9.. Lovely Moments & Scandals

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" Alessandro, I am saying let me heal you! It will nothing, my one acupressure will relief you! " Donna exclaimed in agitation, why he was not allowing her to heal him, as she was remorsing for hurting his waist, she couldn't see him in pain.

" lady, I have said thousand of times, don't you try to touch me. Who knows, if you will broke my bones too! May be you both friend plotted my murder today, I wants to live. " He said with ghastly face, resting on the couch tilting his head to the stand of the couch, horrified with thought if she did something unexpected again.

Her continuous efforts to convince him was in vain, as what had she done so his waist was cracked? So he thought he shouldn't give her a chance again to physically hurt him.

"ok, I will not do anything."she said surrendering herself in front of him and left from there making him to take a long sigh with a great ease.

He tried to stand but his attempts only shrieked him in pain as which nerve was effected due to her unexpected kick.

" Don't know which stunt she have done on me! " he murmered himself and laid down on the couch with an utter discomfort and soreness in his waist.


In the dark midnight, he was in a deep slumber laying on the couch, Donna was sitting in front of him on floor, she looked at his paled face due to the pain.

Feeling bad for her deed, she brought out his shirt's hem from his pant slowly so that it didn't disturb him in his slumber, giving a slight view of his muscular sculpted waist.

She slided down her prepossesing finger inside his shirt and pressed there giving him an acupressure.

He moaned in pain and opened his eyes feeling someone's presence, he was shocked what she was doing.

"It seems today you have plotted my whole murder! Can't you see your business, why are you poking your nose into me! " Horrified with her presence he whispered, she was irritated and clenched her eyes in disbelief. Annoyed by his behavior she glared at him, he looked inside her dark green eyes and smiled.

She looked his face which was smiling and curved her lips into a smile and bit her own lips.

She stood up and left from there leaving him shocked, he stood to chase her and unexpectedly he realised his pain was long gone.

He smiled with his drop-dead gorgeous chiseled face giving him a devilish look, his carved beard could drooled any girl over him.

Might be it was the time when two souls which were made for each other had to find their solace in each other.

Hopefully it was the beginning when someone had to vanish her thick walls in which she never let someone in.

Donna's exceptional behavior towards Alessandro was contending her, his presence was bliss for her.

She forgot all her agony and frustration and entered into an unknown blissful world where she felt a tender and warm feeling called love.

Hopefully this was the beginning when they were going to weave a beautiful world, full of love, care, compassion and empathy.


Early in the morning when clock was showing a cock-doodle-do time, Donna was still not sleeping. In her mini gym, she was doing a work out as she was a health freak, she liked everything to be perfect and on time.

What an Irony!

Her life was filled with chaos, anxiety and stress and could never become perfect, she lost the people whom she loved which imprinted a dark impression on her. She believe don't love anyone to such an extent that it will effect you for the worst.

She should understand humans are made up of flaws so running behind perfection is waste rather than we should improve ourself after analysing our mistake.

When she was busy in paddling a still metal cycle which strengthen her legs, Alessandro looked at her dishevelled state, full of sweat and exhausion. He blowed a whistle in amazement.

Listening his whistle she looked at him straightly and ignored him, he wondered what that lady was made up of!

He wanted to explore her, he liked her attitude and chuckled at his own thoughts.

He joined her in her workout session and ran on the trademill standing there.

She looked at him with a smile and went from there wiping her sweat after finishing herself.


Alessandro looked at her while coming out of the gym room, sweating badly taking a long heavy sigh due to exhaustion. She was placing two plates of scrambled egg on the dining table.

"oh you come, that is good. Let's have breakfast! Come, sit! " she exclaimed with a natural smile on her fair face.

"Donna don't stress yourself, I will eat on some eatery, You should have your breakfast! " he said making some excuse.

"Alessandro, don't bother too much, join me and don't worry I didn't strain myself. Come, sit, fast! " She said with generosity and he agreed at last.

Sitting opposite to each other, Alessandro was still hesitant to eat what she had made.

She looked at him and shook her head," Alessandro, this food doesn't have poison! Just grab the folk and spoon, and eat this food. "

He smiled and shoved a bite of scrambled egg using fork and spoon. After that they did talk about current issues like what was going on in politics, what was the prize of share market, which business benifits us, etc.

The point of views of both the people were different but still right on their own place, they were knowing each other more.

That night changed a lot in their life, they were no longer a stranger for them.

" Donna, tell me something about your life!"

" what do you want to know, my life is so boring, there is nothing to tell about!"

" Boring in what sense?"

" It doesn't have an external push, the same regular things, work and work."

" Hey! Why do you strain yourself girl, it is life we should live it cheerfully. "

" I just can't! "

" Something is bothering you. "

" No! Let it be but I literally want some thrill in my life! "

She chuckled at her own thoughts. After that they bid a bye to each other. Listening him about leaving, she didn't feel right, she wanted to spend more time with him as she felt some pull of force was attracting her to him.

