"Finders keepers"

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A beacon of light pierced through the mullioned panes of glass, bathing the black and white tiled floor in a traverse of lustrous colour. I thought waking up in the daytime would bring with it the feeling of being alive, of once again having a fresh start. It was the opposite for me. My head pounded, my jaws hurt like I had been in a biting competition in my sleep and my limbs were immobile.

The music blasting through my speakers was probably the reason why I had a god-awful headache, but such tranquillity couldn't be turned off. The wheels in my head didn't turn at the speed of light anymore. As hard as it was, I tried not to dwell on the negative. I couldn't walk but that was all right because I still breathed. My Landlady had probably auctioned my stuff away, but it was still okay...I was alive. I had to look for something to be grateful for. Eventually, everything would turn around, I was hopeful.

Edward walked in. He had a way of walking that made him seem perpetually in power. His footfalls made no sound at all. His commanding presence was his persona. Even in his black jeans and a black t-shirt, he still seemed very intimidating.

"Good morning?" he asked jovially.


Taking a seat on my bed, he placed a hand on my forehead without warning. I shifted desperately wanting my personal space. It concerned me how he could be so comfortable invading my space like we were friends. I was mortified at what other boundaries he had crossed while I was unconscious.

"Just checking if your fever went down." He looked into my eyes. "We had to sedate you last night because you were hysterical, and it was affecting your ...heart."

I pulled away from him. Each time he talked about my heart, there was a way he sounded off. I couldn't quite place my finger on what but there was something.

"I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For being a burden. You didn't sign up for this."

"I'm glad I was the one who hit you."

Our eyes met. "Why?"

"Because if it were someone else, I don't think you would still be alive. You're very fragile Maria."

A heavy silence settled over us, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere. Unsettled eyes glanced unceremoniously around and tried to avoid catching the other's glance. I grasped my sweaty, nervous hands together under the sheets.

"The doctors are hopeful now that you're awake."

"Does that mean that my leg is fine? I can be able to walk?"

"No, your leg is still not fine. It won't be able to support your weight for a few months."

Instantly, tears clouded my eyes making everything around me blurry.

"Where will you go?"

He was as graceful as a sledgehammer asking such a personal question.

"To my house. At least I have one," I joked.

"Do you have a family? I ask because no one has come looking and that would have been the first thing you asked after waking but you didn't."

"Just me."

"So, who will take care of you?"

I fidgeted with my fingers.

"You do that a lot when you're nervous or uncertain. Which one is it now, are you nervous or uncertain?"

"I can take care of myself."

"Not without being able to walk."

"Well, beggars can't be choosers."

Edward studied me quietly. "Listen, I can give you an alternative, don't be defensive because it's for your good. You can come and stay with me until you're able to walk..."

I shook my head in disagreement before he could even finish what he was saying.

"Let me rephrase that because I don't think there was a question in my statement. You will come to stay with me until you feel better."

At first, I was stiff but then laughed and laughed. The finality in his statement reminded me so much of my mother. How I missed her. But he wasn't my mother, and I knew nothing about him. Even if they paid me to stay with him, I wouldn't say yes. I would consider the offer but not jump in joy immediately. That would make me crazy.


He fought to keep his calm. "That came out wrong. I didn't mean to sound like you had no choice in the matter, I apologize. But what other options do you have? You said so yourself, you'll starve if you do and I'm not going to let that happen if I can help it."

"Why do you care?" My face contorted into a confusing mask. "I don't know you. I want nothing from you..."

"Except for the money which pays for your hospital bills."

"Trust me, if I had any other option, I wouldn't let you pay for my bills. As I said, I plan on paying back every single shilling."

Scoffing, he took a seat opposite me. "You know I always watched over you when unconscious. You'd freak out and wake up hysterical every time calling your mom, only to blackout after a few seconds. The doctor told me how fragile your heart is, and I decided to stick around. I feel this sense of responsibility for you even though we don't know each other."

"You don't have to. I'm not your responsibility. I'm sorry, I appreciate your misguided sense of obligation, but I can take care of myself."

He looked at me quietly. He was the kind of man who should have been gracing the covers of every fitness magazines in the country, instead of asking me to move in with him. It wasn't a good idea especially for an idealist like me.

He was about to say something when the door flew open, stopping him. A man in a snow-white coat walked in. He was of Asian descent; I presumed in about his fifties.

"Good morning, Edward?"

They shook his hand. "Good morning, Doctor Singh."

"Maria, how are you feeling today?"

"Better than the last night."

His smile came and went. "You're a very lucky girl."

"Doctor, I need to know about the condition of my heart."

"That's why I'm here. Don't worry, for now, your heart is okay. At first, we gave you a sedative without knowing about your condition and it didn't go well," he answered. "It's the reason why you've been out of it for two weeks. It's stable for now, but we still need to monitor your heart for a few more days."

"That's a relief..."

"It was our fault that we weren't aware of your condition when you were brought in. We were too focused on preventing too much blood loss after the accident. Who is your doctor?"

"Ken Awatoya, he's a cardiac surgeon at Ami hospital."

His beeper went off loudly for a few seconds. "If you don't mind, I need his information. I'll send a nurse for it and to check if there is anything you need. Excuse me I have an emergency now, but I'll be back to talk more."

"Thank you."

Edward leaned on the wall, staring at me.

"You should rest, I have some business to take care of. Maybe I'll see you when I get back," he said and walked away as fast as he could.

He seemed angry, but I didn't have the luxury to worry about him. My life was in shambles. A few weeks ago, for one moment, things were great, I felt so tall, but now it had all gone south. All that was left was this bitter taste in my mouth. How long was I supposed to live under this heavy cloud retaining its rain, raincoat on my shoulders and boots on my feet? Constantly prepared but never ready. Maybe the universe was rejecting me, my every little bits and piece falling apart because it needed to purge itself off me. 

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