8.. Lost Lover

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" Sofia, it means you want breakup! Say clearly, Sof.. Be yourself, I will never judge you. " Alessandro said litting his eyebrow up. Sofia and Alessandro were sitting in a restaurant. They were talking about their relationship after all it was the right time to discuss.

Sofia had no words to say, thinking that it was better to get apart rather than being in false relation.

Because, at last after thinking for some time, she realized that she never loved Alessandro, he was only her infatuation as he had everything which a girl wanted.

He was handsome, famous, caring, lovely and the most eligible bachelor of their college. Also, Sofia had mild crush on him, so she thought of it as love. She liked being called by the name baby, honey and many other sweet names. Alessandro always cared for her. She also cared for him.

But caring is not love. Sofia understood this. She never thought about the meaning of actual love. Just showing the world, that their love was true didn't make any sense unless their love was not true, she realized it.

She was silent.

Alessandro took his silence as yes.

"Ok...if this is what you want, then fine. I don't have any problem. Let's get apart from each other. But Sof.. Why are you silent?! Don't you trust me, trust me! " he said very calmly, like it didn't effect him much. But who knew what pain was present in his heart.

" But Alessandro..." she said because she thought she hurted him.

" Sofia, nothing happened. This is life. We can't force anyone to stay with us. Everything is fine! Don't worry, you are free! " he said and smiled.

" Sof.. can you do me a favor? " he asked.


Curling her smooth and silky walnut hairs she was all ready for the ball, wearing a red elegant and classy gown, picking up a call which came from Simone, she said, "Sim I am coming." and cut the call.


Enjoying the party, Simone and Donna exchanged red wine. They were sipping their drink. Suddenly Simone's eyes fell on Sofia who came there entangling her hands with a handsome hunk.

He felt a ping of jealousy, same went to Sofia, she didn't like the lady beside Simone.

Simone was constantly gazing her which made her uncomfortable why he was behaving so unexpectedly, was he love her! If not, then why he was jealous.

As the party went, a ball dance introduced where every person should wear a mask and swap their dance partner one by one, beginning with their own date.

As Simone was dancing with Donna, who was wearing a golden royal mask, he couldn't concentrate, he was trying to peek at the site of Sofia.

After changing partner, Sofia was dancing with Simone, feeling goosebumps by his one touch, she felt joy, she identified whom she was dancing with.

While Donna and Alessandro were dancing with each other they found an unusual connection towards each other, satisfaction was evident between them.

Placing his hand on her waist and touching her skin, he got some sparks, he clasped her one hand into his finger, twirled  and twisted her with so much passion.

" Am I not wrong, you are Donna! Right!! The very same girl! " he said and twisted her while dancing, when her mask slided lightly and her face glinted due to the lights.

Donna nodded, "and you are Alessandro!"

Nodding, he again rotated her.

"you remember me! " he exclaimed, making her nod.

"ofcourse how can I forget the one who show me so kindness by giving me money for my dress! You know what, I can't never let that dress dry clean, if you didn't show me such a mercy! " she said sarcastically. Alessandro smiled and smirked. They were so into each other that they forget about their surroundings like a long lost lover.

They were behaving like a cloud and Earth who can never meet, but always give their love to each other, Clouds can quench the thrist of Earth but can't touch it. They are feeling the unknown love from each other. And at last their dance ended. The whole ballroom was filled with the sounds of clappings.


Simome, I am going ok. If you want to come, so meet me at car! Am waiting!! " Donna said, leaving the party

She was going to a parking, which was situated on the opposite side of road, without looking here and there she tried to cross the road, and at the next moment she was on the floor and a man hovering her.

She yelled what he was doing and then she realized that man's motive was not bad and dirty.

He was only protecting her from severe accident. She found this when she looked at a car went from there with the gap of two second.

Looking into each other deep intense eyes, they were lost.

" Alessandro.." she whispered.

" Can't you carefully cross the road! Do you think yourself a queen! " he exclaimed. Donna had no words to say so she was chewing her lips. Then at last she murmered 'thank you'.

He forwarded himself to stand but was unable and fell again on her . When he tried to stand one more time,  a man pushed him with so much fury and punched him holding his collar.

" How dare you! man to take her advantage! Can't you see she is with me, how dare you to hover her! "  Punching him on his stomach that man said.

It was hard to endure this much. At last his limits ended and he punched that man's face. Donna was confused for what happened suddenly. She stood and looked at the person who was Simone.

