18.. Their Moments.

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" What happened Alessandro, what are you doing here!" Donna said closing her eyes sleepily, looking at his devilish face while opening her eyes heavily at midnight standing at the terrace of their penthouse, wearing a long white T-shirt which reached to her knees.

" Nothing, and why are you not sleeping? Its cold outside, you will get ill doll! " He said coming close to her, mesmerised by her beautiful face, she smiled and said," I am! But not finding you in the room, my sleep broke."

" Am I mattered this much?" He said looking into her eyes, placing his hands into pocket just a few centimeter away.

" Don't know!" She exclaimed and set on the swing in the middle of the terrace.

Holding the strings of the swing , she pushed herself and move forward, He came beside her and set on the twin swing.

" Are you mimicking me?" She said sceptically, gazing him.

" No, baby, I want to feel this moment with you!" He said genuinely, the tree's leaves were mildly waving due to a calm and tranquil wind.

" Alessandro..." She whispered.

" yes!" He said slowly.

" We are not what we were 5 days ago!"

" yes, it is true."

" why are you behaving so differently! On our wedding day, you said I marry you for only profit, then how your point of view changed for me?" She asked a simple question.

" You know what I have many questions for you, till wedding!" He exclaimed.

" I came to your best friend's office the day when we were in controversies, I listen both of you confessing to each other, so I think you were in a relationship with him!" Chuckling he said, making her shocked at his thinking.

" Do you know, when dad told me about our alliance, I thought you would deny , but dad said you are not fool, you had already accepted the proposal, I tried to talk with you when we went to shopping, but you said for profit only!  I tried to deny the marriage but couldn't due to my tyrant father. "

" It means you don't marry me willingly, it is just an alliance!" She exclaimed with gloom, a drop of tear left from her eyes, why it was effecting her!

" Donna, I tried to accept this alliance, but on the day when we announced our marriage, I call you but I don't know why you said those word, but I felt heart broken. " he said lightly.

" what have I said?" she asked drenchly.

'Simone, I will marry him, and if nothing goes well, then it is simple. We divorce each other.' This was your statement." Alessandro said.

" Alessandro, you mistook everything!" She exclaimed and when she was further explaining him, he stopped her," Donna I know everything is misunderstanding, after talking and spending time with you, I am sure that that was all just some misunderstanding, I trust you. Don't explain anything!"

Donna looked at the man who was beside her, she had an unknown pull of emotions towards him which she couldn't give a name till.

" Alessandro, How this trust come? I never give you a reason to trust me. "

" Donna, trust comes from our heart, my heart wanted to trust you and that's why I trust you, it is simple. "

" Alessandro..."

The flow of wind then became vague, her hairs was slapping her own cheeks, she stopped while swinging and tried to rejuvenate them but couldn't.

Alessandro looked at her attempts of her hand to settle her smooth hair and chuckled, his jaw was so tempting.

He came forward tucking her lock behind her ear, her face was then on full view, he looked at the deepness of her face. He could see all the gloominess on her face.

" Is Something about past bothering you, Donna?" He asked her, she looked at him that how could he read her face so perfectly.

" Nothing is bothering me!"  She exclaimed with a fake smile.

" Donna, don't lie to me!" He said tracing his finger below her lips, she shivered.

" Alessandro, I am not telling any lie." She said with a heavy voice and tears filled in her eyes, not wanted anyone to pity her.

" Baby, don't tell me if you don't want, but please don't cry. "He said taking her in a long soothing hug.

" Alessandro, I can never cry! "she exclaimed faking that she was strong and nothing effected her.

" Baby, don't pretend yourself which you are not. "He said taking her in his arms.

" Alessandro, what are you doing?"She asked confusingly.

" Nothing much, trust me! "He said coming inside their room, with Donna in his arms. She trusted him and didn't utter anything.

Placing her on the bed he came closer to her and kissed her forehead, she closed her eyes in anticipation. He smiled looking at her, how cute his wife was!

He covered her with a duvet, Donna opened her eyes and looked at Alessandro who was gazing him with his sinister smirk.

"Alessandro, this duvet!" She exclaimed. He chuckled and said, " what have you thought? You would catch cold , so I bring you here  , now sleep baby."

" Alessandro but I think..." She whispered but stopped in her trance what she was going to utter and bit her own tempting lips.

Alessandro looked at his innocemt beauty and chuckled, pressing his hand infront of her where she was sitting, " Donna what do you think? "

" It is nothing much!" She exclaimed rolling her eyes.

" Ah! Nothing much, but I think you want something!" He said with a smirk on his face.

She was crimson red! What was the need of uttering anything without any precursor! Oh god!

" Alessandro, don't tease me! "She said warning him.

" If I will, then what will you do? " He asked her chuckling, Donna looked at him, with no words to say.

" I will... " She uttered stammeringly.

" yes, you will... Baby girl." He said.

" I will.. "

" yes, you will. "

" I will make your scrambled egg and will have eaten you. "

He chuckled at her baseless statement, and looked at other side while pressing his both lips.

