31.. Smooth Running Life Destorted In One Second

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His devilish ascent drooled Sofia, it was hard to resist his sinister smile, moreover this greek god was rude and angry at her due to her own mistakes.

" Do you want something?" He asked plainly, looking his beauty, it was hard to control his raging hormones in front of her, but for god's sake, he was supposed to be angry at her.

She didn't know what should she say, if she should directly apologise or made any excuse.

" Actually, I um.. Um.. Actually I..." She stuttered looking down, if it was true what he was thinking. Might be She had come to him for mending their relation.

" Actually, I want my some belongings." He shook all his ideas behind, she could never work on their relation.

" what belonging?"
" I want you!" And then Sofia came ba

" Oh! Is that so! " He said sadly, and then nodded so that she could grab all her belongings.

Her stupidity was too much, god!, she was supposed to work on their tattered bond.


"Why? Why?
How fool and stupid you were sounding , couldn't you simply hug him and apologise for your behavior, you stupid piece of human kind. " Sofia cursed herself entering inside the room. She set there recognising her stupidity.

What should she do, god, why everything was so confusing!!

" Hello Maria, my brain is going to burst, please help me for god sake." She abruptly spoke out when Maria picked up the phone call.

" Sofia, this is your fault. Why are you thinking from brain, think from your heart, darling." Maria said, calming her a bit down.

She nodded and then cut the call, what should she do!?


" What happened, don't you get what you want?" Simone asked while he was working on his laptop sitting on couch.

" No! " She said looking at him straightly, he lit his eyebrow up and looked her in suspicion.

" What was that you can't find?" He said and stood up.

" It was not in room. "

" So wherever it is you can take!"

" Actually it is in this hall."

" What??"

" The thing which I want is that which you can only give me."

" What is it, tell me, I will give you."

" Have you that dare that you can give me which I want?"

" Sofia, when I have deny you anything. "

" Will you not back off? "

" Why will I?"

" Okay, the thing I want for which I came here is your.. "

" What? "

" Your Heart, your forgiveness and most importantly you, can you give me? " A silence widespread in air, he was not expecting that.

Even though he wanted Sophia to return to him, but all his hopes were shattered when she said she only came to take something which was hers from here but now he realised what actually hers.

" Tell me Sir!"

He chuckled, " At one place you want my heart and at other place you are calling me sir, not good!"

She was stumped listening him, if he was no longer angry with her. Her inner conscious was smiling but she should assure herself.

" Can't you give me what I want? " She said looking directly into his onyx eyes. He couldn't see her teary eyes, and at the next moment, he hugged her, so tightly, so protectively that noone could snatch her from him.


After a calm and serene hug, Simone lit her head up holding her cheeks. They were looking at each other and suddenly Sofia start her blabbering, " Simone, I am sorry, I am sorry for my brutal words."

A gasp gaped from his mouth, he smiled and then put his lips on her.

Chewing, sucking and cherishing every inch of her mouth, he broke the kiss and said, " You are forgiven darling."

She smiled, how easy it would be to apologise and there she was so chaotic and what not, she realised it was the power of their love, that one apology melted his anger down.


They were kissing each other like it was eternity, they were each other solace. After breaking the kiss out of breathe, Simone pushed her lightly on Sofa, and climbed upon her like a hungry lion.

Sucking her nape, he left a red mark and then whispered, " Baby, do you know how much I miss you?"

She looked at him and nodded because she was connected him through the string of love.

" Baby, from next time promise me, if you feel anything wrong, then you will share with me."He said and kissed her cheek. He was kissing his whole face while closing his eyes to feel her aura.

" I promise, Sim.. Sim I know I am a stupid fool, I am so gullible. " Sofia said suddenly, on which he looked into her eyes what she wanted to convey.

" Baby, what are you saying?"

" Simone, I am sorry but I shouldn't trust him." Suddenly his overpossessive side came out, and he put his lips on her showing his dominant side.

He bit her lips, she moaned in pain.
" Who is he? What he said to you?"

She was quiet and bit her own lips and opened her juicy mouth softly and whispered, " He is your father!"

He was so baffeled, father! He died in accident, then all his memories revived with glimpses of past, and he realised whom she was talking about.

This man!
His anger reached to its peek, and he digged his nails into her skin piercing it.

" Sofia, are you mad, and how do you two meet? You should tell me, you stupid women." He raised his voice, even though she knew she was at mistake but his tone didn't appeal her.

" Simone, leave me, it is paining! And what do you think of yourself, a king of any territory. "She said rudely with the pain inflicted upon her eyes.

