happened. Simone was bothering you?"

" No, nothing. It is not."

"Sofia,  don't lie, you are an open book to me! It is because of their relationship. They are committed, Am I right? "

" He ditched you! "

Understanding what he meant she shook her head widely so that he didn't misjudge Simone, as it was always she who mistook everything, it was her one sided love.

" No Alessandro, he never ditched me. He never hinted me anything, it was always me, I assumed things that we can make up a relation. It was always a one side love. And the reason for our break up was that I don't want to hook you in the false hopes." she confessed.

" Alessandro, I never confess anything with Simone. Simone was the wildest dream, which can never be true. " she expressed her inner turmoil.

How strange this world is! There was an ex-girlfriend who was speaking out her love story to her ex-boyfriend with full enthusiasm and for the matter of fact he was too engrossed in her story to look at the time.

If we make relations, we should complete its ordeal till the death and they were bonded with the friendship, their bond was like hydrogen which was difficult to break. There were no love between them only, empathy but that was so beautiful.

"Oh! That is so good of you, this was because I loved you."

" you had forgotten me in one day, Alessandro! It's not fair." She pouted.

" Baby, I can never forget you, you are my first love, but life is only about moving on and I can't hold you when you don't want, you have always a special corner in my heart, don't worry. " he said and stood up wiping her lower lips which was messed up by chocolate smoothie through his napkin. She smiled.

" And I always remember you, Alessandro!" she said with honesty and sincerity.

" What! Why should you remember me. My position is in your heart. You can't forget me, darling ! As I am so good at... " he winked at her.

"yes, of course in my heart." she teased him.

" so, now I have to go. And tell your boss, I don't like his professionalism. And my company didn't want to indulge in any deal with such an unprofessional person."

Sofia was looking at him, reviving everything how her life was changed in just a one night.

She was feeling blue, she wanted the place in which Donna was, she was jealous but never wanted to be a third person in any relation so couldn't do anything to get him because love is not about to get someone when he/she doesn't want.


Sofia entered inside Simone's cabin after getting a call by him, she was going to show him the files which he told him to check as she was informed.

She looked at his drop-dead alluring face, she was lost. She reminded herself she shouldn't bicker like this.

They were alone in the cabin, Simone looked at him agitatedly and checked the file and found too many mistakes. She listed every design in the wrong place.

" Can you do us a favor?" He asked her sarcastically.

She was trembling due to his flinch behavior.

" We are here paying you for work not for spending time with your boyfriend sitting idle in cafeteria, do check these files again!" He threw the whole file on floor. She was turned to tears, even if he didn't feel anything for her he should at least show some modesty.

She gathered all papers from the white and brown tiled floor murmering sorry to him, he was boiling in rage, he couldn't bear any other man's presence in her life, she was his exclusively his.

Sofia stumbled when she stood up and turned at the back and for her misfortune, she collided with Donna who had two black coffees in her hand.

Unfortunately the whole cup of hot black coffee spilled on her dress and burned her.

Ahh... She yelped feeling the heating sensation.

He was at awe what she had done to her, and the next thing he could thought was a red mark of finger's on Sofia's white cheek which shrieked her in pain, he could also feel the pain which she felt.

" Donna! What's this! It is just a coffee."

" You bloody and clumsy girl, can't you walk properly? Now look at my dress. Who will pay for it! " she yelled furiously and looked at her who was gripping her own cheek due to the shrieking pain and at last Sofia whisperrd , " Sorry, Ma'am. "

He was not appreciating the fact that his best friend could show such a harsh behavior on such a mild issue.

" Just get out now, you careless person. "

Listening her she went from there feeling humiliated, drop of tears were on her face, she missed her brother who never let her scratch herself. She was broken.

She cried with the sounds inside the washroom, why she was the one who had to suffer and sacrifice.


"Don't know from where good for nothing people came", Donna whispered.

"Donna, it's just a mistake. Why are you exasperating?" he yelled which made her so confused.

Why was he making such a thing issue?

