13.. Marriage, Kidnapping And Flirting

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So, here goes the prologue part.
Do inline comments, please, if anyone reading, then please do tell me, even pressing the vote button can do!

Wedding bells jingled. The scene was not any  less than fairy tale stories. Their wedding was destined in the city of Romeo and Juliet, Venice. Hope, their love story also became immortal like them.

Venice was a serene town, build on small islands, with water street and historical building decorated with lace of blaster, perfect for an alluring wedding.

The panoramic was magnificent like the king of universe's wedding was going to happen. The blazing of soothing weather, the flow of wind, the shining of the sun before sunset made the wedding magical.

The breathtaking and sensational beauty dropped her beautiful toes on the land, where the knots were going to tie, for permanently.

She was wearing the gown which Alessandro chose. Her veil was brushing the land. Two person was handling it and she was forwarding herself.

It was obvious that she was nervous because how she lurked herself in the rough personality of her, she was an innocent and bubbly girl.

She didn't believe on her destiny. She was afraid for what happen next! Did everything went well or life would pushed her again depriving from a beautiful life. Negative thoughts flooded. This was the condition of every bride in her wedding, she was not any unique piece.

Alessandro like a king bent on his knees for his queen. He presented his hand. She held his hand and leave the hand of his father. This was to assure that now his flower was going to take a forward step of her life. 

Alessandro was looking a mouth watering specimen of human race, so handsome, so devilish, dark haired that every girl could ogled him till infinity, wearing a light blue tuxedos and a black bow tie. 

They reached to father who recite their wedding.  Media was excluded from their grand marriage because of privacy. The sun was setting.

Alessandro whispered in her ear, " You can deny now, there is time, don't worry, I know you love someone else, don't be a profitistic."

She glared at him.

Then priest asked, "the bride Donna de Costa, are you with the mercy of god accepted Alessandro Douka as your groom and vowed to love and cherish him like a wife does?"

Donna sighed and with calm and composite mind uttered.

"I do."

"The groom Alessandro Douka, are you with the mercy of god accepted Donna de Costa as your bride and vowed to protect, love and cherish like a husband does?"

"I do." Alessandro said.

"Now, with the power given to me by almighty creator, I pronounced you as a man and woman of each other. Now, you may kiss the bride." 

She was nervous. She never thought about this. He was confused. Should he?

But it was ritual. She closed her eyes and he took it as approval and kissed her lips. This was first intimate physical contact of them. She reminded herself it was all right. She was bride and she should show the world that she was happy.

Everyone hooted. Simone winked a smile towards her and she smiled. Then Donna threw the flower bouquet in air, the bouquet was caught by a calm, soothing, innocent beauty Sofia. She was shocked how it could be! She composed herself and blazed with happiness.

Simone looked at his beauty. He bloomed.

Today, I will clear all your misunderstanding. 

Sofia went to Alessandro and said,

"Alessandro, congratulation for your wedding and you too, Mrs. Douka." Sofia said. She wrapped her hand around him. Donna felt an unknown fire.

"Thank you, baby."

"Thank you, and don't be formal you can call me Donna like you called Alessandro. Am I right sweetheart?" She said and compelled Sofia to break the hug. She held him by his waist showing everyone that he was hers.

His eyes got out of socket feeling his newly wedded bride behavior, he also held her by her waist.

" Are you jealous, baby? "Alessandro whispered in her ear. Donna looked into his azure eyes. She was mesmerised.

" No and why should I? And don't call me baby. I don't like this name." She composed herself.

" ohh... Baby... "

" I said no..."


"please... I just don't like it! " She said with tearful eyes. Feeling that he was hurting her which he never intended , so he stopped.

They both were greeting all the blessings of their guests.

Simone also didn't like the affection of Sofia towards Alessandro.

After greeting everyone, a photographer came for their post wedding photoshoot. They did photoshoot like the couple did. She felt awkward but she shaked it off.

"Sir, you should held her by her waist from behind, chin on her shoulder brushing your lips on her cheek." Photographer said, and they looked at each other.