Comprehending what misunderstanding happened, she tried to hold Simone's hand to avoid the fight, but Simome jerked her and punched Alessandro again, and in return he got the punch with same intensity through Alessandro.

" how dare you to beat me! " he said punching him on his( Sim) stomach again. She tried to stop them but all her attempts were in vain.

"Simone listen to me...." she said but couldn't complete herself because Simone was not in any mood to listen anyone.

" you just tell, how dare you to misbehave with My Donna! " he said angrily punching Alessandro on his chin.

This was observed by Sofia. Sofia little heart get clenched seeing her Simone beaten, she came there to stop their fight.

" Why do you care. I will do what I want. Who is she for you? That you care. " Alessandro yelled punching him again.

" you are asking who she is? Listen she is my everything. She is my life. She is my reason to live.. Understand! " Simone yelled.

Stopped by listening him in her track, she was shocked. She was denying every fact till now, but then Simone himself confessed which made her heart clenched. She didn't know what happened. She left from there dejected with unknown pain in her eyes.

When Simone was going to punch him, Donna stopped him coming in front of him.

" Simone listen now, he was not taking advantage of me." she yelled. Simone got confused because he saw Alessandro hovering over her.

Also, he couldn't deny his eyes as his eyes witnessed everything but sometimes, what our eyes see is not absolutely true.

" but Donna... I witnessed! "

" simone he just saved me from Accident. "Donna said and then told him all the happenings. Simone was guilty for his deed.

Donna turned and found no one there, she wanted to apologize him.

" Simone you should go, I have some work, I will go by myself, no need to come behind me. "she said and he nodded.


" hey where are you going? "Donna yelled, running in her Red gown.

Alessandro was shocked to find Donna behind him when he turned.  At last Donna reached near him,  putting her hand on her waist, she said," how much I search you and you are here? Thank god, I found you. "

Sighing a long breath, her face was shining because of the moonlight reflected on her face. Alessandro never expected that he would meet her like this again.

"hey... Sorry for what happened. Simone didn't mean, it was all the misunderstanding." Donna apologized.

His eyes were ready to come out of sockets, oh god! She was apologising, did his ears not working!

Alessandro murmered, "it's ok."

Turning back, he continued walking. Donna thought he didn't forgive her so she came beside him joining his stroll.

"Alessandro, I know this shouldn't be happened but, please sorry I am saying, then why are you behaving like this." she said.

Alessandro was amused by her behavior, unable to see the one in her who threw the money on him.

"Donna, it's ok. I am saying. Why are you bothering it too much?"he said," and at last he is your boy friend only, so he was not feeling right by seeing us in that position. "

Donna was shocked listening him with no words to say. But there is a fact people see only those thing which they want to see, Like Alessandro did. Sometime just seeing girl and boy with each other, society assumed them to be couple, but this situation is not all time correct.

"oh god! Everytime same happen, can a girl and boy be friends, you guys always misjudge us! He and I are not in any relationship. "
She was feeling dejected why she was always judged.

Alessandro understood that he might hurt her.

"I am sorry, but just seeing his possession towards you, I felt this." he said apologetically.

"Actually we are best friends. He just doesn't bear any scratch on me. We were like soul mates." 


"by the way, Alessandro don't you have any car, that's why you are strolling at this time! " Donna chuckeled.

"Ah.. I can also ask the same question, young women." he said sarcastically.

"shake it off, by the way Simone shouldn't beat you, if it really occured which he thought, then I can protect me by myself. I am self sufficient. " Donna said.

Alessandro lit his eyebrow up and asked, "how?"

She said, "Then don't say me that I haven't warn you before man."

And She without wasting any second just give her especialised kick in his waist by bending her knee.

She was a karate black belt. She learnt self defence only in her young age. She never wanted to depend on anyone in any matter.

Alessandro shouted.

"Today both the best friend just didn't left any option to give me scars. How come I here! " he said sarcastically and hold his waist. His weird face made Donna laugh. Alessandro looked at her beautiful face and smiled yelping in pain.

Donna realized what had she done. Now she was not feeling good. She hold him and said, "I am sorry... Plz.."

Alessandro made 'o' face.

"Are you mad Donna?"he yelled at her in pain," here I am in pain, and you are apologising. Do something girl. "

" Alessandro my suit is here only just 2 Lane away. Plz just come with me, I will cure you. " She said. She was not liking the fact that Alessandro was hurt just because of her. Guilty for her deed, She hold him by his waist and put his hand in her neck.

Now see what happen when Alessandro came with Donna in her suit. Their moments would be sweet or just something dramatic was going to be happened in their life.


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