14.. Hidden Love Was Blooming.

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Donna paced her toe inside a beautiful, exotic, astonished room decorated with rose petals. She was stumped why the whole room was embellished and garnished.

" What happened Mrs. Douka? Shocked! Its a thunderclap for you!" Alessandro whispered near her ear in his hoarsy voice.

"I am Donna de Costa, why are you calling me Douka?" shivered by such intimacy, she said.

" How have you forget! you are my wife now." He rasped in his ear standing behind her.

Baffled she uttered, " oh! But becoming your bride, it doesn't mean I will change my identity."

"um..I am not saying to change your identity baby." He huskily whispered.

"What is this baby!" She snapped.

"my given name to you. After all you are my wife. Can't I give you my endearment name to you! " His thick and coarse voice generated tingling sensation and shiver in her whole body.

" Don't baby me! do call whatever but not baby." She said.

"ok.. Mrs. Douka! By the way, do you like the room?" He asked in amazement.

"Ya.. but why it is beautifully cherished and embellished with rose flower?" She asked in bewilderment.

" Oh! Don't you remember we are married? And what we expected to do this night?" He sighed a long husky breathe in her ears. She was flustered and trembling, she paced forward.

Donna set on a sofa in the room, awkwardly. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head up, wondering everything was changed now.

" So, Donna now you are happy because you got your profit!" He mocked her sitting on the king size bed, which was adorned for their memorable night, opening his most expensive and branded footwear.

Listening his words, she looked mystifically at his site.

What does he mean?

" What are you saying? " She snapped at him.

" Truth, this is what you want! You want profit and money. You are only real for money; relations and commitments doesn't matter you. Am I right? Even you can ditch whom you love just for this profit, darling. "

She was baffled.

What is he saying? May be he is right, I forget him.

You don't want this marriage! "she exclaimed.

" Absolutely! "

" then deny the marriage before!" She stood from her place and said simply like it didn't effect her much.

" oh! I don't have any option. My father compelled me. You could also deny because as far as I know you didn't want this marriage, you have a reason too. No you only wanted this alliance for the profit." He rudely accused her with baseless points.

" What the heck are you saying! Are you mad? When I say this marriage is for profit, are you out of your mind!" she yelled at him.

" Donna, Don't you dare to yell, I too can. " he said furiously glaring at her.

" Alessandro Just shut up and what reason I have for denying? For god sake, where I am stuck. "

" oh! You knew it very well. Don't you have a lover! But no you wanted this marriage, then our divorce. Don't you love him! " 

" Don't talk anything which doesn't has any relevence, shake it off. And whom do you talking about, from where the hell I am committed, who is he! " She said and set on the sofa, putting her head on the resting board of couch.

" Donna, what did you mean by your last statement? Don't you know who is he? How innocent you are, but I know its for profit. "

" Its not matter, now, don't talk to me now, and leave from here! " 


" Simone, why this car is stopped? Please something bad can be happen." Sofia said in apprehension. Simone's car was recked and damaged due to the heating of engine. She was bewildered and frustrated. She asked him that they should call a mechanic. But unfortunately, that place was far away from city, there was no one to help and save them.

But their situation was like a dough drenched in poverty. For their bad luck, that place was prone to thugs.

" Simone this is too much dark. Where do we stay? " she panicked.

He tried to assure her that everything will be alright , she shouldn't panic.

"oh god! It's raining. Please, Simone do anything. We will get drenched, I don't like rain." she said jumping in panic. Oh god! How worse everything went!

He asked Sofia to stay in car while, he would check the engine. But Sofia was reluctant. She said that he would get ill in the rain. Don't drench himself.

He tried to deny but she pulled him inside and locked the doors and warned him, " Simone, we will remain together. Don't you try to stress yourself! We will face the situation together."


" What are you saying on that phone! Have you lost your mind! You insane women! Oh gosh! " He said flustering, grasping her both shoulders.

"oh! Please, you stupid person, don't try to touch me. And why it matters to you that I have ordered a king size bed! I want to sleep , where should I sleep. Here on floor, are you out of your mind! " She said jerking his hand from her shoulder which Alessandro clasped when he took the phone from her to cancel the order of king size bed. She pointed her finger on a couch," here... I just Can't. "

" Do sleep on bed, I would not eat you up! And when I deny you to sleep you?" Alessandro said mystified.

"That is the problem, I don't want to share a bed with you. You suffocate me, your presence is so bad, I just can't ." 

" Gosh!"

" But you should tell me, why have you ordered the bed? What about paparazzis, if they spot the bed. Next day headlines will be Donna de Costa bought a king size bed because Alessandro Douka didn't give her a place on bed. You will become the symbol of women empowerment, and I the one who sabotages the women's growth. "He said in vexation.

Donna set on the bed," ok, so now sleep on the couch, fine. "

" Donna how! Are you mad! "He exclaimed.

" Its your wish, because I am not going to share any place of the bed with you, get that. I think I should sleep. Don't disturb me now! "she easily spoke.

He was in awe that how fiesty, dominating and unpredictable his bride was.


It was 2 am of morning. Donna was changing the sides, she couldn't sleep. Same went to Alessandro. They both were very uncomfortable.

Frustrated, she set on the bed breaking her sleep jerking her hair, wearing a long heavy wedding gown which was itching her. His long and tall frame too didn't fit that couch and disturbed his sleep too.