She looked at him so innocently, like she said any joke.

" Donna, how can you become a successful women! " He said and set there while letting out a howl of laughter, clutching his stomach.

She was embarrassed, she was really a fool, after achieving so much success, she didn't have any sense to choose the words.

" Alessandro, ok I understand I don't know how to express anything but please don't laugh!" She exclaimed in vexation.

Alessandro didn't stop and was continuously laughing at her , feeling bad, she laid there on bed putting a long duvet on her.

Alessandro looked at her, if he hurt her. He came near her head which she covered with a long duvet.

" Donna!" He exclaimed. Not getting any response he whispered again her name but she didn't reply him back.

" Donna, sorry." He stated honestly feeling guilty but she didn't response him.

It was not easy to rectify her, an evil plan came in his over intelligent brain, and he came near her earlobe above the duvet. He tried to uncover her face with duvet and whispered," Baby girl, I am sorry, please forgive me."

" Alessandro, if you are done by making my fun, then go from here!"

" why darling? I thought I am spending my rest night with you here under the duvet!" He exclaimed. She could feel his husky breathe over the duvet which shivered her under the duvet, with butterflies in her lower stomach.

" Alessandro, what do you mean by under the duvet? " She said wearing out her duvet showing her beautiful spotless face, he instantly bite her earlobe.

" Baby girl, I am just kidding, I will not do anything which you don't want!" He exclaimed with love towards her which he didn't recognize yet.

" Alessandro, please don't get too close to me, if you will leave me, I can't bear this one more time, I just can't." she stated with tears filled in her eyes.

" Why you always say like this? I am always there for you." He said sincerely, she turned towards him and looked into his intense eyes with 2 inch away to each other.

" Alessandro, you will not understand! " She exclaimed making him perplexed.

" Donna, trust me. " He stated with sincerity in his voice.

" Alessandro, I think you should sleep, I am sleepy already." She said closing her eyes.

He smiled looking at her enchanting and adorable face, he kissed her chin.

He was going from there but stopped in his track listening her voice.

" Alessandro, you said you will not leave me. " She stated looking at him siding her duvet towards her chest.

" Donna.." He whispered looking at her face which had gloom.

" I will never leave you!"

" Then why are you going?" She asked. Her eyes were filled with tears, which he looked.

" Donna, are you crying?"

" No."

" Yes, you are."

" No."

" Donna!"

" No, I am not crying!" she yelled letting out a drop of tears.

Alessandro came to her and traced his thumb on her tear and clasped her in a hug and said, " Donna, why do you hide your tears? "

" I don't cry! "

" Donna, why are you showing yourself which you are not! "He exclaimed," Donna, by crying no one can be weak, I don't pity you. Why are you thinking like this? "

" Alessandro... Let it be! " Donna said hugging him more wetting down his shirts.

She was secured in his arms, there was satisfaction. They could feel an unknown string connecting between each other.

He moved her a little bit and looked at her face which had marks of dried tears. She was sleeping, he smiled.

He held her by her waist and laid down her on the bed, he tried to come out of her tight grip but she didn't loose the grip.

He smiled and laid there beside her, he was gazing at her beautiful face, why she mattered to him?

" Donna, I don't know how and why, but I like you." He whispered and kissed her cheek.


" Hello sir, if I should take other step of our plan?" The man who followed them said to Mr. Gambino.

" No, now plan is changed!" He exclaimed with ominous silence.

" Sir what is the plan? " He asked him confusingly, his boss was really unpredictable, his every step was so unique and different.


Rome, Italy.

" Hello, who's there?" Simone said on the phone call, who was on call at this early?

" what?"

" I am coming."

He looked at Sofia who was beside her after a night of their union, he should be present with her at this morning, it was her right.

But he should go, she was sleeping calmly, he didn't want to destroy her sleep, so he left from there.

After few minutes, Sofia woke up, she was searching Simone here and there , she stood. She was wearing only Simone's shirt. Her half leg was visible. In the messed up condition, she moved her right toe and then left.

" Sim!" She exclaimed, she found a note which apologised to her on behalf of Simone. She smiled how cute Sim was.

She heard the sound of door knob. Who was at this time! She immediately wore pajama above her shirt.

She came out of her room, she was shocked looking at the person, he was Simone's client, she knew only this, Mr. Gambino.


Japan, Alessandro's penthouse.

Alessandro looked at Donna who was in a deep slumber, she was so cute.

He kissed her tempting cheek, he looked at her closed eyes and placed a kiss there, what she was doing to him! He got insane, only for her.

He should do something for her, he stood from there and went somewhere.

Without feeling Alessandro's presnce,  she got flustered and came out of her dreamland.

She looked here and there, dejected she sat on the bed.

She was sad, he also left her, why! Why!

Suddenly a phone call came, she picked up the call which was from unknown number.

" Hello, who is talking?" She said and the next moment the person who called her uttered something which alived all her past wounds which was still not healed.

The phone dropped from her hand on the floor. Tears were flowing continuously , why?

Why her  past didn't leave her! Didn't she deserve any peace!


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