"Simone but look, what had she done?" she said pointing towards her dress.

"just, shut up Donna. It was just a dress. You can buy more. For this little thing. You made her cry! "

"Simone, sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

" but it hurts me."

" Simone, sorry."

" Can you apologize with that girl?" he said. How could she apologize with that mere girl!

" No, you can't. "he said.

" Ok, for you I will apologize with her, but who is she? "

" No one and no need. I will look. And for now, please go. Leave me alone. "

Something was fishy. Oh god! If Simone was in love with that girl.


When Donna was sitting on her chair inside her cabin, she thought to open news as now what lie the paparazzi was spreading.

What the hell? She coughed and gulped her saliva.

She dialed a number.

"oh god! The sun rises from west, The great Donna de Costa is calling me, Oh my eyes! My ears!" her twin brother mocked at her phone call.

" But right now I am busy, so can't talk." he mimicked her.

" Just shut up, and what is all this in news. When I am going to marry? And who asked me before giving this statement. Is father out of his mind? How could he said this, and most importantly when I was in love with Alessandro? I couldn't remember."

" Donna, it was the way to overcome the loss, which you have done the last night. Do you have any idea, our business is effecting in worst way just because of you! You have ditched Simone for Alessandro, this was what is in news. "

" and do you believe that crap!" chuckling sadly, she whispered thinking why everyone misinterpreted her.

"Ah! whatever, I am not going to marry at any cost and also tell the same to your lovely dad. And listen again, I AM NOT GOING TO MARRY ANYONE. " she yelled.

" It's not about truth, it is all over spreading that you ditched Simone for Alessandro. And Alessandro was spotted in your house for whole night. We can't risk our reputation for such a thing. So, Donna by hook and crook, you are going to marry my friend's son. Also, we are planning for this from a long time, but now you both made it easy for us. So, I am not going to listen any arguement further. " Her father said because Earnest had already put the phone on speakers, she was irritated, ached yet silent.

" I am not going to marry and that's it. " She yelled after the silence of 30 seconds.

Why was everyone making such a fuss. If I don't want this, then why they are forcing me?

Is Alessandro also facing this?


" Dad, why? What's my fault? " he said sadly, not in a mood of any argument.

" Son, it was the last way to tackle all the issue. Also, it will be a big alliance. We could earn more. Our prizes of share get doubled, do you have any idea what this collaboration meant! " he said in the way which Alessandro could understood. He was awared with his son's nature he would never agreed for the marriage because of Sofia.

Little did he knew about their break up!

" Dad, it's only one day of my break up. I should be in grief, although I am not but you are telling me, just marry!" he amused with the thought of marriage, making his father bloomed as then, he didn't had to put efforts for separating him from Sophia.

"son, this news is such a great. So, it's yes after all you have no option for no! " his father exclaimed in excitement.

Oh god! How insensitive his father was! He was glowing candles for his breakup.

" Dad, do some shame. It's my break up, which is a matter of sorrow, not a topic to get elated. Come on Earth! " he said mocking him.

" so, son you are going to marry with my friend's daughter." he at last commanded as it was like a royal message which he couldn't refuse.

"Dad, fine. I will marry but Is Donna agreed with our marriage statement? " he asked.

So, there was no scope for marriage alliance because he assumed she was in relationship with the Simone Alphonsi.

"yes son she is. Because she knew this idea could earn a hugr profit. She is not dumb like you." he said shocking him but Shock was an understatement.

Why did she agree for marriage?

She love Simone!

How could she go to such an extent?

Does bond of marriage not mattered to her?

How could she made a bond of love a deal?

All the thought was moving with the high velocity in his brain, at last he developed an image of her that she was only real for profit, she didn't value any emotions regarding any relation, she made relation for benifits only.

What was stored in their box of wonder called destiny? would they cleared all their confusion or something more worst was going to happen in their life as it was Donna who wanted thrill in her life only.


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So, an update after a long 4 days, have you missed me?!!

May be or may be not!!??

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