23.. This Was About Fate.

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Putting her both hand on her forehead, Donna was so tired due to such an hectic work. It was only ten days left before launching their women's wear.

She looked at the magazine 'Trending styles of women' for which Alessandro had to do shoot. She was jealous when she looked the cover page and hurt too.

Her hair was messy, not properly combed, her face was so stressed out.

Alessandro came to the study room to check few files, he was blowed out when he looked at her messed up state.

He gazed her what was going on, whole table was messed up due to files and details, her hair was a nest of bird.

He chuckled how determined she was for work that she forget to adorn herself unlike any normal girl.

" Darling, what is this mess?"
He was amused by her dedication that she even didn't bother to listen him.

She threw the whole magazine on the floor furiously. She uplifted her eyes and looked at his figure who was staring her unexpectedly like she was some antique piece.

" What??" She asked open-mouthed litting her eyebrow up. He shook her head supressing his laugh.

" Is my face saying I am a joker?" pointing her face circularly she moved her eyebrows in vexation.

" Ah! You took me wrong sweety, it is like , just look at your whole messed up condition."

She gazed him and stood up. She was looking so tempting and gorgeous while wearing a baby pink crop top and shorts showing her slender legs.

" I don't have time to look at me, get that so don't made my fun. "

He was resisting himself but what about an urge to laugh. He hooted frivously. She rolled her eyes.

" Alessandro, today you have gone?" She glared at him.

" Where? On bed." He winked at her which infuriated her more, how dared he to flirt at this crucial moment of their life.

" Don't be over smart!" Warning him she came closer to him and pushed him out from the room.

" Okay! Sorry, fine." He pleaded.


"By the way Donna, everything will be fine, don't stress yourself." he explained her while pushing her onto chair so that she could relief herself.

" Alessandro, it is ten days only." She exasperated, why his wife took so much worry for her work, he wondered.

" We will complete this task together for forever!" He assured and smiled while massaging her shoulder so that some fatigue could be reduced .

" Donna don't you like the magazine which is going to be published?" He asked bending down to pick it up while looking the cover page which had his and the model Lauren Edley cozy photograph.

" There is no way to like that, have you look the cover how cozy you were with Lauren Edley! " She was possessive, it pricked her.

" So you are jealous! " He smirked looking at her face intensely, she was nervous and gulped her saliva into her throat.
He set on the wooden chair in front of her and was eager to listen her more .

" I don't know but I don't like it when you are with any other girl." She spoke timidly looking aside, he smirked and thought to test her patience more.

" Whether you accept it or not but you are in love. " He frankly announced, she was blowed what did he say, was he right!

" huh..! " She whispered, she never thought like this for him, she was jealous and possessive she knew but idea of love never striked her or she was ignoring it deliberately.

" Baby girl, the symptoms you are carrying with yourself  indicates only one disease that you have is love. " He explained her while holding her both cheeks in his hands.

" Don't say anything, I am not! " She excused herself coming out of his both hands.

" Baby girl accept it, say you love me. " She was perplexed what should she said while he was circling his finger on her right cheek.

" Very funny! " She chuckled.

" It is not a joke, I am serious. "

" oh! But why are you concerned there is no love from your side then why it matters? " She turned the whole conversation to his side, he realised he never told her that he loved her.

" Who said? " He deliberately said while pressing her lips by his finger.

" Have you ever confess? " She accused him and smirked.

" It means if I confess then you will too! " His voice was so exciting, she smiled looking at him and bit her own delicious lips, if he could taste them.

" oh! Come on land darling, I will think about it! " Rasping her voice, she exclaimed misguiding him.

" Only think? Don't worry I will make you confess. " He said coming closer to her cheek and kissed there.

" In your dreams only! " She twisted her lips with a smirk on her face.

" So, wait and watch. " Challanging her he left from there leaving behind her smiling figure.


" Sweety, I have told the editor of the magazine to edit the whole pictures in which I was in, now take a chill pill." He said entering inside the room.

One view of his mouthwatering body always made me excited, if it was just an infatuation!

When I listened his statement I sighed 'thank god' , then there was no need to worry.

His figure in the magazine made me went insane, despite this picture, the loads of work was also too much.

I remembered he made me a laughing streak when he looked at my hairstyle, but I literally didn't had time to adorn myself.

He came closer to me, his husky breathe was so attracting, only I knew how would I resist his proximity.

That day I realised my possessiveness and jealousy was love, I always ran away from this reality.

Denying every fact I bluffed myself. I thought I could never love anyone after Stephano but he proved me wrong.

My love for Stephano was not faded away but it submerged somewhere at the corner of my heart, Alessandro didn't take his place but made one for him.

