7.. Jealous Intern

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"We can never run away from our destiny, it can drag us anywhere it want. Every action has its own cause to happen. "  ~ Unknown.

A lovely morning induced new hopes in their life. Everyone had their own terms and condition with their own emotion and notion which at the end bonded them together.

Once upon a time Simone was Sofia's crush and now when Sofia was in relationship with Alessandro, he entered again into her life.

Even though Alessandro didn't know much about Donna but they encountered so dratically that there was no hope of their togetherness.

" Enemies made their own eternal love story."  ~ Unknown.

What a relationship status! It was so complicated.


Alessandro Douka was a spoilt brat who was good for nothing, only knew how to splurge, at least to his father but was gradually changing. He was analysing himself, his shortcomings and changing himself into a responsible person.

He was changed, his priorities changed, he wanted to proove her father that he was not useless.

But this change in his behavior couldn't change one thing that he loved Sofia and she was everything in his life.

It had been a month since he was in Rome handling his father's business there.

The meeting of him and his life Sofia which he presumed was not like it was before because they were so into their career that they couldn't give each other a time which they should.

This meant they didn't love each other then like they before, it is no because love is not all about giving time, Alessandro still loved her.

Was Sofia still love him!


Observing carefully the given piece of clothes, Sofia listed the variety of clothes in the list.

" This is Denim!" She whispered to herself and rechecked if she didn't make any mistake.

Collecting all the files, she went to her boss office and presented the list infront of him.

The way he was checking the file made Sofia scared if she have made a mistake.

Shuddering she looked at his carved jaw, his muscular body pouncing from his white shirt, she was inching him in every way possible.

She was flattered and had goosebumps, why she was behaving so weird! She had boyfriend for god sake!

She still remembered 4 years back her boss was her first crush and then her ideal, his presence could easily generate spikes into her whole body.

"Miss Romano, done checking me out! Now can you do me a favor by looking into the file." he said straightly.

She obeyed him and looked into the file feeling embarrassed.

"Miss Romano, your progress is very good, but you should look into your minor mistakes. Do one thing, just work out more on your listing, then show me again." he said giving her files back.

She lifted the file and turned to go but stopped in her track listening Simone.

" hello Don.. ."

A lady name from his mouth made her stick there, she didn't want to eavesdrop the conversion but she was jealous, why!

Didn't she love Alessandro! He was her infatuation only!

She remembered Alessandro was the most eligible bachelor and he liked her in her college times, so he proposed her in front of her whole college and she gladly accepted that because the crush on Simone that time was faded.

"Be calm lady, I will come with you as your date! Fine, now don't panic. I like you smiling always, baby, now be a good girl. " he said and cut the call.

Someone had stabbed her heart piercing it into crumbles.

Standing there a drop of tear fell from her eyes, why it was effecting her! He could do whatever he wanted, she was no one to control his life, he was her boss only.

" Miss Romano, if I should publish an invitation, so that you can go and continue your work! " he exclaimed in sarcasm.

"Sorry sir." she whispered and moved from his cabin.

Her eyes were misted, she was still not doing any motion while sitting on her chair. She tried to list again the varieties of clothe pieces but her mind was occupied on Simone's statement.

She picked up her phone listening the caller tune without realising the caller id.

"hello."she said.

" Hello, sof... . " He whispered in his enthralling voice.

" who? "she said sounding dull.

" Sofia, me Alessandro! What's the problem? "he exclaimed.

She get confused listening his name.

" Who is Alessando? Why are you disturbing me? Why are you calling me? "she said in vexation without realising what was she saying.

" Sofia.. "he whispered breaking her oblivion.

Her mind was occupied that what was the need of her desperate behavior when she knew she loved Alessandro. Who was Simone, why was he effecting her so much!

"Sorry Alessandro. I am just.. " she whispered closing her eyelid.

"Sofia, what happened? Why are you sounding so dull." he said with his unconditional love.

"No.. Nothing Alessandro I am, I am just.. Nothing." she said stammering, demented that what was going on. Gasping her uneasiness, he didn't bother her more to say anything respecting her privacy.

