30.. Confusion And Ignorance

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" Sofia, are you insane?!!" Maria yelled at Sofia when she told how awkward she was feeling when she even thought to talk with him, her inner turmoil was so discouraging that eventually she left all the situations on time.

" Maria, don't say like this! It is just that... " She was excusing her by giving some lame arguments, but internally she was fighting a complete war solely.

" Now just shut up! And tomorrow you will be apologizing to him and that's it." Maria proclaimed with full hopes that her friend would do something sane.

Sofia nodded bluntly, but internally she was frantic, how would he behave after their encounter!

She knew she deserved his ignorance, his rudeness and anger. She did so wrong of accusing him rather than listening his point of view.

Donna's pov.

" Baby... You are saying her baby darling, it is not fair!" Alessandro said pulling me towards him, stretching the baby word.

It was so unexpected, but I smiled feeling his jealousy for me.

How cute and adorable he was, he was jealous of his own sister!🤭🤭

Not bad!

" So what Alessandro... "I said stretching his name so that he would become more jealous.

I kept my neutrality on my face, he was looking at me thoroughly with his  most sinister looks.

" Baby, if you think you are a good actor, then sorry to burst your bubble I know you are internally smiling at me." Alessandro whispered near my ears biting my earlobe.

I looked at him innocently, and pressed my both lips, I knew it tempted him to the extent that he wanted to do his sweet and sour torcher on me, but we still lacked that intimacy in our relationship.

" Darling, why are you so irresistible!!" He exclaimed, and kissed my cheek, then chin, nose and the midline of my throat.

" Oh!.. As you are not" I murmered while feeling his brushing lips at my skin.

" Really!" He looked at me with a charming face, his devilish smirk always fluttered me. Butterflies always emerged in my stomach when I was closed to him.

I smiled, while my face was a complete tomato. He touched my skin, suddenly I realised why always Alessandro commenced our romance, why shouldn't I?!!

I moved my fingers lightly, from downside to upside, my fingers were roaming on his beardy jaw, I touched his jawline and slightly put my lips onto the thick and alluring skin of him.

" Oh.. La... La... My wifey is changing!" Alessandro whispered in my ear, and I blushed.

I kissed his cheek, Chin and nape like him. I touched his lips gently and lightly, and also pulled his lower lip out.

" What are you waiting for, baby??" He said with his smirk. I instantly put my lips onto his.

Even though he kissed me before, but this time it was my initiation. I was kissing him and sucking his lower lip. His eyes were settled completely upon my all gestures, his grip was tightened onto my waist.

I rolled my eyes, and somehow freed myself from his grip because at that moment having an intimacy didn't appeal me.

Why? I didn't know, even though I said I loved him, even though I too wanted him but at somewhere in my heart it pinched. It pricked that I loved Stephano.

If my growing feeling was a sin!


I was behaving so normal that he couldn't find what was going on inside me, I never liked to share myself with anyone.

I was busy in making some presentations of our next deal, there Alessandro came and asked me to show him the details of the project.

Behaving like professional, I passed him all the details and continued my work.

I knew I shouldn't behave like that but I need time and space to analyse what was changing around me.

As for now, Sofia was also my prior concern, why she behaved like that on that day, it was still unexplained mystery, even though my detectives were threading all the strings, but all the clues were not revealing anything.

Asking Simone was not any option because after that day I could guess they weren't into talking terms.

At midnight I slept hoping that next day would solve my ambiguous behavior.

Pov End


" Sofia, all the best and make up everything." Maria said while grabbing her purse to leave for the office. She smiled.

After eating her breakfast, she left for the office hoping that everything would go fine.

After controlling all her emotions and fear, she moved towards his cabin thinking that she was still allowed to enter without his permission, but all her thoughts shattered when his secretary told her that Simone Sir was busy, also he had denied every single person to not enter in his room.

Why did she have to do such a stupidity, oh gosh!

He was too much angry, and she had to face a tough time. Dejection with full intensity invaded her face.

She looked Natalie, her co employ entering into his office, she remembered noone was allowed then why she was!

She chuckled sadly, and focused on her work.


In the conference hall, each and every employ was sitting while their boss was telling them about their new project.

" So, we imported some fabrics, and in next ten days we will be delivering all the exclusive man wear to San Francisco, a trending men's wear brand, so I wanted each and every person to work hard." He completed his speech, while everyone was listening him but Sofia was lost in checking him out.

His jawline, his tempting face, his smile, his grey shirt with black pant, his gesture, his sexy voice, everything was so alluring that she lost herself into their past.