He realised what was his fingers doing, and abruptly leave, he realised whatever the situation was, he had no right to insult a girl.

" I am sorry, I am really sorry, but tell me what was the whole scenario?" He said and slided down the strap of her grey elegant and classy top. His pain whicg was inflicted upon her by him was visible, her skin was swollen red, he was sorry.

He brushed her finger on that wound but she moaned in pain.

He kissed there, and was muttering , sorry and sorry.

" Sim.. You remembered the night when we first made love." Sofia whispered while he was kissing her on her shoulder and nape, he whispered yes.

" When you left me early in the morning, then your father came, he said you sent him for identifying and avenging my brother's death. I told him it was not needed but he convinced me and gave me his phone number." She narrated the tale of her story, he came near her face and chuckled how his so-called father befooled them for his still unknown purpose.

" He showed me all the proof that my brother was killed by Donna, I believed him thinking he was your father he didn't lie to me. I said I would share this to you, but he said you would always choose her over me." She said lightly, he realised that day he didn't take her stand where he failed. Even though she was misguided but he himself did what she thought.

" I am sorry, Sophia. "He said hovering her and was still, she looked in his eyes. Without saying anything she understood why he was sorry.

She whispered lightly it's okay, because somewhere it pinched her till then.

" After doing the drama I went to your father and there he confessed how he wanted Donna to be his, he was playing till now to gain her." She revealed he was shocked, what Donna's destiny was writing.

Then she told him his brutality and she cried, he was stumped. He pushed the helm of her top, and looked the faded red marks of belt. He was choked and then kissed there.

Then he suddenly got up and hugged her tightly saying sorry thousand of times.

He apologised for ignoring her for whole week.

Donna's pov.

" I think this button should be open, then it will look fine." I whispered to Elena, our designer while looking all the samples of dresses.

I asked to modify some dresses, I wanted everything so classy and perfect. Then I looked at the details of the dispatch of sexy lingerie to the Russian market.

Our work was flourishing, but our personal life was going down day by day. I still couldn't overcome that day.

I need a person to talk, Alessandro was busy, I didn't want to disturb him. May be Sim could listen my plight.

I called him.
" Hello Sim, can we meet today?"

" Donna it is important."

" May be!"

" Donna I can't come, I am sorry. We will meet tomorrow for sure."

He said, gosh! Now what should I do.
I let it be on time!
After returning from office, we ate together. I was still silent, I knew it hurt Alessandro but I was confused.

Donna's pov end.

The time was swapping very rapidly without showing its existance.

Simone and Sofia was more than happy. The whole two months went. They decided to set the tie of marriage between them.

Donna was okay, they were on good condition but her separating behavior was still predominating their relations.

For world they were happy couples, who was touching the heights of success but reality was different.

Wearing a chocolaty furry over coat, Donna entered with Alessandro who was looking so handsome wearing a brown tuxedo matching his wife in the wedding venue.

That day, Simone and Sofia was tieing to the knot of a wedding string. Sofia was looking so beautiful in her white simple and elegant gown. Simone was wearing a white tux.

Everyone was greeting them, she was so much happy. Her face was blooming. He looked at her delightful and whispred near her eyes.

" My love, my would be wifey, you are looking so beautiful, so ravishing."

He blushed, and the cameramen captured their natural picture.

Before Father, they do agreed for their vows of marriage. She threw the bouquet of flower, then Simone kissed her so passionately, everyone hooted. They joined their hands, they were looking each other.

" Simone, Sofia! Congratulation." Donna said coming towards them, she hug them. Alessandro too congratulate them, they both gave her their wedding gift.

Everyone was so happy. Donna was talking with other persons.

Suddenly Sofia's mobile rang, she picked up the call. She was so shocked.

" Ma'am, I am George, if you remember me, please Save Donna Ma'am. He will shoot her after two minute."

" Who??" She asked but phone was already cut.

She looked at her, she looked at the shooter who was himself Mr. Gambino. What the juck!

The bullet left the gun with high velocity, she was so baffled what should she do.

She looked at Simone, who was her husband. Then she looked Donna and Alessandro. She remembered how she brutally hurt her with her dagger like words on that press conference, then remembered Mr. Gambino's brutality towards her.

At the next moment , the bullet pierced Sofia because she pushed Donna towards other side.

Donna looked at her bleeding figure, a new guilt emerged inside her into the deep sea of mist and sorrow.

" Why? Why Sofia, you should let me die!" She whispered. Alessandro was holding Donna and looked at Sofia.

" Sofia...!" He whispered.

How is the update?
Such a cliffhanger, oof!

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