"By the way, Alessandro why have you been calling?" she said as a matter of fact.

"Can't I talk with my love." he said mentioning her as his love which agitated her more.

Oh god! Why there was so much confusion, why Simone was bothering her so much, why she was not liking Alessandro's behavior any more.

It means she love Simone! Then what about Alessandro!

If that was true, she should accept as soon as possible otherwise things got more complex and confusing.

" by the way, Sofia I have called you because I wanted to meet you. I know, from some days, I am busy and can't give you time, so I wanted to compensate my love." he said lovingly wanted to give her time out of his busy life.

"ok done, so message me the  location." she said.


She moved her hand in the direction of the tennis ball so that she didn't loose her aim looking intensely at her target with her doe eyes.

Generating interest in the enthusiastic eyes of the spectator present there, she won the game.

Everyone was hooting her name.

" Donna! Donna!"

Smiling, she came at the resting area where she wiped all her sweat wearing a tight thigh clenching PJ and a sleeveless top.

She left from there after changing her dress into a green elegant one-piece which had full sleeves and reached to her thighs.

She was riding her car rashly, it was her favorite hobby.

She reached a place far away from city with only serenity, no rush.

She was calm, it was her way to free herself from from any kind of worry, tension, gloom and anxiety.

Whole area was planted with the beautiful green trees which could satisfy anyone's eye.

She was gazing and gasping all the beauty of her surrounding inside her, indeed she was a nature lover.

Sometime person need some lone time to spend with their ownself.

She got an eerie kind of tranquillity after coming there, that place was her friend in her thick and thin, she shared everything there because she thought it could never cheat her.

She looked at a pegions who were sounding. She looked at the green leaves which bloomed recently , there was a cherry blossom trees, she loved those blossoms.

When she was so engaged in site seeing, a phone call disturbed her, why everyone disturbed her all the time! She looked the caller id which showed the name of her secretary.
Work couldn't leave her alone!

"Mia were I not told you that don't disturb me! " she exclaimed, irritation was evident in her voice.

"Ma'am I am sorry, plz forgive me, but its urgent!" She said timidly.

" ok, now speak, what's the matter? "she said.

" Ma' am there is a deal, which can give us a huge profit!" She said.

" so.. I can check it tomorrow." Donna said easily.

" Ma'am actually the client is launching it's deal tonight, and it wanted to make competition between all the companies who are interested in that project." She said.

How could such a strange people exist!

" continue.. "Donna commanded.

" Ma'am so should I tell them it is accepted from our side?" She asked.

you can!" She said.

" Ma'am but there is a problem." She said.

" what? " Donna asked.

" Ma'am you have to go tonight's businessparty! "she said.

" so, what's the problem? "Donna asked.

" Ma'am in the party, you are only permitted when you come with your date. Kind of prom! "she said.

" what the crap? "Donna said rolling her eyes.

" ok, I will look, and send me all the details and the documents of the deal. " she said and cut the call.

The word date was irritating her, and now she couldn't run away because of the deal which could gave so much profit. Being so opportunist, she should go there even with date, she was ready.

Using her phone, she called Simone.

"hello Donna" simone said.

"hello, simone ;why can't people let me live my life peaceful! No, no, I think I don't deserve any peace." she said gritting her teeth.

"Donna are you mad? What are you saying? Now just shut up and tell me the matter! " he said scolding her.

"Sorry to bother you Simone, but I want a favor. Actually I want to go in a business party, so I want a date." she said.

" Be calm lady, I will come as your date! fine now be calm........" he said.

Donna smiled and murmered bye and cut the call, messaging him the location.


She put on pazamas with a loose light pink tank top when she reached her suit, she made herself a black coffe.

While sipping the coffee she opened her e-mail analysing all terms and condition of such a different and unique deal, it was her habit to not trust anyone.

Also, doing things without the proper knowledge always dig us in a deep dark hole as little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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A boring update I know, but don't worry next one will blow off!

Now, the time of our hero and heroine meet come! Excited!!

Party will led them the way in which they even can't think to go!


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