29.. Elisa's Plight

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Sofia was standing in front of her apartment's door, which was then of her friend's Maria as she was already staying with her love, Simone.

" What happened Sophia, you here! Everything is fine." Maria said when she opened the door looking her miserable condition.

Her dress was dishevelled and a bit torn from the waist because of those constant hitting of belt.

" Maria...!" She exclaimed with no emotion, her tears were strucked somewhere and she came inside.


" So, now tell me, what happened Sofia? Why are you in this torn state?" Maria asked her with concern and gave her some water, also she brought the first aid kid for her.

Her silence was killing her like a curious cat, moreover looking her mess, she was scared.

" Sophia, say something, did Simone did something with you, what's the matter! But he is not like that, how could he, he was such a sweet guy!" Her friend was blabbering anything which came to her tongue .

" Maria, how stupid and fool I am!" Sofia exclaimed in vexation putting her both hands on her forhead, she was regretting what she had done.

" I am so gullible and incredulous, that man just make my fool, how can I believe him! Why didn't I believe Simone!" She said blaming herself in agitation, she was frustrated for her own deeds. Guilt was obvious on her face without any trance of tear.

" Darling calm down, stop freaking out, explain me everything please, I am not understanding you! "She said, with completely blank face, not having an idea about her friend's stupidity.

She closed her eyes, and then narrated the whole tale of her insanity, how she believed the man who claimed to be Simone's father, how she had developed an aversion towards her, how she mistook Simone that he would choose his best friend, how insecure and vengeful she was!

Then she narrated her insanity that day, how she freaked out and how Mr. Gambino's true picture came infront of her.

" Hush! Are you mad, Sofia? You should trust him and moreover tell him that his father came to you by taking his name." Maria yelled and whispered, 'let me look!'

She upslided her shirt a bit to look those scars, ' Sofia, what did you do?' Then she put some ointments over those red marks.

After first aiding her, she said," Sofia, now what will you do? What about you and Simone!"

" I don't know!" She said, and then changed her dress into Maria's one.


After the whole two days, Sofia made up her mind and heart to join the office and faced him.

Her heart beat escaped while signing her attendence, she didn't know what was going to happen.

Her sluggish steps led her to her desk, she closed her eyes if she should go to him, at last she decided she couldn't!

It was so difficult to face him after that brutal fight, she remembered how she accused him when he came to her after slapping her.

" Simone, what do you want, I don't want to look at your face.
You are no one for me, no one, you care only for her, you are blindfolded by her, you can't even see her lies.
And you do this always.

whenever you have to choose between me and her, you choose her.
Can't you get this, you love me, oh sorry! I was just your infatuation, I just want this to be end. " That was her words, he couldn't comprehend who had filled her ears to such an extent.

She left without even listening him.

Her whole day went in a fear if she had to face him, what she would do. She couldn't even meet her eyes to him.

At the end of the day, when everyone was leaving, she settled all her desk and took her purse. She was leaving the office when she found it was raining heavily.

She was waiting for the rain to stop, so that she could go. Looking all the motor bike, cars, taxis etc were her timepass, she was thinking about her stupidity and her life.

Suddenly, a black SUV car slowed down in front of her, the black window slided down a bit and then it went with the high speed.

She chuckled at her own mistake, she was sure it was her Simone.

He was changed to this much extent that now she was no longer mattered for her.

After the wait of one hour, the rain stopped and she left to her apartment.

Alessandro's pov.

" Hello Alessandro, have you ordered those antique varieties of clothes, so that we can placed our order to made those dresses?" She asked me calling me from her cabin.

Why didn't she come here? 🙄

How could you even think about this, had you forget whenever she came to your office, you never leave any trance to flirt and romanticize with her.

And my workaholic wife never beared any personal issues in her professional life. Great! 👏👏

" Donna, don't worry, at the end of the day, those fabrics will be delievered, I will come to the home after the dispatch of the order, now be happy!" I assured her, her way of working was so beautiful and engaging.

Then we focused on our work, she in her cabin and me here.

I went to the factory site, and looked at the ongoing of the manufacturing of Kimonos, which we were going to export to Japan.


After, all work had done, I was going back to the home. I was wondering why I had never gave her any surprise. If I try then my plan never worked.

When was her birthday, it was in december, so far! 🤷‍♂️

If any special day, no!
Gosh! Leave the topic.

I came to the home and opened the door, all lights were switched on, Donna came earlier.

We ate together with our everlasting flirting towards each other.

Suddenly a bundle of noise came to the hall, I looked at my wife asking what was that sound.

She shook her head, we went to the vestibule, there was my sister Elisa.

Her automatic gesture hugged her sister in law.

I was jealous😑.

