"Dangerous City"

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At the Two Rivers Mall, the lights to the entrance of the Levi store flickered, clear and steady, blazing out continuously in brilliant letters. The Christmas holiday sales flyer was stamped on the glass door enticing people with their generous 50% off. A middle-aged woman wearing a colourful hijab held the hand of a little boy of about five as they walked past the entrance of the store. Three teenagers leaned against a nearby wall of an ice cream shop each with half-filled bags from the store, laughing with a roar of glee.

I didn't have much of an interest in what the stores had to offer because I couldn't afford it. That was not part of my plan. With no other way to spend my weekend, I decided to waste time leisurely admiring things I desired. Getting lost in the thrill of it all made life easily pass by in a blur.

I was on my way to a jewellery store when I spotted Ken standing outside the entrance of the Carrefour supermarket. He wore blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. As I approached him to say hello, Naomi, a friend from work in a beautiful sundress, walked up to him, braids bouncing on her shoulders. She leaned in for a small hug and then planted a soft kiss on his right cheek. He smiled lovingly then stared down at her as if she was the most fascinating person he had ever seen.

Rooted to the floor, I felt raw; like there was no skin over my skin and the wind made it bleed. I wanted to walk into a store and hide but my legs couldn't move any faster.

In the years that I was in love with Ken, I had spent most of my time talking to Naomi about him. Cowardice was a big reason why I hadn't made a move. But the other was Naomi insisting that my obsession with him stemmed from gratitude. I didn't love him and if I stepped out of that bubbled, I would realize the truth. Had I lost a war that I didn't even know I was fighting?

Hand in they walked into the supermarket.

I wanted to cling to the anger and bitterness. I wanted to have a reason to hate them both for the deceit, but I didn't think I had the right to. Love isn't stationary. It's meant to move around. Otherwise, we'd all be married to our first love.

Suddenly, I desired to curl up in bed with a nice cup of tea and a good book.

Outside, manoeuvring through the crowd, I bumped into someone who grabbed me before I could fall back. I looked up at the familiar man. He was one of the men who had stopped by unannounced at Edward's house the night everything changed. He exuded the same aura that unsettled me. Despite his small frame, there was something about him that screamed danger.

"Hello?" He stared down at me, smiling, "Maria, was it?"

"Yes. Hi... I'm sorry, I don't know your name."


We shook hands.

"What are you doing here?"

He lifted a hand full of some food and drinks. "I needed some things for the house. You?"

"I was bored and decided to window shop."


"It's fun."

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

"I'm trying to get a matatu ride home."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Edward lets you ride public transportation?"

I chuckled. "I'm an adult. I don't have to ask anyone for permission to do anything. Also, I don't live with him anymore. He has no control over what I can and cannot do."

"Good," he said. "If that's the case then please allow me to drop you off. I was leaving too. My car is close to the exit."

I thought of the gruelling journey ahead if I took the public transport and it didn't appeal to me. I wanted to avoid the rain as much as I could. William's offer enticed me.

"Thank you."

Silently, we walked to his car. It was a dark grey double cabin. Like the perfect gentleman, he opened my door and I slipped into the front passenger seat.

I was alone with a stranger in the vastness of his now silent car. Alone with a sick dread in the pit of my stomach. William was focused on the road, humming to the melody of the song on the radio under his breath.

"Are you still seeing him?" he asked, glancing at me. "Edward."


A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. "If you don't want any problems, don't tell him that I was the one who dropped you off sweetheart. It'll get you in big trouble."

My heart dropped. "Why?"

The smile on his face became bigger. "We just don't see eye to eye on some things."

"That's something to smile so hard about?"

"Should I be crying?"

Guilt settled at the pit of my stomach.

"Why don't the two of you get along?"

"Edward isn't the friendly kind. Which makes me wonder why such a nice girl like you is doing with someone like him."

"What do you mean by someone like him?"

"Don't act stupid, you know the kind of man he is."

"The man I know is a good man unless we're talking about two different people," I said, vehemently.

"We might as well be because Edward is anything but good. I should know because we're brothers." He smirked. "When we were around seventeen a couple of us went to this rugby game. One of the players tried to make a pass at Valentine. He flipped and fought the guy. He was a skinny dude with a bad temper trashing an athlete twice his size just because the man had dared to talk to the love of his life. The athlete ended up in the hospital. Nice people don't send people to hospitals because they're angry."

Nausea swirled unrestrained in my empty stomach. My heartfelt as if my blood had become thick as it struggled to keep a steady beat. All along, I had been convinced that their story was that of unrequited love, just like Ken and I, but I was wrong.

"What do you mean Valentine was the love of his life?"

He paused then gave me a look that stripped my hopes bare as he told me, "she was the first girl he ever loved. He did tell you that they were together for years, right?"

He had not. Edward knew everything about me but at that moment, he felt like a stranger I shared a bed with.

"James adopted her when she was fifteen. She was shy and quiet, didn't associate with anyone. Meanwhile, Edward was hot-tempered and hard-headed. He found purpose when she moved in. They were together for five years before everything got complicated and she left to study law abroad. When she came back, he was with his late wife."

Questions swarm in my head. Why had he not mentioned the most important detail of his life? Did he still love her? Was I just a rebound? Why had he never told me anything before?

William's phone started ringing before I could find out more information.

"I have to go," he said. "Duty calls."

"Thank you for the ride."

Before I could step out of the car, he seized my arm and looked straight into my eyes. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be with someone like him. Don't settle for less. You seem like one of the good ones, you shouldn't be associated with people like us."

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