Birth Of Erica Andrea Dunbar and Aiden Ethan Dunbar

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Which couple is gonna be here? Liam/Davina (Lavina)

17 year old Davina Reyes was currently eating pasta with her longtime boyfriend, 17 year old Liam Dunbar. The two had been dating ever since the Benefactor and Kate problem had ended.

She had been through hell and back with Scott and the pack since the day Erica got bit. She had been really close to her older sister, Erica.

Though Erica seemed like a bitch to everybody, with Davina, she was supportive, sweet, caring, and helpful.

Davina loved her sister.

When her sister died, she couldn't help herself. She thought about ending it all so she could be with her beloved sister.

As time went, she became close to Allison, Lydia, Derek, Stiles, and everyone else.

She had dealt with the Kanima, Darach, and Nogitsune. Even as a 13 year old, she was able to kick any supernatural's ass.

Then, when she was in 2nd semester of Freshman year, she met Liam Dunbar and it was love at first sight. She had helped him with his abilities and was his anchor. The two fell in love and began dating about two weeks after Liam's first full moon.

Now, Davina was pregnant with Liam's baby, actually, babies. Yes, babies. She was pregnant with twins. The babies were gonna be due any day from now.

Being a human, who was carrying two possible supernatural babies, was kind of tough for her. She knew that after her birth ( if the babies were werewolves), she was gonna have to become a werewolf. She didn't want to be one cause she knew she wouldn't be able to control herself.

She had either two choices; abort the babies or keep them.

She decided to keep the little babies inside of her. Werewolves or no werewolves, they were her children, and she fell in love with them the first time she found out she was pregnant.

Davina knew that giving birth to these soon-to-be children would be a big risk.

Mainly because the babies or one of the babies were/ was gonna be a strong werewolf/werewolves, just like her boyfriend. Having I.E.D, that made Liam a really strong werewolf, and now, the pregnancy was a huge risk.

Davina smiled as Liam took her hand in his. "Don't worry, beautiful. When the babies come, I will be there with you." he said.

"If I don't make it, take care of them." Davina said.

"You will make it. You've made it through the Benefactor and Berserkers and I believe you will make it through giving birth to our children." Liam said as he laid a hand on his girlfriend's belly.

Davina smiled at Liam's response.

Suddenly, Davina let out a groan of pain as she felt a pain in her stomach, making her drop her fork. Liam seemed to notice this because he put a hand on he shoulder. "Davina, baby? What's wrong?" she asked.

Her eyes widened as she felt something wet go down her leg. Her water had broken. She looked at Liam with a horrified expression.

"Liam, it's time. The babies are coming."

Liam's eyes widened as he ran to the counter and got his car keys. He helped his girlfriend up and picked her up bridal style, carrying her outside, to his car.

He helped her inside and she put the seatbelt on as Liam closed the door and went inside, shutting the door and starting the engine.

As they were driving, Liam was holding Davina's hand in his as she was doing breathing exercises. "It hurts so much." Davina said in between breaths and let out a cry of pain as she felt another contraction.

"The hospital is about 10 minutes away. Just breathe, okay?" Liam asked.

Davina nodded and took in deep breaths, but every time she breathed, she felt the pain in her stomach.

They got to the hospital and Liam turned off the car and helped Davina out.

When they for inside, Liam searched for help. "Somebody help me! My girlfriend's in labor!" Liam shouted.

As his plea for help was answered, two nurses and his step dad came running. "Liam!" Dr. Dunbar said.

"Unless your family, you cannot see her." one of the nurses said. "I'm the father of the child." Liam argued. "Now is not the time for an argument!" Davina shouted as she felt another contraction.

"Okay. Come on! We have to get to the Birthing Center!" Dr. Dunbar ordered as he placed Davina on a stretcher and he and the nurses started to wheel her, Liam following behind them.

Liam was horrified about the birth. For two things. 1, the babies or at least one will be supernatural, and 2, Davina might die. He didn't wanna lose Davina because she was the love of his life.

They finally made it to the birthing center and put Davina in a room where it would be suitable for the birth.

Dr. Dunbar placed Davina on the bed as Liam made his way over and grabbed her hand. Davina was ready to do it. She was ready for this. She had prepared 9 months for this birth and she was ready to go through it.

Davina got placed in a gown by the female nurses while the Doctor and Liam waited.

As soon as she was ready, she held Liam's hand and took deep breaths.

"Okay, Davina. The babies are gonna come right now, so on the count of three, I need you to give a nice, big push." Dr. Dunbar ordered.

"Are you ready?" Liam asked. Davina looked at her boyfriend before nodding slowly.