" Only her, you forget your brother!" I said turning my face, how girlish I was sounding!

" Oh my! You are jealous over me, haww." Donna's face lit up, and she smirked and my evil sister gave her a sinister smile.

" Bro, don't be cheesy peesy! Just chill pill! "She chuckled, and my sweet wife brought some snacks and juice for her.

" By the way! Why this sudden appearance? "I asked, she made an O face.

What the juck I said that she made that face.

" Sister in law, look at him, how mean he is behaving! "She complained to my baby, I knew she would never believe her.

" Alessandro don't tease my little baby! "She whispered.

Little baby! 🙄
She had never call me with any cheesy name, it was always me who gave her varieties of name.

Just come to the room, I would see you properly😏😏.

I was shooting daggers at her," Don't stare me like you will eat me raw!"

" So what! Come to the room, I will see you and also eat you raw." I said rolling my eyes with a swag.

" Can you both stop your bickering?" Elisa said in midst of our cute fight.

" Kids don't talk in midst of elder!" Me and Donna both exclaimed the same statement for her. She rolled her eyes and sipped the juice.

I thought I should leave them giving them their privacy, so I left from their, and changed into the brown t-shirt and navy blue trousers.

I looked at my handsome face in the mirror.
" Don't stare this face, someone will black eyed you!" I whispered boosting over my devilish face.

" What did you say, handsome, have you look at your face properly?" Donna said sitting on the bed, how could she be here.

I smirked, and pushed her to the bed and she was vanished.

Oh gosh! How could I imagine her here and there.

I went insane over her, her love rised my madness to its peak.

I smiled and came to the vestibule again.

" Sister in law, please do something, dad had fixed my marriage to your brother!" She exclaimed.

What the Juck, dad do!

" Calm down baby, tell me what happened actually, are you both in love, do you want this marriage?" My wife showered too many questions over my sweet little sister.

What did she say again?
Come to the room, I would see you there.

" It is not about love Sil, I just don't want this marriage early! "She excliamed, but why dad was so overexcited about her marriage .

Marriage was never his idea, too early for my li'l sister he told me once.

" Elisa, can you tell me what actually happened? "Donna said with lot of patience.

That was the point.

" Sil, I tried to convince dad but he said... " She said twisting her question, what was she hiding.

" He said I will disown you! " I completed her sentence because that was the same that happened to me when I was conspired for our wedding.

" Yes and then I said... " My sister said with absent mind.

" I am not that cheap that I will ready for marriage for this property, it is not a deal! How can I stain this pious bond. " I again completed her sentence.

" Exactly, and then dad emotional black mailed me and said... " She continued without the knowledge of my presence.

" And he said can't you did this for me, daughter! " I again completed her and both the women looked at me for an instant.

" Bro..."
" Alessandro you.. "

" Alessandro how did you know that he would say those sentence?" She asked out of nowhere, what should I tell, this was what I had to face.

" Alessandro, it means it happened to you, exactly like Elisa had to face!" She exclaimed and blushed.

I chukled shaking my hands, she was amused.
Oh god!

" Now, Elisa clear everything as real as it is, don't you dare to twist anything, what are you hiding? "I said suspecting her.

" Bro, actually, I met Earnest at your marriage, then reception, after that we met constanly, we exchanged numbers. " She said biting her lip, she was hiding something.

"He was always flirty and I gave him a lift.
Then one day I went to pub enjoying my maiden's life." She said hesitantly, I knew it dad would never imposed his laws on her, he was always lenient on her unlike me. 🤷‍♂️

"I was dancing with a guy, and out of nowhere he came, he took me from there, I was drunk and he was too. There he confessed his love and I like him, I don't know how, but that was mutual and we end up making love.
After that dad come to know about our relationship and he abruptly set our marriage. " She said, so what's the problem she liked him, he loved her.

" Elisa, don't worry, but you love him right, so what is the problem? " Donna asked her genuinely.

" So, don't you love him? " I too asked.

" Bro, it is not about love, it is as simple as seem, I need a time, it was just one time physical thing, even though I like him but marriage is a big responsibility, I need time, can't you all understand?" She yelled in frustration.

Oh god! I could understand her, she was saying to give her time, but my overpossessive dad was forcing her.

" Elisa, baby, calm down! Sit here. " My wife said pushing her onto the couch and set beside her.

" You need the time right, tell this to Earnest. I know he is jerk, but if he loves you then he will understand you, have you told this to him!" She explained her very patiently.

Elisa shook her head, and she chuckled, " Trust your love, Elisa, have proper conversation with him. "

I smiled looking my wife's calm behavior, how mature she was!

I love her.

After that she left with a proper solution, and I pushed my wife towards me, " Baby..."

It was gonna be interesting, I smirked.

How is the update?

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