How beautiful their past was, their memories lit her face up, she was smiling at herself, suddenly someone pinched her hand.

'Oww!' She mumbled looking her colleague, Isabella, she showed her eyes and said, " Be concentrated upon his speech, have you look how our boss looked at you when you were not paying attention to him, have you forget his anger!?"

Sofia nodded, and looked straight. He was agitated when she looked her, first of all she was not paying attention and then chattering with her colleague in midst of their meeting.

When everyone left, she thought it was a good opportunity to talk with him.

He was sitting on his chair, she came near him and whispered, ' Simone!!'

Ignoring her sweet voice, he left that place leaving her behind, she was shocked how rude he was!

In her vexation, she tossed her leg, 'what this man is made up of!' She whispered.


' What do he think of himself!'

' Here I have gone insane when I think about making up everything fine between us, but he didn't care!'

' Maria was saying I should apologize, but somewhere he was also at fault, even though I was wrong but that moment that was the reality, if he loved me then he should take my stand but no, he always stood up for Donna only. '

Suddenly she looked Simone going from there, he was still some meters away from the canteen.

' Now look, he is busy in his phone, just look at his attitude like he is a king, even though he is but why does he not talk to his queen.'

' For speaking on mobile, he is free but he can't talk to me.'

Sofia was cursing him, as she was so agitated and frustrated at his unappreciable behavior.

She bit her lip and an idea popped into her mind.
' Let's check if he still has some feelings for me or not! '

When she was sure he was at close distance, she put her mobile phone on her ear.

" Aww! Darling you are so sweet, I love you so much." She said, his feet glued on his position when he listened her confession, what the *uck was going on, he whispered.

' Yes, yes! Today night at my home, I can't wait to be near you." She said in a loud tone, he was jealous, even though Sofia didn't know much about his action but she was sure it would effect him badly.

Simone moved his feet near her but stopped in his track when he listened the, ' Shape of you', song of ED sheren coming out of her phone.

He chuckled finding out her antiques to make him jealous, she was such a kid, he whispered and went from there.

Sofia was looking at her mobile phone on which Maria was calling her, 'Such an ill timing, what the hell just happened!! What would he think about me! "

Tossing her leg, she went inside the canteen and picked up the call.

Alessandro's pov.

" Darling, what have just happened, why are you behaving like this? "I asked while eating my chinese cuisine , we were dining together.

I was sure something was bothering her and she was not sharing her problem.

I knew what she was going to say that it was not what it was.

" Let me clear you, don't say everything is fine, I know you are faking by behaving normal." I said. She was silent and gulped her food bite.

" Speak up darling!" I said coming close to her.

" Alessandro, I am confused and guilty." She said.

I didn't knew what happened actually in her past life, only some traces of past was in front of me. But looking her so sad I was sad.

" Donna, I didn't know everything about you but I can say do what your heart want, you need time then take, and if you want to share then I am always there for you." I said sitting on my knees looking in her eyes.

She smiled, and then told me about all her insecurities, how she was afraid of loosing me, how she felt traitorous when she came near me. Memories of Stephano and then Sofia's allegation.

Saying I could understand her pain was hyperbole because I could never feel what she was going through because bearer only knows where the shoe pinches.

" Donna, as a friend I am telling you do what your heart wants, and next thing escape from the feeling of cheater because you are not. Think what Stephano will say to you when you are strucked in this situation and next thing you can't let the past effect your future, think about it and then take a right decision. Take your time. " I said, and then left to the study room.

Pov End


For a week everything went normal, perplexion was in air. Sofia left all her efforts because Simone was not even paying any attention to her.

The story of Donna and Alessandro was flowing casually, she couldn't decide what she wanted in real. They were busy in accomplishing other projects together.

" Sofia, why are you showing so much ego it is your mistake!" Maria again yelled when they were eating dinner.

" Maria, his gesture shows that he didn't want my presence, my absence doesn't matter to him now." Sofia said gulping her pasta.

Maria put her head on his hand , there she was doing every possible way so that there patch up could be done and here Sofia was pouring water on her plans.

After a lot of discussion, Sofia at last got ready to go where they lived before to meet him.


Next day it was evening and sunday also, Sofia knocked the door of the penthouse of Simone which was there's a week back.

She had no hope that he would open the door, but he opened.

Internally she bloomed but she couldn't show that on her face.

' Sofia! You!' Simone whispered looking his innocent beauty who herself end their relationship some days ago. He was looking so tempting in his track trousers and maroon t-shirt.

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Few words of Donna's turmoil and Sofia's behavior.

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