" Doll say something, the picture is edited, you got the copy of magazine by night."

I realised I should reply to him, I nodded, I tried to show myself like it didn't matter.

" Okay!" I looked at the designs of the casual clothes.

Our company was going to launch fifteen varieties of different clothes exclusively for women from traditioanal to modern to erotica.

I could sensed his wonder why my  behavior was so casually. Now the game begin, Mr. Douka.

I knew from last 3 months you were trying to make me confess my love which I ignored always.
Despite saying directly about your feelings for me you always took efforts for my confession.

Have you ever heard as you sow, so you reap!

" Donna are you not happy?"

" Why it matters?" I show myself too innocent to comprehend, I was trying to control my laugh.

I looked at him, he smirked what was going on in his devil mind. He called someone, I was confused.

" Hello, yes don't edit the magazine it is fine...! "

Oh gosh! He turned the tables, I furiously threw his phone from his hand in exasperation.

" What are you doing, my phone.." He yelled but he was so handsome, his nose was so alluring , I loved it.

" What are you saying? And about phone, purchase the new one. "

" Ah! Someone was just pretending to not bother, not bad but I think you should enhance your acting skills. "

He caught me, oh god! What I did.

" So , it effects you and why, Am I worthy to know? "

Because I love you , I wanted to say but not this time, first of all you had to confess.

" Its none of your business. "

" Why? Everything related to my wife was my business, don't oversmart me darling."

Listening wife from his mouth generated sparks inside me, butterfly was flying in my lower abdomen. Having no words to utter, I was quiet.


" Donna this nest of your hair is so frustrating me, I can't see your face properly. "

His chosen words always made me blushed and chuckled. I love evrything about him.

" I don't have time to comb them, don't irritate me. If this bothers you this much then comb them yourself. "

I looked at the details of the models who was going to ramp wearing our designs on the Royal stage.

I could feel Alessandro's hand upon my hair, wait he was combing them.

" You know Combing? "
I was bolt out of blue but his hands around my hair was warming and melting my heart. He was my peace and light in my dark life.

" sweet, I have said already there is a lot to know more about me." He whispered in my ears generating current in my body's every nook and corner.

I was relaxed when he was messaging my head and closed my eyes in relief.

" Doll, tell me about your past love life." He whispered while combing the left side of my head generously.

" Alessandro I will but don't you feel jealous?" I was curious why when he talk with me about Stephano, he didn't react?

After all no man feel good after listening the love story of his women when he is not in it.

But he was antique piece and ninth wonder of the world because eighth one was me.

" Doll, I am not like others, I know you are for me then why should I be insecure and it is the past otherwise you would not marry me."

His generosity was what I loved the most, he was sensible and caring. I loved him. I loved him with my full heart.
Might be life was giving me a second chance!

" Stephano was generous like you, he was so dedicated towards his work. You know I learned passion for my work from him only."

" Really!" He whispered while combing the right side.

I nodded.

" I used to be a careless girl when I met him. He was such a boring piece but was my first crush, I always dreamed of him but he ignored me, I was his duty which dad assigned him. "

" My love was one sided but my heart had fire for him, I never left any chance to flirt with him. I regularly confess my love to him but he ignored me. He always rejected me. "

" You know what I turned his obsessed and psycho lover. "
I said this statement as a matter of my pride otherwise I was not psycho, I loved him, I wanted him but being psycho was hyperbole.

" Did he agreed? " He asked most obvious question.

" I am Donna De Costa, he had to agree. "

" Darling, you are Donna Alessandro Douka! "
Chuckling I shook my head looking at his eagerness. He divided my hairs in three parts.

" I used every stone to realise him that he loved me. I know he loved me that's why he was so possessive for me like I was for you." I could felt the overlapping of my hairs upon each other.

" It means you love me! " He said catching my words, I sighed.

" Don't disturb me! " I warned him and continued myself," but this was about fate, it snatched him from me, he left me for his eternal journey from where no one can come back."

" Donna, don't cry, I am here for you, think about his soul, if it could rest in peace if you cry like this. " He came infront of me after braiding my hairs. He was looking at my face which had drop of few tears.

" That's why I never cry for him but today I don't know why these tears came, I am sorry. " I wiped my tears from my forefinger pretending to be fine.

He wrapped his hands around me for a calm and tranquil hug.

" There is no need to say sorry. " He whispered while soothing me.

I always behaved rude because I was afraid if I came closer to anyone he/she would left me like my mother and lover did.

I spent my childhood with the memories of my mother, I was alone after having father that's why I made thick walls around me but at last Alessandro had broken my walls , I was glad.

That was my story. Please do not pity me! This was the most unexpected thing which I hated.

Do vote and comment for Donna's point of view.

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