"Okay. One, two, three, push!" Dr. Dunbar ordered.

Davina screamed in agonizing pain as she pushed. Liam began to take some of her pain away, but he knew it wouldn't heal her completely.

"Push, Davina! First one is almost out!" one of the nurses said. Davina screamed so loud, she crushed Liam's hand so hard, she thought she heard bones crack.

'Davina, sis. It's me Erica. I know you can hear me. Listen, you can make it through this birth. I promise you will be okay. I promise you will make a good mother to your adorable babies. You've made it through the Kanima, Alpha Pack, Darach, and Nogitsune, so I know you can make it through this birth. Always know that I love you and that I am here.'

At her dead sister's words, Davina gave one more, final, last push before a cry was heard.

"Here is your little boy." Dr. Dunbar said. Davina let out a sigh of pain, but relief at the same time. Liam kissed her head as she had tears flowing down her flawless cheeks.

"He's so beautiful." Liam said as he kissed Davina's forehead and she winced in pain.

"Okay, Davina. The last one is coming. I need you to give me two more pushes." the doctor said.

"Ready for Round 2?" Liam asked. Davina nodded.

Davina gave a push as she cried out in pain. She never felt this much pain in her life. She wanted to stop pushing because of the pain she was in, but she knew if she stopped, she would lose the baby, and she didn't want that to happen.

"One more." one of the nurses said.

Davina took a deep breath before giving a huge push while screaming.

Another cry was heard in the room.

"You have a beautiful little girl!" one of the nurses said. Davina laid her head back on the pillow as she listened to her son and daughter's cries. She had more tears flowing down her face.

The nurses then took the babies to go get washed as Dr. Dunbar gave Davina a cup of cold, fresh water.

Davina held back a moan as the water trickled down her dry throat.

"Man, Davina. I love you and all, but you don't have to break my hand." Liam said, rubbing his hand.

"Shut up, Liam." Davina said with a smile.

Liam chuckled and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss on his girlfriend's lips.

"Let's go to Mommy and Daddy." one of the nurses said to the babies.

Davina and Liam smiled as they each got a child. Davina got the little baby in the pink blanket, which was her daughter and Liam got the little baby in the red blanket, his son.

"They're beautiful." Davina said as she saw her daughter asleep in her arms. "We made beautiful children." Liam said as he placed a gentle kiss on his son's forehead.

Liam picked up his children's scents and saw that only one of them was supernatural. It was his little boy that was a werewolf. His little girl was a human.

He smiled as his little boy's eyes opened, seeing that they were brown before they flashed a beautiful golden yellow color. "Seems we have a little wolf here." Liam said as he showed his son to Davina. Davina smiled as her son made a little giggle.

"What about our daughter?" she asked. "She's fine. Not supernatural." Liam said to his girlfriend. Davina smiled and nodded as she felt her daughter move. She looked and saw that the little baby in her arms

opened her eyes and saw that they were baby blue, just like her boyfriend's.

"We should pick out names for them." Davina said as her daughter grabbed her finger.

"We should. What should we name our little girl?" Liam said.

"Erica. Erica should be her name." Davina said. She missed Erica so much. She and Erica were best friends and she wanted to name her little girl after her deceased sister.

"Erica is a pretty name. What should her middle name be?" Liam asked. "Hmm. What do you think?" Davina asked. "Well, I was thinking of names with the letter 'A'. Alice, Alyssa, Alex, Andrea, Ally." Liam said.

"I go with Andrea. I love that name." Davina said. Liam nodded as he kissed Davina's head. "What should we name our little boy?" Liam asked.

"I was thinking...Aiden." she said. "Aiden?" Liam asked. "I had a best friend named Aiden. He was like a brother to me. Even though I hated him at first, because his pack me member killed my sister, I got to know him and we became pretty close, but not as close as my sister and I were. He died a couple of months later, so he deserves the honor." Davina said.

She could feel Aiden and Erica's presences in the room. She smiled at that. She knew her sister and brother were watching over her and her family.

"Okay. And...what should Aiden's middle name be?" "Ethan. Aiden had a twin named Ethan, and I miss them both, so they deserve the honor."

"Okay. Erica Andrea and Aiden Ethan Dunbar." Liam said. Davina laughed as little Aiden made a gurgle sound. Then, they switched babies, Liam getting lil' Erica and Davina getting lil' Aiden.

Davina and Liam smiled as he climbed into the bed next to her and they cradled their babies.

Erica Andrea and Aiden Ethan Dunbar. Twin son and daughter of Davina Reyes and Liam Dunbar. Niece and Nephew of Erica Reyes, and Aiden and Ethan Carver.

A/N: The face claim for Davina is on the side!

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