He touched his stomach over her wedding gown. Donna felt tingling sensation. She giggled. And this led a most beautiful picture captured.


"sister, sister, there was a man calling you." a five year old girl informed Sofia.

Who is he?

I should check.

She was on the way and suddenly two man came masking themselves and put a napkin of chloroform on her mouth and took her with them in their SUV car.

Simone was waiting for Sofia where he arranged every beautiful way to propose her. He felt dejected when she didn't reach.

"Hey baby, don't you inform her?!!"

"I inform but some uncle put a napkin on her and took her in their car."

Simone was shocked. How could it happened? It was like Earth was slided down beneath his legs. He wanted her safe. He looked at the car in which Sofia was captivated as the car was plowing. But it went with high speed . He got a hope. He captured the number plate on his mobile.

You have to pay for kidnapping my Sofia!


"Emma, have you seen Sim?" She (Donna) said, looking Simone with her eyes only, but he was nowhere.

"Donna, no, don't worry, he is here only, just focus on yourself, darling! " Emma said. She nodded.

Alessandro was standing beside the her, he heard her. He felt a ping of jealousy. From first day, Alessandro didn't like her to chat and meet with that designer. He felt furious.

This meant he unknowingly felt something for her. Whenever he heard talking she about and with Simone, he became possessive towards her.

For showing his possession, he touched her on her waist and held it. He winked. 
" Baby, from today you are mine, don't take any other name from your beautiful lips, otherwise I will sealed this lips!"
She looked him in daze.


There was a darkness surrounded, the muggy smell of Rotten egg, the vultures were diving because a dog had died so they could scavenge them.

Simone came there with his car. He gulped the lump of throat seeing that awful view . His car couldn't enter in the narrow streets so he could only paddle the next journey for protecting Sofia from those goons. He was on the outskirts of Venice.

What Sofia took from them that she was kidnapped?

She was an innocent girl who never threw herself in problems, then what someone got by kidnapping her!

He reached to the basement. The sound of whispering could be heard.

" Boss, we had kidnapped the bride. Look at her."

" Are you mad? She is other girl not the bride. You duffer, can't you do any work properly!"

Simone was shocked. Why someone was interested in kidnapping Donna?

"Boss, but why you want the bride to be kidnapped? "

" It's none of your business, but some hustle bustle is coming from that place, go and look."

I have heard this voice before. Where? I can't remember. Oh, I should hide.

He was lurked inside a box. They were looking here and there, but couldn't found anyone.

" Boss, there is no one. So, what should we do with her? "

Suddenly a phone call came.

"We will think later, come with me, there is an important work."

Simone sighed in relief. After they went, he came outside the box and reached to his life. She was unconscious and tied brutally. He touched her face with tears in his eyes. He opened the clothe which was in her mouth brutally gagging her.He sprinkled some water droplets on her face.

She opened her soft eyelid. She looked him. She smiled in relief and bloomed .

Simone untied all the ropes.

"Listen Rafael, boss ordered us to rape her and through her on some dirty place! "

" but, we can't. How can we do this heinous act! We are helping him in his illegal works, but it didn't mean we will attempt this crime. "

" but boss will kill us."

" I have an idea, we will drop her to the same place from where we kidnapped her. And lie to the boss."

Simone and Sofia listened the whispering but not any dialogues.

The two goons reached the place where she was hostage . There was no one. Both goon felt happy not finding her, they went back.

Actually they concealed themselves in a big box. They were very close to each other. She could felt his husk on her cheek.

" may be they were gone."

" No Simone, What if!" Sofia said . He felt goosebumps listening his name from his beautiful mouth.

"Sofia believe me, I will not let anything happen with you."

Sofia looked in his eyes. It was filled with love and care.

If it can happen, that he loves me!


"Mom, thank god you here. I thought you couldn't come in my wedding. "

" Son, you are my one and only son, How can I not attend your wedding! So, she is my daughter in law."

Alessandro's mother looked at her. She was wearing a purple gown. She was a wonderful beauty with a sinister personality. She smiled looking Donna.

" yes, mom."

"son, good choice."