"ok, hope we'll meet soon! " She said with a hope for a next meet but she was unaware why she was saying like this.

"Sure! " He exclaimed giving her a hope that they would surely interact soon, his condition was as same as her, he was also confused with his unexpected behavior.

When he was about to leave, Donna stopped him in his way , she asked if he could wait so that she would also come with him outside, as to spend more time with him.


"Alessandro your life is going so smooth with that girl! That girl is quiet pretty & cute too. " She said straightly walking to the parking side, he amused whom girl she was talking about.

" Who! Ah, Sofia, we broke up!"

" Why, you both look like you are made for each other!"

" It didn't work, there is no charm left between us. "

" Ah! I see, your love faded during the course of time. Good!"

He gave a sad smile listening her statement as she was right at some place.

" You know what Alessandro love is not meant for togetherness! "

" Why are you thinking like this? "

" Don't you have read Shakespeare and many prominent writer which wrote about tragic ends."

" Donna, that were just a novel!"

" Novel is the portrait of life, Alessandro. "

" Also, I have witnessed many live stories which never acomplished and now your story is also dead. "

" Donna, what about those stories and people whom love accomplished?"

" I wish for their happy life!"


"so, bye Donna!"

There were silence prevailed between them with no words, only emotion which their heart could felt not their mind.

His driver came to pick him, forcefully he had to go from her spells, she was a magic to him, so alluring and tempting.

She waved him a bye when he set inside his car and his driver took him to his penthouse.

She was silent and a little bit sad, she reached to her office and checked the files which she was going to sign that day, also made a presentation for showing it to her clients.

When she was looking her presentation, a phone call disturbed her, she checked the caller id and gritted her teeth in vexation, now why this useless person was calling her!

" Earnest why can't you just mind your own business! " she yelled as soon as she picked up the call.

" Donna can't you talk with decency." Earnest said irritatingly.

" Don't teach me manners! I know how mannerful you are!" She said with sarcasm.

" Now leave it! Tell me why are you disturbing me now? And if you want to time pass, then made a girlfriend. I am not here for your time pass!"

" just shut up Donna, you are blabbering anything you want and why I am listening to you, look at the newspaper now. "

" Also, I am not girlfriend material, I use girl as I want! "

" you are such an a**! and for that crap newspaper you are eating my brain. "she said , 'bye.'

" Donna wait, just look at the newspaper, for jesus sake! "

" Earnest I don't have time to waste, so don't irritate me now. And what could be there in newspaper?"

" I am sure the news will be like,' prime minister was poisoned, so new election will be going to happened'. Wait wait, it could be possible that 'that company was bankrupt'. So don't disturb me get that. "

" Donna, just for one time check the newspaper. " Earnest said but she had already cut the call.

Earnest murmured, 'this girl and her attitude, oh god!'

Quenching her thirst, she sipped the water. Her secretary came into her cabin and presented her a newspaper as what was published, she also told her that this news dropped the rate of their shares, it effect the company.

She was bolt out of blue what could be published which effected them adversely, she looked at the headline and threw all water which was inside her mouth outside and coughing badly.

She amused how these reporters come up with such an idea!

If they didn't have any other important news to cover rather than publishing fake news about someone's personal life.


Sofia placed her watch on her right wrist and went to the breakfast table with a swollen eyes like she cried for the whole night.

" Sofia, think you had never developed any feeling for him, forget him like he was storm which came with vague and left." Maria, sofia's friend cum room mate with slender body and pale skin, she was good looking with smartness pallor on her face.

" Maria it's not easy but I will not intrude in their life, its sure! "

"Sofia look at the newspaper, look why this media is too much interested in publishing these celebrities life, they can't mind their own business. There is no news left for god sake in this planet so, they are publishing these crap news. "

" what Maria? Let me see the newspaper, who's it!? "

She looked at the headlines and chuckled sadly this paparazzi were so cheesy, why on Earth they did such a trash!

" The most famous Business tycoon Donna de costa dumped the great designer Simone Alfonsi for the heir of Douka group of industries!"

" The two love sick puppy of the business women Donna de costa break each other bone in her love. "

" Is donna de costa dumped Simone Alfonsi or Alessandro Douka? "

" Whom she will choose? "

" Alessandro Douka versus Simone Alphonsi! "


It was so hard to digest those headlines which were on the top of the headlines, how on Earth such news could be published on the front page of newspaper.

Alessandro shook his head in disbelief this media and its useless trash was so much which could be handled.

" No! Let it be but I literally want some thrill in my life! "

Her words echoed in his ears when he read the top headline.

' Now, you got your thrill' he chuckled.

He knew this whole scandal would led them to a big controversies which effect them so much, he should expect the most unexpected.

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