"What happened Donna? Why are you still awoke, I understand my reason, but you have a bed. You should be comfortable darling! " he asked raising his hand and then yawning.

She glared at him and switched  on the light.

" Ah.. You are uncomfortable in this dress. Should I wear out this dress from you and then... We...even can share bed. " he winked at her. She glared.

" ok, I will not say anything, but change your dress. It is really uncomfortable for you, I know! " He said sitting on sofa yawning.

" What..! "

" I will close my eyes, you should change, trust me! " He said explaining her.

" by the way, I should also change!"

He wear out his white shirt, giving a complete view of his chest. He was exotic, muscular. Any girl could drool over his carved and chiseled manly aura. Donna was ogling at him.

" Done, check me out. If you like me this much, then why are you pushing me from yourself, we should..." he teased and winked her.

She went crimson and flushed with his teasing words.

" you can change now, sweetheart." he whispered in her ear wearing his comfortable clothes.

She stood still and opened her bags, she was shocked and flushed. Her cheeks went red. She gulped the lump of throat, couldn't believe what was in front of her. It was the doing of Emma.

"I think, I am comfortable, I should sleep, hehe!"

" What happened? do you want me to slide your dress and change you in the dress!" He whispered in her ears, while sliding the strap of her gown.

" Don't flirt!"

" Why darling! You are my wife, I am your husband! " He huskily uttered in her ears and bit her earlobe wrapping his hand around her waist and kissed her cheeks.

" be in your limits!" She exclaimed trembling. Realizing his position, he left her, and looked inside the bag, there was a hot and sexy victoria street lingerie.

He was embarrassed and flushed and scratched his neck.


The rain was almost end , Sofia was in toil that if that was the time at which she should confess. Simone repaired the car and informed her that now they could reach Rome soon. She was happy, Simone was driving the car, She was looking at his messy face.

"Simone, if I will say something, you will listen me without interruption." She said and he nodded.

" Simone I was 18, when I saw a man in a talent hunt competition of Rome. He was my first crush. I am obsessed with him, I literally stalked him at his Instagram, Facebook, twitter, linked in.

You know what my obsession faded off after two years. Then Alessandro came, he made me feel special and wanted. We hoped into a relationship.

Then one day I met you in graveyard. I felt happy after talking with you, like we were for each other.

Then you became my boss, I that time didn't identify you. But I know the name of Simone Alphonse, that was because you are my first obsessed crush.

Yes, you are! When I worked with you. My feelings reaproached me. I identify my feelings and broke up with Alessandro.

On that party, I wanted to confess you but you said Donna was everything for you, she is your reason to live. That day when Donna yelled at me, I listened that you said you love her too. I assumed.

But things were different. Sorry to misjudge you but I Love You.

I love you to my core of the heart. Don't reciprocate my love if you don't want, but I want you to know I love you always. "

He was stumped at her sudden confession. He couldn't utter anything.

She chuckeled may be it was the one sided love for her.

" Sofia, I didn't like when you were with Alessandro. I felt jealous. I wanted you to be with me. This is because I love you too." he confessed with love in his voice and was driving the car.


Next morning.

Alessandro was searching something in every nook and cranny of a room, full of mess and every time got failure. Irritated, he gripped his hair. It was the morning when clock hit the 7:00 am.

"what do you want?" a voice asked.

He looked the Donna, his one day bride.

"never your concern." he murmured and continued to scrounge what he was searching.

She looked at him but didn't feel any pain like typical novel stories. She was different. This marriage could change her a bit but if Alessandro wasn't willing then she didn't need anyone to run her life. She was happy leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Even she didn't care about him.

Like him she too didn't want to get married. But she was accepting the marriage with her whole heart gradually. She was still wearing her wedding gown. She was messed up due to sleep.

"look here, I am too not interested in talking with you but I feel you want this." she said. He looked at her. There was a file which he was hunting. He sighed in a relief.

Actually that file contains their marriage certificate and his father told him to give the paper to him so that he would registered their wedding.

He moved in her direction to take the file but she twisted her hand.

"what do I get by giving you this?" she said litting her eyebrow.

She was complete businesswomen, he wondered.

Everything was just a deal for her. She never cared about other's feeling. But was this real? She was not what she seemed. She had so many hidden secrets which Alessandro had to find. He was the light in her dark life. Was he?

The only funda she had was,"if you give then get the same worth of thing."

He got irritated and said, "just give me this file." He moved his hand.

But she was hell stubborn in this matter.

They started to play hide and seek with each other.

She was moving in the room like a jerry to save herself from her tom.

Unfortunately They both landed upon bed.

He was on the top of her.

He was looking the deepness of her Emrald eyes.

He was looking at her plumpy lips.

He forgot everything in front of her.

He forgot that he never wanted to marry with her.

He forgot that she was selfish. She didn't value any relation.

She was lost in his azure eyes forgetting all her pain, all her vows.

When their lips were about to feel each other unseen and hidden love, Donna pushed him a bit.

Awkwardly, they were not looking each other. 

He took the file from her in one swap and stormed outside leaving her behind.

She was perplexed for her own behavior.

Why I am attracted towards him so much?

Why he is tempting me?

Oh god!


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Few words for Dossendro!!

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