" mom, your choice ,not mine! "

Donna felt uncomfortable listening him.

Does he not want to marry me?

But why it effects you Donna, you also give this marriage a chance for your mother's last wish.

" oh! You are Rebecca's  daughter." she said and hugged her.

" you have grown into a scenic and alluring beauty, last time I saw you when you were 5."

"not more than you, you have a sinister beauty ma'am! " Donna complemented her. She blushed.

"so sweet you are! " she pulled Donna's cheek.

" daughter, don't call me ma'am, call me mom. After all, you are my son's bride."

Donna smiled.

"Alessandro, do you see your sister here?" she asked with curiosity.

" Mom, I don't know, I dare she doesn't even get liesure from her hiking, that she should come here." 


"oops.... Oh.... Bro! Thank god you don't get married in my absence." a young and bubbly girl said with cheerful voice. She was in the hotel room where her brother was staying, there she found a man, wearing an Armani suit searching some papers.

That man confused listening the girl. He stood still and was listening her melodious voice.

Wearing a purple denim jumpsuit, carrying a hiking bag with a hiking stick, she was looking stunning and cute. Her hair was braided loosely and placed on her shoulder in forward direction.

"Bro... Are you listening?"

The man looked at his back. He was awestruck after seeing the beauty. She was the first girl whom he wanted to admire.

'thief..' she whispered awaking her internal cop of justice.

And she yelled, "Are you stealing?"

She hit him with her hiking stick.

" What are you upto? Young lady."

She hit him on his leg.

"Are you mad?"

She hit on his stomach. He clutched his stomach. He pulled her towards him, when she was about to strike him again.

" Are you planning my murder, baby?"

She was looking at his face. Just his look compelled her to give him a place of her crush.

She shook her head. He was holding her tight with her waist.

"you are cute." He slided her flick behind her hair.


"nothing." he smiled.

"by the way young lady, I am not thief." 

" I am sorry, but why are you in my brother's room." she suspected him.

'may be to see you..' 


" I am searching the marriage certificate which your brother and my sister is going to sign! " 

" oh.. It means you are my sister in law's brother." 

He smiled. 

"ah.. Let me leave." she said wriggling. 

"why? You are looking good here." he winked. 

" are you flirting with me? " she rolled her eyes. 

" no, I am telling truth cutiepie." 

" what did you call me? You are flirting." 

" think whatever you wish, cutiepie! " he kissed her cheek. 


"sir, this area is so muggy, when will we reach to your car?"

Sofia, what is this sir! This is not our office. Call me by my name.

And we will reach soon." 

At last they reached to the car escaping from that muggy and rotten area. 

" Simone, why are you so much sad and serious? This is because you love her and she marry Alessandro. Forget her! Broken heart can only heal by time. "

'like I am coping with my broken heart.' she whispered but he heard. 

Simone was driving the car. Sofia said looking outside beauty of nature. 

" Sofia, why you always say that I was in relationship with Donna? I am just fed up, when you don't know anything then how can you judge us! "

" Sir, anyone can identify looking your affection towards her. It is obvious! "

" If we are affectionate towards each other, it doesn't mean we love each other. I accept three years ago, she was my girlfriend but we broke up, because we care for each other but don't love. Why everyone misjudge us? And you are also same. "

" Sim... "

" why Sofia? Can't you see in my eyes? "

" sir, what should I see in your eyes."

" let it be Sofia! Don't mess with me, and just shut up! "


" brother.. I came ,but you have done your marriage without me it's not fair. I am upset. "

" oh! Elisa, look at the clock. It's already 9:00 pm. After coming late, you are complaining us, what a gut!"

She pouted. 

" Thank you Earnest, you bring her here. "

" ah.. I will do whatever for this beautiful lady. " he winked. 

" Are you again flirting with me?" Elisa said with skeptical eyes. 

" No, I am saying it's my duty. " he said. 

After that everyone left to their hotel room leaving wedding venue. 

Alessandro and Donna life knotted with each other permanently . But if this was the beginning of their happy life or something other drastic was going to happen!


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Sorry, last day, again Internet went here!

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